Newsletter 03 02

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St Mark

Dear Parent/Carers,

Health & Safety .

Its hard to believe we are fast approaching

the end of half term. We look forward to
the nights becoming lighter and hopefully
the continuation of the mild weather, especially for the half term holiday.

It has once again been brought to my

attention that some parents are still
parking inappropriately when dropping
off or collecting their children from


Some of the residents have children who

attend other schools, or when they need
to leave for work are unable to do so due
to their driveways being blocked .

At the end of our half term we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Thompson who has
worked in our school for 5 years. During
her time here at St. Marks she has made
many friends with children, parents and
staff alike. I am sure you will join me in
wishing her the very best of luck for the
Parent Evenings
Parents/Carers are invited to come along to
Parents evening on either Monday 9th
February, 3.30pm 5.30pm or Wednesday
11h 4.30pm 6.30pm. This will give you
the opportunity to have a chat with your
childs teacher and discuss their progress
and targets. Appointment sheets are
placed outside your childs classroom.
Hawkhirst Residential Stay September
Year 5 parents whose children are going to
Hawkhirst at Kielder in September can
begin paying for the trip from today. An
Initial first deposit of 35.00 should be
handed into the school office no later
than Friday 27th February. Thank you.
Children's Absence..
If your child is poorly, please contact the
school as soon as possible on the morning
of the first day of absence. If we do not
have a reason for your child's absence
from school for that day it will be marked
down as an unauthorised absence.
Holiday Requests.
Holiday Requests cannot be authorised by
Mrs Miller. The local authority are encouraging schools to take legal action against
parents who regularly take unauthorised
holidays and absence.
Y2 Class Liturgy
Our Y2 Parents are invited to come along
to a Class liturgy on Thursday 12th February at 9am. We look forward to seeing you

The local police have been informed and

will be monitoring the situation over the
next few weeks. Any cars parked inappropriately will result in their registration
number being passed onto our local
community officer.
Can I please ask you to park with
consideration for other members of our
community, your support in this matter
would be greatly appreciated.
School Lunches.
If your child has a school dinner on a
Monday they have to stay on school
lunches all week .They can not change to
packed lunch mid week as Mrs Elliott has
ordered the food for your child for the
Year 4& Year 5.
Are you enjoying reading the Wednesday word with your child, please check
your childs book bag Tomorrow & every

Year 5 visit to Ouseburn.

Next Friday 13th February our Year 5
children are out on a school trip to
Ouseburn, a letter has been sent home
last week with more information about
this visit..

After school clubs.

Year4/5 After School Knitting Club.
This after school club will start on Friday
27th February 3.15/4.15pm it will run for
6 weeks there is a charge of 50p per child
per session (3.00 total) for this club. We
will ask for advance payment once your
child has had their place confirmed.
If your child is interested in joining this
club please call into the school office and
leave your childs name. Places are limited
for this club so names will be taken and
you will be informed if your child has a
place on the club.
KS2 Fencing Club.
This club will start on a Monday night
3.15/4.15pm after half term.
It will run for 6 weeks there is a charge of
2.00 per child per session (12.00 total)
for this club. We will ask for advance payment once your child has had their place
If your child is interested in joining this
club please call into the school office and
leave your childs name.
KS1 After school Football Club.
Next week Thursday12th February is the
last session for this club.
Year 2 Street Dance.
Next Thursday is the last session for this
club, after half term street dance is open
to our Year 1 Children your child will be
bringing home a letter about this club.
Year 3/4 After School Football Club.
This club will start on Thursday 26th
February 3.15/4.15pm , it is open to all
KS2 children. If your child is interested
please leave their name at the school
office. Places are limited.


Year 5/6 After School Football Club.

The overall attendance for school was

94.13%. Our Year 6 children had the
highest attendance so have earned an
extra playtime.

This club will start on Thursday 26th

February 3.15/4.15pm If your child is
interested please leave their name at the
school office.

School Footwear.

School will close on Friday 13th February at the usual time 3.15pm for half term.

Just a reminder to parents that Black/

Brown Shoes are part of the school uniform policy. Boots/trainers can only be
worn to travel to and from school but
your child must change into their shoes
once in school.

We return to school on Monday 23rd

February 2015, doors will be open from
Yours sincerely
Mrs. Miller

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