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Why did I choose this topic? Why not make such a choice, as long as a good piece since
it is a topic that has toured the world, arrived in Romania on the front pages of newspapers and
the main topic of discussion for all TV channels. This controversial topic I developed myself in
my graduation paper "The influence of the economic crisis on the banking risk" because I
considered particularly important and topical.
The current crisis is catalyzing an array of responses, including searching for causes,
reworking regulations, scape goating and a massive capital injection. Without a clear
understanding of the cause, the remedies may do more harm than good, innocents may be
scapegoated, and valuable progress in financial tools may be lost. Worse, it will happen again.
I choose for my graduation paper a study case on Apple Inc. I choose to do this study
case because I want to know how Apple treat crisis. The current economic crisis in the U.S. is
unlikely to affect Appleis retail store operations. While there may be effects from slowed
consumer spending, Apple could also benefit from lower cost leases. In addition, it costs Apple
less to open a new store than competitors. Apple Inc. has never sold more iPhones and iPads and
its sales smashed past $50-billion to set a record in its most recent quarter, yet its profit growth
seems to be grinding to a halt as critics wonder whether it has lost the ability to surprise and
delight more than its many competitors.
Through this work I presented an anti-crisis plan but we exposed a series of measures that
can cause this phenomenon settlement and stimulate economic growth, protecting people and
creating jobs. I outlined the main markets affected by the economic crisis, they debuted with the
real estate market, car market, which continues to list the field of education.

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