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Name Cerebral Palsy-Quadriplegia Boys: 0 to 10 years Length *ge ( Corebral Palsy —= NCHS * Peat seit om Natal Center fo Heath Suites (197) "Cerebral Paty peranes om Kick. Murpy = MiP, Zeger Sane Wright Patter rant in chicrn with cerebral aly. Journal athe Amencan Otte Associaton 9668-585 (196) #8 lille ae |82 |] 86 Es 190) 15; 40) 138 130) 125 120 115 18 05 00 95 a0 75 0 50 rc 10 a AGE (years) “Futumol gor ne wD cba ply Juma Ania ite ate 8 ODS (196 &8 go gs 58 se Name 3 Cerebral Palsy-Quadrip (mam Corsbral Palsy — CHS. Boys: 0 10 10 years Weight Age 6 0 5 0 (6) snoM AGE (years) 0 35 20 Cerebral Palsy-Quadriplegia Name Boys: Oto 10 years Weight/ Length mm Cerebral Palsy == NCHS 4550 5560657075808 OHO 10511010040 ‘LENGTH (em) som — wees _| ‘0th cP | som NHS oth, NCHS sont |—}—} ° T ro cP ot —_t hy} — 4% Sb 85 6) GS 7, TS BD BS BY HOD 10511115 120-82 190 1540 LENGTH (em) 3 NOUN DUES 9887" HIN AYN LN WO) SADA He Tees sae aye) eo EN OH BALIN Saya. |Qi61) $9-089 96 uonrarssy aang Vee 0 UOT fsa QHD WK VPRO U LNOHt LEY eee sas — beuanasnis Growth References for Children with Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy These population specific references for children with quadriplegic cerebral palsy will facilitate uniformity in your clinical appraisal of growth and nutritional status Deviations in growth may be the first or only signal of a more serious underlying health problem that requires assessment. This chart will also halp you to educate families about the issue of growth and aid in evaluating the etficacy of your intervention strategies, The estimate of ideal body weight is in part deter- mined by the severity and topography of cerebral palsy. For those children with quadriplegia, ideal body Weight should accommodate the principles of assuring 900d health by maintaining adequate fat and muscle stores and allow for ease in daily physical care and management a Kick J, Murphy-Miller P. Zeger S, Wright E. Pattern of growth in chidren with cerebral palsy. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1996; 96:680-685. Kennedy Krieger Institute 707 North Broadway Balimare, Maryland 21205 www kennedykrieger org

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