The Bravery of Rosa Park

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The bravery of Rosa Parks

By: Jassnjot Kaur

One day in a bus came aboard a woman.
A woman we didnt know that time,
A woman that we didnt know could change our time.
Many were discriminated for how they were.
Rosa Parks and other African Americans were black.
And just because of one feature it created a rift.
A rift were blacks werent to be with the whites.
People were revoked from their privileges,
And one of those privileges was to not be able to sit in the front.
One day a tired woman named Rosa Parks had climbed upon a bus.
She took a seat up front until someone said,
Rosa get up and go to the back.
Rosa didnt get up and said it was not fair.
Once again they had said get up Rosa but again she didnt
Just because of this she was taken to jail.
There she was judged.
At the court she said what she had wanted to say.
She had said she wanted to have equality for all,
Where there is no difference between blacks and whites.
She had done it.
She was the one who had changed our world.
Thanks to her we are able to go on the bus without anyone to stop us.

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