Peace Corps MRE Coordinator Qualifications

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Peace Corps/Paraguay

Vacancy Announcement

Basic Function
The MRE Coordinator serves as a member of the Programming and Training team. In conjunction with
the Training Director, the MRE Coordinator supports the monitoring and evaluation of program
activities. In addition, he/she coordinates with Program Managers the development of MRE tools for
Volunteer project activities in the projects of Peace Corps/Paraguay and supports Peace Corps
Volunteers in effective monitoring and reporting of activities. The MRE Coordinator evaluates program
and training impact by analyzing available data and contributes to communication to PCVs, staff, and
stakeholders on project results and provides regular MRE training for staff. The MRE Coordinator also
facilitates Volunteer training and support in MRE during training.

Qualifications required for effective performance

Bachelors degree in project management and evaluation, international development, social
science research methodologies, or relevant field
Post-graduate studies preferred.
Required Qualifications
Three to five years of experience working in relevant positions with international development
Demonstrated professional experience in providing monitoring, reporting, and evaluation
Ability to work effectively and with credibility as an expert within American and Paraguayan
cultural contexts in both informal and professional settings with Trainees, Volunteers,
colleagues, Host Agency Officials, Peace Corps/Washington, the American Embassy, and others.
Experienced with technology; proficient in Excel, Word, and database management.
Strong experience with workshop and group facilitation, session plan design, and cultural
adaptation and sensitivity training.
Fluent spoken and written English and Spanish
Demonstrated data analysis and writing skills.
Knowledge of and experience with participatory community analysis tools for development.
Ability to prepare precise, analytical reports.

To apply, please send your cover letter and resume to: or deliver it to:
Peace Corps Paraguay
ATTN: MRE Coordinator Selection Committee
Chaco Boreal 162 c/ Avenida Mariscal Lpez, Asuncin, Paraguay
Deadline: January 30th, 2015.

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