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Bored of wasting all your time sitting on the couch? Join us!

We are interested to form a rugby team to compete in the National

Rugby League. If you want to make new friends and have fun doing
sport, you should go to play with us. You neednt to have any
experience, in fact some of us have never played Rugby.
I started to play Rugby when I was 16 because my cousin encouraged
me and now I encourage you due to the fact that its a sport which
has as principles honesty and respect for your rival. In spite of the
fact that some people say that its a violent sport and they would
have to check that it really isnt.
We want to organise a camp this summer to encourage you to take
part and if you like playing Rugby in the end, you could join us to play
the next season.
Running track of the University of Santiago de Compostela will be the
place where it will take place the camp. Its completely free, you only
have to sign up in
Come on, we are waiting for you!

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