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Managing the DV406 Project

1. Conform the Group

Meet, look at any materials & discuss what is the project?
Preliminary division of responsibilities
In terms of products, not processes
Designate primary group contact person for client

2. Get As Much Information On/From Organization As

There is work required before first client meeting
Regarding the project
Specific TOR
Specific products
Bibliographical, background, etc

3. Understanding the Need

Identify your organisations interests (might be department/unit within
an organisation)
Why do they want to know what they do? What function will the
research serve and what stage in the policy and management process is
it being inserted into?

4. Recast The Project If Necessary

Project mis-specified?
Underlying problem misconstrued?
Theoretical basis mistaken?
Client MUST approve project in its new form (though not necessarily
the process of recasting)
Often a project thats too specific can be recast in a broader, more
interesting form to include clients original concern, plus other stuff

5. Internal Group Dynamics

Identify group work vs. individual work

Team Leader?
Meet regularly (not necessarily frequently)
Put together trial document to see how it looks
Make the group exercise work
Reputation effects for you, DESTIN & future students

6. Final Project Report & Presentation

Practice, Practice, Practice
Focus on the main message and make sure you communicate it
Timing is key

7. Marking
Project = 20% DV406 grade
Single group grade for all group members
Single group project document/report incl. Executive Summary
Individual grades
Group Project Summary plus individual essays (2000 words max),
where final grades are calculated individually as a mix of the two.
All must sign up to one option
The Project Summary is likely to be longer than an Executive Summary,
but shorter than a full-blown project. The precise length will depend on
the characteristics of each project, and the wishes of each client.
Remember that clients signed up for a single product, and not a collection
of essays.

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