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From Dixon to D.C.

Mikayla Rosenthal
Senior Division
Individual Website

I have always had an interest in the Cold War, a war that never resulted in combat
between soldiers. When hearing that the theme for National History Day 2015 was Leadership
and Legacy I knew exactly who I was going present through a website. Ronald Reagan is a great
example of this theme through his leadership during a hard economic time and the Cold War.
After learning about his unlikely path to presidency I knew I had the perfect topic. What better
way to combine my love for learning, making websites, and the Cold War?
In conducting my research I first had to find a starting point, so I went to my local library
and checked out all books containing information on Ronald Reagan. At first I focused on
Reagans early life, gathering information on activities and life events where he would have
gained the necessary skills to be a leader. Then I looked into Reagans presidency, choosing
events and programs that proved to be successful and seemed to have an impact even today. I
used Ronald Reagans autobiography as my main source of information, but other sources such
as letters to increase my knowledge on Reagans life. However, I also used the Ronald Reagan
Presidential Foundation website to gain knowledge. As I researched, I wrote down any
interesting or important facts that pertained to Reagan and fit the theme. Once I was done
researching, I gathered my information and separated it into categories. Then I began to add the
information to my website. Once my information was added I began to add supplemental
sources such as maps, pictures, and videos to enhance my information.
I chose to present my topic through a website because I love web designing. I had more
knowledge on creating website from previous projects within school; therefore, I knew this
would not be as daunting as the first time I created a website. Finally, I believed that the best

way to truly show who Ronald Reagan was a a person and president would best be accomplished
through a website. I would be able to add videos, letters, and photos to express Reagans life.
Ronald Reagan is the perfect topic for this theme for a number of reasons. Every event
from his childhood to his presidency resulted in leadership and legacy. He gained leadership
skills through sports and speaking skills through acting. These two skills alone would lead to
Reagan being forever known as The Great Communicator. Reagan began his fight against
communism while serving as the President of the Screen Actors Guild. His fight against
communism would eventually lead to the end of the Cold War. Finally, Reagans economic
policy and his foreign affairs helped create his legacy, as both of this programs still influence
leaders today.
(462 words)

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