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Review: Units 1 and 2 ‘A. Fill in each blank with one of these collocations: cultural backgrounds/ school unifora/ equal opportunities! private lessons/ gender gup/ educational system 1. The school staff do not allow us to get into the classroom if we don’t wear the. 2: Some of my classmates donot listen attentively to the explanations of our teachers which makes them resr 10 a . if they want to succeed 3. Its important to provide children with .. {in informal education wherever they live. 44, Mor0co0's .v.s-r~-ns has been reformed to respond tothe new needs and challenges ofthe 2Ist century. 5. Panicipants from different attended the last conference on “Dialogue between different civilisations”. B, Put the verhs in brackets in their correet form (infinitive or gerund). 1. My eer brother decided (pursue) his higher studies in Rabat, 2. T spend most of my time (raw) ee Which iitates my parents. They want me (devote)... all my time to my studies. 3. Would you mind (rewrite) this exercise on your notebook? 4 Texpect my friend Bob (belp) nevus me in this project on "Cultural differences”, ‘5. Our favourite team has begun (recruit). .imtemational football players like other teams. 6. Students enjoy (listen) ...nv- to English songs in class from time to time. 7. Due to compelling circumstances, our association gave up (help) Some villages. . Choose the right answer from the given lists, 1, When Tom (wake up) inthe moming, his mother (already/prepare) .... breakfast f, woke up /had already prepared —b.had woken up/ already prepared c. woke up/ prepared 2. Laura (already/type) vse projeet when the computer (cash) = a. already typed! had crashed. already typed! crashed «had already typed/ crashed. 3. Our ead (5083) on the problem before cling fr tht wget meeting. — ~ = = — X bad studied | b. was studied . studying ‘Standards, Competencies and Skills 4 Tom oldu tht be e68) 4O td Bef RE (eave) Cana : > tad recived et recived had et chad eee a et : 5. They Gnn0une) the mnie (eign nn for Rel esos. ‘Saerpersenal Commenicatiog eel sires anoineed hd reigned —b-Rad announced bad resigned ad announce resigned pgp Scares see D. Choose the right anor from the sven ss. ae jimall piel Sadia aceten 1 eine acini a ne el of eis Tal arc ea ater Pitted Oe ite eo oo ade year ~ Speaking: make and respond to complain’, | Language development 4. uae vote anos 2 le roca ea st et tee tole bout aiferent youth sues, “loom vocabulary related 0 youth Avoiding eye contact in front of our elders is a sign of respect in our culture; in other cultures Detoreretne Oneness lam about phresal verbs and idiomatic ae ame ~tserng check ntormafon. een fr main expressons a Idec, tener specie formation dscus tom | eam expesioné of cows and etec. ecpresion enone expefence, exon fom contest | Connections nm - Reading: read a poem and infer meaning. |__-leam how to read effectively (ail subjects} ¥ az preci man idea of he fx suvey he fext, | -Jeam how fo prepare an action plon a ead for specific information, locate referents, | {all subjects). 4 specily witer's atitude, dscuss ideas and provide personal opinion, ; 3. Cerainly.1'I send you the information you need soon. “Teacher! Please, cant get that idea 35 Introduction fo the theme of the unit ‘A. Read the poem and do the acti es that follow. Find lines in the poem which show that the boy am ... an athlete ‘FT be a star that 1 will to be a team captain am ... small I pretend ... 1 scored the winning goal I feel ... the glory T touch ... the ball T worry .., because I see a guy two times bigger than me wonder hear .. want Tam ... scared Tunderstand | "Tcan do it!” of that goal that I have to score Tsay I dream ... try... to shoot hope ... I can score the captain 1am €. has a strong desire to excel by, is ready for challenge . is abit worried about the future 4. is keen on becoming a leader €. is proud of himself {is determined to achieve his goal ois cel rae hh. is being supported by others |. is aware of responsibility C. Compare your answers to those of your partner. D. The poem is written by a young teenager whose notebook, write other characteristics to be added to class giving reasons for your choice. shar the Select the three characteristics you think are the most important for youth and share them withthe whole F, Which characteristics do you think you have and which ones do you need to develop. eed ‘The characteristics I need to develop A. Read the following situations, then choose the right explanation of the underlined idioms. 1, Salim works seriously. When asked about his chances ‘of success, he replied: “The baccalaureate exam is in.the bag ‘a He thinks the baccalaureate exam is a rel challenge; 1. He is stil sceptical. He is certain he wil pas his exam, 2. My son is good at languages, but when it comes 0 ‘Mathematics he is a dead loss. ‘a. He ian't successful 1. He finds Mathematics easy. He is beter at Mathematics. Tam ced Sl ye glen mb pried byte ee eee ae ae ee colours. ‘They filed ther exams, They did it successfully. They coloured ther certificates 4. My elder sister dossn’tlet opportunities slip through ‘her fingers. That's why she's leading a happy life. ‘a. She seizes all opportunities. }. She fails to obtain opportunites. Her fingers can’t seize opportunites. ‘5. Tom did not look normal. He went cold turkey. because he gave up smoking abruptly. 4. He is suffering because he smokirg. 1b He is feeling cold because he does not smoke. He has a desire for cigaretes. Copy the idiomatic expressions in this chart and write their meanings. CC. Fillin each blank with one of the appropriate id ke expressions in ‘A’. 1. Hicham El Guerrouj won the race... 2. Nada’s mother is always complaining because, according to her, her daughter shouldn't have ... You should give up taking those sleeping drugs gradually. 4. The coach of our national team disagreed with journalists who said thatthe coming match is 5. Bob, who is a famous actor, isa. in swimming. Gi Listening and speaking |A. With your partner, discuss the things that each of you is excell ‘a successful career in the future. ‘at and how these will help you achieve B. You are going to listen to successful experiences of four gifted teenagers from Canada: ‘Sami Obald, 17, Heather Muir, 19, Keith Peiris, 18, and Maren Beeston, 17. Listen fo them and match each one with hisher corresponding interes of Interest ac musio ; 1 since and pons . information technology 1 yoluntary werk Listen to Sami Obaid and say whether the following statements are true oF fale. 1. Sami Obaid has no time for leisure activites, 2, Samis motive was to become a famous scientist. D. Listen to Heather Muir and answer the following questions. 1, Why did Heather Muir become a dedicated volunteer forthe Canadian Blood Service? 2. Why was the ‘Student Only Blood Clinic’ recognized by the Canadian Blood Service? E. Listen {o Keith Peiis and fll in the following chart with the appr ite information. 1. Age at which Keith started his company. 2. Date ofthe foundation ofthe company. ‘3. Number of employees inthe company. ates 4. Date of Keith's business mission to China. 38 G.Think of how 9 F. Listen to Maren Beeston and complete the following paragraph. 1 addressed this challenge by (1) - Summer Slam, a summer rock musie school that (2) on guitar, piano, drums and vocals. I successfully (3)... and led a committe of youth to budget, fundraise and (4) i {important for your personal life or your community based on your ‘best qualities, and share your ideas with your partner, then with the whole class A. Read the following dialogue and answer the question below. ‘What does ATM stand for? ‘Costomer: Samy, have a complaint Bank clerk: Yes, Madam. What's the mater? ‘Customer: Well, I wanted to draw some money from the ATM this morning andthe machine got stuck. ‘Bank clerk? Ob, 'm sory about that. You should've called us then. ur technician might've helped. Customer: Wel, 1 di. He sai he'd come down but he didn't come. telephoned agnin. He finally turned up Sank clerk: Bute id fix it inthe end. Right? Customers Well, yes. ‘Dank clerk: And you dew your money and got back your creditcard? Customer: That's ight Bank clerk: Well, turned out ll ight, then. Customer: 'm afd to say no. Thad to wait half an hour. That's not good enough. Bank clerk: Oh 'm sony about that. We'll make sure his wll never heppen agi 1B, Read the dialogue again and underline the expressions of complaining and responding to complaints. ‘C. Read the following expressions and clasify them in the table below. Write only the numbers. 1. just don’t know how to say it, but. 2. Well, I'm afraid there is nothing we can do about it actually. 3.0h, I'm sory about that. 4.1can't tell you how somy Iam. ‘5, Well, I'm afraid there isn't much we can do about it 66.1'm affui Ihave to make a serious complaint. 7.0, 1've gota bit ofa problem here, you see... 8.0, dear. I'm realy sorry. ere ens renee 39 D. Can you think of other expressions? What would you say in the following Situation 1 Situation 3 You usually tidy up your desk before leaving to school, but when you return home you find it in a terrible mess. Complain to your mother. ‘owner. You bought # new book from ‘bookshop. When you retumed home ‘you discovered that some pages are ‘missing. Complain othe bookshop ‘You lent your portable CD player to your friend and heishe gave it back to you in a bad condition ‘Complain to your friend, @ Reading ‘A. Read the first sentence of each paragraph and guess what the text might be about. Unlike what most people think, young people are si engaged in politics, but they are participating in non ‘waditional ways, Rather than Joining politcal partes and ‘other civie organisations, they are forming more flexible and specific alliances to pressure politicians and the publi on particular issues. The challenge for organisations, both {international and local, isto respond to these changes ‘Mass media and the inernet have played avery important role in shaping youth's trends of non-raditional involvement in politcal life. The internet isa key means of enabling these alternative political engagements. The digital divide is very clear. Older people rely on newspapers and mainsiream television, while young people ae often accessing the internet for environmental ‘movements or ant-trade or anti-slobalisation movements ‘They are using the web to network, to provide alternative sources of information, and to organise demonstrations it is a new channel of activism for youth, This shows that youth have strong views, aspirations and dreams. They ‘want to be heard and make a difference. They want to play {par in shaping the future they wan. They recognize that youth have to be more independent, purposeful and to broaden their outlook beyond ther academic studies, in ‘order to achieve ther dreams, and compete slobally 1s then quite obvious that when tis generation of youth 10S up and comes to power, we will see changes in political fe, We will be dealing with « truly global fenerition, When’ you look it attudes towards International organisations today, you find that young people are more supportive. They travel mor, they read more, and they are more global in their orientation, Although some youth ae leading the anti globalisation ‘movement, they are all moving towards a much more cosmopolitan citizenship where the old boundaries are 0 longer as important. The nation-state and national politics se not going tobe as important a they once were, but the erational organisations are going to be more importa. ‘This is « great opportunity forthe organisations, At the present, young people are in favour of ulilateral ssocations and collaborations between counties; there is a large public that would be receptive to the work of these organisations if it became more visible. ‘Young people in devsloped countries have bovome very ezalitrin in terms of sexual equality; they realize that responsibility must be shared inthe home, in the family. in the educational sphere and inthe workplace. While older generations are more traditional, the real challenge is not the gap between young and old, itis the cultural gap between those societies with egalitarian atiudes and those ‘which remain more traditional 'B, Ask three questions you think the text might answer. C.Read the text and check whether your answers have been answered or not. 1D. Read the text and choose the best tite from the following list. ‘a Youth disengagement from political lif b. Youth involvement is different, not decreased. «Generation gap. . Say whether the following statements are True or False. Justify your answer, 1 Organisations ae efficiently responding tothe changes in the way young people participate in political ite 2. Young people are more concerned about their future 3. Young people do not think much of organisations. F. Read the text again and choose the best answer. The writer's attitude towards youth's engagement in political life is 8. supportive. », neutral « unsuppostive. G., With your partner, discuss the following questions then share your ideas with the whole cass. 1. Are Moroccan young people engage in political life? 2. Why should young people be politically engaged? '3.Do you think online networking can be an efficent means of politcal engagement? ( _ Grammar: Phrasal verbs with ‘in’ and ‘out’ D A. Read this introduction and do the exercises that follow. Phrasal verbs consis of "base verb' (such as go, put, or set) and a particle (a word such as down, in or off). When put together, the base verb and the particle get a meaning that is different from their original meaning as separate ‘words, Thorefors the meaning ofthe phrasal verb is arbitrary and random. And since there doesn't apear fo be any obvious rules, phrasal verbs just have to be individually earned and remembered. the definitions the table 1B, Read the following sentences, then write down the phrasal verbs corresponding. ‘on page 42. An example is given. 1. As Petr stayed out lat, his father decided to lock him out and refused to let him in despit. 2, For securlty reasons, you should always log out when you finish reas your email '3. We filled inthe application form and handed it in to the manager. 4. The firemen have at last managed to put out the fire ‘5. The train was pulling out just as we got to the station; consequently, we had to wait forthe next tin ‘6. Mary and her brother decided to take their mother out on Mother's Day. 7. When T went to see my friend, she asked me in fora cup of coffee. ‘8, When Sara heard the news of her father's death, she passed out. 41 not to retum home ». to submit paper, a document euto leave ‘to extinguish .10 invite somebody 10 Teave somebody outside a building RR ‘Eo allow somebody access toa building '.fo ask somebody to go outwith you so as to have fun together, ©. Matdh the Tirst alf of the sentences in column A with the other half in column B. Cnr) a, when their mother refused to let them go out. on our journey early in the morning. ©. Acari 4. found out who the criminal was? -8 deep sigh of relief when the exam results, D. Flin each blank with a verb and a particle from the lists below, Use the verbs i Verbs: knock let hand come check Particles: in out 4A, The ltl kid oud ery when he saw a monkey in the 200. 2. When we got tothe hotel, we and went up stright to our room. ‘3. When Rim finished her exam, she ....orevne WEE PAPE vse and Went Out, 4. Jack tried everything to remove that ink spot from his short but it dda’ 5. The boxer his opponent... With a hard blow on the face. A. De ‘A cause is something that makes something else happen. ‘To determine the cause in a sentence, ask the question: “Why did it happen?” ‘An effect is what happens a a result of the cause ‘To determine the effect in a sentence, ak the question: "What happened?" ‘B. Fill in the blanks in the table with other cause-effect sentences. C. Transitions ‘Some of the most important transition words to use in cause and effect sentences are therefore, consequently, for this reason, and as a result, All of them introduce an effect. They are used to join two complete seatences (or independent clauses) together. Example Tt was raining; therefore, Istayed at home. t-was raining. Consequently I stayed at home. D. Prepositions ‘We can also use some prepositions in cause and effect sentences such as: du to, because of and thanks to. Examples: I stayed at home due tothe rain Because of the rain, I stayed at home, Or I stayed at home beeause of the rain. ‘Are these cause-and-effect sentences correctly or incorrectly buil Write “C” for correct, and “I” for incorrect, then correct the incorrect sentences. 1.__ The test was difficult, since I didn't get a good mark. Our plane was delayed because the weather. Thanks to his hard work and perseverance, he managed to graduate from university in avery short time. As a result my fiend loves music so much, I will get him an iPod for his birthday. Since you are all tred now, we'll eave this for tomorrow. This accident does not matter, as long as you pay forthe repair. ae een FF. Join the following parts using suitable transition words to make meaningful sentences. 1. Daily exercise strengthens the heat. Many people who exercise daily have healthy hearts. 12. Cakes and candy are high in sugar. Cakes and candy are bad forthe teth. 3.1 got home late, I missed my TV favourite programme. 4. The country’s economic criss. thas been very hard for poor families to pay their ills. 5. Write an article. ‘Write an article to your school magazine about why some students take up smoking and what effect this can have ‘thet lives. 43 What is SQ4R? I's a set of reading techniques that good readers use when reading. SQAR stands for: 4. Survey; b. Question; c. Read d, Recall; e. Review; f. Reflect sand match them with the words above. A. Read the following instr ac 1 Tell friend of yours what you have learnt Try to remember as much information as possible from: the text. 2ecseneenteneene AS YOU TEA try fo find he answers to the questions you asked. Remember, as you read, you might ask more questions. Be sure to ‘write your answers inthe margin. 3essesesnrenssenes Lookat pictures, photos, maps, bold print, captions, and headings to help you form an idea ofthe topic and purpose ofthe written text 4 Pretend you are interviewing the author(s) of the ‘written text, Based upon what you surveyed, what questions do you want to ask the author(s)? Write your questions next tothe pictures, photos, maps, bold print, captions, and headings, 5. (Close the text Think about what you have read, Discuss the main points with someone. Do you agree or disagree with the author(s)? What surprised you about the written text? What did you find to be interesting? What did you find to be confusing? What did you leen? 6. ‘When you finish reading, review the written text. Can you answer the questions that you asked? Do you understand everything about the writen text? Ifthe authors) were sitting next to you, what other ‘questions would you ask? B. Your teacher will assign you a text to read. Read only its title and the first sentence of the first and last paragraphs, then fill in the chart below: What 1 already know about the top eee Ask questions about the text. D. Read the tex. Pay attention to the informal n that wil answer your quest E, Without looking at the text, answer the questions you asked in “C™. Write the answers in your own words. Go back to the text to check your answers when needed. theck your memory. Retell what you have read in your own words. 6. FI in the following char mat do 1 know ee |Actn groups of four, discuss an action plan which you think wil bring about some positive changes in your school. 1B, Here are the main points you should think about when planning this p Objectives ofthe plan. 2. The changes you think your school needs 3. The role ofthe people involved inthis change. 4. The way to sensiise people to suppor this action plan Get into a larger group of eight, compare and discuss your ‘plans to make a final one, then consider the following points. 1. Who is going to-do what, 2. Time needed. 3. Materials needed for the project. 4. How you are going to present your project. D. Start doing your project taking , Present your project in your class or any other place in your schoo! (library, conference room, et.). 44 45 A. Phrasal verbs are two-part verbs that consist ofa verb and a particle, Some ofthese phrasal verbs are literal (Uheir meaning is easy to understand) and some of them are idiomatic (the verb and the particle do not help ‘to understand the meaning). B. Some of the phrasal verbs can be both separable and inseparable but some ca Example: separable 1 took off my jacket. Or I took my jacket off Example: inseparable ‘The children got off the schoo! bus. (correct) ‘The children got the bus off (Incorrect) C. We can replace the object by a pronoun but not always. Examples: took off my jacket. correct 1 took off it. not correct 1 took my Jacket off. correct took it off. correct Riddles What goes round the house and in the house but never touches the house? 2. What Is it that you can keep after giving it to someone else? 3. What walks all day on its head? 4. What gets wet when drying? 5. What comes once in a minute, twice in @ moment, but never in a thousand years? on pa be only inseparable. Interpersonal Communication - make and respond to apologies + tak about women empowerment. Presentational Communication = Wing: brainstorming, planning. crating ‘and editing = Speaking: make and respond to apologies, tak about women and power. Interpretive Communication = Listening: Isten for specific information, recall information, interpret ideas from the text. - Reading: predict and survey the tex, read for {general information, understand vocabulary from context, recall nd review information. Standards, Competencies and Skills Culture: Practices and products know abou! femous women at the national ‘and Intemational level Learner training ~ learn how to memorise your vocabutry. Language development practise the use of the passive voice eam how to memorise vocabulary - practise prefies and suftixes. Connections ‘ronsform information in a diagram form [oll subjects) know about famous women ot the national ‘and intemational level (history, socialstudles). | saan a7

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