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Teacher: Nelson and Adam

Class: MEP2

Week: 13

Dates: 27 30 Jan. 2015

Sitapatr School

Anuban Weekly Assessment

Circle Time Review

In activity time we have reviewed

some of the vocabulary we have
covered in the past and they have
been impressive in their retention.
We also sang and danced to popular
songs like bear hunt, chicken dance,
tofu tafa and sang slippery fish and
baby shark. I have also been working
on them answering questions in full

This week we did our usual review
of the letter sounds a-z. We also
played a beginning sounds game,
where the team who finds the most
words that begin with a sound win.
The students continue to improve
slowly. They generally do well but
need a lot of help to think of any
words or sounds that havent been
reviewed the same day, as they
tend to forget fairly quickly.

Activity Time
In activity we continued with Opposites. They have retained opposites very
well. I showed them two videos of opposite songs and they have been singing
along consistently. I have been asking them to give me examples of opposites
and they have been doing well and when I remind them of others they
complete the opposite themselves.
They have completed the worksheets correctly and I feel that they have a firm
grasp on opposites and I am happy to move on to the next unit.
Opposites covered
Black and white
Big and small
Short and tall
Fat and thin
Day and night
Opened and closed
Full and empty
New (letters/sounds/vocabulary)
This week we did the in(bin, tin, fin, win, pin). We did our usual routine of
writing the words on the board with pictures. Then sounding out the words
together as a class and then individually with help for the teacher. We then
erase the words and match the pictures to sounds on the opposite side of the
The students were very slow to begin with but soon got into the rhythm of the
Writing Practice
We didnt do writing practice this

Parent Follow Up / Useful

Websites / Homework:

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