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During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Kabuto decides to use

Madara against the Allied Shinobi Forces and uses M as a

medium to summon him to the battlefield. When he first
becomes aware of his surroundings, Madara believes he has
been brought back by Nagato's Outer Path Samsara of
Heavenly Life Technique but soon realises that he instead has
been brought back with the Impure World Reincarnation.
Kabuto speaks through M, introduces himself, and explains
recent developments in the world and Tobi's current actions.
After Kabuto points out that he has restored Madara to a state
beyond his prime, Madara tests his body by tearing through the
Fourth Division, thinning its numbers. The Fourth Division's
initial attempts to stop Madara fail as he protects himself with
Susanoo. When the Fifth Kazekage, Third Tsuchikage, and one
of Naruto Uzumaki's shadow clones combine efforts, Madara is
forced to activate his Rinnegan and absorb the attack.
Seeing a way to eliminate all his enemies in one attack, Madara
pulls down a meteorite from the atmosphere. When the
Kazekage and Tsuchikage successfully stops it, Madara adds a
second meteorite to his attack, both of which fall upon and
devastate the Fourth Division. With most of the Fourth Division
dead, Madara questions Kabuto about just how far off-plan
Tobi has gone. Because Kabuto doesn't actually know much
about the plan, Madara is left to check things for himself and
tries to summon the Nine-Tails, only to discover it's sealed in a
jinchriki, specifically Naruto. He tries to apprehend Naruto but
is repelled by the arrival of the Fifth Hokage, the Fifth
Mizukage, and the Fourth Raikage. The five Kage combine
forces against Madara and propel him from the immediate
By the time he returns, Naruto's shadow clone is gone and the
five Kage remain his only opponents. They battle for some time,
with Madara equaling and besting the Kage's efforts. When he
is hit with the Tsuchikage's Dust Release: Detachment of the
Primitive World Technique, Madara's armour is torn away,
revealing the implant of Hashirama's face on his chest. Madara
laments Hashirama's legacy that these Kage have inherited,
having been completely unimpressed by their attacks,
particularly those of the Hokage, Hashirama's granddaughter.
Madara then creates creating twenty-five copies of himself and
have them each activate their Susanoo.
By nightfall, the Kage are still alive and are able to pool their
efforts so successfully that he is nearly sealed. Finally
impressed by their display, Madara responds by summoning his
perfected Susanoo. Before he can use it to kill the Kage, his
Susanoo starts to fade and Madara is engulfed in light. Madara
realises that Kabuto has elsewhere released him from the
Impure World Reincarnation and his soul is returning to the
afterlife. Madara responds by performing the hand seals to

rescind the Impure World Reincarnation contract that Kabuto

has over him, enabling him to return to his immortal body
without further interference from a summoner. Now able to do
whatever he likes and bored with the Kage, Madara decides to
go find Naruto and reclaim the Nine-Tails. The Kage try to
block his escape.
Madara reunites with Obito.

After defeating the five Kage, Madara finds and reunites with
Obito while he's engaged in combat with Naruto, Killer B,
Kakashi Hatake, and Might Guy. Madara notices the Demonic
Statue undergoing a premature transformation into the TenTails and scolds Obito for being too hasty. After Obito returns
Madara's gunbai, Madara creates a wood dragon in an attempt
to capture Naruto and Killer B and complete the Ten-Tails. He
at one point manages to restrain and drain B of his energy but
is overwhelmed by Guy's Daytime Tiger. The Ten-Tails is
revived before he can recover, forcing Madara to make do. He
and Obito leap onto the Ten-Tails' head and connect
themselves to it, granting them control of its actions. Their four
opponents put up a resistance but are no match for the TenTails' power. Before the Ten-Tails can finish them off, however,
the combined Allied Shinobi Forces arrive to join the fight,
deflecting the Ten-Tails' attack.
The Allies join forces to immobilise the Ten-Tails, making it an
easy target. The Ten-Tails undergoes a new transformation
before their attacks can connect, freeing it and letting it block
the incoming attacks. Though the immediate problem is solved,
Madara realises there's another issue: the Allies are being
coordinated too effectively. He and Obito direct the Ten-Tails
to attack the distant Allied HQ, something that takes several
Tailed Beast Balls due to their lack of control, which Madara
attributes to Obito's failure to revive him correctly. Although
the Allies' "brain" is killed, the Allies are given one final battle
plan in the time it takes the Ten-Tails to hit its target. Obito and
Madara try to thin the Allies' numbers before they can get into
position and, when that fails, block against the oncoming
attack, but the combined forces manage to break through and
separate Obito and Madara from the Ten-Tails. With the TenTails now out of their control they must fight the Alliance
directly. Obito eventually disappears to the other dimension,
forcing Madara to fend for himself.

During Obito's absence, Madara senses that Hashirama has

elsewhere been brought back to life. Excited at the prospect of
fighting his rival again, Madara eagerly awaits his arrival. When
he arrives, Hashirama sends only a wood clone to face him,
being too busy restraining the Ten-Tails. Madara decides to sit
out the fight until the real Hashirama is ready. When the wood
clone persists, Madara easily defeats it. Madara later senses
Obito's return to the battlefield and decides to make use of one
of his fail-safes, activating chakra receivers planted in Obito to
force him to finally revive Madara. Obito resists and instead
seals the Ten-Tails into himself.

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