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Nelson Mandela: A Legacy of Courage

Junior Website
Gabriela Lhulier

Process Paper
I chose Nelson Mandela as my topic because I thought that he was a great
leader. He has done so much and made such a huge impact on South Africa and
the world. I chose this topic for two reasons. One, Nelson Mandela is a true hero
and I wanted to find out more about him and what he did. Second, I thought it
would be interesting to look more into his life. I wanted to see how he was such a
great leader and the legacy he left. Nelson Mandela is a man of power and peace.
I thought that he could be a great man to do my report on for leadership and
Once decided, I immediately set to work on my research. I used some of
my sources that I had already found and written down. I used a lot of new sources
also. Research took a while because there was so much material to cover. I only
used websites, no books or encyclopedias. I watched Nelson Mandelas
documentary and used bits and pieces of information from it. I went through
many primary sources to put myself in the place of Nelson Mandela to understand
him more.
I chose a website because it is the best way to show creativity and many
primary sources. I customized the theme within weebly to explain my thesis and
my view on Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela fits the theme of Leadership and Legacy because it
showed how he was a leader and led his country as the first black president in
South Africa. He got rid of apartheid and made a better country. Even after he

died, people loved him and respected him. This man left such a beautiful path for
others to follow. Even when he was in jail he would stay strong. Soon after, he
became president. Nelson Mandela is a strong leader because he showed that even
in the worst times, it can still get better. (343 words)

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