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Algebra 2B Unit 1 Lesson 3: Solving Systems of Non-Linear

When solving a system where you have one non-linear equation and one linear equation, your best
method of solving it is to use substitution. To do this, you will need to make sure the linear equation is
solved for either x or y (typically y is easiest).
 =   5 + 1
 +  = 2
For the first step, I will solve the linear equation for y.
 +  = 2
 = 2 
Now that we have the equation equal to y, we can use it to replace the y in the quadratic:
2  =   5 + 1
Next, we move everything so that we will end up with our equation equal to zero. This is a very
important step- to be able to find any of the solutions; the equation MUST be equal to zero.
It tends to be easiest to move the parts of the linear equation over to the quadratic.
2  =   5 + 1
+2 + 2
 =   5 + 3
+ + 
0 =   4 + 3
Now that I have a quadratic, I can use the discriminant to find out what types of solutions I will have.
This can help me know what process will work best to find the solutions (keep in mind, if you are
confident with the quadratic formula, it will ALWAYS work, no matter what type of solution, as long as
you use the correct order of operations to simplify it).
Remember that a quadratic equation in standard form looks like: y = ax2 + bx + c. The formula for the
discriminant is =   4.
To find the values for each part of the discriminant, look for where the numbers are located. The a will
be the number in front of the x2 term (it is JUST the number), the b is the number in front of the x
term, and the c is the constant (the one without any xs). Keep in mind, if the number has a
subtraction sign in front of it, that means the value of the a, b, or c is negative.
0 =   4 + 3
a = 1, b = -4, c = 3

Algebra 2B Unit 1 Lesson 3: Solving Systems of Non-Linear

So the discriminant would be:
= (4) 4(1)(3)
= 16 12
= 4
Here is the discriminant table to help me know what types of solutions I will have:
If discriminant () is
< 0
(the discriminant is negative)
= 0
> 0 AND a perfect square
(a perfect square is a # that you can take the
square root of and get a whole number answer)
> 0 and NOT a perfect square
(if you take the square root of the number, it
results in a very long non-repeating decimal)

These are the types of solutions

2 complex solutions
(these will have i in the answer)
1 real rational solution
(this will be an integer or fraction/decimal)
2 real rational solutions
(integer or fraction/decimal)
2 real irrational solutions
(typically involve a square root in the final answer)

Since this discriminant is 4, which is positive and a perfect square (4 = 2), there will be 2 real raConal
solutions. When you have either one or two real rational solutions, it tends to be easier to factor the
equation to find the answers. However, if you are stuck with doing that, you can ALWAYS use the
quadratic formula.

I am going to start off by finding the solution by factoring. Then I will show you how the answer is the
same if I used the quadratic formula instead.
I can see with 0 =   4 + 3 that I would need to find numbers that multiply to be 3 and add up to be
-4, it seems easy enough to factor it. The factors would be -1 and -3:
0 = ( 1)( 3)
To find the actual solutions, I set each factor equal to zero and solve:
+1 + 1

+3 + 3

Then, I will plug in the answers to one of the original equations to find the y-value. The linear equation
tends to be the easiest, but either one will work.
 +  = 2
(1) +  = 2
1 1
 = 3

 +  = 2
(3) +  = 2
3 3
 = 5

(1, -3)

(3, -5)

Algebra 2B Unit 1 Lesson 3: Solving Systems of Non-Linear

Just so you can see it, I am also going to find the solutions to the quadratic by using the quadratic
formula so you can see that the result would be the same, no matter what method I would use.
0 =   4 + 3
a = 1, b = -4, c = 3
  !  =

(4) %(4) 4(1)(3)


4 16 12





4 4





4 + 4








Then, I will plug in the answers to the linear equation to find the y-value again. The linear equation tends
to be the easiest, but either one will work.
 +  = 2
(1) +  = 2
1 1
 = 3

 +  = 2
(3) +  = 2
3 3
 = 5

(1, -3)

(3, -5)

Notice, this method came up with the same coordinates, so, unless the question asks you to solve the
system in a certain way, you can use whichever way works for you: factoring or the quadratic formula.

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