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Your website is:

Today your task is to determine if your website is an authentic website or not. Were
going to
judge it based on various criteria, then youll make your final decision.
1. Go to Find out who is the owner of this page. Write it below.
Search for
information on the owner and write it below.
easyDNS Technologies Inc.
2. Look at the bottom of your webpage. Who is responsible for this site? What are
credentials? What makes them an expert?
Lyle Zapato, has been doing websites since 1997. He is not associated with any
school organization.
3. Are there sources cited for the information on the page? Where are the sources
Yesm mostly from studies performed by other groups.
4. Are there spelling or grammar errors on the page?
5. What is the domain name? (example: .com, .edu, .net, etc.) Is it a personal page?
.net No, it is not a personal page.
6. Do the links on this site work correctly?
7. Open google in another tab. Find out who else is linking to your site. In the search
box, type
link:webaddress (example: The sites linked to your
site will pop
up. Open these other sites. What are they saying about your site?
It is an informative site.
8. Why was this site created (to inform, persuade, explain, sell, parody, etc.)?
To inform readers about an endangered animal.
9. Is there a bias? Is one side of the argument presented more than the other? Is
there a hidden

Just writes about why tree octupuses are important and how sad the history of the
animal has been.
10. Does this site contain facts or opinions? Give an example to support your
Facts, there are many studies and statistics to support the argument.
11. Is the site clean and uncluttered? Is it easy to get the key information? Why or
why not.
12. Is the information accurate? Does the site give enough information?
Could use a little more information.
13. When was this site last updated?
14. Could you get better information about this topic in a book? Encyclopedia?
Most of the information started from a book, the author just elaborated.
15. Use common sense Is the topic of this website realistic? Do the facts make
sense? Give
examples why or why not.
Yes, the article makes sense and can be very persuasive.
Final Decision: It is a good website to find information about the tree

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