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this works and it is how i caught many many pokemon including high level legendaries

stock up with pokeballs (regular pokeballs only)

run across a wild pokemon you want to catch and hit USE button for a Pokeball
as soon as you hit USE push the left and right triggers at the same time and hold
when the pokeball hits the wild pokemon and explodes release left and right triggers and push
A+B and hold
when the pokeball falls and hits the ground on the screen right before its first wiggle, release A
and continue to hold B
it should catch the pokemon, without fail
this actually works and won't screw up any gameplay, but timing is everything so be patient if it
doesnt work the very first time
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Code - How to get to Moltres

Rating: 8
Most people say that the can not get to the Legendary Pokemon Moltres. I have decide to create
this guide. Before you enter, you may want to stock up on 1 Escape Rope and a few Max Repels.
You will also need Water Fall, Surf and Rock Climb. Once you step in My. Silver, follow my
1=2 up

2=4 left
3=Use Surf
4=3 up
5=Use Water Fall
6=14 left
7=10 up
8=3 left
9=Use Rock Climb up
10=3 left
11=6 up
12=Use Rock Climb right
13=1 up
14=Use Surf
15=5 up
16=Use Water Fall
17=8 up
18=4 left
19=5 up
20=2 up
21= 8 left or right
22 = 8 up
23 = Use Rock Climb. If you went left, use it on the right and if you chose right, use it on the
24 = 1 up

25 = There you will see Moltres. Watch out because it is level 50! After you catch it, use an
Escape Rope. to escape from the cave and go to a PokeCenter to see you new Moltres!
Hope I helped! -skyp
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Code - Help Catching the 2 Legendary Dogs

Rating: 8
If you have not already caught Entei and Raikou, this may help. You will also need Repels and
pleanty of Ultra Balls;
1. Get a Dugtrio Lv. 39-Lv.43 that has Arena Trap
1.1 Get Dugtrio to the front of your party
2. Go to a random City and go back and forth from the city to a neighboring route
2.1 One will eventually come on the route
3. When you are on the same route, use a repel
4. While the repel is activated, run around in the grass or water
5. Soon you will run into Entei or Raikou
6. With Dugtrio's Arena Trap ability, the dog can not escape from battle. This is you time to
attack! Get its HP down in the Red-Zone and keep on using Ultra balls. Soon you will catch it.
I think this may work with Latios/Latias. Hope I helped!
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