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General Music: Tuesday 2/3



To-do List:
Decide on group and musical genre.
Assign Power-Point slide research
Confirm group and slide assignments with Mr. Rooney
Begin research for PowerPoint
Powerpoint Jobs
Organizer: Organizes slides information for team and assembles
final PowerPoint. Should also pick one other job to help with.
Music Historian: Researches the musical history of the chosen
genre. Creates at least 3 PowerPoint slides detailing the origin,
development, and decline/replacement of the genre in question.
Context Historian: Researches major non-historical events that
occurred that help define the musical genre or make it popular.
Creates at least 3 PowerPoint slides detailing these non-musical
history events.
Musician/Attributes Researcher: Researches the famous musicians
and musical attributes that have defined the genre. Creates at least
3 PowerPoint slides detailing the musical characteristics and famous
musicians of the genre. Will also help other team members in
assigning musician research papers.

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