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A Company With Passion GHEWANTIKA KONSTRUKSI INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDING SPECIALIST) Company esr tie = er rd Ry rai = p Yat wane UEDA 0 GHEWANTIKA KONSTRUKSI STAVE THD TART TTT aE TS EIT BWC TC Introduction ee Profiles & Organization Chart 2 Vision & Mision The Process of Invention & Project Management Value Preposition GWK PEB Lite (Hi Ten) Residential Solution Project References Product To Be Offered " GHEWANTIKA KONSTRUKS! is our priority sub-contractor for Structural Steel Works especially with their ‘Sophisticated PEB (Pre-Engineered Building) system. Theie system is quite efficient and giving us a lot of benefit to be offered to our valued Customer. GHEWANTIKA KONSTRUKS! has done our project with satisfactory and ‘timely manner which has proven it's professionalism and capability at the assigned field. We appreciate for a ‘£004 cooperation and contribution to our project and we do not hesitate to recommend you to work with GHEWANTIKA KONSTRUKS! in connection with any whom required the similar type of work Fe tar Wine MRA See Dera PT. Ghewantika Konstruksi (GWK) is a company engaged in the field of construction as development practitioners / contractors, the target market in the viewfinder is the industrial and commercial building with sophisticated and excellent product called PEB (Pre-Engineered Building) to accommodate all customer requirements and needs, We offer a very wide span building wihtout any pillarsin the middle of the building, this isto increase the building space and reduce the operation cost, as part of our “Green Concept” and definitely will be a value added for our valued customer PT. Ghewantika Konstruksi (GWK) adalah perusahaan yang bergerok di bidang konstruksi sebagai pelaksana pembangunan / kontraktor, target market yang di bidik adalah industrial dan komersial building dengan produk yang sangat Ivar biasa disebut PEB (Pre-Engineered Building) untuk mengakomodasi seluruh keperluan dan kebutuban kustomer, Bangunan sangat lebar tanpo adanya tiang di tengah bangunan ditawarkon untuk meningkatkan kapasitas ruang yang dapat mengurangi biaya operasional nantinya sebagai bagian dari konsep ramah lingkungan dan juga sebagai nilai tambah untuk kustomer kami yang sangat kami hargai. © Company Profie Pr. cwx Name of Company/Nama Perusahaan Form of Company/Bentuk Perusahaan Articles/Akta Pendirian Construction Permit/SIU Konstruksi Trading Permit/SIUP Busines License/TOP Association/Keanggotaan seu NPWP Tm Profiles & Organization Chart PT. GHEWANTIKA KONSTRUKS! (GWK) Private Limited/Perseroan Terbatas Nomor 7, Tanggal 19 Nopember 2012 Notaris RITA NOVITA, S.H., Sp.N 133/TIM R/H BC/BKS/XII/2012 Nomor : 503.09/2-767/BPPT/PM-00/x/2012 Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kab, Bekasi Nomor 100714609733 Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kab, Bekasi GAPENSI Gred 5 31,590.226.2-413,000 BNI a/c. 999 999 730 PT. Ghewantika Konsteuksi DESA HEGARMUKTI, KABUPATEN BEKASI Company Profile PT.GWK ‘What do we want te become?*, The Vision of PT. Ghewantika Konstruksi to provide integrated produ service by delivering excellent SAFETY, QUALITY, SPEED and EFFICIEN Green Concept with PEB (Pre-Enginee dng) System that allow customized design and carried out by excellent (dedicate experienced and welltrained) team “What do we want to become?" , PT. Ghewantika Konstrukst menyediakan produk dan Layanan Jasa Konsteuks| yang luae basa wean mengutamakan Ki anan, Kualitas produk, Kecepatan dan produk yang efisien untuk kustomer kami dan memenuhi kebutuhannya dengan menawarkan “Konsep Bangunan Ramah LUngkungan dengan sistem PEB yang dapat disesuaikan ‘ean ebutuhan kostumer dan dengan team yang profesional dan memilikt dedikasi, berpengalaman dan telah di training dengan baik "What is Our Business?", The Mission of PT. Ghewantika Konstruksi_ to be Customer Oriented by delivering products according to customer needs and desires respect to SAFETY, QUALITY and EXCELLENT VALUE, we ate focusing on industrial and commercial building market with a superior product in the form of PEB (Pre Engineered Building) that will meet the needs of customers and designed by our experienced engineering and supported by an advance engineering software and are always up to date with the regulation, the rule of construction for buildings in Indonesia and the world PT. Ghewantika Konstruksi also always consider the environment by providing environment friendly products and . “What is Our Business?” Misi PT. Ghewantika Konstruks! adalah Customer Oriented dengan memberikan produk sesuoi dengan kebutuhan don keinginon customer dengan memperhatikan kualitas, keamonan don value yong ssangat balk, dengan focus pade pasar industrial dan commercial building dengon produk ungguian berupo PES (Pre Engineered Building) yang okan memenuhi kebutuhon customer dengan design leh engineering kori yang spore ed redel-agre cathe cre OND OT, REN pneitag oa bbaik untuk a indonesia mavpun dunia. —— 7 Chea ao fogs enemas Bammetnonar Hinges dar emrpegsiaagt oa ofr aes lam, mencitokan keuntungan untuk stake holder (pelonggan,karyowan, 4 YC tural resource efficiency which creating benefit for stakeholders (customers, employees, supplie ign Engineering Cost Calculation Erection installation Production, Fabrication Finishing QC & Delivery Project Management team with hands-on on-site coordination @ Tim manajemen proyek yang andal bertugas membantu koordinasi di lapangan Onsite installation and Onsite safety management @ Pelaksanaan manajemen lapangan yang mengutamakan keamanan dalam setiap pelaksanaan konstruksi Onsite quality inspection and control © Pemerksaan dan pengawosan yang ketatterhadap pelaksanaan peberjoan di lapangan Handle design changes. oe Menanganiperubahan design Offering onsite technical/support @ ridukungantekvk i apangon aaa ts ] Why Advance Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) System ? © Safe -Practice world class safety produksi/fabrikasi dan pelaksanaan di lapangan, dengan menerapkan K3 dunia Cost Effective - Saving in steel and foundation Biaya yang efektif sesuai dengan kebutuhan Konstruksi Baja lebih ringan dan ukuran pondasi yang lebih kecil dari konstruks! konvensional Quality -1n accordance to standards practices Kualitas terjamin, mengacu kepad yang berlaku © oe © Construction speed. « In Pré-tabrieated & inspected offsite + installation manual provides sistem konvensional, material dikiim pasang setelah melalui pemeriksaan yang ktit di workshop dengan {hlengk.ap} petuniukpelaksanaan/instalas Wide spamand long spacing - Offers clear spafmup to 100m for ease of Operations space optimization NMerawarkan bentargan Toba smal dengan 100. tanpahotom di tengah mmémborkakelekiman dalam operasional © @ Notjust a single box -Building shape can varies as client requirement Bentuk yang variatif dan menarikgesuai dengan kelnginan pelanggan @ Warranties - We otter comprehensive warranties Jaminan lenghap untuk setiap bangunan yang telah selesa dikerjakan @ One Stop - offer a design, fabricate, supply and install, civil works if require. Wo como with solution to solve client problems dengan layanan yang komprehensif, terintegrasi dan lengkap. Memberikan layanan lengkap mulai dari desain, fabrikasi, pemiasangan dan sekaligus pekerjaan ipl ja diperukan. Hadi¢ dengan solus!lengkap untuk membastu ©} Company Profie Pr. cwx The Green Concept Basically, green concept is that in which the technology is environmentally friendly and created and us way that conserves natural resources and the environment. dina Covering needs of society in ways that can continue indefintely into the future without Sustainability ‘damaging oF depleting natural resources. In short, meeting ‘compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own ne Socil PT. Ghewantko Konstrut! provides a comprehensive "0A vv ‘and best solution for customers needs n construction with | ‘extraordinary safety ond gh Quality Which can give ay Economie to get prosperty in economic growth PI. Ghewantike Konstruks) offers 0 good busines scenario, good emo 900d cot of hv “Cradle to cradle” Design Ending the “cradle to grave” cycle of manufactured products, by eating products that can be fully reclaimed of re-used. PEB (Pre-Engineered Building) product contained of 90% stee! plate which could be recycled, dismantled, ond re-instlled easly “source Reduction” Reducing waste and pollution by changing patterns of production and consumption. 7 ‘Stee! Material he : In onder to reduce stel mater for decreasing waste in = Droduction PT Ghewantka Kontrusihas 2 very smart method by customizing raw materia rele to design that been calculated accurately $0 could be more effin in reducing waste, LUghting System Teansucent pane good aternatve tobe installed Pa ® Innovation L TP Developing aiternatives to technologies - whether fossil fuel or chemical intensive ageicutur have been demonstratedto damage health nd the enwsonment Turbine Ventilator Turbine Ventilator ana ciculaton equipment fr rem eliminating ust and smoke, Turbine Vertlator does not Turbine Ventilator wil automatically spin even theres asmall reete ands ae to withstand high wind also wal automatically spin because of diferences of inside and ovtde at pressure in room beneath which Calatioor Caeloo (cae stcate) are absolutely fee of asbestos chrysotile, amosite, chociolite and any ther kinds of asbestos Thanks tothe ue of other kinds of raw materials, thanks to ther unique manutacturing aed autoclaving proces, Kasflor ae move less brite, more stable and ‘more durable thanother boards with asbestos content. Insulation isa high efficient lightweight, strong resent, and easy to handle Henle Blanket insation compoted of fine, able and unvormy textured inorganic las fibers ‘erminor fungus due tots nora Ge Viability Creating a center of economic activity around technologies and products that benefit the j Gy IT edna meagan sing cen ye he * i] b FUTURE —_— BUILDING (Pt PROSPERITY GREEN Concept with Pre-Engineered Buildings to Counter Global Warming Pre-Engineered Buldings are leading the way in the “Green Concept” revolution in bung. The deinton of “Green Concept design in terms of Pre Engi ered Sdngs design and construction, is very. simle. a 2 eer weoman meer eee ae wineered| Building s/desien]and ‘onstruction is effectively green’) if any negative impact on “on boththe | Surrounding environment and the building occupants are eliminated by keeping in mind the diminshing global | Sresctrces andthe mevtable matic changes Ths approach s aso caleds-sustanable desig Pre-Engineered {Building offer infinite benefits. © Company Profie Pr. ewx CGTNANTIKKOSSTRU ASI Da esi The “ een” benefits of a Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) are as follows: + PEB's use steel not require cutting down valuable forests, ‘Modern steel manufacturers employ energy efficient methods in steel production that help to substantially reducegreenhouse gas emissions + PEB's are manufactured with a high proportion of recycled content, i. steel! ‘+ PEB's employ sustainable building design and construction and erect in less time than conventional building consteuction. ‘+ PEB's are fire and rust resistant and are virtually maintenance free ‘+ PEB's provide healthy indoor environment ‘+ PEB's are durable, cost-effective, energy efficient and green, ‘= PEB's, after demolition doesn’t accumulate wastage like asphalt shingles, concrete, brick and wood + Stee! building roofs used in PEB's reflect light and heat keeping the buildings cooler in hot weather and thus reducing cooling costs and helps in saving the environment. ‘= PEB's help in reducing the carbon footprint + Pre-Engineered Buildings are designed and engineered by trained and certified structural metal building engineers to withstand all weather and seismic conditions. Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) ys, Conventional Sil alg Sil Bad Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) Conventional Stee! Building Dear Dees ‘hind more since PE ar my ome of nnd etn ante Yow and orn elt eae om rh onecore deign tne nnicary ace Sas Seng weed ‘rth Comatet tn we argh ach masse othe rere ‘Std a ont anh wg fae ert cot Tie ‘wa ay 208 oregano an PE sh ne ‘tahcous tn efwecion se mamind Te wecenprceneam tsp wer swine we nto ry Vn 9 ‘neorwnhacy syne renee ‘neon heart reqae esrequpent enniee sechiesre Soc wear Snot fetes mat be dlp ar oh ‘sung ance! Sess can be mee ow cmt wig sandind gros wn an eg cas on sash et ahi repent cn rah ners of harps Company Prafie PT. GWK [GHEWANTIKS ONSTRUAS RD) One of our product offer to our valued customer to meet with their need and expectation We are offering the value to our Customer 1, SAFETY: a. Design stage: We design the structure according to local regulation and code both strength and serviceability condition 'b. Construction Stage: Very light member to reduce the safety hazards and in experienced and well trained team. 2. QUALITY: a. Zincalume Roof and Cladding combines with galvanized steel frame will give long lasting and high’quality product with very cost efficient compare to conventional offer. b. CNC machines during production c. Quality Plan in place 3. SPEED a. Fast production Easy to be transported and handled on site, which minimum requirement of heavy equipments. + Fact inctallatian 4. COST ‘a. Economic compare to conventional system POA EOS ca “Roof Truss System & Housing System’ “GWK" Truss is known as the light steel truss, a substitute material for the conventional truss where limited by the goverment rue, the wood truss. Without usin wood, we converse the world and prevent the damage of our country. "GWK" Truss the presice solution ofthe building truss GW" Truss bisa dikenalsebogoi kude-kue baja ringan sebogoi bahan penggantikuda-kudo komivensional yang pemakalonnye sudoh dibotas oleh pemerintahyaitu kuda-kuda kayu. Dengan imeninggctkan bation dari kay maka kta telah turut dalom melestaikan alom don sekaligus mencegoh terjadinya bencana alam di negara kita. “GWK" Truss adalah solusi tepat kuda-kuda bangunan kita. KEUNGGULAN "GWK" Truss = Bahan anti karat berkwalitas tinggi (Hi Ten G 550) “GWK Green Housing Concept” Value to be offered: a. Accommodated GWK green concept (minimum in material used, high quality material and long lasting, clean, bigger space, enough natural lighting and air circulation) Light and Strong (having bearing wall system) . Fast installation d. Economic Material specification: 1. Reinforced Concrete Foundation 2. Reinforced Concrete Wall (bearing Wall) + Plaster and Painted: 3. Gypsum ceiling 4.Ceramic tile +9, Roof Truss System and cme ane Profile yang simpel namun sempurna Struktur kokoh dan ringan serta didukung oleh Software Engineering system Mudah dan cepat dalam pemasangan Ramah Lingkungan ~ Harga Kompetitit iver aaied Ld [ Dynaplast Factory Scope of Supply, Architectural and Structural Design, Production and Installation Building Dimension Width 133m, 120m Long and 12m High Strand Factory, PT. Bumi Steel Scope of Supply , Main Contractor, Building Dimension 80m Wide, 114m Long and 7.5m High, with 3 and 5 tonnes of Crane Lifting Capacity © Company Profite rr. ewx on(Truss) Company Profile PT.6WK BY PT. GHEWANTIKA KONSTRUKSI Cie Moet a ee cure forecasted CeCe ae mee EE oo uO cn) Do Re Cu Rey

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