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Academic Vocabulary

Trimester 2
Grade 8

Someone who has special skills or knowledge
about a subject
Many wildlife experts believe that polar bears
could be extinct by 2050.

Expert: Someone who has special skills or knowledge about a subject

If you break something valuable, such as your (n.

phrase), its a good idea to consult an expert
about repairing it.

Expert: Someone who has special skills or knowledge about a subject

You dont have to be a computer expert to know

that you should always (v. phrase)

Expert: Someone who has special skills or knowledge about a subject

One day I would like to become a leading expert

in the field of (n. phrase)

Expert: Someone who has special skills or knowledge about a subject

You dont have to be a math expert, but you

should have firm understanding of (n.) and (n.).

Something that affects a situation
Synonym: cause, reason
Not wearing protective gear is often a factor in
sports injuries.

Factor: Something that affects a situation

One factor that can contribute to a bad grade on

a test is (g. phrase)

Factor: Something that affects a situation

The main factor in my decision not to go to the

party was that I had (n. phrase)

Factor: Something that affects a situation

(g. phrase) is often a contributing factor to poor


Factor: Something that affects a situation

Time is a key factor in whether or not I can

participate in (n. phrase) during the school year.

1The force with which one object hits another

The force of the meteors impact was so great

that it left an enormous crater in the ground.

Impact: 1The force with which one object hits another

The impact from two cars colliding can cause

injuries such as (n. phrase)

2A strong effect
Synonyms: influence, impression
Teachers can have a major impact on their
students lives.

Impact: 1A strong effect

Inventions like (n. phrase) have had positive

impacts on the environment.

1To show where or what something is
Synonyms: gesture, signal
The woman indicated where the store was
located by pointing down the street.

Indicate: 1To show where or what something is

In the cafeteria, your friends might indicate that

they have a seat for you by (gerund phrase)

2To show that something is probably true
Synonym: demonstrate
Studies indicate that students who dont eat
breakfast are more likely to be tired in the

Indicate: 2To show that something is probably true

Research indicates that texting while driving (v.


Vocabulary Terms Review

For each word
Write the word
Color picture that relates to the word
6 Words (Expert, Factor, Impact x 2, Indicate x 2).
12 pts per word box * 6 words = 72 pts
Due Tuesday, January 6, 2015(3 weeks to

Work time
Vocabulary Review Assignment
Write the word
Color picture that relates to the word
6 Words (Expert, Factor, Impact x 2, Indicate x 2).
Goals for 2015

Someone who has special skills or knowledge
about a subject
Many wildlife experts believe that polar bears
could be extinct by 2050.

Something that affects a situation
Synonym: cause, reason
Not wearing protective gear is often a factor in
sports injuries.

1The force with which one object hits another

The force of the meteors impact was so great

that it left an enormous crater in the ground.

2A strong effect
Synonyms: influence, impression
Teachers can have a major impact on their
students lives.

1To show where or what something is
Synonyms: gesture, signal
The woman indicated where the store was
located by pointing down the street.

2To show that something is probably true
Synonym: demonstrate
Studies indicate that students who dont eat
breakfast are more likely to be tired in the

Using careful reasoning or good sense
Synonym: rational, sensible
Antonym: illogical
Adopting a hamster isnt a logical choice if youre
allergic to them.

Logical: using careful reasoning or good sense

One logical reason why parents give their
children curfews is that (phrase)

Logical: using careful reasoning or good sense

If you lose your wallet, a logical step in finding it
is to (v. phrase)

Logical: using careful reasoning or good sense

There are a number of logical arguments for
starting high school at 9:00 a.m., such as the fact
that teenagers (v. phrase)

The largest amount of something that is possible
Synonym: most
Antonym: minimum
The little girl wanted to ride the roller coaster,
but it had already reached maximum capacity.

Maximum: the largest amount of something

that is possible
The maximum amount of time that I spend on
my homework each night is (n. phrase)

Maximum: the largest amount of something

that is possible
If a student is caught painting graffiti on school
grounds, the maximum penalty should be (n.

Maximum: the largest amount of something

that is possible
The maximum length of time that I could survive
without a computer, TV, or cell phone is probably
(n. phrase)

The smallest amount of something that is possible
Synonym: least
Antonym: maximum
The minimum age to vote and purchase lottery
tickets is eighteen years old.

Minimum: the smallest amount of something

that is possible
Some stores and restaurants require a minimum
purchase of (n. phrase) before theyll let you use
a debit or credit card.

Minimum: the smallest amount of something

that is possible
The minimum age at which children should be
left home alone is (number).

Minimum: the smallest amount of something

that is possible
I think the minimum age that people should be
before they start working is (number) because

To happen before something else

A flash of lightning usually precedes the

sound of thunder during a storm.

Precede: to happen before something else

The word puzzle precedes the word (noun) in the

Precede: to happen before something else

A (n. phrase) preceded the end of our last class.

Precede: to happen before something else

A (n. phrase) immediately precedes the main text
in a book.

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