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ITIL Core Concepts :

ServicesServices are a means of delivering value to customer without requiring the cust
omer to own specific Costs & Risk
Service Managementset of specialized capabilities for delivering value to customers in the form of
Services.ITIL is a frame Work for IT Service Management.
ITIL as Good Practise FrameWork Good Practises are Best Pratices which have gained wide acceptance & adoption.Us
ually derived from the following.
2.Public Frameworks
3.Academic Research
4.Proprietary Knowledge
Processes Processes are structured sets of activities designed to achieve a specific objec
tive. Processes have four basic characteristics:
1. They transform inputs into outputs.
2. They deliver results to a specific customer or stakeholder.
3. They are measurable.
4. They are triggered by specific events.
Functions A team or group of people and the tools they use to carry out one or more proces
ses or activities.A process should Create value for the stakeholders. A unit of
the organization.
A set of responsibilities, activities and authorities granted to a person or te
1.Service Owner -- Accountable for the overall design, performance, integration,
improvement, and management of a single service.
2.Process Owner -- Accountable for the overall design, performance, integration,
improvement, and management of a single process.
3.Service Manager -- Accountable for the development, performance, and improveme
nt of all services in the environment.
4.Product Manager -- Accountable for development, performance, and improvement o
f a group of related services.
ITIL Functions 1.Service Desk - The Service Desk also acts as a hub for all communications inte
rnal to the IT Service Provider.
Local(Site IT at different factories),Centralized(GBS IT),Virtual (IVR),Follow-t
he-Sun (Guad Team)
2.Technical Management Management of procurement, development,technical skill sets and resources requir
ed to support the infrastructure and the IT Service Management effort.
3.Application Management End-to-End management of applications like Technical Management of the speciali
zed skill sets required to support the organizations applications.
It is supported by core processes such as Incident Management, Problem Managemen

t, Change Management, Availability Management.

4.IT Operations Management It is concerned with the day-to-day maintenance of the IT infrastructure and the
facilities which house it.It is divided into two sub-functions Operations Control It deals with regular maintenance cycles associated with infrastructure manageme
nt like Console Management,Backup and restore operations,Media management,Batch
job execution.
Facilities Management It deals with maintenance of the facilities which house IT operations, e.g. data
centers, call centers, development facilities, etc.
HVAC(Heating - Ventilation - Air Conditioning),Fire suppression,Facilities acces
Service Life Cycle The Service Life cycle organizes activity around services as the services move f
rom concept through the live environment and into retirement.
1.Service Strategy :
Service Strategy is also about establishment and management of the broadest poli
cies and standards which govern the way a Service Provider operates.
Service Strategy,Service Portfolio Management,Demand Management,Financial Manage
Value : Utility (fitness for purpose) and warranty (fitness for use). Services
must offer both utility and warranty in order to have value.
i.Service Assets - It refer to the resources and capabilities which a Service P
rovider must allocate in order to offer a service.
ii.The Service Portfolio - is to help the Service Provider understand how its re
sources are allocated toward maximizing the value it offers to customers in the
form of services.
iii.The Service Belt - The Service Provider uses payment to replace or augment a
ssets it uses to provide the services. This cycle is known as the Service Belt.
iv.Demand Management - is concerned with understanding and influencing customer
demand. Unmanaged demand is a source of both cost and risk to Service Providers.
v.IT Financial Management - IT Financial Management provides a means of understa
nding and managing costs and opportunities associated with services in financial
1.Accounting -- Tracking how money is actually spent by a Service Provider.
2.Budgeting - Planning how money will be spent by a Service Provider.
- Securing payment from customers for services provided.
2.Service Design (Service Catalogue Management,Service Level Management,Availabi
lity Management,Capacity Management,Service Continuity Management,IT Security Ma
nagement,Supplier Management)
The Service Design life cycle phase is about the design of services and all supp
orting elements for introduction into the live environment.
The Four Ps of Service Design :
1. People Human resources and organizational structures required to support the

2. Processes Service Management Processes required to support the service.

3. Products Technology and other infrastructure required to support the service.
4. Partners Third parties which provide services required to support the service
The Five Aspects of Service Design :
1. The new or changed service itself with special attention to service requireme
2. Service Management processes required to support the service.
3. Service Management systems and tools required to support the service (especia
lly the Service Portfolio).
4. Technology Architectures used or referenced by the service.
5. Measurement systems and metrics necessary to understand the performance of th
e service.
I. Service Catalog Management : Involves management and control of the Service C
atalog which contains information about services currently available to customer
s for use.
Features of the service
Guidelines for appropriate use of the service
Means of accessing the service
Pricing information (where relevant)
Key contact information
Service Level Agreement information
II.Service Level Management :
Service Level Management results in the creation of Service Level Agreements (SL
As) between customers and the provider
(OLAs) are performance agreements nearly identical in nature to SLAs except that
they exist between parts of the service provider organization
III. Availability Management :
Availability is defined as the ability of a system, service, or configuration it
em to perform its function when required.
IV.Capacity Management : Capacity Planning is carried out top-down!
Business Capacity Management (BCM)
Service Capacity Management (SCM)
Component Capacity Management (CCM)
V.IT Service Continuity Management : The IT Service Continuity Management proces
s (ITSCM) is responsible for ensuring that the IT Service Provider can always pr
ovide minimum agreed Service Levels.
VI.IT Security Management : process concerned with the protection of IT assets (
including services) from security threats.

The Service CatalogThe Service Catalog is the subset of the Service Portfolio which contains servic
es currently available to customers and users.

3.Service Transition (Change Management,Service Asset & Configuration Management

,Release & Deployment Management,Transition Planning & Support,Service Validatio

n & testing,Evaluation,Knowledge Management)

4.Service Operation (Incident Management, Problem Management,Event Management,Se
rvice Request Fulfillment,Access Management)
5.Continual Service Improvement - Seven Step Improvement Process (Decide What sh
ould be measured, Decide what can be measured,Gather data,Process data,analyse d
ata,present & Use data,Impement CA).

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