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Yesterday story jee is component

jee world there is something called
container, which is like the
rectangle we spoke yesterday.

in any jee world we got to know

packaging structures.
somebody tells java library == jar

what does jar file have
classes and interfaces present in
some packages.
ear files -- jee application
war files -- one component of jee
application which is actually a web
jar files -- ejb component in jee
rar files. -- jca components which
are used to connect to legacy
what is war file.
it is a folder structure which is
predefined by jee, and we have to
agree to this folder structure , if we

dont jee can give us enough

web.xml (
web-inf acts likea barrier ,
anything present inside web-inf
folder is not accessible by the end
user it is accessible only

for any web appliaction. first thing

is to build paintbrush picturs of
how the screen looks like and then
build actual prototypes of how
things look likeand after we get a
feedback on this, then we can think
of doing actual business logic.

in any web application

we have to decide on the prototype

and then "plan" for how we plan to
do business logic.
in any application.
1. test presentation independently.
2. test service and DAO
3. integrate 2 and 1 and test one
more time.
minimum decency to test.
only tomcat working scary ,
integrate it with some web server
and then use it.
example tomcat + IIS or tomcat +
apache http server.

in advanced java, lack of

systematism will be very
in advanced java, lack of
systematism will be very
in advanced java, lack of
systematism will be very

<input type="text"
name="username" id="userid"
maxlength="10" />
use name if you plan to use it with
server side.
ok we are done with so called
"case study rqeuirement of html

Server side component called

what is a servlet, servlet is a srver
side component in jee web
applications which is usuallyused
for co-ordinating requests .

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