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Luke Erickson, Cheyenne Lockwood

World History
Period 5/6
Process Paper
Why we chose the topic: We chose this topic because Mohandass
Gandhi left a very impact on how to lead a group or government. He
also left a very good legacy in history for how to lead or be a very good
citizen. This man matched the topic for this years topic, which is
Leadership and Legacy, from helping the poor to leading rebellions
he matched very well.
How we conducted our research: We proceeded to use Noodle Tools
since it is a very reliable source and also other websites, such as and other sources such as .gov and other government
websites that are very reliable. Noodle Tools also uses Chicago format
to create the bibliography, another teacher also told us to use Noodle
Tools to find sources on their website that are already cited the source.
How we created and developed our website: First we made our thesis,
which consisted of proving how Mohandass Gandhi was a prime
example of Leadership and Legacy. Next we described his early life
as a boy and young man, following that was his earlier years and
middle life. This was how he played a role in rebellion, which today is
protesting, or strikes in other words. Finally our last tab is how
Mohandass Gandhi played a role in the world, we found sources, which
projected a light on how me went on food strikes with the poor, and
How our project relates to the theme: Our project on Mohandass
Gandhi relates to Leadership and Legacy greatly because he not only
was a great leader but also left a great legacy of what a perfect
example of a human being should be. He helped the poor and did not
involve himself in any violence he wanted to be nonviolent. He had an
ascetic style of life and was involved in many food protests to help the
poorer people in India. He was a very good leader and left the legacy of
a lifetime.

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