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sour sisi vat (fluc) s.2.ustenn snd Symb, 802199 No.of Printed Pages: 16 4630 | play ston Register Number aulefluey / SCIENCE (s1Blp wiih gyusleo oul / Tamil & English Versions) Gp: 24 woe | [Quon wPSQusirasr : 75 ‘Time Allowed : 24 Hours ] [Maximum Marks : 75 aiBlayny : (1) stmenigy Blomasieni sflums sib6t Lipa 2 charg ere senor sfurtgge Aarérenld. sdeiuPed GmpOGUIE serps seiranaurerflLib 21 omquirss QpAieAsayi. 2) fab shag 5Gi4 enone vi OCo YBMBHE WELDS Coudir@ib. ULtisdr acrarpig Que Lud GEpab. Instructions : (1) Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately. {@) Use Black or Blue ink to verite and pencil to draw diagrams. + Qésofemnfiprér epeingy Giflaysenerés Qarein gi ‘This question paper contains three sections, \Silay - 1/ SECTION -1 (0B isGueins 15) / (Marks : 15) SHY: () QUIMAAS ocrar 15 Barras eHAG aor watsay. 15x1=15, () Sood Giger AsrGssLuc Geer ordy Brash say) sflurer Ben eups CpipAsOs—) eTepBaub. Note: (i) Answer all the 15 questions. (Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given in the brackets, [Buus / Tum over sour sisi vat (fluc) s.2.ustenn snd Symb, 4630 2 1. Qupess Cpte) Cam uma GaseiiLait (omtencio Liter, flu Ca- cic; Ala Cppracn Quodim_ a; pf incon io ononis) ‘The theory of natural selection was proposed by (Charles Darwin; Hugo de Vries; Gregor Johann Mendel; Jean Baptise Lamark) 2. Goss epbmsie cepSe AarHEsiUB CpnipsOryA (oorisayf! GurcSGur, DPT, DPT wpgd GuneCus, BOG) “The ist vaccine injected nto a jst bor baby is (Onl polo, DPT, DPT and Oral pollo, BOC) 3. @@ Grd 2 uFusren ouSLT ppd udiehwBENS Perr QUpd DencAuess aeumsaiensr gery (Gen xpa, Qreinins Oenppe, sepbiyse, ovGunt adr ke) “This is one of the methods of reproduction in Unicellular Organisms like amoeba and ‘bacteria, in which they split into two equal halves and produce new one is called : (Fragmentation, Binary fission, Budding, Spore formation) 4. phoiy ex yabig, CpmacuGag! (Crwba1 fi. uderru, ees ge, Jens evens’) The autotrophic maton requires (Oz and water, Chlorophyll Sunlight al the above) 5.) Closiiscrené grdny. Qeuspensuire emp Quibus 2 payh CayPciQ.negsr (Gur LrAud oCurerG, srdfurd srtuCan, spps or ahormO, widGorefun reduc ) chemical is used in seeding clouds. (Pottasium iodide, Calcium carbonate, Sulphur di oxide, Ammonium phosphate) 9. sour sisi vat (fluc) s.2.ustenn snd Symb, 3 4630 QreirG Prevtisdr odxHGoncrpy seorjorenns opBvestied eet Qrain_ps sertuenas, Gein pé serairpene) f twa liquids are mutually soluble they ae called (miscible, immiscible) PH -logiglH*]. @@ sonvedten axanc ng swuelliién Qegaj 0001 M era, apd pH wl enw pH-= —logi[H1]. The pH of a solution containing hydrogen ion concentration of 0.001 M solation is @ 14) pind comp solooragy Csivorss Seog Boo. Ops srip omg over clmenifiag: Dice. O5! Penonde 2 crerg, (seis eos | Geis ave) Gold doesnot ccurn the combined fom. It does not reac with i (r water It sin (rative state, combined state) srPADo pg cCorsorag Qorusyorangrats IAZAsOSSULOAPS, Sgiiuorengy UTdmor yAGds IAsss5UGAg. Os cor wimpasiiOéipg, . (s°51 / sofa) (Ore is used forthe extraction of metals profitably. Bauxite is used to extract aluminium, it can be termed as (ere, mineral) a [Pqiys / Tum over 4630 10. un. 2 1B. 1“ Ay. wat (siflafiuic) s.0.u.stans. ‘ BsCgalidr ainiie® CHy, oper Aer_Gb ADEE CH, rACzer. @ Qrérapeqpsrer Gurgerer Carpur® — (CHY/GH) Formula of methane is CHy and its succeeding member ethane is expressed in Cay ‘The common difference of succession between them is (Cy Cott) lial Benodgyérer semonen Qurgeter 2.55: (Bs aif, Biss GmpE, 549, cpys8el) ‘The momentum of a masive object at rest is (Wer are, Very smal, Zero Ininiy) BO hen clerdegsoficr einpeo.sotich dip 1:2 te0e Gpnusre Ge aiid DoanssiuiQSerpen salies ono (©) dendron (© gyton (@) endplate 19. engpréadefiér uasiadr oCsgib Dreimgeens aps. Give any two functions of Thyroxine. 20, Qugeparender Laid wirenas? What are the functions of cerebrum ? sour sisi vat (fluc) s.2.ustenn snd Symb, 1 4630 21. GanGastut Oder LL pnp axoyhgs Bgster Uraitiscnards say (21) erésenover (2) Gani Pyssefuci. Redraw the diagram acl label the following parts (©) Tube nucleus 22. (1) peng senpsiescr squs ong ecru ceriig (35) wafigafler sre ae Gacuiplos (2) An animal which has four chambered stomach (©) Normal body temperature of man is 23. Qun@sgis : » (>) [@résé ot Oacr|-[QaetGuppsude amdg (a) |Aiygvaisecr — [-lesistenau (@) [Gere [vga compa (=) [pensra — |-lansi Match the following: (@) [Blood platelets |-Jevpired air (b) [Kidneys [Sweat © [sen ~ blood cloting @) [tomes ~arine [Begins / Tam over 4630 m4 25. sour sisi vat (fluc) s.2.ustenn snd Symb, an G asi. Gérer ui gang evsorpg Aipeacin. unstiscoen GB (21) emg re Aut (@)@6 oCfiud @) waipip eursray (m) ip eur Draw the given diagram and label the following part (0) Right ato (0) Lefeatsium > (6) Tricuspid valve (4) Bicuspid valve seurblppdlds crémugy 6 sriuen Gaiean. Caio. ooringés sidlond cérug) __ sf Goins. Inthe process of respiration ____is 6 carbon compound. The Lactic aid is ‘carbon compound. (a) usew CapGuderrd cam rgb. GurGGeG eOSHSErLO LUsonws amy Gadufoo wrppid wpgid ye Gaduorpmo op.Ossdlogi (@) Example for product of green chesisty is cy ‘geen house gas which causes climate change and global warming, () sour sisi vat (fluc) s.2.ustenn snd Symb, ’ 4630 27. (9) filam 2einLgib Cpmiae «Obssd5r-O. (28) BUY Gup Quwrs send (2) Example for water-bome disease © is a non-renewable respurce, 28. @@ Apmwojfle 2008-2009 api BeimyS o HULL Aprop Cprisseiér Baird QL a@uLors AerGssiUcGdong. Psma aisg Cprsd Apsscir_aubflde Bon uofiescyl (21) Qugbureoen wiscar gré@is Combed wrencu? (23) réaury Ops Cpmisscir upeyBenper? ‘The pie diagram represents a survey result of infectious diseases of a village during 2008-2009. “Analyse it ancl answer the following. Som (@) Which diseases affected the majority of the population ? (©) How are the diseases transmitted ? {[Pepdus / Tum over eeu efish ua (afar) s.2u.steos. 4630 10 29. onBiyser SERUECUD Bugid bgid PEI Qup Guams erriiscrer fusre Qui@ie® Ay. suomisasc Aw 2 c Dood Quad euemiacr ex | Gu Corefiun’ Pebus up Ques everivacr @users cure; | efi: gel wine Match the suitable renewable and non-renewable sources. Sources AS 8 € Renewable Coal Wind Petroleum Non Renewable Hydrogen | Natural gas | Solar energy 30, sidzcnqenn filo scorég) QscALiqu seaps@ne © Garédu Géx CopAsrand sisson sexks (PyLON? HO coTERBOS 5S. ‘You have prepared a saturated solution of sugar Is it posible to dissolve some more rome of sugar to this solution ? Justify your sand. 31. 208, eaoud eLimus0 8. BAA seorpPlebprd nesenred Gopi 5585 Papows sonedips. Find the concentration of solution in terms of weight percent, if 20 gram of common salt is dissolved in 50 gram of water, 32. @pcrgaler padmp Parp 28. osc Banp 14 opt speller x—pissO creineooné sri. Molecular mass of nitrogen is 2 It's atomic mass is 14, Find the atomicity of nitrogen 38. Qody gafous sry SOGUC sored oasgd Gung priiné FOGUL oh Pind wIpAdIg? act UPpEsran cerassongh BroW ‘Why does the colour of copper sulphate change when an iron nal is kept init? Justify your answer. eeu efish ua (afar) s.2u.steos. Ay. | u 4630 3A, peng Aphis fla Gungaradtich pH wALY Bp AarOsainuc Garang. a Quist pH oAiu ar 50 eiguiisens orp, 2a Gigd vudwOsgid Gore] 120 | phono! ongt a Givaweon ugiuria Qeig &Cp ada Cadrdawss Ben achssayd. (at) «BO ppd Quirgsradt ouSleysgdrenio 2.60. wseneu? (2) eBOp{BC QuTGaradr snrp—stenwo 2.corwionas? “The pH values of certain familiar substances are given below. Substance pH Values Coffee 30 Temon Juice 24 “House hold ammonia 120 Tomatio juice an “Analyse the data in the table and answer the following questions (@) Which substances are acylic in nature ? (@) Which substances are basic in nature ? 35. silat yhmmar afsrén® G0sGb Hands sigiietu eCarspens oar Qup cpquings? ‘Why cannot aluminium metal be obtained by the reduction of aluminium oxide with coke? 36, peber gofi aiflons 1 Lasmamurorg, Gpnitecrrgid Oprepasrrgid yang, OPE esier Opn inet, preps conaAlsnsenes BOS. “Modern periodic table consists of periods and groups. Mention the number of periods and groups of the same. [Sq@i14s / Tum over Ay. eeu efish ua (afar) s.2u.steos. 4630 2 37. Quincy (Yok apaniun® | Gunpt Guu (CH, OH Qos BLCnde CHLCHO Poe CH,CO CH Pret (CH; COOH Qn fe xyiapond “Match the following ‘Molecular Formula ‘Common Rame CHO Dimethyl ketone (CH CHO ‘Acetic ad (CH, CO CH, Acetaldchyde CH, COOH ‘Methyl alcohol 38. Bhésrend mdpscie saupedr sped seis, (2) 90 Buta cans carigs Gy Amd Penpuysiar Quirgeid 1 ms"? COAsaE PUOsgId Hosier ermae Gig. () Benamjh ePiteBoremyd eLALneppiid @Or Gurgafidr bss QewsuGib. ‘Correct the mistakes if any in the following statements (@) One newton isthe force that produces an acceleration of 1 ms~? in an object of 1 gram mass (0) Action and reaction is always acting om the same body. 39. Gall Qpnfé gic LisAlér (p&Busorer use AAA euMBEr HEL. ahi oA Lneasr eréeuigen Qunegener © amidase. ‘Ths important use of cryogenic is cyogeic fuel. What do you mean by cryogenic sour sisi vat (fluc) s.2.ustenn snd Symb, 3 4630 40. wpuery pine cpertedticn Quutadr &Cip gril @crorer. wrapper Ao BaD, SATA LLgudlls. (stip gdp, Gflu yond, fiilér yppd. s—d5G wpe, sm Bie, Lefl-—s1ens -yhpe) In the ist of unconventional sources of energy given below some of them are wrong, List oat the wrong ones. (Wind energy, solar energy, hydro electric power, nuclear energy, tidal energy, wave energy, geothermal energy) 41. anor sBiacr () Qupons aflfuss goftodisorrd QaudheA Gd ayeissrer sBicSiorgs. (21) Quides sBiiudas sahiomadr GaieheiGid Carp sPirss winenes? (25) 21gnd apitshédlér sierajdaren sag créer? ‘We know that (y-aysare harmful radiations emited by natural radioactive substances, (@) Which ae other radiations emited from such substances ? (8) What isthe unt of nuclear radiation ? 2. 18 gb upp 6 gi Deérporsd 6 V Dérso sGeGLer Agriors Qeverdssc Géroren sale, (2) SoBe Quorgs Dargo (4) spf unnjd DeiCarid Qapeps sandGs. ‘Theo resistances 18 9 and 6 (are connected toa 6 V battery in series Calle (0) The total resistance ofthe circuit (0) The caret through the crit. 43. Comte @Ltisenar AyCLa}d :, (2) Contin: Parobanipb, eure fBaren Gone ait (a) oatug Opronog, : KLi, Ppa Flin the blanks. (@) For motor : permanent magnet, then commercial motor (©) Focal length ofa lens : mete, then for power ofa lens 1 Bgiys / Tum over sour sisi vat (fluc) s.2.ustenn snd Symb, 44, Rpéscinaipaapk: @PEGid sciranteh Unaacer «OBE. (29) aor ureaicnud 5 OAU086i Bega Bw. Ob (a) actress Gurgatiér bub ecg UE —__§- Considering these write down the names ofthe pats in human ey. {@) _ Dark muscular diaphragm that controls the pupil __ (©) The screen where the image is formed by eyellens > 45. anatud glarert ess alten axBTAPEL Upars DIO srantuGéng. sigan 50% ‘To an astronaut sky appears dark instead of Bive. Give the reason. {Silay It / SECTION = (opiQcienar 20) (Marks: 20) CHL: |) GAdaNG LEATS GAG ow ome Spb preg, enrssieyes Beo_uléseud. a5=20 fo gdGang Barresipe10 gaiigh wBUBLdiradt (i) Cpmanirer @)isefiés Utd eens. Note: () Answer any four questions by choosing one question from each part. (i) Each question cartes five marks, (ii) Draw diggram wherever necessary. ue -1/ PARTI 46, (pa Gad eqasréad wails EOEODG Pe perenivcnns cfiggierergs (20) pad Qessscfiér aimsscnsr asflnsiuBiee. (93) QL Gosden qpiBus udieyscr wtenay? (@) ex eyed Gadincr cciainy GupuGBlémer? Stem cell culture as brought alt of benefits tolmankind. (@) Uist the types of stem cel {@) What are the characteristic features of stems ? (©) How are the somatic stem cols obtained ? eeu efish ua (afar) s.2u.steos. Ay. 1s 4630 . ACLU 15, 8 migeSOD prams Coren nuGAps (2) 2 perugiig, os agaist pénmoscomé aps. (28) 90 profi

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