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This activity is designed to help pupils read naturally, and to memorise large chunks
of language. It is also a useful way to create an understanding of correct classroom
How to carry out a read and look up activity:

The teacher explains each of the classroom instructions

The pupils each receive a copy of the read and look up table (below)
Each pupil practices reading the sentences
The pupil reads the sentence silently to him/herself
The pupil looks up from the paper and says the sentence aloud
Each set of sentences becomes increasingly longer

It is very important that the pupil DOES NOT LOOK AT THE SENTENCES while s/he is
speaking aloud.
Read and look up for classroom instructions

Please take off your shoes.

Please take off your shoes.

Enter the computer lab.

Please take off your shoes.

Enter the computer lab.
Sit at your table.

Please take off your shoes.

Enter the computer lab.
Sit at your table.
Take out your book.

Please take off your shoes.

Enter the computer lab.
Sit at your table.
Take out your book.
Turn to page (X).

Other useful sentences for classroom instruction:

Please be quiet.
Take out your reading book.
Take out your writing book.
Put your books away.
Take out your pencil case.
Put your pencils down.
Work with your partner.
Work with your group.
Please give your books to the class captain.
Look at the board.
Read quietly to yourselves.
Read together and follow with your finger.
Write the answers in your book.
Practise saying the sentences with your partner.
Please stand up.
Please sit down.
Please line up.

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