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Jaringan penyusun tubuh mahluk hidup

4 tipe jaringan yang menyusun tubuh:

a. Jaringan epitel
(Epithelial Tissue)
b. Jaringan ikat
(Connective Tissue)
c. Jaringan otot
(Muscle Tissue)
d. Jaringan saraf
(Neural Tissue)

Organisasi kehidupan
Sel : unit fungsi dan hereditas terkecil dari MH
Jaringan : kumpulan dari sel-sel dan produk sel yang
bekerja dan berfungsi tertentu

Organ :
Structures composed of several different tissues
grouped into large structural and functional units

Organ systems :
Groups of organs that work together to carry out an
important function

Individu organisme

Jaringan epitel



Three general kinds of epithelial tissue

Simple epithelium
Only a single layer thick
Found in the lining of the lungs and
major body cavities

Stratified epithelium
Several layers thick
Found in the skin

Involved in secretion
Endocrine glands secretes
hormones into the blood
Exocrine glands use ducts to
secrete sweat, milk, saliva and
digestive enzymes out of the body
onto epithelial surfaces

Skeletal Connective Tissue

The most common kind
Secrete structurally strong proteins
such as collagen into spaces
between cells
Loose & Dense types

Collagen matrix forms in long
parallel arrays along lines of
mechanical stress
Found in joint surfaces

Collagen fibers are coated with
calcium phosphate

Jaringan ikat

Adipose tissue (jaringan lemak)

Accumulates fat

Erythrocytes (sel darah merah)

Transport O2 and CO2 in the

Contains nutrients, wastes and antibodies

Otot polos (Smooth Muscle)

Berbentuk gelendong
Mengandung 1 inti

Dijumpai pada dinding pembuluh darah, lambung, usus

Power rhythmic
involuntary contractions
(bekerja secara tidak
sadar/dikendalikan oleh
saraf tidak sadar

of cells

Skeletal Muscle
Produced by fusion of several cells at their ends
This creates a very long muscle fiber that contains all the original
Found in voluntary muscles
Power voluntary contractions


Jaringan otot

oleh saraf

Jaringan saraf

All neurons have the same

basic structure
Cell body Enlarged
part containing the
Dendrites Short,
slender input channels
extending from end of
cell body
Axon A single, long
output channel
extending from other
end of cell body

Each neuron consists of three parts

1. Cell body Contains the nucleus
2. Dendrites Bring nerve impulses to the cell
3. Axon Carry nerve impulses away from the cell

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