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Recently in the 14 of June of 2011 we knew about something that would

be unexpected in the past and is still shocking in the present. The writer,
Terry Pratchett is defending the right of suicide for people at least in
Britain. This fact makes a really huge impact in health society because
we are talking about a serious issue that can make a change in people
perspectives or can encourage this people to follow the steps of assisted
suicide. We are going to see both sides of the story and we are going to
analyze the impacts this may cause in society.
Suicide is considered by many people a mental issue of the person who
decides to do it. But in some occasions suicide is used by people who are
very sick and anyway they are going to die but painfully so they prefer
to take the decision to kill themselves in a not painful way, thats why
they look for assisted suicide. This last fact is the one Terry Pratchett
defends with confidence because is better for the person and its last
moments in life. These aspects are needed to take into account because
we are talking about millions of people lives that want to decide and
control their destiny with dignity but this assisted suicide is still not legal
in some places. The documentary of Terry Pratchett shows the story of a
man called Peter Smedley who decides to make assisted suicide showing
the perspective of Pratchett to society. We can see different ideas that
different people can have of suicide and we can say both have reason. It
exists people who have serious mental problems and what they need is
professional help but also there is the people who are physically sick and
they are going to die anyway and this people realize that they want to
choose what to do with the rest of their lives.
Of course this new opinion of this writer causes a huge impact in health
society because by making legal the assisted suicide they are
attempting to human life. If this becomes legal in the entire world there
would be more consequences about this such as the increasing amount
of assisted suicides everywhere because government is encouraging
people to do it, even the ones who have serious mental issues. This
means that the ones who have a cure they wont have a chance to
obtain it because they will not want the possibility to recover
themselves. We have to consider this idea very well because is not for
everybody, it may be a good idea for others but is not completely

reasonable. Also the purpose of the health society will be frustrated

because their objective is to save lives not helping them to kill
themselves, they just want to give second chances and assisted suicide
is not one.
In conclusion we can see that is a very complicated topic to talk about
because is not easy for someone to decide in one day if its going to be
legal taking lives in a moment. If something like this happens our
perspectives are going to be different maybe in a good or a bad way but
also we need to think that these decisions are taken by the person itself
and anyone cant do something about it because everyone makes what
is the best according to their situations. It is a personal decision but we
also could see that we are always going to be humans and we cant stop
helping someone who needs us because we feel that way.

Natalia Lemus 9-1

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