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North Paulding High School FBLA

Minutes of December 9th, 2014
Call to Order
The monthly meeting of North Paulding High School FBLA was called to order on Tuesday,
December 9th, 2014 at 3:45 pm. President, Taylor Whitmore called the meeting to order the Secretary
Logan Shannon recording minutes.
The following interested students were in attendance: Ariana Atwood, Nashika Auguste, Lauren
Baker, Jeraldine Barnes, Debron Barnes, Michael Baty, Josue Becerra, Erika Becerra, Marcus Bryant,
Taija Faison, Amyethest Frye, Lexi Gregory, Matthew Griffin, Billy Herrera, Janessa Huntley, Adrian
Johnson, Ellyan Landeta, Jarrod Love, Ashley Marston, Savannah McBroom, Evan Sanders, Logan
Shannon, Brady Turner, Elaina Williams, and Morgan Wright
The minutes from the November Meeting were read by Logan Shannon and were approved.
Treasurers Report
The treasurer reported that we will no longer be needing bubble soccer sponsors and today was the last
day that students can pay for Region Competition if they were wanting to compete.
New Business
The members were congratulated on reaching the chapters goal for bubble soccer sponsors. The
members voted to have a bubble soccer practice day on Thursday, December 11th after school for all of
the people participating in the event. The members branched off into groups and played leadership
games like: Maze Maker and The Tie is in Style.
Unfinished Business
Regional Leadership Conference was discussed and volunteers were reminded to report to 1101 for the
The members were reminded to come by room 1101 to pick up their study materials for the
competitive event that they signed up for. The members were told about hoodies and long sleeve
T-shirts that are going to be sold for the chapter.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned to a refreshment break at 5:00 p.m.

Logan Shannon, Secretary

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