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Film Review Follow-up

questions and analysis

By Jordan Crichlow

My Target Audience
I showed my questionnaire to three

people, and asked them to answer

responsively and truthfully with their
best efforts.
Two members have previously
studied media, whilst the other
member has a basic knowledge of
magazine articles.

Question 1
1. How effectively do you think the

review uses traditional Sight and

Sound layout conventions? Where
do you think they have been used
most effectively? So theyve been
used well, is there any way you feel
they could be developed? Example,
or how doesnt it?

Question 1 - Responses
Jack You have used column measurements to

good effect, thus providing a good structure. The

font size and credits are set out effectively.
Lauren Close conventions need to be altered.
You have separated each section with horizontal
lines. Instead of this, section them off with the
conventional dotted lines. There are no lines
separating each unit of essential infoadd them.
Trevor Columns are well arranged. You must
add a picture or snapshot of your film into the
review. Try and fit your review onto only one

Question 1 - Analysis
Most of my audience thought that my

columns used traditional Sight & Sound

layout conventions. However, it was
noted that certain conventions should be
altered, namely using conventional dotted
lines to separate different sections of the
review, and adding lines between each
unit of essential information. The most
notable development needed was adding
a picture/snapshot of my film into the

Question 2
1. What could be done, in your view
that would make it challenge
industry conventions? And how
might you develop them?

Question 2 - Responses
Jack You could potentially reposition the

synopsis. The colour design of Films also

differs from the norms.
Lauren The absence of the notable
punctuation mark that usually precedes the
reviewers name. If you are to continue to
challenge this convention, you should use a
more formal punctuation mark than the one you
have used in your first draft of your review.
Trevor The absence of a snapshot of your film
challenges the industry conventions. Despite
this noticeable challenge, the best idea is to add
a snapshot, as it helps convey the message of
your film to your audience through simplistic

Question 2 - Analysis
There were a variety of answers given, the

most notable one involving the absence of

the punctuation mark, and that I should
continue to challenge this convention.
However, in comparison to the absence of a
snapshot, my audience felt it was best if I
added one into my next film review draft. One
member also pointed out I could reposition
my synopsis in a different area of the page, to
further challenge industry conventions.

Question 3
1. How do you think font has been

used effectively? Where do you

think it could be developed? Where
do you think it is similar to Sight
and Sound, and where do you think
it challenges it?

Question 3 - Responses
Jack Your Films title challenges the

conventions of Sight & Sound, as it is bolder,

and more noticeable on the page.
Lauren Credits is in a bigger font than
Synopsis, which is similar to their
conventions, as it signifies the higher authority
and importance of said title.
Trevor The credits should be in a smaller
font, as they nearly adhere to the font size of
the review itself.

Question 3 - Analysis
My audience credited my font size

skills in most areas, and how well I

have challenged particular
conventions such as the boldness of
the Films heading. However, it was
pointed out that I need to alter the
font size of my credits, as they nearly
clash with the font size of my review.

Question 4
1. What about text size, do you think

its been used effectively? Where do

you think its been used best? How
do you think it either challenges or
develops from Sight and Sound?

Question 4 - Responses
Jack The Films text size is larger than the
Solitude text size, you should make the
Solitude title larger, as that is your film
title, and the most important heading.
Lauren The text size of named credits and
named credited people involved is the same,
which uses conventions of the industry.
Trevor Again, the text size of the credits is
too big, and should therefore be altered to
use the traditional conventions.

Question 4 - Analysis
I should make my film heading the

largest text size on the page, as this

is the title I want the audience to be
drawn too. The comparative credit
text size was praised, whilst it was
noted that compared to the review
itself, the credits should be in a
smaller font.

Question 5
1. Do you think language has been

used well? Where do you think the

criticism is most effective?
Where/how do you think it could be
developed to engage and inform, as
well as critique better?

Question 5 - Responses
Jack Good usage of formal language.
Lauren Consider using more critical language,
to make your reviewer sound decisive and
openly expressive of their own opinions.
Trevor Your conclusion should be toned down,
as you have given yourself as the director an
ultimatum to become an extremely successful
director at a stage in your career too early on,
so consider removing that part of your
conclusion, and replacing it with a final criticism
as to where you can improve in your next film.

Question 5 - Analysis
My formal language was praised,

whilst I was advised to use more

openly critical language. I should
consider altering my conclusion, and
replacing it with a final criticism
leading to improvement points for
myself as the director.

Question 6
1. Do you think the register suits the

magazine context for the review?

Where do you think it is especially
appropriate? How do you think its
developed Sight and Sound
conventions, or how do you think it

Question 6 - Responses
Jack You need a better grasp on

the language.
Lauren The first two paragraphs
create a good usage of a formal
register, which is not overly formal,
and it fits the style of a review.
Trevor Referring to what I
mentioned earlier, a snapshot should
be added to develop conventions.

Question 6 - Analysis
It was generally thought that the

register fits the style of a review,

as it is not overly formal. However, I
need to obtain a better grasp on the

Question 7
1. Do you think there was an

appropriate use of ICT? Why? How

do you think it could be developed
or challenged to be more innovative
and effective?

Question 7 - Responses
Jack The ICT used was very basic. You should

develop and explore tools available to make it

look more professional.
Lauren Instead of using Microsoft Word as
your ICT structure, you should use Online
Desktop Publishing Software, as this will make
your film review look more formal and readable.
Trevor Your review should fit onto one page,
not overlap onto two, as this looks particularly
informal and untidy.

Question 7 - Analysis
Overall, it was noted that I should

advance onto a more formal software

for my review, namely, Online
Desktop Publishing Software.
Microsoft Word creates informality,
and makes the review look untidy in
some areas.

Question 8
1. How do you think image could be

integrated with text in an effective

way? How do you think it could be
done in a way that challenges Sight
and Sound conventions?

Question 8 - Responses
Jack You should add an image from your film

into the review first.

Lauren Adding an image, such as a snapshot
of your film, into the review, will allow you to
expand on this particular section; you should
enlarge the image once added, to make it more
Trevor Again, you must add an image for this
to happen! Including a snapshot of your film can
integrate with your text, as they will counterbalance and create representations of the other.

Question 8 - Analysis
All of my audience acknowledged I

must add an image of my film into

the review, as once I have done so, it
will allow me to integrate it with text,
making it more eye-catching and
appealing to the audience.

Question 9
1. How do you think the image could

be framed well? Why? How do you

think it could challenge, or conform
to industry conventions? What
makes you think this?

Question 9 - Responses
Jack You could use industry conventions by

positioning the image above or below the text, so

it does not draw the readers eye away from the
Lauren The image should introduce us to the
setting, and portray a specific representation of
what you want us as the audience to perceive
about your film.
Trevor You could potentially challenge industry
conventions by framing the image in the middle
of the page, as this differentiates from the norm
and is something new introduced to the audience.

Question 9 - Analysis
Whilst it was suggested I could use

industry conventions, I also have the

option of challenging them, by
repositioning my image in a different
area of the page, to deviate from the
norms. I should also relate my image
to my message I want the audience
to receive.

Question 10
1. Do you think this works well from a

mise-en-scene perspective? Where

do you think mise-en-scene is used

Question 10 - Responses
Jack The setting establishes the

scene well.
Lauren The setting of the trees and
bench hold symbolism, and establish
the scene for the audience.
Trevor The setting sets the tone and
the mood, and introduces the
audience to the scenery straight away.

Question 10 - Analysis
My setting was praised, as it helps

establish the scene and set the tone

and mood of my film very well.

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