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Grade/Subject 6th Grade Social Studies

February 2nd -6th

Teacher(s) Langston & Scott


(What do I want my
students to answer by the
end of the class period? It is
more than just an objective.)

Learning & Teaching Strategies

(How will I engage my students in the learning
process? Differentiation? Object based learning

Assessment and Homework

(How will I measure if my students
understand todays lesson?)

I can determine
characteristics of a
region and how do they
influence the
expansion and decline
of civilizations.



I can use
geographers' tools and
historical thinking to
explain the emergence,
expansion and decline
of civilizations,
societies and regions.

I can analyze
the behaviors and
practices of individuals
that influence



I will
understand the
characteristics that
connect cultures
religious and societal

I will compare

Content Focus: Students will be

learning about Islam and the expansion
of their society, religion, geography, and
1. Continue working on Islam

Content Focus: Students will be

learning about Islam and the expansion
of their society, religion, geography, and

HW: Islam Project Due

Friday 2/6/15

1.Continue working on Islam Project

2. Review Guide for test

Content Focus: Students will be

learning about Islam and the expansion
of their society, religion, geography, and

HW: Islam Project Due

Friday 2/6/15
Study Guide for Islam test
on Friday 2/6/15

1. Review Guide
2. Brain Pop Islam Video

Content Focus: Students will be

learning about Islam and the expansion
of their society, religion, geography, and
1. Finish Video

HW: Islam Project Due

Friday 2/6/15
Study Guide for Islam test
on Friday 2/6/15

2. Kahoot Test Reivew

and contrast the
contributions from
individuals and cultural
groups on the political,
economic, historical
events of a civilization. Content Focus: Students will be
learning about Islam and the expansion
of their society, religion, geography, and
6.H.1 I can use
historical thinking to
understand the
emergence, expansion
and decline of
civilizations, societies
and regions over time.
6.H.2 I can
understand the
political, economic
and/or social
significance of
historical events,
issues, individuals and
cultural groups.


6.G.1 I can
Understand geographic
factors that influenced
the emergence,
expansion and decline
of civilizations,
societies and regions
(i.e. Africa, Asia,
Europe, and the
Americas) over time.
6.G.2 I can apply the
tools of a geographer to
understand the
emergence, expansion
and decline of
civilizations, societies
and regions.
6.E.1 I can
understand how the
physical environment
and human interaction
affected the economic
activities of various
civilizations, societies

1. Islam Test
2. Present Projects


and regions.
6.C&G.1 I can
understand the
development of
government in various
civilizations, societies
and regions.
6.C.1 I can explain
how the behaviors and
practices of individuals
and groups influenced
societies, civilizations
and regions.

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