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MBA 566:

: .
Zhezha Redinalda


Steve Jobs, CEO Apple Computer Pixar Animation

12 2005.


. . .

, . ,
, .

: (the dot),
- .
Steve Jobs

Apple 1985

, ,
. Steve Jobs
. ,



, , .

, ,
, .

. , .

If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped

in (4:34)

Again, you cant connect the dots looking forward; you

can only connect them looking backwards. (4:40)

Death is very likely the single best invention of Life.

, .
Stay hungry, stay foolish
. ,



3 3 .

. Steve Jobs




I learned [1] about serif and san serif typefaces, [2] about
varying the amount of space between different letter
combinations, [3] about what makes great typography great.

[1] all external expectations, [2] all pride, [3] all fear (9:33)
[1] It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought youd
have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. [2] It
means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be

as easy as possible for your family. [3] It means to say your

goodbyes. (10:28).
(dont , all , It means to try to)
(anaphora) -
, :
, .
. , ,


, Steve Jobs
, ,
(The Power of Talk) Deborah
, Deborah Tannen

Steve Jobs.

Tanner Active Modest.


. ,

. Tanner
Apologizing Style.
, Steve Jobs
: So why did I dropout?,
, (. How can you get
fired from a company you started?),
(The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence)
P. Zimbardo M. Leippe
P. Zimbardo M. Leippe

Steve Jobs .
, Steve Jobs
Martin Luther King
Ronald Reagan. Steve Jobs

. , ,

Steve Jobs .


, .(
) Steve Jobs
Martin Luther King Jim Jones

P. Zimbardo M.
Leippe Jobs

Frost: even when it leads you offt he well-worn path and that will make
all the difference. .

. : have the courage else is secondary.
Robert Cialdini
" " Robert Cialdini

. ,

Steve Jobs.
Robert Gialdini,


Steve Jobs
Robert Cialdini,

Steve Jobs
, ,



Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish,



Steve Jobs ,

, .


, ,
22 Steve Jobs ,
, ,
. , 10 ,

Apple. Steve Jobs

Deborah Tannen The Power of Talk: Who gets Heard and Why
Philip G. Zimbardo, Michael R. Leippe The psychology of Attitude
Change and Social Influence.
Robert B. Cialdini, PH.D. The psychology Influence of Persuasion
MBA 566:

Speech Outline.com (2011),Speech outline for Steve Jobs Stanford

commencement address [Internet]. Available from <
http://www.speechoutline.com/steve-jobs-speech-outline-stanford/ >
Stanford | News (2005), Youve got to find what you love, Job Says,
[Internet]. Available from <
http://news.stanford.edu/news/2005/june15/jobs-061505.html >
Andrew Dlugan, (2007), Speech Critique: Steve Jobs (Stanford,
2005) [Internet]. Available from <
http://sixminutes.dlugan.com/video-critique-steve-jobs-stanford2005/#more-24 >
YouTube (2008), Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
[Internet]. Available from: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?


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