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Instruction for the project of the course

Uncertainty Analysis in Engineering

Academic year 2014/2015
The project should consists of:
1) A approx. 10-page report
2) A presentation to be presented at the end of the semester.
3) A folder with the codes developed during the project
Proposed topics:
1) Sensitivity + Uncertainty Quantification: Review and comparison of several methods (e.g. Regression analysis,
Direct Monte Carlo, FOSM, Fuzzy, Interval analysis). Development of own codes (e.g. in Matlab). The inputoutput process function is a blind synthetic function supplied by the lecturer.
2) Sensitivity + Uncertainty Quantification: Implementation of a method for sensitivity and uncertainty
quantification for an engineering problem. The student will link a code for uncertainty analysis (written for
instance in Matlab) with an external program running physical simulations. The engineering problem has to be
chosen by the student.
3) Reliability analysis: Review and comparison of several methods by implementing his/her own codes (e.g. in
Matlab). A synthetic input-output function will be provided by the lecturer.
4) Reliability analysis: Analysis of reliability of a satellite. The student will choose an adequate method for
reliability analysis and create a link between the numerical environments for uncertainty analysis (e.g. Matlab)
and FE software (e.g. NASTRAN). The satellite model will be supplied by the lecturer.
5) Sensitivity and robustness analysis: The student will implement sensitivity and robustness analysis of a micro
mechanism with flexure joints. A meta-modeling technique could be used to speed up numerical analyses. The
FE model of the mechanism is supplied by the lecturer

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