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RAZ UCTIVOSTI Molbe Molimn vas, (recite, kaze) mi Dopustiet Oprostte! Hoéee ji, mol. Siem fi ovo wzet “poatedat? Molin vas, modete Timi pozajmit..? Zahvale iva: Hala lepo. [Nema na gem, Veto sam vam zahvalan. Gini ste mi vetku use ‘Vo ste lubarn levinjenja Oprostte! Pardon! ‘Molin, ita zato! Ne lutte se na mene. [adam se da Gete mi oprost Ne brinite 2a. OSLOVLIAVANIE gos einem) os gospodica ospodin (bez prezimwena) sospoda (ica) U pismu Postovani gospodine! Postovana gospodo! 0 POLITE PHRASES Please, give (tell, show) me. {pict giv tel fou si} excuse me! [iksU:2 m3] ‘Would you, please. ("0 ju: pli May Tiake (see) this? [rei a tek ~ sis — is) Please, could you lend me..? {plz kod ju! lend mi, ‘anh yon ey ch ean jean te Dit mend id Nor at al {loun menton na 03) ro sery mach bie (9900: fem ve ae ‘ae doe me great a. vdinms pea sed ncy kindof ot ov) (my) sorry! I beg your pardon! [aim sor ~ ai beg jo: ps:dn} Never mind! It doesn’t mattert [neva maind ~ it dant mats} Don't be angry with me, fount bi anes "id* mi hope you wil forgive me. [at houp jo: "i frgiv mi Don’t worty about that ebaut dt] FORMS OF ADRESS Mr. Brown {mista braun] Mrs. Brown {misiz braun} ‘Miss Brown [mis braun} Mado (radon) Dear Si! [dio 2) Dear Madam (42 madam) POZDRAVI obo jut! (do 12 Dobe dant (od 124), Dobro vete! Laku n06! Zaravo! Ziveo! Do videnja! Zoogor! CESTITKE ‘regan Borie) ‘Sreéna Nova gina! Na zdcavijet Zivelit Srdatno tesiiam, osonINE nai sll sm vel sab 1 i Stcong (00) ak thew Nouak short fot} a Ee Sitok broad foros cee mes tent Gebeo hie ik) kp bes fj} ruin “uly fel GREETINGS God moraing gud: ood stcrnota! end eft) Goa evening! Gaed nigt tonya ul! fou) Cheer! ros) Sc oog [lo] Coody! dbs) Semaine eo) Good ck Apestan oben! tua tka teem azo) CONGRATULATIONS Ary China oe happy New Year! [9 bapi nj: jo} Many happy returns ofthe day! {meni bp rats ae di) ‘Thank yu, the same t0 you! [ean ju sem Jo) eres to you! Cheer hort Jo Cor] My hearty congratulations. poet ft Kangra} QUALITIES “or yet 5 dobar good i} "20 ad [bod] sitomatan poor {pt borat meh nad young star id ould} nov new [oj star old ould) siadsk sweet} SS atenolol) prazan empty fempa} pun ‘all ENGLESKI S IZGOVOROM U SVAKOJ SITUACII ZA SVAKOGA Lagoror Broke Opi ai Tra uivoes| Grlovisvane Rone Cessike sabe Rargovor oj Mere dela wrens ‘Danse Prarie Koti} ‘Vremenske pike Java nati Belov atonebie Alt? prior ana! enaenica Hoe SADRZAJ Seta pita Donsak ladnaprediis Supe ‘Topla predjtn Kite Mesea ela Bovina” de Poet Rodina Zatarat razon s s s 36 36 x6 " is » a 2 3 3 Bs & o 2 3 3 33 33 5 3 58 58 a 1ZGOVOR ENGLESKA ABECEDA slovo eed eee igowor fel) Be) fen fea We eee eee kreeataen mmisceedl [eis] (ai) [azei) Geel] fel] fem) en ° oe for fey tied fe] tes) + ow esa (vi) [eb ju] fexs} [fai] [zed Engleska aboceda ima 26 slova, a jezik 45 glasova pa otud veka razlika izmeda pisanj | ngovora: Magi so gissovi pit sa vite slova ise sta slova raalio izgovarau Frail a ovr ip postu ako nope loons he ne splat weit. Osta Jo drugs Metoda (danas ope prihvatena): nauti za ‘Syaku re istovremeno | njenj2goVor. Ta metoda polazi od glasova, ane od na- ina njinovog pisana ‘Sledet tir metods, ova) krati pregled izgovora Ce objesniti samo one en- _leske plasove koih unas nema, SISTEM TRANSKRIPCUE, Retnici i Skolski udlbenici se upotrebjavaju mahom za canaéavanjeizgo- vora foneski alfabet (, 2.) Koj je sastavilo Internacionalno foneisko deustvo ‘a slovslatnice &poscbnih znakova ‘Koritéenje tog foneskog alfabeta zahreva veé povisokstepen prethodnog fenja engleskog jezka, duze privikavanje detajnija upustva, Zbog tga ni je moguo biti usvojen u celini 2a ova) prirufnik, namenjen w prvom redu 2 ‘raktigne pourcbe. ‘Sistem traskripeie kali eprimenjenu prirucniku temelis stna na tv. najirem obliku fonetskog alfabets, a: je bro} posebnih znakova sveden 1 ‘minimum (93), a veéina zamenjena slovima latnice(, 2, d2), kombinci jom slova (¢, 42) mili jednostavaijim znakovima @,*), Pi tome smo sledi Prinip da transkripeija mora bit toiko jednostavna da bude pristupaena sva om poset as druge strane da zadr2 prednost internacicnalngg fina satin sgt npredajin oe elements kje su av tio ae i 4 SAMOGLASNICi i se osaringovara ugiay ‘og biti Kratk li dug. Ts Dye tadke iza samoglasniks oznadova da se aj samoplasnikizgovare du ‘go. Na primor food ffurd]iagovars ses dag [a] Kao vnasoj rel (rka}, dok 58 good {gud izgovarakratko kao u nao ri uke [rauka}, etn engleska samoglasnika{sa, a, unas nema, pe ajihov izgover val posebno objasmi : ae = Izgovara se slgno kao katko, nenaglaSeno va. ims aula ma Prin on, ble (0), money [et rei: sada, a. fel ‘To je elas izmedu aaieg «i.e. Lzgovara se tako da se usne nameste 23, Bla a ps se ngovan Fa nave jas upravo ako setvienim ‘Na severu Engleske se ovaj gas izgovara kao obiéno wa", pa takav izgo vor usvaja i nairsoblik (the broadest form) fonetskog alfabeia Uovor prituéaiku smo ipak zadtZali razliks, wvodenjem posebnog znaka fe}, Oni koji Su anije nautitipravilan izzovorglasa [x] prema fa. Bice i ov de upozoreni na ta as, a pofetnici opetnede pogrest ako 2 buds IZEOVars Ii kao obigno wa”, Englest fonetigarisavetuj srancima da je bolle ova} gias ingovarati kao ya" nego kao 2", ukoliko ga Yeé ne umeju ssitm pravilno iz gover Primer: glad (glad), happy (bap, family farsi). fs] ‘To je heat, labayglas i dolazi samo u nenaglagenim slogovima, Sian je palais ka Ene Kaa zgnvorim pine mags: [ou “Primer: concert [konsat) river iva], doctor [ok 4 “To je dugi gla fo, sigan plas Koj se unas Ej pri zastoju, kad neko ‘apne i povon tal sede re. Dal, neha sta 2bunjenog glass" Primeri: gt fg: serviee (s:rvis, sr (5. DVOGLASNICI (DIFTONZD, “To. jodnosate sve dja stops egvaas jedi dat Pi tome se pr Born loa’ upon sudeo ons, “UG eat th, latteh ot fe Shy foci ate Sou ie fa ote (has). nase foi), clear (ei chad} sare [tose SUGLASNICI Zavotioa englesih sagas maemo reti da se zgovaraju st ili pibitno 4 a. Samo th neko ( €., 9 nema u nas. Eve njhovog(2govers: oi ‘To nije zlas koji dobijamo kad nate .n" izgovorimo krox nos. Imamo ga ‘peu eth Hongkong’, ako je zgovorinio brza dase "ne Cie. Primei: sing {si}, young (in), ringer (rnp, ink [ink] ro) “To je Eaveni enpléski glas th (u fa. omaten 0) ji zadajestrancima naj- vise AEE ene las ) i zadal ‘i ‘Ggovar se tko da cert stavi modu predjczabe i onda izgovr las = re oat kn skp ahem a sve sia Dk se. “et as, ingoveri aad bao ain nga Tao nba [panna ain Peto thn fl bas ec ee Toje evi (sao tito igovors, samo to epi san orm gra rina umes besrdong 3 focaleona saat ‘rime ti, tha an), mother [ma n (Ova) je els zapravo polusuplasaik-polusamoglasik. ngovara se tako da ‘se usne nameste 2a UEOWOT glass." pase odmah predena izgovorsledeceg et ac omatea apse) sm mp signa (ane nema phan a ema pwr, ‘Primer: wood [ud], week [7k], twenty [enti 6 i NAPOMENE. 1. Uporednt preg zakova Intermacionsog fonskng aber i nih slova-zntkova kof sod nj rik: Foresiialibet A oe J Y 8 Bos hw Onjpingik: 4 0 8 2 ¢ @ Ea 2 Odredent an the nije stavljn pred imenice wets, posto jeje sak a ba roda, mul east 3. teanskripelfingorora iostavjni so pone, ho ted rose, ‘loi retn Kose Zest ponavijaj oda njihowizgover mora it poms ‘Za celina reGeice merodavan je avek cages tekst Primer: What building is that? [ot bldg} ‘This is mot my size not mal saz} 4. Naglasak u engleskim eotima pada vetinomn na prvi slog. ali se kod slotenih lzvedenih reéi pomera i na ostale slogove. Previa aema, pa je st- £2 potrebno za svake reé nautiti odmah i njen naglassk. ‘U prirutniku je naglasak ornacen debljom Starapomn sloga seo onda ka- ea pros gs: en (per mee ea oe (sigored ‘Ako su u sloZenici podjedaako naglafena oba slog, onda je naglaicnast pivog sloga oznagena makom [inside [insai) ‘Sporedn naglasak u slaenicama nije oznagca. 5, Slab jaki oble- U engleskom jeviku ima ob0 50 jednosloZaih 5 ko- Je se izgovarajow wv. jakom obliku, ako su naglaSene w sklopa regenice, a slabom abliku (¢glasom u) onda kad nisu naglaene. Evo nekoliko maiéeih promera: an the er am are cam do. docs have jk: an Eu amen daze slab: an > bo om) ken ds azn must shall was at fort and but as oki: mist Jal Yor at fot and ta, Subic mat Sl Yee tnd Bae [eke od it ei imaju i po viSe slabih obika. U govornom jeziku upotrebljavaju se redovno slbi oblic pa je taj pin ip proveden i u ovom prituénika. Ponegde su samo, zbogjasnoce pregled ‘ost, zadréan jak oblic ii Siri slabiji obUK umesto weg, BROJEVI GLAVNI BROJEVE ‘CARDINAL NUMBERS nought —faox | society (ra zero sero aor os Lone 7 Sonny fats Liwo @sxty ski 3 three Weerenty [sewn] four S0ighty ear Stive ine nai Sse 100abunired [Shinde seven IWronghandrea Fin nit eight find seven sev) 3 ie 200 two hundred (Scr) 10ten 4300 three hundred [i bind] Taleven 400 four mundred. [fo: bands) Dwele £90 te more hn rteen (00 sic hundred [sks handed Ta fourten 700 Seven hundred [sevn had) 15 fteen $00 eight hundred. [ee hindoa] Te sinten 300 nie hundred. fain hinared} 17 seventeen > aurond) 1B daheen ks Wien Bien ood ft 21 twenty ema sone Srillard [> mide) REDNIBROJEYI ORDINAL NUMBERS. 1. prvi, 2. drug 3. wet. 30, tides. itd Ui Bg pnd Toa bear ean the, Lefirst Fst] Teeventh lew 2 Secora sekonay itwelty [eee 3 thea learal deter [eosin] fourth fo 20. twentieth [Peni fa Ie 5. mirteh [oS “a hat fohat) Jedanput once (ans) Wa tied tid) Gvapat twice (Pa) Wa quarter [> kvo:b] put tree Smee Biwo quarters fu: kote] Tessin) SSthreeitns [en fife] vite hae fe") onesixth [dn sits) mayje less {is} Napomena:rnglezi oavajajuhljade zarezom (23,350), a decimal takom (4.5=f0ur point (rtnt five). 8 OPSTIIZRAZI PITANJA L ODGOVORE ada when ['en} = pre before bites ~posle after [att] nekst tein 3} ‘When doc the tats aie 2.2 Pen dor tein iv 2) Is there a connection o.-? [iz dex 9 konekon 2) [Lyant to reserve a seat on the train foe [som a a] Do Ihave to change anywhere? [eu a br to deine ene} [there a through carriage to. iz do tru: karidz ‘From which platform does the train leave? [platform doz :v] ‘Gire me a second class single, please. Igiv mia sekond kla:s sing pz) ‘Whats the fret las fare to. Pos do fost kiss feo] | want to ensure my luggage. fai "ont tind a agi] 1 want to register this case for. {as Yont forests ds kis (3) Porter, put my case on the train for.- [ports pot nai kei on a tren £2), 1s this the right rai fr? [aes dort inf] [Bren me, i this place taken? iskjce tl zis pli teikon} “May I hat open) the window? [tei ai Sit~ oopon ~ 9 indou} May turn on (tara off the heating? [rei sit on of hit] ‘Do you mind my smoking? (Pod jak 9 sigpres} Aeleenica el stanica Eskaonica, biro 22 informaciie arderoba Rover jem prjags prem pre bro 2a iadavanje sia lee aaa Koosek foal sped eer biagaina worna kata wba =Redelina Tperonske Braz cena kare ed vine weza, pkjutak ‘olasde Felazak {eka kola olan a mteanje deh a meputate sedise feta) Kondukter pu Vrste vozova putnidki feretnt bei ekspresni falericki railway station waiting-room Inger ote, leftluggage office suitease Iiggage office porter railway guard Passenger Tocal (slow) train strain train express (rain ‘motor-coach train excursion train ere ihe! seion ‘clgrum) [ink’aior ‘is nforeion] gd of] Freres Mig obs) pee} Prorodeiton ‘yuore ecrans ksi fest) atom) at deen) Neate) akin} a sing ee Mtkend tg] piso tk) tout) es) sth cin ed ipinks fmpato me pessoa booty freee) Ipasina) ook! sou tn} thspres wen] Imoutskoue tein} Histor itn) 19 PUTOVANJE BRODOM Kaa polazi sledeéi brod za. Ge mogs kup kate? Moti jd Kartu tristicke Klase, Dye Karte pve (druge) ase, Zalim jedan krevet i drugoj Klas Kada kreéemo. (Gtiemo w8)? KKoliko taje voznja? Imaéemo dobro patovane. Gde je ctaon fea (ston, ba)? ‘Mogi an amit maslonjat? ate Ii nedto protiv ‘orske bole? {pxbeod ‘Bina “Vive evera 221 evetom ‘act se ‘sera se Iniop more alia beck posada Kaptan prt ofcic crew fru} ote sha ery dice} ac ee | ‘bala coat [Koust} 2» When does the next boat Jove f Pen doz da nekst bout Ly £9] ‘can I get tickets? [reo kon a ge Ukits] | want a tourist class teket, [ai tonto tarist Klas that] ‘Two kets, fret (second) las, please. {tu kis fost sekond Klas pli:2] want a second class berth. {ai ‘ont a sekand Klass bo:0) ‘When do we sail (reach..)? {en da“ sell rit] iow tong does the passage take? Tax Ton dor o> pasid ik) We shall have a good voyage. Pi Ss bay's gud void] ‘Where isthe reading-room (saloon, bar)? [Year 2 risdiram Salu:n ba) (Can Lire a deck chair? Than ai baior 9 dekies) ave you amuthin g for seasicknese? [bay ju: enitin fo si-siknis) steamer, ship (es 10 Sip] cabin Rabin} pwo-berth cabin {tu boi kabin) = single cabia: {sing!kabin}| ‘embark fimba:k] to disembark Iaisimbe:k) calm sea fam si) rough sea if si) high Side sa low tide fou tad | kopoo mainland in) {einland} Iuka port, harbour [port abo} smore sea [s:} Svetonik house sitios) asa ebalt Popevanje [abel] PUTOVANJE AVIONOM Kads potazi avion Koj tip aviona? ada moram bith ra aerodrom? Pola sata pre ,poletanjaaviona. ‘slim rezerisa mesto ‘waviona Koji suza lei za Koliko kota = obiéai let? < povratni le? Kada poleéemo (stiemo Molimo da ugastecigarte Molimo, vetie svoje pojaseve. [Na koje} wisn etimo? Kojom brzinom sada eum? (Oseéam se sabo, Imate li neo protiv visinske Boles? wees a rest Sica sto 4 ett avion plane [plein] Sion tpi diet plein} Wicosvon sant a psioan part cos me al ie ee pt ‘When does the plane fo.. lave? [fen dae d pein fo — icy) What type of plane? [°0 tip ov plein} ‘When must Feat the airport? [Pen mast ai bi: >t d% eapot), Half an_hour before take-ofl Tat an aua bifoveiko} {want to book a seat in the plain leaving tomorrow for. [8 "0n (3 buku si:t lei livin emorou} oy much i hau mi i) the one-way Might? "nei ait the return Might? [> sit:n fat) ‘When do we take off arrive in..)? [Pen du tek o* araiv in} Put ou! your egaretes, [ot ato: sigaeets plz] asien your seat safety) bells, please [fas o: sit seit belts plist ‘What hight are we fying at? (Pot han a: fag at How fast are we fying now. fu fasta ti nau) ee asic (tf ek) ve you anything for ai-sckness? (ay ju: enti fer eases) (Can T have a paper bag? {han at hav's peipe bg) ‘When are we gogo land? {rem a: 1 goun land) ‘We shall and in fifteen minutes. (7 51 land in fiftn mints) sivardesa—alhostess (cabousts] poletsi—_teakeott ioteko lees, wy ah cr) ois, gen sale i | tbe Seale a NA PUTU AUTOMOBILOM. ‘OBAVESTENJA O PUTU oi je nabliti najboj put za. ‘Motete I mi pokszati put do..? Mora. ‘i prove skrenut desno. = Skrenut lev. (Gae se odvaja Kolik jedaleko ‘dave do..? Je lito pravi put. ‘Gde moga svoja kola? Gdeje sledeca Denzinska stanica? HENZINSKA STANICA, Motim... tara (galona) benzina. ‘Molin, napunite! (Obienog it supers? Dajte mi takodewlja 2A moi sna} Hoéete i, mol. = ve a —promenit ule. Bot al prover pritsak 1 gumama, — od svi. ‘fist vetrobran, oprat koa = podmazat kola ASKING THE WAY ‘Which isthe nearest (best) way for.? [PiCiz do nirist best Yi fo) Cent yo sme he ado? fe: Fou aid rout] oa straight on. [gousteit on) fen right (2 rit] farm et ont ‘Where does the rad branch of for..? [Pou daz a roud bran of) ‘How far sit from here to..? Tha fri tom hi 3 Is this the right way t.. [rit i] ‘Where can I park my car? eo kan ai pak mai ka] ‘Where's the next petrol station? [Peon d's nakst petal steiton) PETROL-STATION {raat tres ton) opt {si Yont tax galonz peta ric sght np, plese (cost i) Regular (normal grade) or sper? {Pegs ~ noma geld ~o: spo} Give me engine olf Gear ol oo. {giv mi endln ol = gir oil = tu] Wil you. please jo: pi = check the ol (6k 44 oi] ~ change the ol [Seind# ot] top the oll up (top dol 3p] ~ chech the tye pressures. {Beck otal proc] ~ lean the sparking plugs. {isn 9 spain pliez} ~ dlean the windseren. Bea o's "nds svash the eat [oS = prease the ea. [giz > 1 oj je uobiajena mera 2a benzin: gallon {galan}=4,54 litre, a za u ‘lj: pin paint}-0 57 lie. 2 RADIONICA ZA POPRAVKE Moja su kola u sefektu na puts Gae se nalai nabliza radionics. Mozete li cave ‘moja kola? Modete Ith popraviti? Kad ée biti gotova? ‘Moi vas, trade toto pre. Kola ce biti aotova, sNekeras = sutra jutro. endain iz ho) “There's something wrung wit. [fer rr the peo ees [peta the breaks. [3 bres} the steering [69 sr} My engine noc. [al ean noks) overheats. ouvahi] Toa" t tare unt sta) The fuse has Bown. [fz bax blu] ‘The sparking plugs are oiled up. Ie sparkg plage a old Sp) ‘il yo leases [pi] “change the baler: (cid bat = change the wheel {eeinds 9" pate the ier tube. pa no Ub) Neate the tr. [kona] pajus the brea (east bes) — adjust the valves, [adzast d% valvz) Bajos the earburete.exbjure3) Have you any spare parts? [fa jus ent spe pas] 23 NEZGODA NA PUTU mao sam defekt ‘ude. Molin vas poovitepolicia (oktor). ‘elefonimajt po kola hitne pom Gde je najbizastanica pve pomosi? Motel li mi pomodt 4 seen imao prednost Vi se nite devas ‘desne sane. iste dal anak 2a skretan ‘Vas farowt so ‘me zaslepili, Moge I debit vate ime i adresu? Koji je vas ‘siguravajuti zavod? Prepis poicijskog “cpianika. senator tratghts toe] smepisio _—tlbtwny cod Saiacje ial kos] sobre tre poletan ipolismen) vont driver [dra] pelak etstran ‘dozvola [ravi ass) ‘TRAFFIC ACCIDENT Pre had a breakdown (a coision. Iaiv bcd» bred ~ 9 Kalin} Please all the police (doctor. [pls ko: ds polis ~ dokta) Pleasem phove for an ambulance. {pls foun fx on ambjulons) Where's the nearest firstai-station? [Mezed ninstfstedsteon) CCan you help me lend me)? {an jx: teip mi lend mi ie te sme ta [pliz let baw Weald you give mes it? (Pad jas gv mi 9 it Collision ‘You are responsible for the damage. {ju 2: rsponsbl foe damid?) nad the right of way. rit 0 3) ‘You were not keeping tothe right {juts not kp to rit ‘You didn't give a turn signal. ida gl ‘was dazzled by your headlights. fai voz cad bai Jo: edits) May Task your nate snd address? [mei at atk jo: nim and adres] ‘Which is your insurance company? Te ij: inSearons kmponi} ‘A copy of the police report. [> kopi2v 9 pats apo] ssobraajnaearlicence dozvola—~ fk lasons) ‘zine speed (spd) rag brake track osenja—"foreik wok) alkobolt test test soubrais) svedok vitess (its) polisa certificate ‘osiguranja of insurance SAOBRACAJNI ZNACI Opasnosti ‘Opasnost na puts Opasan avo} Dvostulé rato} Radovi na puta Rasksnic edad prelaz Suzenje pua Neraven put Klizav kolover Prelaz pret prge * branikom relar preko pruge ‘bee Banik larigite naredbe Zabranjen pravac Zara oa Zabrenjeno, a redcan “fasta = pashan —Rereanje desno skreanye lve Najveta brzina Obavetienja Pele Sina Prva pone Bons Benita aia Bars proton roku Natpisi Soin pt Pavoren et feb Seats Peale Siete deo Sten eo Soria Danger Dangerous bend Double bend Road works (Cross-roads Pedestrian crossing Road narrows Uneven road Slippery road Level crossing with gates Level crossing wo gates Noentry Closed to all vehicles No overtaking No stopping No patting 0 ight turn ‘No left tara Speedlimit Parking allowed Schoo! First aid station Hospital Petrol-station Major road ahead (priority road) Diversion (Closed road One-way street Drive slowly Keep going Turn right Tumlet Stop ~ Goon ROAD SIGNS dein) cinders bend bt bene oud Yok stout destin kos] oud aarouz) rou ouveeikin] nou spn] ros far ey ove en} isp imi) ee Emon rospitl) ale fects ‘hed praioiiroud) {owed eng fea lari sot E p gouin] hsm rat) ton leh op = Bou on} 2s I ee re ee KARO. ae ike: Seri on ‘ogledalo * HE PDE (pl PARTS OF AMOTOR-CAR kotnicat nob Caen ato bake {orci} “oot, = had fhe) cinch FE] pedal = = break pedal = dutch pedal peeelerator acetate [storids bat) ‘sparking plug ee tea eee So ae (teil lait) pa (ao ele ee & ‘engine (endin] fourstsie icy fostrouk {krankkeis) gasket [ees Seater Teak =O filter i) ~ fue ter ] ooo Sal pe Guat] “oe comeing od ALAT LPRIBOR sosat - Rise wok JES pala jee | ewes at [taio par ee oe ne favrkatigg' i) ise, anne omoti ——_[fvteid aun) fosst~ sekand Paid — fo} Pd like a quiet room: aid Hak k=] Gobenpretam: ju: You m9 ra] ‘This room is small (dark, noisy. [otis rum iz smot~ dak — now) ‘Please, show mea larger (better) room. (pliz fou mi 9 Indra — beta — ren} "Dhis room sais me. fram sus] FU take this room. (il ck is ra) ‘What isthe number of my room? [Pot iz d°9 aimbo ov mai rus) CENAIPOGODBA Kolko kota sobs za jeden?” Kolko kote noéenjes doratkos? Kolko ragunate 24 ‘run pansion? ‘Cena ove sob_ Se. dnevne. ‘To je preskupo. Moete lim dati BORAVAK Tole ispuniti prijavaic. ime i prezime — mesto rodenja ~ datum rosea = deiavlanstwo = zanimanje = beoj pasoda = stana deta = porpis Mola, odvesite ‘moj prijagu sobu, Ukolko sa je. = dorudak? ~ nia, vebera? Mogul doruckovas ‘a svojo sob? Ge je upezaria " fees (Ge tog telefonirati? 30 PRICE AND AGREEMENT Winat’s the price for the reem per night? [Com ds rate rae po mit) [How seach is bed and breakfast? [fiw mie ix bod ond bret] Wht are your terme for fall board? ota: jo. oma fo fal bord} ‘The rate Yor tie roome ie per day. [oho ret fi ram iz po di] “That i wo dear. fats: ds] Comdd you make any redaction for me? [end ju med emt icin fo: mi) are you suything cheaper? Shay you eatin épo) lave just bed and breakfast, [ail bry dit beat on brek>et) ‘Servi is inelna. (5518 i inklu-di} STAY Please fi a the regitration form. {pice fl in 0 reaisrestn fr) — fire name sd sormoe number of peaspert [nmbo 9v pa'so:t] AL wha time i [ot Yt tam i), “breakfast? [beckfxt) — tome, Samer? [int dia) Cam Theave in my room? Than at hav brekfot in rai sur) Where's the ding room (bathroom)? [Pex d dainigram ba:trum) ‘Where cam I pane? [Yeo kon ai foun] Do you sell pesscards and stamps? [et el poustkad an saps] ‘Moti vas os. Molin vas ka ‘moje Sobe ODLAZAK Sncodlazim sutra juz. Molim, probudite me een ‘sobu? ‘Molim vas, pripremite "rau, Kolik ianosiragun? Sabjte moje postu na ovy adres Moi vas, pozovite Please give me... plzz giv mi} ~ another pillow fonid's plu} another blanket fons" blaghit} ~ another towel ondd”2 ual 1s there any mall for me? iz d'or ent meil fo: mi] Haas anybody asked for me? Tha enibodi arskt fo) anybody asks for me, tell him. [if eniboai asks form el im} = that P' be back at. o'clock {dara bi bak st siok} < that I’m out 5 aim aut) Will you give me the key of my room. Dritjus gv mi to i: av mai ror DEPARTURE Tllbe leaving tomorrow morning. {ail bi: livin omorou mo:nig} Please, call me in the morning at eight. (plz Kod mi in do mosnin ei) What time must I vacate the room? [Pot taim most ai vaket drum] ‘Please have my bill made out. Ipliz bav mai bil meld at) ow mich i the bill? [hau m8 iz} Please forward my mall to this address. yz fitod al mal sare] i you ring for a taxi please? ‘mi taksi (tj: ein for wks plz) Ovo je 2a vas, ‘This is for you. [45 iz fo j:) Hvala i do videna ‘Thank you and good-bye. [gusta] hotel hotel {houtel) salon rawing-room pansion _—_earding-house {ero:nrum), [bo-diphaus) ‘garderoba—cloakeroom rata sarag (gre wai fee ecepeija —_Feeep ij en iin [rsepsen] it oa) predsezora out of season. faut ov siz) fie sto Sosteaon fins boravsna taksa soujour tax [sodian taks) kjiga gosiju ‘sits’ book fiz bal ezervisat sobu {obook a room to buk > rum) 3 ial bn [EE a iin * ERLE keonobarica Tiboj kuvar sobrica “Pepeliae Soli Biel sofa ‘vet korpa za “ompatke telefon televizor radio ‘opledalo sapun Gala sitnica sigue sina apo krauak sp9) STAFF aici fiboy tbo) conte Bparbebtd fesimbomeid) ROOM bedside lamp [Bedsaid lame] wastepaper bas Pesiperl (eto) television et (elon ratio edi] iniror {ri>] soap (3000 gia [ie fowel [sl] electric ron Tekst aio] bello Duty (aly) candle [kad i steh ta se] wall socket Fol sok] fuse (f02} ttn current (avon voltage (vod) Shoresreuit (io skit PORUDZBINA Konobaru! Konobarice! Gime vas mogu slut, gospodine? Inmate I jedan sto 2a dvoje? pron eH ova Mogu i dobitineito najelo? elite men i prema jelovniku? Radije bi jo prema ‘elovnik Molim vas elovnik (vinska kar) {ta motete danas ‘report? vote? Inmate Wi neki “pecijlite kuge? Suaimate gotovo? Donesite mi ‘edu pore, im, to nemamo. Posluite me bren, Molin vas malo sol, (bibera, la) “Moga li vam jos neito done? Mogul dob jot malo hleba? Sua Fete pit? Moti vas Ee, bocu, Moga ti dobitt au vode? Na ndeavije! ‘RESTORAN ‘ORDERING Waiter! Waitress! [eto “eitris} (Can Ido anything for yopu, sir? kan ai du: niin fo: jr $3] Have you got a table fortwo? {boxy ju: got > teibl fo tu] Excuse me, is this table taken? {ikskjucz mi ie dis teibl teikon) Can I get something to eat? [ran ai get simi tt} Do you want the set menu or ala carte? [dejuz Yond set menju:} Vd rather dine ala carte. [sid rar dain a kat) Can Thave the menu (wine-. [kan ai bay 9 menju: "ails ‘What can you recommend today? [Pot kon ju: sikomend todei) Do you lke.” (du: ju lak] Is there any specialty of the house? [iz decor en spes alt av d haus} ‘What have you got ready? [rei Bring me a portion of.., please. {ong mi a posson av plist) Sorry, i's off [son itso] Please serve me quickly, Pm in a harry. {plz so mi kek sim in 9 ha Give me a lite salt (pepper, el). [giv mi ltl sort ~ pepe — oil} May I bring you something else? {imei ai brig ju simtg ls} (Can Thave some more bread? ‘kan ai hav sim mo: bred) ‘What will you have to drink? [Pot jut hay drink) Give me'a glass ofa bottle of. [giv mi elas av 9 bot av] May Thave a glass of water?” [rei al av 3 gles av ¥t9] ‘Your health! Cheers [jo: helt &ioz} 3 PRIGOVORI I PLACANIE ~ preslano, prevruge ‘Nije dosta kuvano, See eas wSettam.. a Set veda ain ‘i oa ‘Mogu Li platiti a aman ne wordt a oven te, Sa rosie soln bio co tee alt rita es 7 focaza vos ‘ater bode ee bokal Jog (dz) oe ER mallee Sei Rae ie pol Gara supu_foretn {ssrizn} a dao See “eee vga” siete wahleb [bredba:skit) a COMPLAINTS AND PAYING The soup is cold." sup i kota] ‘This is. burt fo} tough, sour [Fsu2] too sats, t00 hot [80:8 — bot {done enough [in ind fresh (clean. [ats int es ~ kin) ordered... and you've brought. fat oad nd jus bot) “Take back, lease, fete iebek pis} ‘The bil, please (4 i liz) Can pay in traveller's cheques? ka pes in von eka Dest incude the service t00? [dari nkidd sori “There's the mistake fa the bil [ater > mist in ‘This is nt correct. [is iz not korekt} Keep the change! (kp 9 éeind?] covER sud often Sratalu “Tope in ‘expel ] cede ser steira} Posuda —sugarhasin i teter ——_[Sugobeisn] eaiiea eg-cap 2ajaje ‘eoksn) slanik saltceler [sortsela] stalk seroet stand Zale Hastand) vadigep corkscrew enksko} vara vase (va2) een aha fete Eetkalica “ian JELAIPICA caffe (ho fecer Symiteay | Jue Diack fick) : as Tork kg) = espreso srhipped seam exon ous) chocolate (okati] | OIL ey we ~srongfaron] | iagsa weak [ik] ‘slaninom =i rum fin} | = th emon {hi ems) smh [ilk] hot (ot ssi ug ‘our fa beter) etme: jam {zum we fey tha HLADNA PREDJELA sending sardines in oll | suka cule fsuding noi) | ruska ssnjvine ala, wale te francuska ones oysters (osx) valata ak rays eis] | gittje sasiog fobster (ots) shine fendvig sandwich wale ‘ane mista obasicn sausage ssi] 8 ie. Blncpusaing | ita folk pi) "ea Jrcem rane jebmena gate soa ase had vo 0k fetene “a reat BREAKFAST sug fo] Sita fonbotg) rd pied =a a seam isk eer] omelette omit Sivan eas Tram on 2) Melon afte cheer ia) bean — eon tena ayn [a!) ~ roo (bran [olive in oi cqgsala russe eee ln) gooseliver Cativa] SUPE sours MESNA JELA MEAT DISHES oveda supa beef broth spa of Govedina tele calls Kdneys eee Mien “pardajca tomato soup kevana——boed beet Cabresi “ats ata) = pitino — with ie [is Troma sp] ovedion bod br teleea eas lver iifjem _ whan = povaéa ble soup ansena” braised beet em hats v3) Sefetcinn rh vie ees gin "Read Svinetina "a! nual ~govedeg —oxtall soup sivede roast bee ne at pork Fikes lickentroh fe foul] ceeeie “ous bg ree (ekinbrot] =f washroom soup gored” bash goulash singh pork chop ragu-supa—rapoutsoup msm 59) at gues} | “BRK! peal (gus) erik pea soup ‘aetna | ssunce sucking pg on Siem awit) | cs petal beri ee maradnju the spit fikia) “oriage “Yet sup [patton sup] pelenje —roust vil Ovéetina rgeak “Mlk "nj “femme ‘TOPLLA PREDJELA HOTSEDISHES =| ae Teeter sunka ‘ham and pofirans poached eggs paprikas vid tt] steeno fleg ov mato} eee | eae mace ah EE aot | on onion stew omiet cheese omelette. ‘punyeni stuffed tomatoes eruc [brest av vil] 1 mgu {mito stju:] ‘asiom [ele om) Darna fe tema, L cree om “momeles | Weve Visneesmags =| Lov Zivormue PARTS OF THE ANIMAL. pohoven”” piled bras | palanke plea Fpva ead he vga foot, troter ‘mora reid bret} Ipankcia) gma sade (st) if tts} ‘kcoketi fish croquettes: ‘sufle — = grodi brisket [briskit) kost bone [boun } od ribe [68 krokets} (écz su:flei), ‘stegno Jeg [leg], bubreg kidney [kidni} piesa owldr (fouls) | jee tongue (9) ame. FISH jae liver fv} | ocak Drains rena) morske slatkovodne | bakalar cod [hod} eet vere] 2IVINA POULTRY ec (See Se oe wie The ly eee ok wep, ae “i, am Ace parfer perfume pele ava sol een [cit alae a me, gaara, ce Ge ‘ema fvansig kml | (eizabeid} ee Ee [Shee TE ea CER ee iat ay MASINE LAPARATI MACHINES AND APPARATUS miss npeap ——raingmcion Yi ao heer es me mee Re aoe eee, = FR, fhe ee Leceal = Boe ess ee ee te iets, «= pect, «RU, ee oii a as a coor eo i ln 7 ened ae a see Ea wet = ies Es iat eet Seeman See la conse sae See a Ge je najiza Gite je glovna posta? Koliko Soft. 2a nosso? fe ie ol ov0 pismo. deli pismo sua 6 “ali posta ovo Pismo. ~ obi ~ekspres avionom ‘Molin vas jedna ‘mark od (ee ater 2a post restant? Imai pisama za mene? mate li legitimaciju? yo mog psc. Saljite moju posta ‘2 ovu adresu Mogu Ii poslai nove ww ugosiaviju? Ievolite medunarodou ‘novéanu uputnicu. ‘elim postati ova} paket uw inostranstvo. “Morate ispuniti earinsku teligrar t) Please flout the telegraph form. (pliz fl aud telisra form) What's the rate per word. ['3:] to Yogoslavia? (0 ju:gousia-v [wish to prepay the repiay. [ai "8 te prspe do ipl} ‘When will this telegram reach... en “il dis teligramm 2) ‘A telegram with paid reply fe teligraen ‘id pid nip) ‘an ordinary telegram. 'n o:dinaz] ‘Am urgent telegram. [2 9:dzont) ‘A leter-telegram. (2 let tligram) ‘Telegraph money-order,[mnio:d3] ‘Teleprinter (tliprint) POSTAL EXPRESSIONS prone sear oe oes nla {koi on dilivari) a mee datum date [det] ee (poust resta:nt) me ea Se, eles or oe ae Geis =. Sess ae ee a coum ated — a) PREDSTAVLJANIE, Dopesit. =e predstavim =a vam predsavion ‘siog pata Raujem seo sam vas upoznao Molin vas da re predstavile. Mislim da smo se vet negde sel GODINE Kalo vam je going? Kolko vi mite etna? ko bh da imate sndestak Meni endeset trode mia a tron? Roden foena) sam Seog jl Jee ene Da ne, asa. tench (oda) netenj nents) ‘over (adovies) ~feselon Con) “ovoin dea, evojka aie POSETA Het Hi nas jednom poset? Motete li dot wu petak? Dodie kad hosete. UDRUSTVU INTRODUCTION Ao me. otntroduce myst {slau mi tu intradju:s maiself) ta ntrodace my end tines a end) rin very pened to meet 00 {um ve pltsd omit) Wil you pease, introduce met. Min pe mods mi] ink we've already met somewhere. {ages oed meta AGE How old are you? {haw ould 3: ju] How old do you think Tam? [hau ould du: gk ai am} would say you were about thirty. Tai Yu sei ju: Yo sbaut 2: 1am thirty-five years old. {aim Pott jox ould) You ook younger. ju: luk ing] ‘When were you born? ("2 "90: bon] ‘Las born on the sixth of Jul. {aia boon on sks 2 ula] ‘Are you married? fs: ju: marid) Yes (no), Taman x5 n00 ~ aim] = married {marid] ‘unmarried (inmarid 1 widower (widow) ['idous“idou) [a divorcee [divos boy, young lady, young man {go} —boi ~ lei — 9 mam} INVITATION ‘Will you come and see us one day? (ij: Km ad si 5 "an dei} Could you possibly come on Friday? [had ju: posi Km on fri ‘Come whenever you tke. (kin "eneva] 3 Dodite k nama na veken Radujem st Sto vas ‘opetvidim, Iavolite ssi, adam se da se sedate kao kod kuse. Mogu li vam ponuit = neito a pice? —foljieu fala? ppufenje%, ‘Moram sada ii, {Qstanite jo malo. Zao mi je So ne ogi ostati dude. ‘To je odista bilo ‘diva veée, Hivalaza va Bostoubivost Pozdavite svoj fe ‘nu (Sv0g muza). roonmarsvorr vk a om ey =. eb, dete che al ges Sanaa (do: & Bees = Ee Sie) = ef. Pe eos netaka niece [ni:s] : = Ser = Sir rs ‘Come and have dinner with us. {Kam an hav dino id 3) 1m very pease to see you agin. {aim veri plizd ts: get). Please taka sea (pi ek» si] Thope you el at home with vs. [et boup jf ot hour "if May Toffler your: {oi of wink? [as a up of tea? [2 Kip 2 ti] a cigarette? [a sigoret} Do you mind my smoking? [é-u: maind mei smoukin] ‘Linas go now. ai mist gou nau] Do stay a lite longer. (si) Tim sorey eat stay any longer. [aim sora kant tien ones] ‘ehas been Sue a delightful evening. fithor bin sie 9 dilating) ‘Many thanks for your hospitality. {meni tanks f jo hospitals) Remember me to your wife (uisband). [rimembo mito: hizbond). RELATIVES upg _—_—busband fnisbond Sores wife (a fait punac, fatherdoraw sierar—[fadrino] fait punica mother selva “[ubdora] mt sonia-law {sininlo) soja daughterintaw {éocerinlo} furak brother-in-law ever Ibriornl} sujakinja—saterin-law ove {siseorini] eda srandfather grand} baka uunukta) grandchild | ZABAVA 1 RAZONODA Giese nalazi ‘Where's the nearest cinema abl bioskop? [ford nionst sinima] ose fn dak What fim ison a te Sema? * bioskopu? [Pot lm ion to sini Kad potine ‘hen docs the performance begin? musa? [Ten doe to eforons bigs Posed predstava “The last show bt ight oCack. euosm sa wpetainaesue cet ok cdeschpun re does one ge eke? laze? es dor "in gets) olka ulznia? what's the admission? [ford sdmiton | Moti vas dva 1rd tke to have two seats. ‘sedis. [ai an tao tus) — pare, sed [nthe stall seventh row re {in stots sem rou) ~ a bafkonw = bn the balcony fon 6° balkon] cateet Tina bor fin 3 boks} Hocemo i voters ‘Are we gong tothe theatre tonight? ish pooonste? fac" goul tod eas tonat Gite se mote. were none hn Sear bo dancing (gov dass 5 pledat televii? See the tlevion? [a > tlvito] Bho bin vide lke to see a football match. dbase aks. [ai ak fo 9 fbr mae] ato se dolal do How does one get tothe salam? ‘adijuma? Tha don 9 9 xm Tema ovdekabare Isthere a music hall (ren ‘eis? [izdPeae mjsikhos sakes] stra Sah (Can you play ehees (cards)? ‘tans flan ju prises Keer] ama drama deo] | pesma song [191 Komedia Soma Roma] | Devae singer (295) caged tragedy thn fs te, tradi nih thm: alerts Sim colour fis shims “asalans) bai kal fim pororica stage [scidd} fiimste —nawsreel. furderoba—Glotkioom novesti aul) fkloukrum) pes ball dancing premijers stg fennka Poo dah] (festa) Plane dancing room, once’ meer fans] Gvorna “(dain ram] 3s NAPLAZI Gide se mote kupati ‘Where can one bathe near here? ‘blzin? {Ceokan’ n beid nia 3} Kako se ide na Which isthe way tothe beach? issu? Titizd's cia de bi) Jel dopubteno Is itallowed to bathe here? enone ici slau tobe bis) ka je dubina What isthe depth ofthe water? ‘ode! [Pot i 3 dept ov 9 “os Jel voda hladna Is the water cold (warm)? ‘op? [ize "0%9 “-m) vde plik. Aes shallow here ts Salou bio} Gide se mote ‘Where an one hie... ‘unamit {Peo kon in hai ~kabinu? ‘a eabin? (2 kab} SHezabku? jeck-chair? [2 dees] ine, ered! a amac na vesia 4 rowing-boat. [9 rinbout) = Eamac nated. ing-boat. [> seiligost) ~ motorn famae = a motor-boat. fo moulabout} Kolko kota. What isthe charge. 3:67] ~nasat? per hour? [por a cna dan? per day? (po de] Ja sam dobar plivad Pm 2 good swimmer{im 2 gud svima} Ne gram dobro Tean't swim very wel. pliva. fai kuin stim veel U'pomed! Tone! lip sang a sign Zabranjeno kupanje! Bathing prohibited. (beidin prohibit) plata beach bi roti dive {dsivy Peis andy bench | wala pow fen plata feandi bit) gatice za_—bathingstrunks more sen (s:} "a kupanje [beidintrinks] pesak sand (sand) stim ta,” bathing costume ‘Bjunak shingle (ing) ‘upanje—(Rosyuim] stene cliffs ili} Kapaa” bathing-eap sunce san (sin} ‘apanje—[bedinkap} opekotine sunburn pelkirza —bathstowel ‘od sunca— [sinben) Tupanje——_ (batauol] sunéanica —sunstroke ume airemattress {sinstrouk] ‘madrac—” feomatns) plivat sim (sm) pojas za e-belt heplivat —nom-switnmer Sspasavanje laifbelt 56 Radajem se to sam ‘as upozna. Mogu I nat go ioése Ii dase vi: (Gde emo se nach ‘ikada? Hlogete li me potra- fw hotelu? Geka vas, Hogete i posi sa = ubioskop? =u pororite? naples? =u sein? Hvala, 0 bi bilo vo lepo. Zelela bh stuson lesnu muzies ‘Smem li vas zamo- Tih a ples? Zauzeta Sam 2a cle- et ples. [adam se da se se ‘dobro zabavljal ‘Hvala varn 2a divno vote. Vi'ste vt Iubszni Jayas (te) volim, Mislte ito zasta iskreno? Naravno da mist. Na Zalost, mora. sada oi, Dopustite da vas ‘olpratim Rud ag vam adresu br) telefona. ONA I ON ~ SASTANAK {Pm so glad to have met you. {aim Sou glad thaw met} May I speak tu you for a moment? [mei ak pik: for 9 moumont] Wil you meet me this evening? (hijo nt mi sna) Where and at what time shall we meet? Ives aad at ota 1% mi] ‘Will you call for me at my hotel? il jo ki f> mi 3¢ mai bout) "shall expect you at. o'clock. [si ol kspek ju ako) ‘Would you lke to go with me.. [red jako gud tothe cinema? [to cis] To the theatre? [t9 09 at] To dance? [oda] fora walk? [for 30) ‘Thank you, that would be very nce. [anh jr dat ud bi: vert nals) TPA to hear some dance mast fai ak ahi sim dans mjuczik] ‘May Task you tu dance? [mei ai ask judas] 1m booked up forthe next dance. [aim bukt 3p fo 9 nekst dns) ope yeh gn tine fat houp jv bad 9 gd ar “Thank yeu for a wonderful evening, [ak Foe 3 indo ing You are most kind. 9 moust kind) ove you, ai iv ju) Do you relly mean that sincery? du: li min dat sine) (Ofcourse Ido. fv kos 3d] Pm afraid I tmast be going now. {aim ofei ai mist 6: gouin nau] Allow me to see you home. {slau mi to sj hour) Pllgive you my adress and telephone ‘number: [ail gv jus mai nmbo} Lvolite posenicu Motemo li se vides sutra ponove? Bie mu drago da ‘as opetvidim, a0 mile, ali vee sar aut, Prekosura ¢u biti Sloboda. este i anuzeti za vikend? Molim vas, telefon rate naire, Kad je naj2godnije de elefoniram’? [Ne zaboravite da mi, pibete Obecavam vam, 12BOR KOMPLIMENATA Vi ste vlo, = peed = vik ~ Sept ~oaneat neha Tees “Seset Sani imate ep ws, (ep i tego ice) Viste ripen = pans deve ro deers. Vase of St ane ‘dboke Va ost jlo sla 38 Here's my card. _(hiog mai kad] May we meet again tomorrow? {nei “i mist ageintomorou) | shall be pleased to see you again. {a0 bi: pli-zd tds ju: agetn] Sorry, Ihave prior engagement. [sor a haw 2 praia ingeia2mont) 1PM be free the day after tomorrow. {ail bi: fi: d2o det a:fotomorou} ‘Are you booked up for the week-end? fa: ju bukt ip fo 23 7:kend) Ring me up frst, please. {fin mi fp fost pls), ‘What’ the best time to telephone? Pots oo best tai t telfoun] ‘Don’t forget to write to me. [dount fogat ta rit © mi I promise rou. fi promis ju] You are very. fu: 9 ver] = prety, handsome, goodlooking Ipriti~ handsom ~ gudlukin} ~ slim sim) = smart [sma] ~ tashfonable CaS0obI) tender (endo] charming [€30] cheerful eh! ~ interesting [intristig) ‘You haves beautiful mouth (igure, face) ju: hav 2 bjustful ‘aut ~figo fis} You are.. fu] = beauiful woman, [bjusifal “uman} an mune pt + very well made up. ['l meid 5p] Your eyes are bright and deep. [jo a2» brat on dp} ‘Your smile is very sweet, (jo: small iz ver S14) PREGLED Kad radi Teka? Sia vas boli? Oseéam se botesnim, Bol me. =glava, Feludac Spavate li dobro? ‘Spavam vio slabo. Kailjem mnogo. ovracao sam, Prebladio sam se Boli me gro, Imate Ii peta? [Ne mogu nsta da jedem, Sree a je slo. ‘Uvek sam umoran. Jeli vate varenje uredu? Imam lofe vareaie. Tavolite se svuci ‘do struka Osecate li ovde kakav bol? Jest li meril temperatura? Imam temperataru 386. Molim vas, pokatite mi va jez, Udahnite i izdabnite dduboko. Zaustavite disanje nadas. Oworite usta recite" KOD LEKARA visit ‘When are the consaling hours? [Ten 9d konsiin ais] Whats the mater with you? Pts do mata i] Yin feling very i (iy veil) Thaves ha} headache. (hedeik] ~~ stomach-ache. (stimakeik) earache (rei) Do you sleep wel? {d-u:sl:p Yel) I sleep very badly. [ai sli:p veri badli) cough alot [a ot» lo} ve vomited. (av vomit) ye caught a col. faiv Fo" 9 hou) [ve got sore throat (50: Prout) How's your appetite? (hauz jo: epitai) ean’ eat anything 00 emia) ‘My hearts very weak hat UK] I'm tired all the time. [taiod 0:1] [your digestion in order? {Geio:didzestion i 05) [Pre got indigestion. [ndidtestion) Strip tothe waist, please. {strip do eit liz) Do you fee any pin here? [aur ei pein is) Have you taken your temperature? Ih ju: ean Jo: tempera} My temperate i thirty eight point sie nal tempi i Poet Show me your tongue, please. {Gou mi joa plz] “ake a deep breath in and out. {tei >i rein and at} Can you stop breathing for a moment. {ken sp brevin momar ‘open your mouth and say yah oupn jo: mat? ond se a] 2 Mora 2 Svat, Morate ost u kre ‘eta ti dana, Moramo vis prevesti ‘bola. -Morate se podvréi operas Pepe vam “dan recep. Lk semors =na prazan Yeludac < pre jel ~ poste jl, ‘Unimaié kapjice tr puta devo. Staite hladne ‘Cope oboge orate s pra ‘all jets. — ber mesa, bez st ber alkhola Hoes fi ubrao mosi da putujem? Vi te ubreo biti ravi rala dakiore, Ko Tiko sam ddan? lekar hirurg aalvar specialista bolnica bolnigarka bolest lake Sethe © actor physician (ot ee ata en specialist iepeli) ssa nt Hines ens [ilnis dizi:z] Sigh (a = severe [svi] ‘TREATMENT. 1 nothing scion. in sos] ‘You must take cae of yourself ti mis tek kea se josef). ‘You must stay tn bed (ae te days. Gms sti be fo ede ‘You must be transported to hospital ju: mist i: tanspo te t host You must undergo an operation, {jms Sndogou on oporeisa] ‘ite you reseipton. allay» psp) The medicine must be taken, (eee ~em an empty stomach. [emt sim “lore mes ot} ~ after meas (a ie) “Take the drops thre times a day. [tik do drops tr: time > de} ‘Apply old (hot) compresses. Tops Kould hot komprese) You have to keep toa diet ii: hay to Kp 9 dss) —Bo meat, no salt. fou mst ~s:] i aleaol (cou aol} Shall Te fi to travel soon? (Gala bi fit ant sen} You wilson be wel. {jor sun bl “Thank you doctor: What's your ee? {Pak j: doko "os jo, 1) be aka eo on pilule pill (pil) a all a Bee a. ee [indzekion) vom algae a —— oe {}'omomits) Ova} pregied namenjen je sporazumevanju sa lekarom, ‘Mofete mu pokaazt li ree? koje znake bolest (simptome) ‘osetate, aon de vama (ako treba) pokazati aziv bolest :Znaci" su svstani 0 abecednom redu nasil naziva, a Bolest" prema engleskim nazivima, Tegovor je ovde (kao nevadan) izostavjen, kako bi pre lsd mogao bit o potpunij. ZNACL «SYMPTOMS DISEASES -—_-BOLESTI besanich —_fngomnia anaemia tor cher pain Sppendictis apa se. = see bal its pegs Gticaven Shivering it a a lvobole headache Bood:posoning vane Frejene—Supparation kn ge Sch onom | Droits thie mica fever cancer a ‘cou irenlatory ——smetne w intobola—backevehe disturbance Ervotake Jevarenye Bleeding diabetes ‘fecerna apd attach teres mie cold aitenia Sees ones tlstones Sut ewe! Swoomm, petting burn heart obalenje om i ‘camolint —c ciation Svelng iexdnal revi Sorina Chala ‘stare bse eiade Sale toe Bab frelom” fracture Jarymgitis Up ga Poveda Injey nephiis Spal arene ingestion igs toe) arass pais pee diarhoee Bieoriy) Spa Promklost hoarseness poetrice a Site tart Paroning Tove fpanje the har Pooning” — Wovase upala inflammation rheumatism = reuma vetrovi——atlence sver tah Yroglavice vertigo seiten st saver Consiipaton oo Jedense hobolja —_foothaene fonbun Suna ‘eiodae’” —fomachache Srphola eee ae toll ‘thereat uberatona fguica—_heratburn whooping coogh ipevac oy NAZIVI TL IMENA Oval pregled najéestih geografskihnazivaivastitihimena treba da ok 2e niihov pravilan izgovor Abyssinia [abisnja) dion [ad Adriatic feidratk) (Gadransko more) Africa fatika} ‘Alexander [aligra'nds) Algeria [aldfirois)~ Alvir ‘Amsterdam —(amstodam) felon (ee ada foie) peste it Boor sat eal jdopest. Pcl ae cma] i aru] lent sikagou) sit esc lou — Kein Roseman (dalmeisia} [danju:b] ~ Dunav leivis) dais sion} \dondzu:2a} sabia} fnlop) ledinborap edz] Europe Frankfort Geneva Glasgow Hamburg Indo-China Israel Istria Munich Newton New Yourk Oceanus Persia, Petersburg. Phecadilly Portsmouth Sean etn Shha agai aha Sang fae fou Vatican fatto 3 pepe ee a0 5 Foo a9 BEEP pRpee: roe So ge 5 e! Ene eee SpSp ae se PAP ARETE BE “ye me siemenitna soyja do podne as vo, Kab SBrtanskorado-drutvo ‘Gadio-nanca) peepee leska drfavna banka Eedijoevopsko in vreme na pent (nova) Jedhonmerna sty ‘doktor nauka Minato untajia rare sot ‘Sudnjen abuscéta papa opaneni jamsvom atic meme tora mila en Bt Keajerska mornrica Sing (ova) para Pete aca — so tre Fee cea =e ie EE

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