Thermodynamics (ENGR 23000F) : Chapter 1.1 Introduction and Basic Concepts

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Monday, February 2, 2015

Thermodynamics ( ENGR 23000F)

Chapter 1.1 Introduction and basic concepts

- Thermodynamics: the study of energy conversion between heat and mechanical

1. Classical thermodynamics: concerned with thermodynamic states and properties of
large, mean-equilibrium systems and with the laws of thermodynamics.
2. Statistical thermodynamics: relates to the microscopic properties of individual atoms
and molecules to the macroscopic properties of materials.
3. Chemical thermodynamics: the study of the interrelation of energy with chemical
reactions or with a physical change of state within the laws of thermodynamics.

- Four laws of thermodynamics

1. Zeroth law: thermal equilibrium. If two thermodynamic systems are separately in
thermal equilibrium with a third, then they are also in thermal equilibrium with each
2. First law: conservation of thermal energy. The net change in the internal energy (U)
of a closed system is equal to the sum of the amount of heat energy (Q) supplied to
or removed from the system and the work (W) done on or by the system. Energy
can transform from one type into another (e.g kinetic into heat) but the final amount
should be equal to the initial.
3. Second law: Entropy increase principle. The total entropy of any thermodynamic
isolated system always increases over time. Entropy is understood as the measure
of randomness.
4. Third law: Absolute zero temperature. As a system asymptotically approaches the
absolute zero, all processes virtually cease and the entropy approaches the
minimum value.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Topics to be covered during the semester

1. Thermodynamics laws
Chapter 1, Chapter 2-5, Chapter 6-8, Chapter 9 respectively.
2. Balance equations

- Mass balance.
- Entropy balance.
- Energy balance.
- Exergy balance.
3. Thermodynamic devices

- Heat engines.
- Refrigerators.

Chapter 1.2. Dimensions and limits

1. Dimensions
- Fundamental dimensions (primary)
3 fundamental dimensions: Length (L), time (t) and mass (M)
4 fundamental dimensions: Temperature (T), electric current (I), amount of light
(Cd) and amount of matter (mol).

- Derived dimensions (Dimensional analysis)

Area (L^2)

Acceleration (L/t^2)

Power (ML^2/t^3)

Volume (L^3)

Force (ML/t^2)

Current (I)

Velocity (L/t)

Energy (ML^2/t^2)

Charge (It)

Monday, February 2, 2015

2. Units

- Metric units (S.I units, MKS units)

- CGS (centimeters, grams and seconds)
- Imperial units or English units ( foot, pounds and seconds)

Chapter 1.3. Systems and control volumes

- System. A quantity of matter or region in the space chosen for study.

- Surroundings: mass or region outside the system
- Boundary: the real or imaginary surface that separates the system from its

Types of systems

1. Closed system or control mass. A fixed amount of mass and no no mass can
cross its boundary. However, energy can pass through the boundary inward or
outward. Example, a cylindrical piston.
2. Open system or control volume. A properly selected region in space. Both mass
and energy can cross its boundary. It consists of imaginary and real boundaries.
Example, a garden hose.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Chapter 1.3. Systems and control volumes

1. Property. Any characteristic of a system. Volume, temperature, mass and density

are examples.
2. Types of properties

- Intensive properties. Those that are independent of the mass of a system.

- Extensive properties. Those whose values depend on the size of the system.
Continuum. Mass is made up of atoms, that are widely spaced in the gas phase.
However it is very convenient to disregard the atomic nature of a substance and to view
it as continuous matter.

Density and specific properties.

1. Specific gravity. The ratio between the density of a substance and the density of
some standard substance at a specified temperature. It is stated as S.G and the
reference substance by convention is water at 4 degrees Celsius.
2. Specific volume, energy and work. Volume, energy and work divided by mass.

Chapter 1.6. State and equilibrium.

1. State. All the properties of a system have fixed values
2. Equilibrium. A state of equilibrium.

- Thermal equilibrium. The temperature throughout the system is the same.

- Mechanical equilibrium. Pressure throughout the system is the same.
- Phase equilibrium. Mass of each phase reaches an equilibrium level if the system
involves two phases.

- Chemical equilibrium. Chemical composition does not change. No chemical


Monday, February 2, 2015

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