Self Leadership

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What is Self-Leadership?


What is Self-Leadership?
A simple definition is: the process of
influencing oneself.
It includes how to:
manage emotions
build confidence
set goals for yourself

Why do I need Self-Leadership?

Self-leadership is about the leadership
that we practice over ourselves. If you
ever hope to be successful in life then
you must be able to lead and manage
your thoughts and emotion in a
positive way. Self-leadership is about
helping you to motivate yourself to
achieve your goals.

Self Talk

Its going to be another one of those long days!

I dont have the talent to do this.
I cant seem to get organized.
I hate working on a team.
If only I were a little smarter, then I could do this job well.
If only I were taller.
If only I had more time.
If only I had more money.
I never get a rest.
Nothing seems to go right for me.
I will have a bad day no matter what I do.

What should I tell myself?

If youre like most people, you have told
yourself at least one of these negative things.
These statements are negative self talk. The
only take away your confidence, energy, and
your happiness. These statements are
sometimes called self-fulfilling prophecies
because what you tell yourself everyday
usually comes true. If you tell yourself you
wont have a good day, you wont. If you tell
yourself you wont enjoy your job, you wont.
Its that simple.

What should I tell myself?

We all talk to ourselves. What we say
determines the direction and quality of our
lives. Our self talk can make the difference
between happiness and despair, between
confidence and doubt. Changing your selftalk may be the most important decision you
will ever make. P.E. Butler (leading

Discovering Your Negative Self-Talk

Negative Self Talk:
Ill never be able to make a good grade. The
professor hates me. Im not as smart as the
other students.
I dont have as much experience as the other
applicants. Ill never get this job.

Discovering Your Positive Self-Talk

Positive Self Talk:
I am prepared for this interview. I have studied
hospitality and this company needs my skills!
Someone once said: If you always do what you
have always done you will always get what you
have always got. I need to correct my mistakes
and examine how I study before test. With effort
and persistence I will make an A on the next

Think of a time when you were feeling lonely.
What were you telling yourself at the time?
Think of a time when you were feeling stressed
and overworked at school. What were you telling
What criticism have you recently faced from a
student, teacher, or friend? What were you
telling yourself during and after the criticism?

Self Goal Setting

Long Term Goals:
Who am I?
What am I meant to do with my life? (Example: Study,
get a job, start a family)
What do I want to do with my life? (Example: Become an
artist, learn how to do something new, become a
What do I value most in my life? Example: prestige,
money, wealth, acceptance of others, family, health,
What would I like to accomplish during my lifetime?

Self Goal Setting

Short-Term Goals:
What do I need to do now (today, this week) to work
toward my long term goals. For example: read a book,
pass a class, exercise. Develop a list of short-term goals
and update as needed.

What are you aiming for?

People do not fail in life because
they aim too high and miss. They fail
in life, because they aim too low and
hit. (unknown)

Why bother about what to aim for?

Average life expectancy in Cambodia
is 71.41 years (2012 World Bank)
Men 68.78 yrs
Women 74.17 yrs

What is your legacy?

What impression or legacy would you
like to leave behind?
What would you like your family,
friends and colleagues to say about

Manage emotions
Build confidence
Set goals for yourself

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