February 2015 Newsletter

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‘tThoroso North Parish Mal - St. Thcoso School February Newsetar Garit, Ter Jo St. Therese School February Newsletter “meesage St Therese School Reply-To: gartz@stiheresenoth 9 ‘or tgartz@sttheresenorh rg “Thu, Jan 20,2015 at 244 PM In This Issue Quek basse Peel Bat ro stats Forty Juma Ropehoepe Fer Hee Quick Links Visit our website for ful information tps apo sycamoreedcalion com/index ph St Thotese Sehool isa misty af the parish thal proms student’ spt, moral and acaaemie flvelopment within th trastian of a Catote commun. [st Terese Core Values: The opporuly fr shared esponsibity, practices and developed Cathay; spistal and academe potential fal stusonts; aceesstity of Cthaie fication wthn a parish community: Fesouretuness and excellence [st Terese BesAwitudes: + Be rospectul + Be responsible Corporal Werks of Merey ach month nthe nowslotor, we wil show somo fexampes of our students carrying out these ‘Copporal Works of Mercy. Students a8 Ar Servers ~ Bury the Dead ps:imal googlecomimallvavA4=28 k= 866501448 view=pt8scarch=inbox&t= 14b977032 F060 1&simI=140977092F 10601 BS oi Dag Taree) Lone stg St. Therese School February 2015 Catholic School's Week ‘Thanks for helping us recognize Catholic Schools Week! This was a great week to tecognize the importance of a Calhale Education and we sincarely thank you parents for ssaring your children with us! Here are some pictures to recap this fun week. Atthe end of the newletter i information from the diocese about the Catholic Schools in Kansas City-St Joseph Diocese. Pease take time to view this short video about how we are bringing the Diocesan School's theme, the Corporal Works of Mercy, into our classrooms during Catholic Schoofs Week and throughout the year. ips miwateh2ve5E cht wn si2a2015 Students wih a check tobe presented to St Vneen’s dePaul ~ Feeding the Hungry ps:imal googlecomimallvavA4=28 k= 866501448 view=pt8scarch=inbox&t= 14b977032 F060 1&simI=140977092F 10601 ‘tThoroso North Parish Mal - St. Thcoso School February Newsetar r Ral si2a2015 ‘tThoroso North Parish Mal - St. Thcoso School February Newsetar Thank You to Our Volunteers “Thanks so much to our volunteers! (On behalf of all the students, faculy, and staff of St. Therese, we sincerely thank al of you for your decication to our school. We could not do what we do without youl Please see the short video below to heat a "lve’ thank you! http://youtu be/LaZUGoVRcC8 St. Therese School Registration 2015-2016 Registration for the 2015.16 school year begins on Monday, February 23rd, and runs through Friday, March 6th. We're pleased fo let you know that registration willbe ‘completed on-line through Sycamore Education again ths year. Make sure you know your ‘access code for Sycamore (you can contac the frant office you de not know your cade). ‘Aso, be sure your family has a current pledge card for 2015 on fe with the parish Business Office and that you are current on your pledge. If you have questions about your stewardship, you can contact the Parish Business Manager, Mike Birkel at 741-2800, ext 217 Instructions fr registration will be sent to those familias who have completed their financial ‘obligations to the school, parish and Early EducationViking Voyager Programs. Ifyou have any questons, please feel free to contact Teri Jo Gariz at igarke@sttheresenorth.org 0F 741-5400, ext, 106, Upcoming Important Dates to Remember: + Jump Rope For Heart, 2/3, 2nd through 8th Grade, 3:10 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Gym + PTO Skating Party, 2/4, 6 pam., RiverRoll + Jump Rope For Heart, 2/5, Kindergarten & First Grade, 3:10 p.m. to 4:30 pm., Gym Quest Project Fair, 2/5, 6 p.m., GSH Spirit Day, 2/6 Early Dismissal, 2/6, 12:15 p.m. Kindergarten Musical, 2/10, 2:30 p.m. and 7 p.m., GSH Hoops For Heart, 2/10, ath through 8th Grade, 3:10 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Gym + Valentine's Party, 2/12, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m., Classrooms. + PTO Meeting, 2/12, 6:30 p.m., Media Center + Auction Tickets Go Home, 2/12 (Due back, 2/27 ~ $25 late fee after 2/27) + No School, 2/13, Professional Learning Day, Virtual Day (Viking Voyager and Early Education Center Closed) + No School, 2/16, Presidents’ Day (Viking Voyager and Early Education ps:imal googlecomimallvavA4=28 k= 866501448 view=pt8scach= inbox 14b977032 F060 1&simI=140977092F 10601 att si2a2015 ‘tThoroso North Parish Mal - St. Thcoso School February Newsetar Center Closed) + Education Committee Meeting, 2/17, 7 p.m., Conference Room + Ash Wednesday, 2/18 + On-Line Registration For 2015-2016 School Year, 2/23 through 3/6 + Spring Pictures, 2/25, Non-Uniform Day + Wear Your Anti-Bullying Shirt with Uniform Bottoms, 2/27 + Auction Ticket Money Due, 2/27 ~ $25 late fee after 2/27 Fora copy ofthe February calendar, lunch menu, and PTO Skating Party Wer, please go to the Documents section on Sycamore Education Principal Evaluation Dear Parents/Guardians, ‘Our Pastor and the Cathal Schools Office ae inthe process of completing the annual {evaluation of school principals and early chilchood directors. As a parentiguarcian you have @ unique insight into some of the key ways that provide leadership and itis my hope thal you are able to take the time to provide feedback on my performance as a school leader. Please take time to complete the survey which you can find atthe provided lnk by February 13, 2015, ps lw surveymonkey com/SBGXFBK ‘The pastor, superintendent, facultyista, school board members, and | are also completing separate assessment forms. Information which is gained from all of these sources wil be Shared with me by the superintendent and Fr. Joe inorder to set goals for continued professional growth and increased leadership effectiveness which will imately result in a ‘stronger educational environment forthe cilren, I sincerely thank you for your assistance in this important matter, Sincerely in Christ, Carol Lenz, Principat Spring Pictures ~ Non-Uniform Day Spring pictures will be taken on Wednesday, February 25th. This is a non- uniform day for our students. Flyers will go home prior to the pictures reminding parents of the date.. You will need to pre-order the group picture of your child's homeroom class. Interstate Photography will send proofs of the spring picture taken and you will order individual prints from this proof, Yearbook Orders ps:imal googlecomimallvavA4=28 k= 866501448 view=pt8scarch=inbox&t= 14b977032 F060 1&simI=140977092F 10601 ant si2a2015 ‘tThoroso North Parish Mal - St. Thcoso School February Newsetar St. Therese School YEARBOOKS ARE NOW ON SALE Online Yearbook Sales Only! Ordering available until: February 27, 2015 Full Color Softback Yearbook. To order your yearbook visit: eww. inter-state. com/yearbook and enter cod Thank you for your order! Nurse Screenings During the month of February, the school nurse will be completing routine health screenings for the students that did not participate in the Healthe Kids program, The screening will include height, weight, vision, and hearing Parents will receive referrals for further evaluation if additional testing is recommended. If you would not like your child to participate in the screening, cr if you have any questions, please contact Kristle Huebl at 741-5400 ext, 103. PTO Skating Party Every month, our students can celebrate school spirit by attending the PTO sponsored Skating Party. The details of this event are: + This eventis for St. Theroso students and their friends who are nat STS students +The skating party is typically held the tst Wednesday ofthe month. The skating party is held at River Rol Skate Center in Riverside from 6:00 pum. - 8:00 pm. Cost Is $4 per student witn a $1.00 skate rental + Parents are expected to be present and actively chaperone their chien + Ife have 75 students in attendance, River Rol will provide a kickback to our PTO, + Skating partis will lake place unless a storm advsory has been issued by the National Weather Servic. ps:imal googlecomimallvavA4=28 k= 866501448 view=pt8scarch=inbox&t= 14b977032 F060 1&simI=140977092F 10601 att si2a2015 ‘tThoroso North Parish Mal - St. Thcoso School February Newsetar PTO News Happy Catholic Schools Week! This year's theme for CSW is Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service. Because of the support in displaying faith, knowledge, and service from our STS families, our community Is one that is special. As we all come together to celebrate St. Therese and all Catholic Schools, I want to thank you for carrying out this year’s theme ‘everyday at our great school. ‘St. Therese families have accumulated over 1,200 hours of tracked service hours! Donit forge! to continue to track your volinteer hours on Syeamore. If you havent yet, you can ‘back lag any hours thal you have volunteered this school year. ‘The next PTO meeting willbe Thursday, February 12th, 8:30 p.m. in the Media Center ‘You are invited to come and be a part of al thal your PTO ts working on at STS! Thank you so very much for al of your support! «lil eth, PTO President Grandfriends Program Grandfriends Reading Program is in need of more volunteers. If you have one hour free on Thursday's from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and love to read; we would love to have you. We read with k, ist and 2nd grades, Weekly attendance preferred, but not required. Please contact Liz Tome at Nome@kc.r.com or 818-886-6747. Music Update New! Improved! Check out this lnk, itp:voutu belsM7ugAxatos for a video update of hat is going on in the music department! Major Minors Things are going great! The kids are devouring our new musi (some Latin, Simon and Garfunkel), creating our own arrangements, and we are putting together @ great Spring concert! Jump Rope For Heart/Hoops For Heart There is stil time to sign up for Jump Rope or Hoops for Heart! Following is this year's information. “IRFH- Tuosday, February Sed for 2nd-8th Grado 3:10 pm. to 430 pum. in Gym _qDRFH Thursday February St for Kindergarten an tt Grae 109m. 10430 pm in ‘Hoops For Heart: Tuesday, February 10h for th to 8th Grade 3:10 pm. to 4:20 pm. in oym All students may donate money and receive prizes even they do not attend one of these vers. A permission form dobs need tobe turned into oblain donations or partipate in fn event. Detaled information hes been sont home wit studenis, Please cal Mrs, Siridge ‘rts. Condit witn any questons. St. Therese wil also partiopate in National Wear Red Day on Friday, February 6th. This is held to raise awaroness and prevent Heart Disease in Wornen. Callacton boxes wil bo located at tho Parsh, School and EEC Offices. The money collected for althese events benefits the Amercan Heart Associaton. ‘Thanks for your support Office News Ash Wednesday ~ February 18th ‘So that all staff may attend the Ash Wednesday Mass, the school office will be closed on Wednesday, February 18th from 8:25 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Reporting Absence from School Just a reminder that Parents are to notify us of a student's absence or late arrival. Please contact the school office by 8:15 a.m. by calling, emailing attendance@stheresenorth.org, or online forms (Attendance) through Sycamore. ‘This Is to be done each time a student is absent from school. ‘Sweet Quote from a First Grader Counselor to ist grade class when discussing how to be a friend: "Can you think of a reason why a person might not have any friends? Ast grader: "Because they don't go to a Catholic school!" ps:imal googlecomimallvavA4=28 k= 866501448 view=pt8scarch=inbox&t= 14b977032 F060 1&simI=140977092F 10601 ant ‘ya015 ‘tThoroso North Parish Mal - St. Thcoso School February Newsetar Catholic Schools in the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese CATIIONG SCIIOOIS OF KANSAS CITY = ST JOSIPIT Reon Carp 2014 ~ 2015 WHo Wr ARE ‘Bly Chikibont——Hemwentary Secondary Wuo We Serve [ska tackgroued ps:imal googlecomimallvavA4=28 k= 866501448 view=pt8scarch=inbox&t= 14b977032 F060 1&simI=140977092F 10601 m ‘ya015 ‘tThoroso North Parish Mal - St. Thcoso School February Newsetar Wuar We Do Brst [Rxoniny = Gea ski tn 7 FROM DR. DAN PETERS ps:imal googlecomimallvavA4=28 k= 866501448 view=pt8scarch=inbox&t= 14b977032 F060 1&simI=140977092F 10601 ‘ya015 ps:mal google com/mailvayn=28 'StTharaso North Parish Mal - St Tharese School February Newsletter i, sore 201 tated ova Te Mon oxpyen ep ona ‘ysis fan HOW WE MEASURE UP ~ National Assessments 96650148448 vow =ptsoarch=inbax= 140577082 160 8siml= 143770820601 ant ‘ya015 'StTharaso North Parish Mal - St Tharese School February Newsletter HOW WE MEASURE UP~ ee of the Fath ‘The St. Therese School newsletters publshes monthly and e-malleg onthe last Thursday ofthe month. f you would like to submit an tem forthe newsletter, the deacline is noon on the Flgay ‘before publication. Please submit your information to Tei Jo Gata, Executive Secretary, {ganle@sthorosonorog of 741-5400, ext, 106, Thank you! Safetrsubscribe SAORI eaata ASNT, ane] St Therese School | 7277 NM Highway 9 | Kansas Cty | MO | 64152, ps:imal googlecomimallvayA4=28 k= 866501448 view=pt8scarch= inbox 14b877032 F060 t&simI=140977092F 0601 sat ‘va015 ‘tThoroso North Parish Mal - St. Thcoso School February Newsetar ps:imal googlecomimallvayA4=28 k= 866501448 view=pt8scarch= inbox 14b877032 F060 t&simI=140977092F 0601 awit

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