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{HE Te MUSKETEERS wo nin Deeceh206 ‘CHARACTERS rie nus tl OU i Te peacon ws ection “iS ete yes Mie Tet deer Riad pn 7 ty nba, tos pies ae inseam orgy ren eu Te ‘Yew wih Sy Ste: ae Ln Mie sty Le an Ment tng) a at Ae Prdse ea sen tal ye Creat Conn Rete pene aa Res “sie / uk of Buhari aegis ome ‘sre on efor SYNOPSIS OF SCENES Swe Ouse mein Gta. ig ayn 62S Scene Ouse th Carl Pac, ig Scene}; The vile ofa he er) ‘cane 4) Thee of. de Dele nex ay Scoe5; The wet ow mma lowing Stones: aden she Royal Palas min er Stone? Bend th Laxenouy Pl, ba eh Scene: Avvo mei) owing Scored, Aroom nh Carina asa he ent iy Sco 10-The corr of he Carnal Plc, ee Te Comat the Sarl Hear, ot is er Aatwo See 1+ Armin the Royal alice, fw weeks ae Stoned: The Cu Pate, on our ae Scene Vio eeons nthe wa fo Lodo ‘Stoned: The Dake of Buckingham Palace ous Londo, © few dys Scene: The bloom tt Roy Plc, fe ays ater Siee6: Atenas cute talon, mel owing ‘Stone Ati Sige La Rohini foun See Te Carlie Convent Bethe fe dys er Scone The dens be Royal Palas, son eter notion The Dee Muses ‘This adaptation of The Th Autor was commision by he Bristol Of Vein England. Orga the Arte Dieser ‘ofthe theatea the tine the bia Son Reale ated to [puan my apt of ma and wh had peed 9 {ey months ater nthe Unted Sex However sal este Inthe Bristol area had lea sched Tran anor the ‘ime ston and when Simon ele! me tine we ung se {ora nent he Oa i Cts how alt bevingo adap smote eae very sores The afer ‘both ering and dang Ua enjoyed adapting Pe and rte age and war thereore race the eo 13. Ing hand ata second adapters this woul hve ero months to pc hele alps the ay. Simon sages on ofthe als 9 Tein ih bt La ete teh lard oa Joe Aen, ee fe thon Hope bu thing ie cick 8 Tak 9 Ct 2 Appetit oa al of aon tic ay eb ‘Grist sont ted somthing nag od Tse co ‘rete Rbin Hod lgend te ve pose a nccrned shout ndings song eoeaghtouhine he Siok pace ibe a de (Rhee nro oe Theat el Pn ie 195). Begins Mlaseson sd > Inca een tha slowed ne tog Sats Byatt a mt acti Seen 1 (Phe stays emp andthe ight arp. Sudden; with od ry. THO MEN burs into view. The fit the ale of the chez, then om the tage, coming perio else ‘main each oe frie Ths dul sn earmet. Indeed Ine mig ven sink hat dhe men are to actors from ou ay who have poten io an argument and grabbed oo Drouin son ee dhe men fh, he et forms around them, a Aon ww re ouside afarmbouse in Garcons nthe spring of 1623. The men comin oh frou One of te men IB years ol theater in is ae 40s, Bath are sph (a jeomen. At fst one has the advamage, th he really 30a amor and tongs grunting ad rsng ot each ying espero Kl the Shh alt his mig At fa, the oder men et the Alsarms the youth and holds the pont of his sung man’ trae. The oun man gulf then breaks ino amie MGNAN, He ts Youth Heb Hope fe has SY would expect of young hurr ad he " {HE THREE MUSKETEERS rebelons enough to mae Hem ineresting) D’ARTAGNAN. Father 3 08 do ha 1 ke moet FATHER. Misco son, Geto opponent his ‘ocr en mone i ihn Hey! Spt Hate done yay van cen wor coset. Dr er ‘Saat the emer he a mse Couple ta wth commen Sew ovo seal ear, a you beupeatmn pedis, DrARTAGRAN Lie my fer (they embrace) FATHER. Ws sime you wer going DYARTAGNAN. Did you fave hare amy as, FATHER. es, an forte same reason To be amnusketee. DIARTAGNAN I dam abou it every night. Figg hc defeiing the King, tani pt the Crna an is = PATHER, Stop, DIARTAGNAN. What? FATHER, Never say tha You do not waat Ci BRichelew a your enemy. DD'ARTAGNAN. But be oppote the King at every “They sey he has spies everyhere! That his dungeon i vv needs of isomer) — FATHER, Just stay aay rom hit If by the race of yor become « musketer Someday, your job iW de King nd protec the Ques. D'ARTAGNAN, Bu the Carina!’s heir enemy FATHER, Notopenly He woulda dar. Just do nd never everengage the Cardinal direct. Is that ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS. DIARTAGNAN. Yes, sc (Grumble) Unless he st it fi (FATHER shakes his bead, Chile.) PATHER. Her. Te my sword, You'll ed it DYARTAGNAN, (Overhelmad) Fath FATHER, Use it wll to fig foe jstiesFrjusc, ite smery is divine ad deserves your courage. Always tnd op for what outlive in. Never bck down unless you're Wong 1a man iss you, tum the other check. It he insults you ‘gin, Khim. Make courage your watchword. Dut coupe ‘mor than arms and lps. takes courage tobe youre vo do 4 Aboveall tings ve eof hnox, Honor the people you Jovethe eas you cherish and the man nse you, D'ARTAGNAN. [promise FATHER. Now a few paring gifs and you'e on your Jury, Twenyfive cows. Say nothing. | wish were more eter, recommending You to Monsieur deTrville, D'ARTAGNAN, Your ol end DPATHER. Now Captain of the Musketeers PARTAGNAN. Ok ow! ‘They sy that b's fought of dc inthe King’s service. They sty the King him for everything They sy — ey sy they Sy." He was my schol Mids operer And be wil help you thea the needle Now keep ds sate IAGNAN, Ys, er Third act give you. He gets tears his ohave something that He com hardy ea my beloved. 4 ‘ue nee USK ‘We THnE MUSKETEERS is 17, right ape: wearing asap des, crying @ (opitage: “Neigh!") Aarge vase) me D’ARTAGNAN. Buteeup? FATHER An yoursdy? FATHER, Te fost sma at eve wale fue. SABINE. Tak onthe world ihe, Myogsare rake, DIARTAGNAN, Thank you, Bu ses very Woy ‘ny alarm cdr and lok oa ites sls and ol (Ths engers ht FATHER) nan EL won at DIARTAGNAN. Whats ogo? sad Tone FATHER, Sabie ing with ou 0 Pai FATHER. Shel seve you wel my sn As he has me fen ve ee forthe past thy yea Ad now your mater was 1 57 FATHER. ve aranged for er shot. Shee aver want herrea nd we And yO oot dye Cecile! mene herthere and pote! ber onthe way, (©*Ariagnan MOTHER buen, Ber apron 10 ber mvth DYARTAGNAN, But LI lok ridewou,eneing Pais Shev so overcome with emotion that we can hardly Wid lesser. And Lave enough o wor about witht tunerstand her) plying userid wo some SABINE. Its, brother that 1 shall be no berden to you, MOTHER. Biubber, bbber don't wantyouto go! blabbes, utrher do your bidding as yu require. “ cant Berit blubber,blbber, you're to young! lube, you're too young! ITER ad MOTHER sur to D'ARTAGNAN a fw say “Do paeaeecn ow see?” ch her paren turned aay, SABINE sks 6 igh loudly Mer tongve ovt a D'ARTAGNAN and makes afce,) FATHER. (fo D'ARTAGNAN, who is holding his MOTHER, ria is re In is arms) Promise me you" never sel her, (D'ARTAGNA ja stared) Lan standing on he Tooks startled) Iwan to ear that she ded sanding WONAN chases SABINE wil FATHER arabs him by ting oa. DD'ARTAONAN, (Looking at his MOTHER, przled) Fe oe an Dp you do asl ask! Or do yn FATHER, And ow your mother and hive a spi Be mo tO do you dion the you, Sabine! be the. Be off with you Blue, aber abet, (SABINE ENTERS. Her name's pronounced “Sebo, “ “THE THREE MUSKETEERS ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS " convent school! You kow Being agi inthe 17 century is (Fond farewells are exchange. As D'ARTAGNAN bugs is jst no that much an, Thet. (SARIN Is now dre os owe man) Now call me~ was & goo nae fora French MOTHER. BUTTERCUP neigh agbn nthe distance) ~ [PATHIER Her tresth inks and er hu’ ing ut, but D'ARTAGNAN. Brioche she's good old SABINE. What about Panel? 1 heard itn a try ones itwatall bout hone and omance and muskets (hm (DARTAGNAN, SABINE and MOTHER ail Took pwcled voice, owing) "Planche Al your service ae “Then wth final wat, MOTHER nurs back othe house D'ARTAONAN. Of, God and dsoppear. and FATHER follows her ~ leaving SADINE, Would you chee wp?! Tie i js the kind of DUARTAGNAN and SABINE alone) seu we dreamed about inthe buck gander, dont you “ Fomerber Fighting injustice. Hye! Hya! Defontig the King SSABINE. Tur tour 5 nb Quen. Hyat Hat Hya! (She hag him, spins him arcu) D'ARTAGNAN, What..What re you dong? Dow bury wp! And tring my bag! T wan ome some real uses an alin ove wih one of them! (SABINE is pling of her des) PUABINE rs of amd D'ARTAGNAN pike wp er vase amd SSABINE. What desi ok ike I'm doing? 1° dangerous Be es AR TAGN eo hr a ‘ewe here and Pai Tat vey well 0a 2 woman Minoo and we sen) ‘DYARTAGNAN, Bat I protesting you. Tha’ the point SABINE. You? Prtetng me (She lnghs worarionsy) Maye well ot Bterup co inthe Musketeers, Scene 2 (09; “Neehe") We Cardinals Palace at night ATHOS, PORTHOS IMAMIS tre ofthe King Adee, er vealed D'ARTAGNAN. 1 knew you'd be touble a son a arene eet ssidit— Tei be sid haa he of them are heroes. but 'SABINE, (Sil changing) And why shold you bane BR ieonesc ae coun cae Ae fn? I'm a goo «sworman a you ae any day off has: Portas of mar. drs of romance Week, Beir ou ask me Wher icheord: danger ther ml. They are DDYARTAGNAN. OB, please. Mine swordsmen inal of France, and boy SABINE. "Oh, plese.” And chy want me to g9 i ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS THE THREE MUSKETEERS. from Gascony could do worse thant ook upto anyone ‘them. Tans fo the Bok by Aesonder Dumas, te are ino fess han the hank 0 Uso. they are non ATHOS. Ths way! Follow me trouble. They rom, and we hearth ice of CARDINAL. (As the MUSKETEERS nm off CARDIVAL RICHELIBCE RICHELIEU sereaming from oftage) appears in his seeping robe ~ but who ie nigh. ‘Hes ennaged ROCHEFORT, his henchman is ith him) CARDINALRICHELIEU. (09 Stop thom! SOMEBODY CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Stop tham you fol! You're STOP THOSE MUSKETEERS! the Capiin of my Guar, for hese se! ‘PORTHOS. Le’ get ou of here, quick! ROCHEFORT. We're iyng Your Eminence! They sip "ARAM, Athos, don't nk this was advisable way! PORTHOS. Thats the understatement of the ery. ‘CARDINALRICHELIEU. Then nak them down to where [ATHOS, tw ambi they ive! ARAMIS. You cal this symbolic? ROCHEFORT: We dos know where they lve! That'sthe IRTHOS. Stang he Cardinals ighcap? Problem. The famous “Three Musketeers” and we can never FO S : fin i, (te holde up) CCARDINALRICHELIEU Thoseepmbates thosinerrng, “Srnsied vemia! I WANT MY NIGHTCAP BACK ATHOS. I's a reminder ROCHEFORT, There's anther ise, Sir. Tun sound, PORTHOS. A reminder of what? That his bead is coll? CARDINAL RICHELIEU: What?” 'ATHOS. A reminder e's not invulnerable ROCHEFORT Look. ‘ARAMIS, Atos — ‘APHOS. Tat he isthe only ower in France INAL turns around and we see tha word have een pea onthe backof heroin large ltrs "ALL FOR [ATHOS. That th King ith King and he asus to W) im wp. AARAMIS. Athos! aly hte the [ATHOS, What? ‘ARAMIS. We're surounded VAL. sks ff tn high dudgcon fllowea by 'ATHOS. Ob, buase. IRD os we ener’) (tang! Bang! Bang! Atusker balls fy at them from ‘action “THE THREE MUSKETEERS Soames (he town of Merc, the nest morning, The tn coi of ‘on dtd afew dreary cco, ond ano roa) ‘Siero Nef te changes D'ARTAGNAN Sond SABINE enter the tw Dragan fing ‘Bercy by along rope ~ and Bute (ls) roma , SEINE” Were sno Ps jt fw moe mi! et yori cane yo Tan ome we et rat one onto single oe Anthea ee Shocanrde Bate. She two tte. (At this momen, BUTTERCUP backs up and DARTAGNAN, olin tight to the rope, fies of stage. SABINE doesn? ‘von nce During the fellowing, D'ARTAGNAN stalet back on stage) SSABINE, (Reading asin “Town of Mauve. Population 47, New business welcome” Look! They have an ian! he inside. You set Bute, 'DYARTAGNAN. Hey, waa second you'e the servant (lo late. Shes gone. The moment she disappears we hear Tanger The ovo men laghing are ROCHEFORT a BASILLE. ‘They're both sanding front of the ‘ROCHEFORT, who we met last nigh but con 20 properly isthe Cardinals Chef Henchman and Cap (ofthe Cardinals Guard. He has only one good ye, ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS a ‘a eyepatch over he ether ome he has @ hideous scar down is right check and he wows plumed ht ta hes Yer proud of ASILLE, net ohn is.@ lca! man and anole, who thinks ta olin horse and lenin tp ‘fer them isthe sob be the wor. Theyre laughing ot urrencur) BASILE, (Laughing itr) Mr, Rocefot.please you've goto top! ROCHEFORT. But if i's « horse, why is it yetlow’t augue) Y've seen yellow Bower, yellow gloves. ah hat there some new fit om the West Inds called» "bana (lagher) ba yellow bere! When be en 'BASILLE, Which won't be lng by the look of him — ROCHEFORT. When be des. they ctn se him for a a iow ache Tis has bee ot on D“ARTAGNAN) DIARTAGNAN. Hey! You tere! What ae you lnghing TAGNAN. When 1 see «man Iughing. ike to be so tht Lean laugh oo. RTAGNAN, No bat [am king you, sit, Do you sie? ORT, 1 nigh at your hors, si. Uness I'm Ws ota ore, bu bigmangy yellow dog OORT ten 0 go inthe inn) 2 THE THREE MUSKETEERS DDYARTAGNAN. Tu ad face me, sit Turn an fave me ‘or Puyo throug the bck! ROCHEFORT: Run me troveh? Me? Are you mad? DIARTAGNAN. Sondra) Hye! (ROCHEFORT pus his sword and begins. ducing ith D'ARTAGNAN fer amomont LADY. THECOUNTESS DE WINTER, ENTERS behind rtagnon pick ip 2 lot nd hs him over the ad. DARTAGAN it ‘he ground uacorcions MILADY isthe mos dangerous woman inal of France. Her ‘canning legendary: She's remarkably ection wears strong stuming clothes She her mis, ode “and never ters niltchosen wordy ROCHEFORT. Should | thankyou forth? MILADY. You should thank me for everthing, Whois he? He ook a xt above the oa! deg ROCHEFORT. Ihave no en, Has chip on hi should, ‘hell youths, What are you dang?” (AALADY ts scoping next o D'URTAGNAN, ping srough his pockets) [MILADY.Liketoknow my enemies Knowledges power and power ie ROCHEFORT. Who sid ht? MILADY. i, you fo ROCHEFORT. Hes just couiry bumpin, MILADY. Abumpkin..o, see. jasta county bumpin ‘witha eter to Moosic de Treille in his poset, ROCHEFORT. Trevi” Let me ee at! (ROCHEFORT rahe for he letra stan, th . snap, a koife has appeared in MILADY'S hand, and she's ‘tah wplnge ne ROCHEFORT caschdingers Th nf tre 1™ Coney secede of meer adios ww salon) [MILADY. I'm ot ite isd witha 2 ROCHEFORT Why ae youre, Mindy? MILADY. Tove yous message on Caria Richt. Teme of seen Youg. wecen imed, Coosa ‘onaieu wl bn she Rue Hachete crying certain eters ‘he Cardinal wnt th st any et Yer oop her and seguir the er. Latha le? ROCHEFORT. Constance Bona, The Qsen's Lady in Wing MILADY: Cones ROCHEFORT Ta mats tinge MILADY, Cte x dansron Tha why is fon, Thre. (Ste fished retin he ater and towe tf the gro) Show ito he Cato Petps et give you» pede anc you ca cat athe gow ble, Now ts (ROCHEFORT ontche up thelr Then he rases hs sword ‘dis about toll DURTAGNAN) IMICADY. No yo fl! This itn ie to draw aenion to youselt You have work do. Besides, he's very prety. | nay want hi some dy fora hose et u {THE THREE MUSKETEERS (ShetisesD'ARTAGNAYon tes, Aethe does,D'ARTAGNAN ‘tert to regain consciousness. He looks at MLADY, wie- ‘ped ~ and she is him vost om the side of th ad ‘ith the but of her dagger and frock hin out gan, ROCHEFORT gape) MILADY. Now elose your mout, and follow me (MILADY EXITS. ROCHEFORT took at D'ARTAGNAN with ‘hare. Tho he BreatsD'ARTAGNAN' Sordi wo his | the sword his father gave him) and ck D'ARTAGNAN had inthe ibs Ashe eaves, SABINE comes out of the inn) SABINE. got us some wine and sausage forthe rp and ‘thought we ould. D'ARY? D'Aty what happened? D’Arty sy something! (D°ARTAGNAN groans) D'ARTAGNAN. Ob Sabie. so esti (Mas plays which ates wit) Seane 4 (ie reception room of M. de Teil howe in Pars the ne day ‘The ont legendary asthe traning camp for ‘he King’s Maskters. There ona Bo in the worl who oun tive ayear fhe isithisplace. Immediately tve oar MONSIEUR DE TREVILLE. screaming ot indo athe tp of his mgs. He's a compat Fil man with an ye cocked for moube anda Tartan mowstache “HS the mast inpaten man in Pars) TREVILLE, Aramis! Aramis gti here! And rin your ‘wo repose ends in with you (ARAMUS and PORTHOS join TREVILLE. We now have 0 ‘moment fo etamine the Mucketers more closely, ARAMIS (Sarikingvhandhome and gin hopes fora et the church Two tings, however stand ne way eas ‘ar temper hi can flare at any moment a he lve to be around boouiid women. PORTHOS. meanwhile 1s Bocca broght to if. ut with a good heart Hes xiromaty san and quite a dandy, bt sce he ome of the tow grt swore in ll of Proce, he ce afford tobe) ARAM. Monsicr de Trevi, etme expla, ‘TREVILLE, Explain!” Why you'd beter exit PORTHOS. Aramis etme explain, AARAMIS. Ports, sid doit PORTHOS. Pishposh, uo abea, go ahead TREVILLE, And batter be pod! |ARAMIS. Wel iit append ke this — TTREVILLE. My te gett mustcen, Atos, Porthos, Aramis beled hy tote nivel the Cains Guards "ARAMIS. Thats not exactly % THE THREE MUSKETEERS ‘TREVILLE. Do you understand the buniiaion we all fest? ARAMIS. Yes but— TTREVILLE, The shame the King insets eling? ARAMIS. Buti youll TTREVILLE. The soeers and backbiing bes fal 10 endure tom Cardinal Richi?" ARAMIS. MAY IPLEASE SAY SOMETHING?! TREVILLE.... Wsitarmoment, Where's Ath? (PORTHOS and ARAMIS glance at each other) PORTHOS. Well e's se, ihink he's visting his uncle ARAMIS. He's sik. PORTHOS. His sick uncle. The poor ol man has the plague — "ARAMIS. cold. PORTHOS. I's a form ofthe plage that stats ou as 2 ‘old. You bein sneering and suddenly you yng thor dead Sa michel ‘TREVILLE. What re you lking about?! Pots, would ow sop this tomfoolery? Now wher’ thos! ‘ATHOS. might here, (ATHOS wai in. He’ gravely intligent, wih the couree of ‘lion. and more dangerous han he others. tthe moment however he wounded and his right arm is soaked in ‘ood ‘TREVILLE, ...My good mm, you're hart, Sit down, sit down. You poo fallow Who did thst you? "ATHOS. Insti ase you PORTHOS. Ofcourse it's serious The din almost lado ath. We hd cay om he eld "TREVILLE, Bul tell ne what happened! ARAMIS. This meming we were se upon by four ofthe cadia’s Guard TTREVILLE, Not PORTHOS. They wie to amet for doting. Can you imagine the check? 'ARAMS. They were angry about ite wick we pulled las (PORTHOS taker off hs pled hat and reveal tat he ‘nearing the Cardinal bright red nighcap underneath) PORTHOS. inating te Cardinal as sough he a whiny child) L wat my ihc bck! AATHOS, We dt fight them on the spot — 'ARAMIS. And we weld lave wen {grant it— PORTHOS, But the kaaves ale forhep and wo more of the devil showed "ARAMIS,Thogh we di gst way. ER? Het! (4RAMIS makes his point by slapping ATHOS on the arm, orgting that ATHOS i wounded) AATHOS. Ak 'ARAMIS, Of, sors. [TREVILLE. Fetch ny doctor and ge this wound properly ese. Doctor? Goon, 0 on! Bur nxt ine ell mete truth fom he beans. ARAM. (Crosing himself) Only God knows the tat but He eps it asecret 2 “THE, THREE MUSKETEERS ‘Ashe shos the muster ou the dar we see D ARTAGNAN, ‘nthe doorway, abot tock) DARTAGNAN.O}, excuse msi Ive mnapoiniment, ‘They tld mew come ght ep). TTREVILLE, Come, come in, And did very well. 'm prod of ou PORTHOS. 47 the door) Is tht an apology? TREVILLE, Get out PORTHOS. sounded suprisingly like an apology tome. TREVILLE. lsd ge ot. PORTHOS. And yet ida’ ea those magie word tm sory, Pathos TREVILLE. Get ot, ge out get ot! (ATHOS, PORTHOS and ARAMIS depart, clsig the door ‘ehind hem. TREVILLE wheel on D ARTACNAN) TREVILLE, Now wht do you wane DARTAGNAN. 'e come fran ilrview, st To be 8 musket. 'm good witht sword {promise yo thas OF souse I realize you're called musket er and Isc nover st 8 tusket mys ut bet you de good with nei de ‘Which I haven't But [woul be, You'd be masa, TREVILLE, (Amused a you) You sud like you'ne from Gascony D'ARTAGNAN. Lam, sit, 1 avd today with my sister ~ my servant! call him ster because we were aned together ad he someimes.wens dese, When he's lone THE THREE MUSKETEERS Soho els me (Oe hold is hea, amazed ths own spi) TREVILLE. And you wat oe ameter? DIARTAGNAN. Yes sit My ft rte te 8 ter of ingestion. He's an ol! fen! of yous Dv Argan de Benge “TREVILLE.D'Anagnas? Ha! Well wha do you kaon ties fine flow fom op obit, How's heed boy ing? DARTAGNAN, He wells and ends his ean TREVILLE. Int eter of youre Levssoe DVARTAGNAN, Welt afd [lt nent was taken rm me. By tan with oe oye alas fom ee tothe And the his eed gods sed met en Ti ste id wan ekg ey he me, And en he ‘ran ithbe ear mt hve bist me Bsa Le very sare ut woul ve bean im ony a fi i promi dont hive been a swordsman sas I wat yes od. Hye (4 jumps it the “en gard postion ond draws is sword but its the one shar ROCHEFORT rote in Maia othe Made i only the inches Song. D'ARTAGNAW ie (mborrassed) TREVILLE, .. Nolet. Brokensord, Manservant who ‘yeas dees. Here’s what ld, offer you a commision Inthe King’s Regent I's not the Miskatees, grat you, bt noone sans thee anjay. You've goto work your way peo IC Prove yourself in ome campaign or other. Show shi and » THIE THREE MUSKETEERS ‘alo ia the King’s service AND ARE YOU LISTENING TO MEM (D“ARTAGNAW has seen something out the wind) DARTAGNAN. That's him! Jus walking thre! Themaa who took my leer! need a sword Ay I oerow thi? TI "eur it promise. Think youso much, you'revey Kind. call gia (fo TREVILLE'S surprise, D'ARTAGNAN leaps out of the window andres eter the man withthe sea. Me lio D'ARTAGNAN out ofthe chamber and into) Seone s (Te svet below. D'ARTAGNAN looks desperately in both diectons to atcha slime of ROCHEFORT. He dar ‘mone dirscton ~and um stragh into ATHOS) ASTHOS. tir wound) A D'ARTAGNAN. Oh dest. Are youll right AATHOS. (Through riod eth) Do Io i ight? DYARTAGNAN. Ti vill sony, bt have Buy. ATHOS. You're “sony? DYARTAGNAN. Ye. -ATHOS. And thas al you have to sy? D'ARTAGNAN. What eke cn sy? I was an accident. "sad Y'm sory. But honesty, ve goto rn there's this ma with sear and ve goto il him. (D'ARTAGNAN starts to bury off ATHOS tens asoy ond ‘murmurs himself) _ATHOS. Obviously om he country D'ARTAGNAN. (Stopping short) What! What di you AATHOS. sid you om the county D'ARTAGNAN, So what if I am?” Are you implying something? ATHOS. I’ iplying that you have country manners bo: ‘You're in Paris now, 9 improve them D'ARTAGNAN. My manaen, sae at god 3 yours ‘And Um very provd of where ome fom, and perhaps at's ‘saying more an you (ATHOS eyes hin dangerous) _ATHOS. Was that a inst? D'ARTAGNAN. twa certainly mean tbs -ATHOS. Shall we stl now? DYARTAGNAN, Tea’ righ now because [im chasing someane. Name the ine ‘ATHOS. Ten tis evening, behind the Laxembour DYARTAGNAN. Done, (DARTAGNAN slaps ATHOS on the arm to sea the bargin ‘accidently coming ATHOS pn from the wenn) ATHOS. Abt 2 THE THREE MUSKETEERS ne ARTAGNAN, Oh so. Do you ih g-ned, by the wy? ‘ATHOS. 1 o, but I'm even beter wth ny eso sugest you book s church fr he ine (ATHOS EXITS. de the same moment, PORTHOS EWTERS ‘rom the ther rection showing off is newest cloak fa ‘Seale dire named ADELE. Mile D'ARTAGNAN. {sloking np and dow the set for ROCHEFORT) PORTHOS. Sik! Pure sik fom india. One oak Ha tat ADELE. Really? PORTHOS. Tes months snd months o make ioe ike this, Do you see it? Hmm? Feel i Right hee. Light ag 8 Fenbes, bot srg as chain mail Made from an ancien de, you see From the Bask of puzale tes andthe peal fle spiced oes. Jt ook the cols, (Weak one end ofthe cloak and spins around, cnsing the cloak to blow out ike asad he docs D'ARTACNAN ries ot thinking he spotted ROCHEFORT nthe ‘tance DraRtag IAN. Hey! (Me darts past PORTHOS, tut acidentaty ets aught wp in the cloak: Infect, covers him ie bed sheet ne ‘am scathing. He gop for lig and tears the la off ‘PORTHOS. ening pn heap on the grand PORTHOS. What? ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS. 2 DYARTAGNAN. Ah! ‘ADELE, Pots! PORTHOS, Sop DYARTAGNAN. Help PORTHOS. Stop, you fool! Get up! Get up DYARTAGNAN. (Ditentanling mse) Lm sory! 1 vas in hry! PORTHOS. Youcrak-tsined codfish! Yo-yo pop ‘yet lam! Lok wht youve done! DIARTAGNAN. Sl ping cachup wth ROCHEFORT) Vpay fer sic Lever, have some money, Bat ight 0 ft coulda PORTHOS. Ob you wil pay frit indeed, promise you, luwas band new! Aad i looked stung on me! Do you ink ‘hat garments ike his grow on tes?! DIARTAGNAN, Sir PORTHOS. Or peraps they oat by onthe winds gift ftom the gods of fshon so Ua we en pluck them cacely ssthey Mater. 'DIARTAGNAN, Sig 'm very ~ PORTHOS. Forty rowns D'ARTAGNAN, What? PORTHOS. For crowns. That's what you owe me, D'ARTAGNAN. For this thing? PORTHOS. sone of kind. It comes from Indi D'ARTAGNAN. Ob cme no, i 1s capes like this onthe sls by the river. They wanted one erown fly and T tid it was too re, PORTHOS. I btive you're mistaken, D'ARTAGNAN. Oh I don't thnk 80. There was a whole pile f tem. Tey looked identical, ™ THE THREE MUSKETEERS (ADELE lag and was off) PORTHOS. Adele, wail (Fotlowing he) 1s fom the bark of puzl tres..and the pis of lite apse rouse (She gone: PORTHOS ms back o DARTAGNAN, fo) Youre puppy sit. An imbecile. And I demand sats, D'ARTAGNAN. But was only PORTHOS. Stsfction, sit "Do you agree, cd you ‘ower in fe? D/ARTAGNAN.A"d'Aragnan” never cower sit. Name thesine PORTHOS. Elveno’elck. Behind the Loxembouy, DYARTAGNAN. TI be thre (PORTHOS. ETS DUARTAGNAN cals afer hi) At ity eed anew sok, oy thesis nether! They row ty (PORTHOS gone DUARTAGNAN is clone no) And thn o Yost he an ah sor. (fe sees) Aekno! Atl now ve geld ‘And I'm going oat en o'cack eng. Or elven Sgt hacky (We hea aster laugh and ARAMIS ENTERS down the stot with «beaut on his arm. Her names ELISE they're both iting ie md LISE. Aramis stop i! Youre king me bish! ough you wreaking ly ode, “ARAMIS. (Lakin depo her ves, Lm, my dting ‘he Church is my lif. “And the sinfl word that apps before us wil eis int dus ike mie of longing” baa, Chaper ss ELISE. Ob, Aramis (She dps hor hander quite dtiberat as means of flration D'ARTAGNAN, who 8 walling by. sneezes pain) DIARTAONAN.Achoo! (4nd without kinking e picks wp the handkerchief and Bows hema int) ARAMIS Sit! DIARTAGNAN. (Unaware of what he dons) Yer? |ARAMIS.I believe thats the lady's andherchet D'ARTAGNAN, lis? Oh. Right. beg your pardon, ves’ shining jus poked up and. Here (te resto hand okt ELISE) ELISE. ah! ARAMIS. Get bask! D'ARTAGNAN. Oh. sory. Sor! Feould ave cheno for you, how's tat? And ree ittomarow, Or could wash iti oe ofthe Fountains bee, ELISE. Aramis, do something! ARAMIS. Siz you have isuled the very name of ovale DDIARTAGNAN. Did? | thought just Blew my nose, EAM Ar beng iy? D'ARTAGNAN. thik so ARAMIS. I believe you'r Being funny, st, nd lhing THE THREE MUSKETEERS ‘stme anda this dy, AND I DON'T LIKE IT!) 1 DEMAND SATISFACTION! DYARTAGNAN. Don't el me, Hehind the Luxembourg at ‘weve o elk ARAMIS. No even, Ihave to be twelve, 'm booked st ‘ARAMIS. Fine! Twoleoslock. And don't Be ne! D'ARTAGNAN. Done! AARAMIS. Done “And he hl ene the nd of darkness, ‘and there shall he meet the shadow of death Job, Chapter D'ARTAGNAN. "And he shal pall down his rousers nd ‘hen shal eck out his Boks" D'Antagnan, Chapter 12 (ARAMIS stamps his fot i rage and EXITS with ELISE. ‘DARTAGNAN tale ain) D'ARTAONAN. ..God in heaven! I'm good us dead {mean what are we ut on hier for? To live far eighteen ears then suf tall out over sil aiden? Thee a trne things wont dying for, an would die for hem inten, ‘tis this why Trained with ny father al thse ye? Teg hye taught me everything he knows about gence? About life? About honor Is this what hoor means? Dyiog ‘ecrse lew ny none?! (S4B1NE rans in) 'SABINE. D'Anty, there you ae Ges wh, ges wha! "oud wn ro fr estan erown igh!‘ ist much, bet thas 2 window, And wa you se Pri ANY, W's Sone Pit roe cen ne Tvting ad ais tie gh ves and ening you ‘ouldeverdeam of. Areyouall ight? Dd yousce Trevi? ‘te yous meskes ye? (te gives a ello lava) D'ARTAGNAN. Not yet, der sister, Some dy, perhaps, ittive tat one : SSABINE. "Live that long” What do you mean D'ARIAGNAN, Nev Come slag. Lt pt ou total ou SADINE Idan watt o. DIARIAGNAN. ati SARINE Natya Twaosse oe of Pas it. wan lower pay inal ere laces ppt sw, one SS il no ee i oe) “at bw a, atte wy fend mon wie) eben in ook wih ter Jeti Whap wba wp D'ARIAGNAN, San sine rho SADINE No! YouTAeetocash met 1 nb (rs ona thn athe He ries cathe i Se fd et roofer fer—and bong ap aba om Soma het on duet and mig or hr at Mins CONSTANCE BONACIEU D'ARTAGNAN. Oh 'm soy! Are youl gh?! CONSTANCE Comme pn) pet Pas! ‘wommmar er DARTRONAN. Woy? Wit’ ema? CONSTANCE ve ne hig wg eet DIAKTAONAN vote shaking nes a CONSTANCE They wate il me fens see te out D'ARTAGNAN. Te Que! CONSTANCE. He's fhm oie! Oh God oh Cope ep et (DARTAGNAN looks at makes a decison) DYARTAGNAN. Stay behind me, (tte dos is sword asa man named RAYANCHE runs in ke ‘madman Het ough dangerous bly, unsere ith ‘pura acco. His wd schn and he meas oop CONSTANCE a ay orce) RAVANCHE. You thee. Sind aside DYARTAGNAN. What do you wa? RAVANCHE. Iwan! to speak with he young ay. D'ARTAGNAN, Bute young lady doesn't waa speak with you RAVANCHE, Monsieur i was you, woulda mde in this D'ARTAGNAN. Andifl were you woulda tll me what {0 do. (RAVANCHE lunges. Te CONSTANCE!) Sty beck! ‘CONSTANCE. Ah! Here cones the throne! "THE THREE MUSKETEERS (ROCHEFORT ENTERS) DYARTAGNAN, You! ROCHEFORT. Ob my God, is he puppy | sbeuld have led you yserdy DD'ARTAGNAN. Pethaps you should have, beease you'l die for (Te iyee men eros swords and fight. Is hairrasing DARTAGNAN hold hem both. Then withamagiient that, he pres RAVANCHE straight dough the heart th cr, RAVANCHE al othe ground sone dead. Now ts D'ARTAGNAW versis ROCHEFORT. Inthe course of thei, the omen crete each ther-unt! ROCHEFORT ‘manages to grab CONSTANCE, She eras andsreles D'ARTAGNAN. Lat er go! (ROCHEFORT leps his hold on CONSTANCE uni she ies In hand as hard at she can ond ROCHEFORT sereams vith agony. D'ARTAGNAN purmes the advantage Ike ‘kno dfer several more seconde of desperate el and tact, D'ARTAGNAN runs ROCHEFORT rough the tlds. ROCHEFORT rf out cd stagger off Instinctive, CONSTANCE ras to D'ARTAGNAN and clings 1 hn for protection. D'ARTAGNAN is panting 20 hard ‘that he can hare breathe} D'ARTAGNAN. Ave youall sight” ‘CONSTANCE, Yer Tank you. I must the Queen st ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS, once She be sik with wory. D/ARTAGNAN. What's yourname? CONSTANCE. Constance CorstanceBonacicux. Whats yours ‘D'ARTAGNAN, D’Artagnn, CONSTANCE. ‘Thank yoo.-<°Aragnan. fm in your eh D'ARTAGNAN. (iy). twas nothing. (hey stare ino each eters eyes. They're bot nove.) ‘CONSTANCE. | must go nom, D'ARTAGNAN. Wil you be safe? ‘CONSTANCE. I haves fr ogo D'ARTAGNAN, And this.item that you cay for the (Queen iit valable? CONSTANCE. isto her involves her at I's eter From the one shelves DYARTAGNAN. Then dangers. CONSTANCE. (Simply) All mats of the heart are Aangeous. Bees hearts an break. Ist po. D'ARTAGNAN. Wail Will T see you again? 1 must Pease! (She hesitates — thn mpuiveyshe kisses him) CONSTANCE. Tonight at one o'lock, behind the Lamers (he run off. D'ARTAGNAN touche isos wonder. Ashe des, te Scene changes) SCENES Seen eee ce rire paced rE oe pho a eet gate ae ty st in fiencrncle oreo peananhieaccnt eee ate Rie cere ert ee stoma ee Eerpaiemmriat sai eno ‘THE KING, What are you so disrated about! I'm tbe King of France. You have w pay ation! “THE QUEEN. Tmsory. Lous is tying! ‘THE KING. It's ao jut a gue, you know, Weis ‘complicate, You have to concentrate. Look. King. Queen, Bishop. Knight Is all aboutus, you see — the Keg an the (Quer The Knights the soli ad the Bisbop represents the hueh — Tough be should be called the Cardin, sould he? Cardinal Richelieu. But you nsce tat he's blow you in he heathy, nt shove you, and you've got 1 remember ‘THE QUEEN. As do you. THE KING. [now Tkoow. 1s just tha be makes it ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS ica sometimes, Always petonding he's smarter than Tam. His guards beating my guard Ut ha (A this moment CARDINAL RICHELIEU was in. wearing the deep re foing robes ofa Cardinal in the Cato hrc eave meth efor, bt non we hae tine ‘ake his measwe: Hea hamtiome man Ins late #0, ‘fenarmous personal charm His bearing is impeccable “and he moves with the ea grace ofa neta leader THe ‘inpact he mates on entering a room is nothing sor of ‘reahokng, But bond his faa of 0 amor i 8 mind ha clever seppe and extremely danger This ‘aman you oppote a your perl) (CARDINAL RICHELIEU. fo THE QUEEN) Wel wel, well Your Majesy. How delight ge you, ‘THE QUEEN, Cardinal Richelieu, THE KING. Hel, Cardia. Ignoring me td, are we? ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Not inthe last, Site, doubly honored. Your looking wel tay. “THE KING, Am I? No hanks yo. I understand your suas wok advange of my masketers this moring CARDINAL RICHELIEU, "Took advantage?” Now what oes that ea ‘THE KING, Ganged up, Oaumbered. Then stared ‘rawingon some prstent or ther, CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Forgive me, Your Majesty but ‘twas my understanding tat my gunde were merely doing thr dy, preventing due, whi do believe sagas he law, is itn ‘THEKING, Wel, yes. But is wehncaliy. You know it THE THREE MUSKETEERS (CARDINAL RICHELIEU. know that lve the av: Your (Grace, thas what you men, "THE KING. That's not excly wht 1 mesa, now isi (He Kane EXITS) ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU. The King is uaappy. Thope vent mse him disres. "THE QUEEN. He fces the stn of runing the coon, Wsundertandsble “CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Ist? ‘THE QUEEN. Of cour iti. CARDINAL RICHELIEU. And yt he dest relly run the county, now dacs he? He plays wh hi ile toys. He lds foutains in gardens. He’ plans the men, fr heavens sake "THE KING. How dre you speak of he King this way! CARDINAL RICHELIEU. "How are bow daze” Yes, yet ye ve heard it al before, But lok at you.” You're# queen! Yue magnet You needa const! Someone ‘eter han hat Eaglish Buckingham fellow (THE QUEEN urs pole) “THE QUEEN. Buckingham? CARDINAL RICHELIEU. The Duke of Buckingham, Your lover, believe? "THE QUEEN, [1 don't know wht you talking abou. CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Oh, please. Doe' isu me "ve had you under obseraton since the day you arived re ‘0m Aust with your ile. bgs of sicher ote. "THE QUEEN, How dare you! I'm the Quce! ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS. ‘CARDINAL RICHELIBU. Indced you ae, And yet you ‘nd Buckingham have been earyng on aa fe for What 4 Sicmonths now? Seven? Bat uttutely youve beens Ine inisret. You've been weg to eachother: Love ltrs, ‘And exchanging them trough your Lady in Waiting ‘THE QUEEN. You're insane, CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Am I? And am I insane 10 ream of what you snd Touldsccomplish ogee? Js thik allt power. The people lve yu tl they feat me Could there bea more erect combination? (Ale strokes her chek, and Whep! she slaps: im hard across the fae) CARDINAL RICHELIEU...Oeh, I should' have done thai were you ‘THE QUEEN. calle gust! I have you hanged! CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Fine. Go head. What are you waiting foe? Youre fiend Consance Bonaciex? THE QUEEN, (Frightened) Constance? ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU Loyathandnaidand conspicuous gobetecn, That's very dangerous, you kno. ‘THE QUEEN. (Calling cut} Costnce?™ CARDINAL RICHELIEU, IFT were you Pad save your breath. About aow she's probably ying ina gute somewhere ita Sword tough he het (ath. of desperation. THE QUEEN reso the opening in ‘he hedge. The CARDIVAL tens away with asi) ‘THE QUEEN. CONSTANCE! (Out as THE QUEEN ges 1 the opening, CONSTANCE ENTERS, poised ond wed) ‘CONSTANCE. Yes my lady’? ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU. What? (ie CARDINAL nos, sundeck) “THE QUEEN. Oh, Constance! "Thank God! Are you all eho! (CONSTANCE: Of cours, my lady ‘THE QUEEN. thought you were CONSTANCE. fie, sire you. And the package we lxcused—I have right ere "THE QUEEN. Ob thnk God (at whch moment we bear ROCHEFORT’ voice!) ROCHEFORT Your Eminence..YourEninenes (ROCHEFORT ENTERS. His side ie baneged and bleng. ‘When he sees THE QUEEN, he stops insure) ROCHEFORT. Oh frgveme, YourHighnes!Laplogize! “They dd tll me that you ware. (te bows deeply) ‘THE QUEEN, Please, Tha’ quite allright Carding! Richelieu isl yours. would’ dream ofKepig him, (Phi at with specie meaning. She EXITS. CONSTANCE {okt ROCHEFORT inthe ey, then follows THE QUEEN oo THE THREE MUSKETEERS ROCHEFORT. I'm sory to iterrap, Your Gene, but 1 thought you should ARGH (he CARDINAL has grabbed ROCHEFORT by the toe and 1 quit eral choking him vo death) CARDINAL RICHELIEU. (Ewraged) You fool! You ‘competent banger! ROCHEFORT. (Curing) Your Grace. Pease, CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Plese what? Pleats sop hoking you? No, thik hep it up, (te oes harier} ROCHEFORT: Argghbht (Stil gurgling. harely gop ‘he words out) It wasn't my fa..Some tan came oat whee. Herat have known in advance ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Thats mesa! ‘ROCHEFORT. Ths what thought but thee he was! (CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Lia! ROCHEFORT. Argh CARDINAL RICHELIEU, What's his name? ROCHEFORT. His name isd’Ariagna. encountered him yesterday as ithappens an he had this eter on hin, (Ale manages to pil out the eter fom eAagnan’ father: The CARDINAL releases hi grasp and taker he fete ROCHEFORT staggers back. gaping for ait the CARDINAL read the leer) ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Bring him tome stan ROCHEFORT. Yes, You Grice. But Im no sure ow exactly whee to. ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU. BRING HIM TOME OR LL. HAVE YOUR HEAD! ROCHEFORT. Ye sit. Right aay, (ROCHEFORT ogin 10 EXIT. He holds hi side where he was teed an he lets ute moa) ROCHEFORT: Ath ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Ae you wounded? ROCHEFORT. Yer, Your Ge. ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Good (Pte wale ay. At he gos, bell begins ting the how of len and now we're a) Scene? (ie Laembours Palace, harp I dark out andeversthing 18 esha Av the ball tol, eo thaw on a ast terrace bohind te famous palace, which looms ip the Iackground Slates dot the trace Siting tthe Base of on ofthe somes tw ATHOS, sharpening is sod DUARTAGNAW ENTERS. Both men rein shadow) D'ARTAGNAN, Who's there? [ATHOS, Atos. Who wats okaow, D'ARTAGNAN, D’Aragn. The man you ope to il ATHOS. [never hope oll aaj Tn jst preventing ‘hem fom Kling me. Do you ave seconds? DD'ARTAGNAN.(Confised) Wel yes, have al he sme in the word [ATHOS. (dosed) No, 1 meant do you have men to back you up. Theyre called seconds, D'ARTAGNAN. Ob, Tee! No, Im afiaié not don't ‘now anyone in Pars yet, excot Monsieur de Treille ‘ATHOS.Tevile? Thay suka, IT yo, Fok ea bit ofan ope, won't DYARTAGNAN, Noc telly Not wit tht wound o yous. How is it, by the way? Beste I ws thinking, Ihave an excellent ointment that my mother gave me when slo fo Pai, (fe pulls nt) U suggest yu try i. Ws very sohing sand slmos miacules i te powers, ot ses 1 me (Ue olds ito, but THOS hese) D’ARTAGNAN, Pease. ATHOS. You're a gentleman, D'ARTAGNAN, Think you. (4THOS begins apply 4 Wil eure you in just tre day 'm st of it We ould Postpone til then, i you'd prefer” Which dest mean Tm ot prepared io fight you. I'm hot afraid. Wel | supose Lam, ‘lite, but ia mater of honor now tt ve accepted yout falleng, so wouldnt ream of hiking. [plano ive you {goed rn for your money, ATHOS. "Run for’ your money.” That 4 Gascon expression, D'ARTAGNAN. That right, Im fom Haute AATHOS, Sch D'ARTAGNAN. Really? Tha’s amazing! We'e almost asghbor ‘ATHOS. W's bent here. The counts, Why waste your ine in Pars? “THE THREE MUSKETEERS. DYARTAGNAN. Tobe a musketees! I want be likey — [ATHOS, Like me? You cando beter than ht, young ma, 1 promise you [DIARTAGNAN. I ont thinks, (PORTHOS and ARAMIS ENTER) PORTHOS. Athos, my boy? Is that you? [NTHOS.satostine Ya ele (Aiden D'ARTAGNAN) ‘These re my seconds PORTHOS. hadi change forthe occasion. Prva slaveto fashion. Tyranized by a pair ef pumps, but there you me. Tn fighting adel ysl an our, ik her, again some ile star who got very cheeky with mets ae. My God is Tim! Ten iting hin a eleven, [ARAMIS. And Tat ele [ATHOS. 've got hi atte, PORTHOS. Isthis joke, young man?! DIARTAGNAN. No, sit I'm very sory just happened byychance. Andi this gentleman kllsme, i have wasted your Le, 0 do apologize. 'ATHOS. He very polite. /7>D'ARTAGNAN) Well. Lats s2t1it shal we? D'ARTAGNAN. I you're rey (ATHOS stands vp and fxs hs sword, D'ARTAGNAN dros Tis sword and looses wp. The the 90 me soe, cess ‘swords and ake‘ passat each oto.” D’ARTAGNAN parries beau: and ARAMIS and PORTHOS clap ‘appreciates ‘THe THREE MUSKETEERS ARAMIS. Wel done PORTHOS, Very ne, very nie AATHOS. Young map, iT don't kill you~ an by some iircle my fiends dn’ either be happy to make Your further acquaintance. You ave & good bear D’ARIAGNAN. Thank you, st I's muskete’s hea, 25 Thope to prove some dy (hey begin dling in carne, when ROCHEFORT ENTERS ‘wth several fhe Cardinal’ Guards backing hin op. ROCHEFORT, D'ARTAGNAN and the MUSKETEERS ore tn ‘shadow becuse of the tine of nigh. 3 mo one ca ee cach other very well) ROCHEFORT. Hal? Wht’ going on?! ATHOS. (Urgent D'ARTAGNAN, whispering) Quick? (Geo! Makar for it D'ARTAGNAN, But wy should AATHOS. Quickly! Just dos Ts? (DARTAGNAN ries aay — but not for He tars nearby in the shodons) ROCHEFORT. Dosing, is it? And against he law ARAMIS. Not agin, PORTHOS. don aleve i, ROCHEFORT. [nest you inthe name of His Eminence Candin Richeiu. Lay down your swords -ATHOS. Rochefor. 1's Alok. If ou tum and go, we'll othe sume, There's no need for blcdsbed, ROCHEFORT. After his moning, I'm not suprised to ear ou begging ff But soo ate. Lay down your ams PORTHOS. (Whispering) How many ae hae? AARAMIS. [se sit of them, [ATHOS. Icon! ie, PORTHOS. Ob, dma. Theyl beat us again, [ARAMIS. nnd to i his ime. 1's beter he fang ‘Treile 'ATHOS. With eight of hem and thee of ws, you may get your wish (Mic MUSKETEERS draw their swords — at which pol D'ARTAGNAN, fo ther surprise, stops oul of the shades) DYARTAGNAN, Wait! belive you gemlemen are sistaken. Yousad there ar nly three of ws. 1 cout fut (te dans Ms ord and stands withthe MUSKETEERS) ARAMIS, Wel done [ATHOS, Good ia PORTHOS. Fine boy I always si (D‘ARTAGNAN sop forward and waves hie sword, yling ot ‘the Canvas Guard) D'ARTAGNAN, Anish, youred backed comand! Come and gota! We're ready for you! Yansaaa! ROCHEFORT, Wat. that’ Arigna? DIARTAGNAN. es ROCHEFORT, (7o hir men) That's the man we want 2 ‘THE THREE MuskeTeERS, Let's goth, boys! (Swords star clanging and the igh begins. During the hate nese the three muster in ation forthe fst te Each one i a superb fight each ora way thr rofl: ‘is character. ATHOS i precise and srgcal, pork the retest swordsman inal of France. ARAMIS ts omantc tout i He has touches and flourshes that re il Ins grat heres ofthe pat. dnd when be ls someone he cronies himself PORTHOS. meal. i. comic sand isoociant. le bawers ase fight, dsrecting his ‘opponent and asin himself) PORTHOS. (hie dueling) Hello, hello, You're ooking Wwel..fora man wi jade. Wit Do you wale yu febting with your lef hand" (ts oppomentloks dow) Hat Made you ook (Difeent fom el of thm iD ARTAGNAN, wh fot ike Young ier: ouncing Dh ya hat round te sare ‘aking on ax many ponent heen Ths. fb ofl the hts shoul be contol inventive and ‘nathan And we shoud tae the end or srane 1 shoe fe gerne dangerons 48 the bale warms up, SABINE ENTERS — which tons ‘monkey wrench ino everthing. She sf dese et rman Afi, bese ofthe darknes, she doesn le thot shes tn he me of fight} SABINE. Ob Ary thar you re! Ive ben ooking al over for you DIARTAGNAN. Getou ofthe wey! SABINE. What's going on?! D'ARTAGNAN, They trying to il st SARINE. (her highpchad male oe /AMHANEA! (ie MUSKETEERS look at SABINE, ten D'ARTAGNAN, ‘ical DYARTAGNAN. My servant Planch, Heighten esl "ARAMIS. Is that boy? D’ARTAGNAN. Well es and no [DURTAGNAN and the MUSKETEERS are almost tilled repeat eying to protect SABINE and gt er out of Iams xo: ARAMIS in portclar end yp protecting ter) ARAMIS. Stay bod me! SABINE. Sir I'm very capable of ahhh ‘ARAMIS. Jus asl You! SSABINE, Wath at (ARAL 1 almost stewered) SSABINE. (To the gwantoman who almost shewered ARMS) Tht wae’ very ne (And she stomps on the guardoman's foot and ses hin ‘howling ARAMIS. My thnks, SADINE. fh her ow voice, falling i love) Thask you THE THREE MUSKETEERS (tn PLANCHET'S voice.) mesa, “tank you” (ARAM is completely confused. The last two men fighting are PORTHOS and ROCHEFORT) PORTHOS. Stop! (They both feet) Do you know your shoe's tied? (ROCHEFORT doco fl fr bu stares PORTHOS straight nthe oe) PORTHOS. Ob, da, hat usually works. (ey g0 back t unt PORTHOS wnswonds ROCHEFORT ~ ‘nd ROCHEFORT off} AARAMIS. Tha’ the last of hem, eaten, DIARTAGNAN. Theis cu ALL. Haka That’ the stutWel da! Wel done! SABINE, (Her eyes closed, sul fighing) Hys! Hiya! D'ARTAGNAN. Sabine..Ssbine! t's over. We won, (he open hor ee aa loots around) SABINE, Ob d'Aay? (te fles ito DARTAGNANS erm and holds him tight. The MUSKETEERS lok confsed) DYARTAGNAN. My ss, genteren ‘ARAMIS, Ab, PORTHOS. Well tat’ ali [ATHOS, (To DUARTAGNAN) Come. Les celebrate, Ul buy yous ak (Wik more shouts of dhe MUSKETEERS and DARTAGNAN ‘begin head of. The “sys.” Ther, realizing tha they've [ef SABINE Behind thes turn an lok at her) SABINE,. May Loin you? (yal okt ATHOS as thei natura acer) ATHOS... Al for one SSABINE. And one forall Ha hagas! DARTAGNAN. Tha what Iwas ging 05!" (SABINE grabs ARAMIS and PORTHOS around he shoulders ‘and heads off with all THREE MUSKETEERS, fling appt tke one of the gang. D'ARTAGNAN fellows thm if ond ively over mic torts pay) Scone (tavern later that night. The tavern ie warm and lies il of ‘mcke ad been rxsing atch hoard) Al, SING DIDDLIDDLE SING DIDDLIDDLE SING DIDDLIDDLE SING PIDDLIDDLE ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS SING OF AMaID HER HUSBAND WAS LAME AND BRIGITTE WAS HER NAME AND SHE PRAYED FORA SON BUT THE LORD Gave HER NONE SO SHE'D SING DIDDLIDDLE SING pIDDLIDDLE SING OF AMAN SING DIDDLIDDLE SING DIDDLIDDLE SING OF AMAN HIS WIFE DRANK HIS ALE AND GOTDRUNK AS A WHALE. ‘SOTHEY BOTH WENT TO BED AND MADE LADIES INSTEAD SOLLET'S SING DIDDLIDDLE SING DIDDLIDDLE PoRTHOs, (Onateble, dincng) SING OF A MAID! ATHOS. (Speaking to D'ARTAGNAN over the din) Bat ‘hey were afer you. They knew your name, D'ARTAGNAN, Because of Rochefort, imagine. The ne ho sole my leer in Maurin, the edt slap Constance. Ti sated when be laughed at iy horse, PORTHOS. (romp onthe tae) Do you mea th horse ‘utie withthe lite ats fb sticking ot oF is eas? “THE THREE MUSKETEERS, (DUARTAGNAN sande up, taking efrse agin. Th mse ‘stops and the tavern ques don) D'ARTAGNAN. Do you find that finns? : PORTHOS. Not inthe les, my goodman. Who would’t ‘wan to ride bright yellow hors wih shrunken ethers nd m0 week (Sience. Then PORTHOS starts do ARAMIS ‘nd finaly DARTAGNAN breaks in arin nd starts laughing long withthe. The mane sree 1 again, as D’ARTAGNAN sits down and PORTHOS rem dancing) PORTHOS. Bringmea wench! I want wench Hey; hey, heyhey! (Ase comtnes dancing bo wench on him onthe table. At “other table, SABINE approaches ARAMIS ho siting ‘lone. She corieapitoher of wine anders to por in {glass She clerly hs a crash on hin) SARINE. May 7 Aeyou this? ARAMIS. The Lords work rues great sence, NONSARINE. Sect sey. Two, And le. BAAS roses nse fore lingonk) You'e vey eg “ARAMIS, staying ea pres. SABINE. You te? Realy? Bt thats uch wast ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS. ‘mean... you'd have such beau eile! AARAMIS. Absention from the ways ofthe fess virue 1 pray diy to achive ‘SABINE. Have you achieved tye? ARAMIS. Alas. SABINE, (Relieved) Oh good. (be music ets ude. then soir gain as we move ro the {able with ATHOS and DARTAGHAN) ATHOS. Drink up, boy. Drink ypand il me me of his cochting rete of ours. DIARTAGNAN. Ther ist more ot 'm aiid. Her ‘ume js Consinee Bonacieux and when I ret hee it fl as ‘hough my hear dropped ot of my chet my knees mn meeting her tonight behind he Laxerboung, ‘ATHOS. Be very caret D'ARTAGNAN. I'm sory? (ATHOS'S tone becomes eg. dnd so does the music, We ‘realize no that THOS ts dr) ATHOS. Fling in loves afoos ume tends noting but egret. And darkness. And the death of hope D'ARTAGNAN. I sounds me lke you've had a ba experienc, 'ATHOS. Me? Noo. NotI. [twas fiend of mine, He was coun ten ofthe prove of Qvere. DIARTAGNAN. Tha’ not fr fom where you and ATHOS. He fll in love a the age of tweny-five with 1 young git of sixteen, x beutiflas the dawn, She wat ‘noxiating, lke wine that Sills your senses and makes you upp to te alive. She lived ina illge with her athe, he loca crate, They" sce thee the year before aod one asked from whence they ome. Noone Bseed fr she Was all goodandhe was God My ren th coun, could have fesiedthe gi or even rvished erat his wil. But nb wat {Xun of boneur ad 0 he mated her. Then he ook er 0 hishoreand worshipped he and gave er jewels and cages a they were happy So very hap: Then oe dy they were ‘ut hung together and se ook a al. The hose thew bet ‘eekly ad se lost coneiuanes, The mn rhe t help sa sesing tht er ding abi was tight ad sting bet it open with ke And there, on her shoulder, was flere I She was branded D'ARTAGNAN. No, ATHOS, She wae thie. A conv And oh msn, this Sovereign ruler of his povinee with right of emi and of io tin hed her ands Behind he beck, gd with «god Stou rope, he hanged er rm 2 ue. D'ARTAGNAN. My God...What happened to her rater? 'NTHOS. They looked for hin, but he'alredy ed. Later they leared hate was ber lover td accomplice, The plan ‘vat o may her ato someone rich alive on the roseds, DYARTAGNAN. And what ofthe msn who banged be? ATHOS. He changed his name and was never head fom gsi. But iy aid that be ha spent hie ie iting ei o urge his sin. “Apd now i ime to ge drunk (To she tern egper) More wine! Hey! A stop of wine! (Te muse ets loader then softer again, as we move Back ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS {0 SABINE and ARAMIS. SABINE is now drunk and ic ‘dancing infront ofARAMIS. Her speech shored) SADINE: Hey, bys By. S010 cotius.when as ltl i, tens, tiny lite gil = (She pats he fingers {ogether abou trenches apart.) my fhe pt cp of ine inaspoon, andl got very, very drunk (She snr ih phen) was adie (She noes again Ate you drunk yt? ‘ARAMIS. No SABINE. Oates (Se pics wp age lof wine nd bins tf non) be ye wet ‘aRaMIS pte SABINE Nol I tom! Thaw ono bt shear ny ela They cn be hme! (Se na ©) An do yous wha npg Le Sk ig am leg mbox (She fins. ARAMIS springs 4p t0 catch her, and thre is ‘enerlhubbubin reaction) PORTHOS. One down and four to go Ha! D'ARTAGNAN. Whats i What happened?! ‘ARAMIS. Too much io dink, 'm af You shoul take we You shoulda |, DTARTAGNAN, OF course, Right away. Ob a0. " mmetng Coane! Oho wht do do HOS, 'l ake yoursister ome with e."There'sa chair by the fie. Shel be af don't won. [DIARTAGNAN Bute schootomenow. pond ny father THE THREE MUSKETEERS ATHOS. Where? D'ARTAGNAN, The Convent of he Sacred Hest onthe ue Bourget ATHOS 0 pet ber here D'ARTAGNAN. Are you sur? [NTHOS. 'm sue. Jug. Go! D'ARTAGNAN, Thank you, (D°ARTAGNAN embraces ATHOS, then loves the torn) (ATHOS picks up SABINE an pusher on hs shoulder Ashe das, the torn asappear ad we follow D'ARTAGNAN onside (Ou inthe tet, D'ARTAGNAN i alone i the dares. He takes a cep breath ands aout to head tos renders, then he hers a BEGGAR eying for hel. ‘The mise Becomes threatening) BEGGAR. Hp me Somebody help ms! Pause! D'ARTAGNAN Hells? Who sie! Who's thre? (dnb now MILADY and ROCHEFORT coment ofthe shadows The BEGGAR who reali. Guarduman forthe Cardinal named DEBRIS and sb guise as « BEGGAR ~ gras DUARTAGNAN and wrestes with him) DIARTAGNAN. Help! Stop it Hep! (ROCHEFORT smashes DARTAGNAN on the head with ‘hi and D'ARTAGRAN sins 10 the pound They gra him an fo 10 MILADY) a THE THREE MUSKETEERS MILADY. This way, getlemen (Ste loads them off) Scone (A room in the Carnal’ Palace the next morning. He see an ‘el holding halffinshed por of te Carat and Painting materials wnderncath tthe moment. he KING 18 withthe CARDINAL, and hes ting hard to maintain ‘agrave dencanor and no loa over ne development However he simply can contln himself) {BE KING. You sy your gun were ben by m smuktes? Oh my dear ieowT'm 0 sory Tel sw ‘bout. Bua aba bea hb ha CARDINAL RICHELIEU. The men we ern, Sir ‘They were beings "THEKING. Grave gon) Fr ating. Yes, ofcoune, A ver soos oats CARDINAL RICHELIEU. They sould be pnb THE KING. Ye, ys, ars sb. Ts fi ihe. Nos prob, va a aha ht ss (The KING EXITS. is laugh ringing dough the halls. The CCandinal is bv high edger 8 moment later thre Inco onthe outer door) “THE THREE MUSKETEERS ae ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Come in (ROCHEFORT ENTERS fom te hall) ROCHEFORT: Your Grace, Ihave something 1 repr. ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Ob aly? ROCHEFORT. Yes, Your (Gres) ~ CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Besnuse the King and I were jst discssing your guards - ROCHEFORT. I youl Gus) — ‘CARDINAL, RICHELIEU. And how they tried to arest the nsketoers but were all vinguihed ROCHEFORT. I's te, Your Gree xcept ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU, EXCEPT FOR WHAT?! ROCHEFORT. Arzash! (the CARDINAL is strangling him again. Really going att ‘his tne) CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Thee i 90 “EXCEPT 1 kota io HEAR "EXCEPT"! ROCHEFORT, Your Grace .. Argh Argh please plese. U've got him ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Got whom? ROCHEFORT. Ath! The boy. D'Anzgnen. He ide (The CARDINAL. drops ROCHEFORT: who gasp for ir) CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Realy? (Nod, Gasp) And bat did he sy? "THE THREE MUSKETEERS ROCHEFORT. He won't sa anything, We've gone over ‘him thoroughly. He say be dest Know hing (CARDINAL RICHELIEU: Bing him to me ROCHEFORT. Yes, Your tminence (ROCHEFORT scuesont tbh hendeagsD ARTAGNAN nt the rom He drags him cou poor DARTAGNAN am hardly stand om is fet He’ been beaten bad od ther is Blood all oer bis face and dow Ms heck One ‘of his ess mearly swollen sh. and hs clothes hone een tom. ROCHEFORT thse DARTAGNAN ne the ee ofthe oom, were he falls ts tees for fk of Swenath) CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Ab, Weleome, young ma, to my ambled (he CARDINAL plks 4p a brush aml resumes work om hi seifporrate DUARTAGNAN wis to ge p, but ROCHEFORT pushes him ‘hardin the sma ofthe back and aes hin fl the floor sguin) ROCHEFORT: Down, dog! And say thank you! CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Rachefon Rochefort. No so ‘oath, t'm ure his young man wants to ceperte. We merely "ceo givhim chance” Now wht your ame agit” DYARTAGNAN. D'Aragnan CARDINAL RICHELIEU. An yes, of coune, ‘D'Anagnan” What do you ink? (he puma) Beart ‘ind hat is ony hot do ot pend to Bw seco Micelmgelo DaVinci, pethaps. With ile practice. Have eu ae is atest? called the Mon Lis and awfly ood rnd the meh. Buta the moment {ave ane jo: To serve God and repeat hi in te Stat of France. Iso ofr butt the bl, Now in order do tha jo propery {Tso infomation, Righ? So. D"Ariagan, 1 have ne simple {question oaskyon. Answer ithonety and yore ee a id Ue and FIrhveto kl you. Pair enough? Good. Now who ied you rescue Contes Bonaceus? D’ARTAGNAN. Noone, Your Gace, 1 just happened to set het (0am? ROCHEFORT hts hi oto onthe back, sending i back the floor) CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Wrong answer, Shall we tit stant One mor tine. Who iyo? TY ARTAGNAN. Your Grn i be th, Wha! Same hing) (CARDINAL RICHELIEU, You's ot geting tbe ang ofthis, Andi’ not dificul. Let's note question. Athos Penthos Aramis. 1 undersiad tht they are ends of your "hat you assed them ast ght regarding dsapreement wih my penonsl guards. Oh, don't Took so surprised. know ‘erything. Now the fat, 8 ike to speak with them snd an neverfind thers, Not when I watt oso sly. So: can Youre me whete hey ae athe moment? DYARTAGNAN. .. Gotoal, ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS (Pham CARDINAL RICHELIEU. (fy ROCHEFORT) Al sigh jst ll im. Do i aow. last. (ROCHEFORT puls out dager. With one hand he pls D'ARTAGNAN'S had bck bythe har and withthe oer estat tosis throat) (CARDINAL RICHELIEU, No, Walt... Do you know, he ‘ight be weful ome. Chin himupand ewe him here, Make ‘uncomferable Then come td jon me (The CARDINAL EXITS dough the tmer door fo sprite ‘rooms. ROCHEFORT chains D'ARTAGNAN tothe wall ih arms behind im ROCHEFORT. You tite apes Just wail he sys the word, Youre good at ded ROCHEFORT gives him a txt prnch and EXITS inthe ‘dnseton ofthe CARDINAL. D'ARTAGNAN is lone andtris desperately release himself ‘But it mo good. He can mance with is ams behind him, ane hechans re releness {He pves np fora momento tala breath Ashe res second "ime, te inner door opens sighs then lie more ‘then SOPHIE DELACROIX tales a tenave ep ito the roam. She’ a young gir, perhaps twenty, But the seems ven younger She ha her har pled ack nd essed modesty. She frightened fife and when she gees D'ARTAGNAN, her mouth hangs pen tn compete wonder SOPHIE... Are you" Arann?” D’ARTAGNAN. Ye, SOPHIE, loverhetd jst now. Iwas istening. Rfering (his wound) had 0 en. DD'ARTAGNAN, Whe ae you? SOPHIE, I'm Sophie. Delaeroix, The Cardinal. my de, DYARTAGNAN, Your ance? (te no) SOPHIE But why ise dong this ou? What have you ove wig? DD'ARTAGNAN. I've dane aothing wrong! promise you. He thinks {kaow something ut doa. Uswearo you! You see, FT bumped in ths woman, erally on eset arse ‘wat in poubleand Thelped br out Ad thal ns SOPHIE. believe you, Everyone sy tht my uel i ‘unkind. But dont thins, LI Tove my une DD'ARTAGNAN. I'm sure you do. Avan he mast tink 1 ‘ow something. But ell doa and now be's wing 0 kl SOPHIE, He woulda’ dott. D’ARTAGNAN, He sido! Justaminiteago! Becase would bevay my finds SOPHIE lok oh hep) (Coal youbelp me? Please THE THREE MUSKETEERS (4s she fling in love? Sho eran impressed by him. She ‘inks moment th starts pling at heck rnd i writ) DYARTAGNAN, You're verykind. you an omhow ‘open the lock a “ ‘SOPHTE fs ery bid. ea ute DIARTAGNAN Pease any! SOFIE. Wait (Se hres 1 the cael and grat he fle. She then re i pt ote oe nd ited. someting o outside the mem) Si Tin Rea some ceh momen sho he poet fon the for) Oe (And we a he CARDINALS oe tt he rr ‘Won't be a moment!) an DARTAGNAN, He's coming back! SOPHIE. Ob no! (She racer get he nie and puts it back under the cose) DYARTAGNAN,Lisen tome ine asta Stine sods’ arg sho ody ie Cane oft Sd Heaton he Hoe Boe SOME argo tore) arya Soni D'ARTAGNAN. geucoul goth nwa ten ‘in trouble, she'll know biow to get to my fiends and they” wey tobsipme. Allright? ‘SOPHIE, Your sister, Convent ofthe Saeed Hear, Rue Bourget 'D'ARTAGNAN, Ga bes yo (ie dor stars to open and SOPHIE gasp and springs away {fom D'ARTAGNAN. Ske presen 0 look wp, srprived. The CARDINAL enters with ROCHEFORT and DEBRIS. Meanwhils, D'ARTAGNAN lis very il, pretending to be ‘mconstoe) ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU, My dest What sre you? SOPHIE. herd ass. just came in, HI was conte Ise ead). CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Ob, e'l recover beutfily Debs, ‘DEBRIS, Ye, Your Gree. CARDINAL RICHELIEU, Monsieur d'Anagnan seeds your stistanee. Take him away and kep him ste. My mece is concemed for is welbing (DEBRISgrabsD ARTAGNANandroughly yanks ino Met, ‘making SOPHIE gasp. Then DEBRIS hols D 4RTAGNAN ut of the room, closing the dor bokind hem SOPHIE, the CARDINAL and ROCHEFORT av lone nos) ‘CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Don't worry, my dee, Hebe wll aken cae of SOPHIE: Good. Youkow what they sy Waste no, want (nd SOPHIE pile of hor wig and stonds up straight 118 ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS MILADY. She hasbeen in disguise) (CARDINAL RICHELIEU. Ha bs hub ha! Well done, wlde, Milady youare wonder woman, Now wht did hess? MILADY. He ssi he asa sister— in choo mo less. Sho oows whet 1 find the musketeers nd T suet iat she knows more thn hat, He ave me the address and begged me togoseher CARDINAL RICHELIEU. He begged you ogo see ber My God love this You «penis! MILADY. only ean fom he best, Your Eminence CARDINAL RICHELIEU. How very Kd MILADY. Personal, I think you're wasted asa mee Cardiza. You shouldbe the Pope CARDINAL RICHELIEU. You know 1 sugested thst ‘o Rome once, but they sido. turns ou The to any hile. Itseems afew areal righ ut whol village et ofthe question. Now off you go, ine fer schol Fehcne you havea young fend vs MILADY. Shall il er hen Pm ised with ber? CARDINAL RICHELIEU, My dea I este tht etily 'o your ditertion. Rochefod. Go dpoue of 'Anagnan He and his sister can perish within the sume hour. Would be touching? Now lave me alone, bah of you. Ihave masterpose oni, (The CARDINAL laugh and return ois pining. MILADY ‘and ROCHEFORT EXIT. The scene changer) {THE THREE MUSKE! Scone 10 (Phe conrya ofthe Carnal Palace, mediately flowing ‘DEBRIS ding ARTHGNAN aes Be oes THREE BEGGARS we sen ovr pons lo he route. Al hee ave pattie ceotres, clearly prods o the Cantina recy DEBRIS, Come long rety-boy. sock time. 1 sep yo sae all ight With ein around your neck and (ROCHEFORT ENTERS) ROCHEFORT. Debs! Holion! i ake hin DEBRIS, What’ goin’? ROCHEFORT. Cardia’ orders. They're going air his sister fre information they eed DIARTAGNAN. My sister! (WHAM ROCHEFORT shi inthe bead, aimst knocking him ut then tn Back 0 DEBRIS} ROCHEFORT. The Carding said we're til im DEBRIS. Now? (Owing the following speech, the three beggars rise np and ‘npnach ROCHEFORT from behind) ROCHEFORT. Wel t's upon weeny simi ist Benin cy ose Sexy Binghim net ome op wit oop ie ‘THE THREE MuskeTEERS ‘same of his ends appear out of owhere and cut uso pices NOW WHAT DO YOUTHINK? DEBRIS. Right. Lets do i. (DEBRIS pul is sword: bu rat as he’s about 10 ron DUARTAGNAN though, a sword appears from under the toat of one ofthe hewgars and panes DEBRIS. Then al thre beggars to of ther clas and we eth ey the THREE MUSKETEERS. 4s the (MUSKETEERS fight ROCHEFORT and DEBRIS, D'ARTAGNAN calls on) BYARTAGNAN. Wehave io gett Sabin right away! PORTHOS. So we hr! ARAM. Te villains! (Wham! PORTHOS sends DEBRIS tothe growed eitha whack {othe cor At which poin, ROCHEFORT hes of cling DEBRIS) ROCHEFORT. rl he ight bck! ARANIS and PORTHOS would tke to ran ater him, but “ATHOS sep thom) [ATHOS. There's inet lose! Ths way! (© ARTAGNAN and THE MUSKETEERS rush of. As they g, ‘we her th pare soprano voices ofa group of school ge singing a French song ofthe period Simaltanery te seen changes) "THETHREE MUSKETEERS Soone 1 Cnt ofthe are Het fo ints ae. ee ‘in the cloisters. The sun is shining and there are flowers Serve the ligs come ap cone hr “hot gt sgn he MOTHER SUPERIOR ENTERS Iran SUE non mcs oye om. MOTHER SUPERIOR oem i oma Tien eof) MOTHER SUPERIOR. And this is where you'l beuin your is. long wit he ter gl 'SABINE. I beau MOTHER SUPERIOR, Well we do uke pride in cur flowers thogh F'n ste some of he ere should go God (ASISTER ENTERS) SISTER, Exout ne for nti, Mote Mis Sabine has visitor A young lady MOTHER SUPERIOR. Already? Well you are popu. Seah in. (The SISTER oes nd EXITS) Tate 0 my wok fora fe ines, Then when 1 get bck Ul todace Sout some ofthe oe gio ts youl be happy bere ‘SABINE. sue Ul be (MILADY ENTERS — drestod once agin at SOPHIE DELACROW, the Canina’ ieee. She sees a crf on one ofthe arches and roses herself She plays the ‘kame role ~ the tnd young woman ~ that he pled of the Place) ‘THE THREE MUSKETEERS [MOTHER SUPERIOR, How do you do MILADY. How do you do, Mother Ate you Sabine?! SABINE, Iam MILADY, need to speak with you. ive «message fom your brother 1 (te plances atthe MOTHER SUPERIOR as If to imply ts ‘riate) MOTHER SUPERIOR. Tha’ quite allright lee youaloe oetchange secre. Jus let me know wien youve aise (She EXITS) SABINE. From my brother? (MILADYSOPHIE:fooks around quickly and speaks with sargenx) MILADY. Yes! 'm aad he'vinemible tube. He's prisoner of Canina Rickie, 'SABINE, What? MILADY. The Cardinal's Guar saiched hin off the strenght, They spec hin of reason SABINE. My boty? That rials MILADY. now itis. Tow! SSABINE, Who ae you? ‘MILADY. Pm the Cardinal's aece, 4 know ll about my ce and his.ways. And I've always pretend tat people ‘were wrong about him. Bat when I sw your brother Beas tore ast ight 'SABINE,Toriel?! Oh my God! Ishe -MILADY. He'l ive. we en geo my ance nine with ‘hearin ‘SABINE. What information? MILADY, Abou Constance Bonacies. SADINE. That’ the woman whose if be saved yest MILADY. Ena. She's the Queen's Lady in Waking abd se fad some valinble documents wih het. But apparently our brother bad ome ts foe Before yesterday. He knew ‘whore she'd. He was set sve het 'SABINE. No, {do thik so IMILADY. Yes e was! And you must tell me wha thse tis were ifwe'retosave isi. Tey ald about ling him this aerooa! SABINE. Ob Lord Go! LL don't know. He dete ‘me, Hesaid ie met he onthe sent by accident MMILADY: Bathe kicw who she was SABINE, Did he? Heddn'sayso. Atleast don't think edi MILADY. Js ty to remember! We have tse him SABINE. Wait, He iid oeeded ania | sould ak MILADY, The ushetee? SABINE. Yes. Andis wo ends, Pontos and Aramis -MILADY. Good, good Do yo know whee find ther? SABINE. Yes. Absoliey, Come with me, FL ake you 'MILADY, But what's headless? In case we somehow separated on the way. Ie se, promise ‘SABINE. Forty-two Rue des Anges. That's where Athos % THE THREE MUSKETEERS ives and hak theyre al here together, ‘MILADY. Right now? SABINE. Yes I'm quite cern, MILADY. Oth’ excelent SABINE. Come on! We're wasting inc! MILADY, Wat Look a theses. en hey beat? (She token some beads rom er pocket) SABINE. They've sary bead MILADY. Thats wht they lok ike, bt they're mach, ‘much stronger, You cam pall hem shards you like a they von beak. Fel 'SABINE, What ate you aking abou?! (Anda ths moment MILADY WPS THE BEADS AROUND SABINE'S THROAT 4ND STARTS TO GARROTE HER Se pls on the beads with al her might and SABINE Fights back, desperate ying to ge hr gers bate the Deods and her neck. SABINE fights bre i lesing ote. MILADY just won et gos Av hich momen, the MOTHER SUPERIOR RE: ENTERS) MOTHER SUPERIOR. My dear ifs sbou ime we. Whats happenig?.Sop it! What are yu ding? Stop Help! Someone help!) HEEEELPH MILADY. Be gic! (SABINE i unconscious by this tne, and MILADY rhs ‘he othe ground. Thon she rushes over fo the MOTHER SUPERIOR and stabs her theft Ay the MOTHER SUPERIOR cries owt and fle tothe grou, eat “THE THREE MUSKETEERS voir afte) VOICES OFF. Though bere! This way! 1 think 1 se het 'MILADY. Oh, de, rat dat. (MILADY rs ont. At which moment, ATHOS. PORTHOS, ARAMS. ond DARTAGNAN rash in from she dhe tirecton. They see both SABINE andthe MOTHER ‘SUPERIOR ing tit onde ground) D'ARTAGNAN,Ssbine! (le rushes her and tks her ‘yh arms, Sabie! On, Sabine say something! SABINE, PLEASE! (ssh ove? Them) SABINE,.m..m DIARTAGNAN, She's alive! ARAMIS. (Crossing himself) Oh thank God [ATHOS, Youll ow wha this means, do you? (The MUSKETEERS loka each ther and nod. A each one "spose crams his sword) |ATHOS. War onthe Catal ‘ARAMIS, War on the Cardin PORTHOS, War onthe Cardin AALLTHREE. Al fron SABINE. (Meats; fom he ground, Andon fr al (Block) (eT open witha montage st 0 msi. tele the story of what happens Beto te acts ‘opens wth D'ARTAGNAN and THE THREE MUSKETEERS ih ther swands reed) [ATHOS, War onthe cardinal! ALL. Al fr one and one forall (Lach, romantic musi sll pa the four mon rn of x iron diecions. This revels the KING, tending his bees The KING is wearing 17° Century beekeeping uit and he wes a 1™ Cony spraying device 1 oop the Bees nine. He remains coer stage a he following ‘tion il abot Hine Fir the QUEEN give CONSTANCE aloe token fo convey 10 ‘Buckinghanr~ lower As swordimen go by ARAMIS versus 0 Guard ofthe Carnal — CONSTANCE delivers the lower to BUCKINGHAM, who we're seeing forthe {firsttine. He handsome and impocably dese PORTHOS ond a GUARDSMAN circle the KING, dln, cs THE THREE MUSKETEERS MILADY APPEARS and watches BUCKINGHAM. ATHOS instructs D‘ARTAGNAN tn swordmanship end hey tae ‘on ovo ofthe Cardinals Gren CONSTANCE thers BUCKINGHAM towerdsthe QUEEN. Ay ‘hey pas ARTAGNAN,DARTAGN AN and CONSTANCE: ‘embrace. hon BUCKINGHAM reaches the QUEEN, he ser her passionately ‘CONSTANCE proces a large jewelry box and the QUEEN {akes the Ylmont Nectlace ot of is alge distinctive trond nekiae wth tive dameomdr int She hardy it BUCKINGHAM ax a remembvance. He ies embrace her but she turns avis She breaking of thee ‘elatonship. BUCKINGHAM leaves withthe roca ‘nd CONSTANCE and te QUEEN EXIT i the other rston MILADY has beon watching everthing jrom a balcony, and ‘he moment the QUEEN is gone, she rathes up tothe CARDINAL who has ust ENTERED with ROCHEFORT. ‘he tlls the CARDINAL about the necklace He Irn ‘els ROCHEFORT and Isrts hi to tell he KING about his wife and BUCKINGHAM ROCHEFORT masher fe the KING. Now all THREE MUSKETEERS are batting Guards of the Cardinale ste afiy ofactvity: As ROCHEFORT rashes the KING, al ofthis mele cy ad we faa on ‘the acon inthe center ofthe stage: ROCHEFORT ling ‘he KING abou the DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM ‘The CARDINAL watches the KING fr a reaction: and when the ses that the KING slivers upto hn Yo ‘ompatie." THEKING Uabelioable! Isbin! My own wife

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