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G y F: Hello, Ana.

(jelou, Ana.)
A: Hi, Grey! Hello, Fany.
(Jai, Grey! Jelou Fany.)
G: How are you?
(jao ar iu?)
A: Fine, and you?
(Fain, and iu?)
C y F: Fine.
A: Hey! I like you shirt. Which brand is it? Adidas?
(jei! Ai laik iur shirt. Uich brand is it? Adidas?)
G: yes, it is.
(ies, it is)
F: Do you like it? I gave it to her.
(du iu laik it? Ai gaivit tu jer.)
I bought it last week.
(Ai borit last uik)
A: I have a pant that goes with that shirt.
(Ai jaf a pant dat gous iut dat shirt)
G: We should set a day then.
(iu shud set a dei den)
G: Did your sister have a baby?
(did ior sister jaf a beibi?)
A: yes, she did.
(ies, shi did.)
G: Congratulations. Im very happy for you.

(congratuleishons. Ai am very japi for iu)

A: And Where are you going now?
(and uer ar iu gouin nao?)
F: Im going to my cousins birthday party.
(am gouin tu mai cosins bithdei pari.)
G: And Im going to the shopping mall.
(and am gouin tu de shopin mol.)
A: Ok, Im not wasting your time.
(okey, am not ueistin iur taim.)
F: fine, its not a problem.
(fain, its not a problem.)
G: Goodbye.
(Gud bay)
A y F: Bye- Bye.
(bay bay)

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