Praxis and Theory Blog Post: EMG 490 Entrepreneurship Theory & Prac Ce

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and Theory Blog Post

EMG 490 Entrepreneurship Theory
& Prac=ce

What do YOU mean by theory?

Theory is an idea or set of principles used to
explain an ac=on, ac=vity or situa=on. They
can be abstract ideas or very prac=cal. When
Im rst brainstorming for ideas, I like to think
big and try not to be constrained by the

How do you think Praxis and Theory

are related?
In order to prove a theory or even to put in
prac=ce, it must be set in mo=on. This
commiIed ac=on is Praxis and the energy that
keeps a theory con=nually evolving, changing
and improving. Its a constant process and
they cannot exist without another.

Iden=fy and evaluate how and when you

are a theore=cian in your every day life?
Im a theore=cian when I begin to think
about my future career and business
opportuni=es. I observe consumer behavior
through news coverage, social media, and
popular culture and try to draw my own
conclusions as to where there is a gap in
the market or where a consumers
experience could be improved. I begin to
create my own theories as to whether my
business idea could achieve this.

What is the hardest thing about

They are constantly changing! New
informa=on is available daily and may
inuence theories and poten=ally alter the
pathway of an en=re business plan. Its
important to be exible and also to stay eager
to learn new material.

How good a Theore=cian are you?

Good, but a work in progress. I think a great
Theore=cian is extremely analy=cal and
constantly in search of ways to prac=ce his/
her theories. I am nding new ways to
research ideas, build networks and stay

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