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Name Brave, Stason Due Date 02/0 34 ot WHAT MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS DO I NEED TO. REMEMBER FOR THIS COURSE™ ~EVERYTHI For starters, do you remember how to solve the following problems + WITHOUT USING YOUR CALCULATOR? (Hint: See Zill Chapters 1-3) By the way, all of these ODEs can be used as mathematical models for physical systems. CAN YOU NAME SOME? (Name systems next to respective answer for 3 points) Place answer on indicated line and attach all work on separate sheets for 17 points. Assignment is worth 20 homework points tal. 2 fi,sinxeosxdx=O 2. fF sinx sinx dx = by igo) | saan Sxccoe cc ci — Re, ie ee ale RIE 4, [Rl Ae* sinx dx = { ae 5 eMsinneds=? where 921,2.3- Answer: x 6 ty=0 Answer: ye Be ay 7 y~4y=0 Answer: = Ae aS 5 a | By Ay=10ere* Answer: YE PRB eI -O ens | 9. y’=sin4x Answer: ys scold C J ie 10, y'-3y=0 Answer YEE 11, y"+46y=0, where. y{n/2)=-2,y(n/2)=1 answer Y=-2COS4) ta Sing) 12, ysyzsinx Answer: Y=Cx 625 (K Sinby~% 51h) e x 13. y’+2y'+y=0 Answer: Y=C€+C,Xe Pek Ue 14, y"+y'+3y=cosx Answer: _Y=€ 05 (Lx) $C Sin +8050) +46n@) In terms of sine and cosine: 15, eG = answer: £25 341)~ C5 taygr costar) sit) 16, eim'Dr Answer: 212,32. icra aged oN (coftine ésin fon) A=12,3. Pain ie Qv ‘a Siny cose Sinxeu cos kdxedu Sinlne a0 =¥f-o 2 & Sinw ity “Sint ep Daas 4-5) Vaae~ See Sho sont le a af "- snerf)) Or ® Sy, Sid) 025 8) dx LSin ALO be Sinlb) Sin (nd) 43, Gintaarn) + Sins) = S Lhasa iol, = gf CoCr) - WL) cos) doer) = AIG <0 A) dt &Singde Ue Using) dye dy Ave XC, Vee = 4 sid) ie coordx Ux 45x dvzeds dur ASmxdy vee = 1ESiniy ~ (heSGosh) sfetsii)ba) Sitinls= He ‘Siph)~Co5()) ~ Suelsinxdx avare eX (singg-Coye) Se = 2€[Sinls- COD) yg” = M4 h. 2 5 2 oy be) 28 GineO-caed) ae c 6 = ee) = =) aE Sn xl n=. << sites. i sian oe Taw eS coxluxe Coin) ie a Jao) Stn) + Csinforoanies dx ™ (ake pute) Sit AEP 5 iryat Side) = (eet Sint SisinGidio LSingene) be © ey TAR SAE coda = = ms cae Nig cae coton= ah ToC) tenis Me is 5 . MO soastxt) 8649) Say <5) - cosGor)y\4 a O y'4y20 @ so aed Cont -y i rape oy i S wore at e dus Har y's asin da Sys 1 Soinady Yddeosy 4c yr rheas ey te = (9) YN 3y <0 AP-320 moss ye Ce Ce @ a Hoy=o yOhe)e-2 yOA)er mriylp= 0 mMedyt BeCetees i aie | Cay? COS4K HG inax > casuy —Csinuy YE Cy COME Cy Sint YOD* CsCBlaRl +c, snr) =? 7 ee ne Y= -a4sinsy) + Calero) WM: @ sunt) +46, coshe) = | Heqzt eet wh YF 72 CoG) + Using y ® yy: Sine) ype x(Asin(®) ¥Bc=ShS) Yer Uf spxsindd + Bx605 0) ype Pinks AmAOD + Bone - Bxsing) Yel ty 20 nti to f= RcoGDE Acestd2Axsinbd~BsinG~ bsin6d mete d = Brew), chk ente = Were? § Sin GW x(A5inG3 4850) Mate ae Ys A560 28536 Yp yer Cg coe) + CyCinds) io eo DACi Bethe sink yee ye Ao ores Y= C5, SinO)- X Sing 2 sei oi eka chs i) lha-B5' \ ( “Ypten b ne ) | iG < Me la sgc}} Bepen eA see bess A= 909) AF) sd) CHROMITE 807) = snl) &) y tay! tyro 2 yr tam $120 (mai)(mi) <0 net ae: > e & Yecre to = pcsCH~ banc) Asin teed A ylay'4 y =colX) $5 Acad + 3050009 ca wim +3eo ae dycoOe (a6: HH C050) EY \> 2! me tie eal one A Moet | sponte iE yee tecad +4048) ee ee Y= Yet Ye saps) + BC = ef Hes i es ies yee (ccaleHcasn(Zs)) +E CBC) + £5) Ts Be = CSS dv) ¢ te , pee copings? a Yt? G ¢ cnet git Aeakiy i500) =p

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