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W&L Library Report

September/October 2014
Circulation by Year










106 new high interest fiction books were acquired

Top circulated book this month
Eona: Dragoneye Reborn by Allison Goodman
A big THANK YOU to Mrs. Wright and her band class as well
as Ms. Sanderson and the Beta Club on their help in the
We now have full access to research databases due to the assistance of CRRL and Ms.
Josie Wold at the Montross Public Library! This is an incredibly valuable opportunity for
students to get college level research skills and experience for school research papers
and projects.
I will have information very soon about how best to utilize these databases and proper
search strategies.

Library Website: Please check out, information and resources are

added every month! This month:
o Web 2.0 information for the classroom
o Research Resources & MLA Guidelines
o Basic Media Literacy Information
o Research Topics (still in process)
If you have any projects that you do (or would like to do) that you
think could benefit from the library and you would like to
collaborate please let me know!
Please Keep in Mind
o Google Doc for Equipment Inventory: Please Fill Out
o Faculty Department Meetings
o Chromebook Checkout Sheet (attached)
I always need assistance in the library, so if any faculty members,
clubs or organizations are interested in helping please let me
know! You may help in the following ways:
o Collection Organizationshelf readings and/or shelving
o Assisting Ms. Ross with displays or other literacy activities
o Shifting/Inventory
Goals for the November:
1) Continue shifting library materials and begin the weeding process, 2)
Work with CRRL to develop database searching strategies, 3) Attend
department meetings for both English and History. 4) Create LibGuide for
grammar resources. 5) Obtain holiday dcor to decorate the library.

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