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Chapter 10 Problem 10.1 10.1 Knowing tha the torsional spring at 2 is of constant X and thatthe bar AB is rigid, determine the critical load Py. e x Let @ be the ome change of bar ABs MekK® , x=Lsmn@ = LO a Ome= M Ie M- Px =O KO~ PLO =O (k-PLIO =O Re = KA Problem 10.2 102 Knowing thatthe spring at A is of constant and that the bar A determine the critical load Py. het @ be the angfe change of bay AB. Fos kx = kL sino DIM. Fhes@ - Px = 0 ie kL*sin@ cos© - Phsin@ = 0 snO =O and cosO el, KLO-PLO +o (kP-PLYO = oO Retkbhoo = Proprietary Materit, © 2009 The MeGraw-Htt} Companies; nc Alrih'teerved, No part ofthis Menu may be displayed repreducd, or Astrbated te any farm or by any means, without the rer write pemission ofthe publisher or used beyond the inte disibutont teachers ‘decors peated by McGrav-Hl fr thr indvieal cows preparation. A stent sing ths manuf wsing it wibout pernsion, Problem 10.3 10.3 Two rigid bars AC and BC are connected as shown to a spring of constant Knowing that the spring can actin either tension or compression, determine the critical load Pi, for the system. A Let S be the defRecdion oF point C. Using Pree body AC and 4DEMe = -3LR,+ PS=0 R= SPS Using Free bedy BC ad +OBM = a $LRa~ PS=O Ra= SES Using both Free bodies tegethen, REGO: Rat Re-kS =O 328, 3P5 .4S-0 T GE-k)s-0 Rees 24S Problem 10.4 10.4 Two rigid bars AC and BC are connected by a pin at C. . Knowing that the torsional spring at B is of constant K, determine the critical load Pa for the system, het © be the angle change of cach bars = ko Proprctary Material © 2009 The MeCraw-Ht Cnmpaaies, Ine. Alright reserve. No pot ofthis Manual my be displayed, reproduced, or ened nay frm or by any mean, without he pir writen peemistion of the pablithr, or used beyond the limited desributon oeahrs cars permite by McCraw. Hl for ther individual couse prepartion. A siden ning this mal fusing Ht without persion Problem 10.9 10.9 Determine the critical load of a wooden meter stick which has a 7 x 24-mm rectangular cross section. Use = 12 GPa, Ts Bone = EQUIV = CBE mm = G86 I mn" Le Leow E = 12 10? Pa ~ WEL me (1axto" (626 wien) o fein erna ae Mgeenle R- @.aN < Baba0 40 {0.10 Determine te rica load of around woo dowel hes 9a ong. ad ‘has a diameter of (a) 10 mm, (6) 15 mm, Use = 12 GPa, @) c=$d= Sem T= Bet = EG = 490.87 mm" 4 De 490, 87107" wn” E=(2*lo" Pa Le 2012 «10° wir? - Wda eee io!) 2 7aN (o) c= gd 75mm De det Pins) = 2.4aseiot mt Te 248s * 107m" E> 12 10% Pa LF Ot *(i2*tot . 1077) B a forges 10 2.2 363N Proprittary Materia. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, ne Allright serve. No pat of this Manual may be dlsplaye, reproduced, oF ‘iseited i any fon o by any mean, thou the price writen permission ofthe publisher, oF wed beyond the inte dstibution to teachers tnd educators permite by Metra fore inves coe preparation. Asadent sing ths mama sing wihout persion, 10.11 Determine the dimension d so thatthe aluminum and steol struts will have Problem 10.11 thesame weigh an sompete ea! ar en see Steef= E= 200Gfa Y= 1860 bg lm? Adoainum: E= To afa T= 2800 bg fr? Length L = hm Weight of stee? shut: We = Lay" Alomaonun We = (7960169815 ovotz®) = 16655 N Weight of Pomtnun strut? Was Thad*= (20 MIE AY = 41202 B® For Wa= We, — itex d= [e655 5 04042278109 me d= 20-fm = Steel steuts Teh de = (oo)? = 1728 * 10% m™ TEX wz nto!) Cnexios) te fs aay Rar SIGN at APowinom strat Te ih d* = fb (Qo20)" = 13602 x10? m? p< WED, w(x tot) (ise x10") Ret ATTN on Bars Sinan? 2009 The MeGrav-Hill Companies, tne, All sighs reserved. No part of his Manual may be displayed, reprsice, or ot by any ears, witoot he prio writen permisin of te polisher o¢ wed yond the Hinteddsbuation to teachers, by McGraw for the individua coarse preparation. A stadn! ving ths manual suing without pecmon, Proprietary M Aiatbed nay sd educates por Problem 10.12 10.12 Determine (a) the extical load for the stee! strut, (6) the dimension d for ‘which the aluminum strut will have the same critical load. (c) Express the weight of the aluminum strut as a percent of the weight of the stel sini Steef= Ea 200 6fa Y= hbo tgind Alouinum? E> To 6Pa 1 = 2800 byl? Length? L = /5m% (a) Steel strut L g.t = ih(oore)! = 1128 915A T?(ae0x (ONVUTBS x15") 2 Pen 1516 W < Werght: Wy = TL de = (Mb IRN CLE oolz)® = 16655 N (b) Afominum strut ps MEE re Beek. EWS grag jon nt = 3290 mm? WE © “Cox ) T= a=Yar = Viiaen Ae et nm « Weight? Wa= VL A® = (2800) (981) (45) (ool) = B91 ©) Weight ratio as a percent: thxlook Eig Rane Sa parcel Ws 492 To Proprietary Material.© 2009 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, oe Alright served. No pat ofthis Manual maybe displayed, reproduced, or ‘ised tn any form or by any hou he rir wren pein of te publ, oF used beyond te limited disibationo caches and ecatrs peated by MeGrawil for ther individual couse preparation A student sing this manual fusing it without permission. fective length consists of x solid 30- ster brass rod. In order to reduce the weight of the member by 25%, the solid rod is replaced by a hollow rod of the cross section shown. Determine (a) ‘the percent reduction in the eritical load, (b) the value of the critical load for the ma hollow rod. Use £~ 105 GPa. © @ Pax TE Py is proportional de I. Problem 10.13 mm oo For solid nol, crtd, Tek 89.76 107" vn” =A (80) = 15mm Lp BAS)" = 39.7611 men 13. Tyz Ble"-c,") (Pendle = dh ~(Seyt . 1 - (dey? Ceo Cent EI eanElee IG): lek = # For hePfow rod, C= jE «100% G.25% V7.7 ¥l0*N Pen = IZ IT kN = P= & MEL . 1g ailioswot\(s7.7616/07) * 1 WT “16 C-5)* Proprietary Matril. ©2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine Allis reserved, No pr ofthis Mandal may be displayed, reproduced, er iste nay frm or by any means, witout the pir writen pemison ofthe pubiser, or sed beyond the ited dst ation wo teaches, ad educators ermited by MeGtay- Hil or their individual our preparation. A stent using he mana fusing it wihout persion. Problem 10.14 10.14 4 column of effective length L can be made by gluing planks in either of the arrangements shown. Determine the ratio of the etitial Toad using the arrangement a to the eritical load using the arrangement b. Arrangement (a), w Avrongemtut (be - Ter, Pong? TST pases TR Proprietary Material, © 2009 The McGraw-Hit Companies x Ie het : p..: Bel, teat ad Le* 12 Le* Taw T= (abs Kady + Aer = Bb oe iq Ed? a k* All sights reserved. No pst ofthis Manel may be displayed, eproduced, or itibued a any fous or by any mean, witout he prior writen permision of the publisher, or wsed beyord the fined ditibuin to teaches ‘and events petmited by MeGeaw-Hil for their individual couse preparation Aste ing this monval is using & without permission. Problem 10.15 0am P=Ie kv 10.15 A column of 6-m effective length is to be made from throe plates as showa, Using B= 200 GPa, determine the factor of safety with respeet to buckling for a centric load of 16 KN. Moment of inertia (8 smadtest about the vertical centroidal axis. Toon = 2 Lf (aSI20F}+ BC 4.5)° BIG. 24107 wont = 814.24 «1077 ws" E = 200%10" Pa e,2 WEIn . (200 «10 (819, 24x10") ob Ty = a4.qzxlo*N = 44.92 kw ps.: Er. Ha RSs 2g) <— Problem 10.16 Fe ° 2 Proprietary Material, ©2609 The MeCraw-Hil Comp igre Ia my former by ny means, Ean, Gwent outa) ry59 Pen | 17/500 tout the rir writen periion ofthe pulser, or xed beyond the hited dsbuton wo faces ‘el educators pei by McGrew er their vu come preparation. A sitet ing hs manta 10.16 and 10.17 A compression member of 3.6 m effective length is made by welding together two 102 % 76 X 6.4 mm steel angles as shown. Us- ts determine the allowable centric load for the member if a factor of safety of 2.5 is required, For 102 x 76x64 mm steed angle, AF 100mne = p17 R10 tom YF hE mm Fy = ostswit nm? , H> ibm Dye BL eres + (poo Cane 1 = 4.5368 x10 mnt Ty= QLeseane”] = pi26xte mm = Tain (26 )* Rays 6b kN les, Ine. Allrighs reserve. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed, eprodeced, ot ing without person Problem 10.17 10.16 and 10.17 A compression member of 3.6 m effective length is made by welding together two 102 X 76 X 6.4 mm steel angles as shown. Use ing E = 200 GPa, determine the allowable centric toad for the member if 3 factor of safety of 2.5 is requived. For 102% 76 x 6:4 mm stech angle, A= woome, FE, = uerwat mms. 7 = shb mm > Fy theme Tyee Ler x06] = 234nto! mn! Ly= aLosesne® + (noo ree¥] = 1887K00 em! 2, (200% 107 Ls97K10"#) = 291h07N Ge) 28TROT ey: fe. oa Puy = Us kw te Problem 10.18 10.18 A single compression member of 82-m effective lent connecting two C 200 % 17.1 steel channels 8 ‘that the factor of safety is 1.85, determine the allowable centric load for the member. Use £= 200 GPa and d~ 100 mm. For © 200% 17.1 steed chewed, A= 2120 mn” Z, = 13.4410% met Ty = 0.538 10% mw? x ay B= 4 wm Fin the fabwiested cofsmn, QT = AVIA 10°) = 26,8105 wn” ye 2[Ep+ Age] = a[ossaxiot+ ave ( way] = 19, 0755 x 10% mm” Ix eye 19, 75S 10% mm = 19,0755 *10 m™ E= 200%j07 Pa “ein, Wado x1aNU14.0755* 10°) _ ie : ijt 554.99 "10" N = SMAI L903. N Rut 303 kN =m Tas Problem 10.19 410.19 Members AB and CD are 30-mm-diamster stel rods, and members BC and AD arc 22-mm-diameter steel rods, When the turnbuckle is tightened, the Giagonal member AC is put in tension. Knowing that a factor of safely with respect to buckling of 2.75 is required, determine tho largest allowable tension in AC. Use £= 200 GPa and consider only buckling in the plane of the structure, Lye 2{(B.5)? +(2asy > 41308 m asm Soint C7 LER2O: Fo- BE Teo > Fe Tre = 184926 Fee . eu +2570 Ratt. 2 7 T= 11888 Rip Members BC Tye = F(A)" EB 499 rio a> HITS owt Lect 225m Facer Tele ia (Roepe 2 ) su aasenict N Frcyate fee = 1.630410" N Theat = 3.02>10° NV Members AB and CD: Tags E(MAS ERY = 39.761 11 nat = 32.76/00? me” lect Sm lace BigoastorKentelsio") 6.4064 «(08 Fina = Fame = 2.3298 x10" N Treat 277%18N coal = SE rexll Smaller vadoe Foe Thea governs. Tran 277 KN Proprietary Materia, © 2009 The McGraw-Htll Companies, nc. llrightsreserved. No pr of his Manu! maybe deployed, reproduce of ise In any form or by any means, without the rer write permission ofthe publisher, owed beyond the mie dbo ote and educators permed by McGray-Hil for thelr indivi course preparaion, A stent wing this manual is using it whout persion, Problem 10.20 10.20 Knowing that a factor of safety of2.6 is requited, determine the largest load that ean be applied to the structure shown, Use E'= 200 GPa and consider only buckling in the plane of the structure. 20mm danuter lat fos? = 110 m oe Te Bayt» E(go)"+ 1.854 =10% mm" WL BTH LOT om 2 Qoo x10° XT. 854 «10"%) 15:no dismetor a : a soto Ky = 12,403 x /o7 N= 12,403 kw (is)? = 2.4asxJo® mn” = 2485 *10 T2090 2. ¥a54 10") (over y* 4.8106ulo"N = 9.8106 kN ZB O: Sor Fan ~ aie) Fie Fe Fe, * 0.79087 Fra ; os si HE ZES OL Sey Fmt The Fae + PO 0.70711 Fags (0.447212. T9057Fig) = Poo Per 1.06066 Fig P =(n0606s )E — = 1.3416 Fac OST Pows be vatse for Py Pe 106066 Fron > (0606627731 * Hoo kN P< 1.3416 Rene = (13416 W4TIO = 6.40 kN Pugs 4.00 KN —_ Proprietary Material. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rigs reserved. No pat ofthis Manual nay be depayed sepeduced oF 30 mom i o ay = te fod = 25e1 mw = Proprietary Materia, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Compantes, le. Al ight fserved. No prof his Mansa iibuted in any frm ex by any means, witht epic itn permission of de pulser o sed beyond ‘od ccaoes ptt by Me Thi individual couse preparation. A stent using hs marl be diplayed, sepreduced cr ted ahtrbation oteahere i without permission. Problemt0.29 10.29 The fine of action of the 300-KN axial fosd is parle tothe geometric axis ofthe column AB and inersects the x axis atx Us ing E = 200 GPa, determine (a the horizontal deflection ofthe midpoint C of the column, (6) the maximum stress in the column. Lee L = 6mm es lo mm a Waseca A= bsbomm? T= rata nt 7 Sy 2175 110% mm? — E> 200 67a eae Cason ersre = 416 EN 7 Wan x 52, & * " e[ see(Z/E )- i] (5) [see (Ffose7F ) - 1] C1) [see (8709) = 1] 3297 mm Ym Bo me =e 4 BW) Maa = PC yt ed = (500 \Cov0is 4 01008287) = 6:86 LN.m 996 x10% rsxio* Crm 85 PQ Proprietary Mater ‘ianbated in any © 2009 The MG or by any mean tin efucatorspemited by MeCraw-}l fr tr individual couse prepara student sig this wali using it without permission 18 Companies, Ic, Alrights reserved. No pat of thls Manaat may be displayed, reproduced, or bu the prot writen persion of te publishet, or wed beyond the ted dstiulion to teachers Problem 10.30 10.30 An axial load P of magnitude S60 kN is applied ata point onthe x axis ata distance e = 6 mm fiom the geometric axis of the W200 x 46.1 rolled-stee! ‘column BC. Using E = 200 GPa, determine (a) the horizontal deflection of end C, (®) the maximum stress inthe column, Le = RL = AVR) = 46m er 61S" im : WR00%4G1 Ax S860 mm = 5860710" m* Ty = 15.3% 10% me = [5.34156 m* wa00 46.1 TR0Ox107 WS.3%1 Hey = LAR 72710" N Bo, Sox _ B* VNaIz7xtot * 0.39236 @ yn 2 el secl(RIE )~1] = (6x10) secl F-/o.7286 )- 1) = «io )[ see (0.98393) -1] =(6x1o Ki. e088 -1) HL 88S HOF in Yon 7 #84 on Mau =P Cyt @) (S60 #10°)(4.335 «104 x15") = €.0676 x10" Nam Sy 7 ISTIC mm” = 1ST ITS m® P.M 6. 0676 * 10" a Ce Peo 6.0676 104 ome RTS Tere 1oe = 13710 Me. Gonug® 137 MPa Proprietary Material © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Al rights reserve. No pat ofthis Manual maybe diplayed epee of sstbuted i any form or by any means, without tho pear write pension af tha publisher, or used beyond ts ined dkrbution to ehers td educators peta by McCrne Hil fo their individ course reparation A student sing his mane is wsing it without pension Problem 10.31 1031 An axial load P = 15 KN is applied at point D that is 4 mm from the ‘geometric ais of the square aluminum bar BC. Using E = 70 GPa, determine (a) the horizontal deflection of end C, (6) the maximum stress in the column sone Rol = 0 mw = TOKIO wm” T= G@0W200* = 67.5 xlormets 67.5 *107 mm © = (20) t 1S mm = 001m — @ = 4x1 Pw 0mm WEI _ toxioen51o) 06m be = ZL = (40.6) = 1.2m Ree vo Gay ~ = 32.385 xlOeN = 38.385 ky gz is i 6, = 3p Ee 0.46318 @) yee [see (HIE )- i = (4x0)[see(Ffoveare )-1] = Gxio? Wsec(ocnod)- tl = 4 ace xt Yn ™ 432 mm BY Migs Pls yo) = 054107) (4x1? + 4. 8166 6157) = 124.75 Nom ~ By Me _ 1sx10* Ca4.7s\o.o1s)__ z Som = BOF OT = oui Fer sxtoe «AMIDE Fe Cosme 7 444 MPa ‘roprictary Mateial© 2909 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ae. Al ight eserved. No part of this Manual may be diplaye, reproduce, of ibid In any form or by any meas, without the prior write pemlison of te publisher, er used beyond te Tinted dstbution teachers ‘an evar pemiied by MeGraw-Hil for Dic indviual couse preparation. A student wing this anal suing it withou persion, ud P is applied to the 36-mm-diasneter stool vod AB as shown. When 7 = 90 RN, itis observed thatthe orizontal deflection of the Cis 08 mmm, Using £ = 200 GPa, determine (a) the eccentricity & ad. (5) the maximum stress in the rod, Problem 10.32 10.32 An axial 7 2 ec rgd = iemm. Aa we™ © 10174 mm _ pan T= Bet = 82448 mut Lz os i ee TEL = coca ae et 2990 32.5 KA 3 et Eo sgiSap + 03007 © yout ef see (FYE )-1] > else 08 761-1] oseze © - Qeem = eer = 42 mm a () Mae = PCC4 Youn) C90 C142 F078) = 149-8 Nw + mec) = 13203 MPa : =1%2MPy me Some = Proprietary Materlal- © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, le. Alright reserved. No prt of hs Manual may be displayed, reproduced o TRowjore + Tae wie = 88-7 «10° B. Ging * 68.7 MPa <@ Proprietary Materia. ©2009 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, Ine All rights reserved. No pc of his Manca may be dapsye, reproduce, ‘ited in any form o by any means, without the pie writen permission of te publisher, or used beyend the ited dation to teachers, and edecators pemited by Mecraw-Iil fer thei individual course preparation, A student inthis mara is tig it without permission. ving the e#ass seetion shown has an axial load P 1095 A nas Pebeni0s : witic axis. Using E = 120 GPa, dete applied $ mm from load P for hich the horizontal deflection athe midpoint Cis ‘corresponding maximum stress inthe column, 125mm Cot FAL ERS) s OB Emm Cre I Se = BGI shes) = 264907 (0% muds le = L = a-Tm p, = TEL _ Mlisonsot)(3:4807% fe Ee Lee Gane = B46 TKN @) yuu? el see( FYE Y- cos he) aye, Eo ld wceos feel E = [Zeres—t-] = 04996 P=104996 Ra= 323 kN me see )= 4S 0) My = P (24 Youn) = (3232 (£44) = 2907 EA Mn R= 1c 62*) = 7 ESP ge5*) = 2243 mm” ee er (2407900) (625) _ i a Gon RPO EE 2 ares gage io? (ie Proprietary Matera. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Compenies, In. Al ights reserved. No pat ofthis Manel maybe dipped eprduce oF Aisibted in ny fore a by any means, watout the prior writen permision of te publser oF be beyond the ied dstbaton to teachers tnd educators pemited by MetiaveHilfor tee nividlcouee prepaation. stadt wing sis maa ssi whoa permison Problem 10.36 10.36 Solve Prob. 10.38, sssuming tat the axial load P is applied 8 mm om the geometsic axis oF the colin 10.35 A brass pipe having the eross section shown bas an axial load P applied 4 mm from its geometic axis, Using E'= 120 GPa, determine (a) the fouul P for which she horizontal deflection at she midpoint Cis $ mam, (6) the maximum stress in the ealam, 125m a. 6mm = G4ETL kN see(HfE )= eet Er gic ape e 72 Pai comet E = [Parccs 25] = [Fawos 8p] = ose Prowse Rp = 21b EN ay WY Moe P(e tye) = CEILS) = 2809 EN fey A= wleheest) © Teast aces?) #2263 mut Py Mae . 2iboce 4 G8oteour (les) _ : nt eae + CEelsea ee = hot MPa mm Proprietary Materl.© 2009 The NtcGraw-Il Compantes, ne. Al cehs reserved No part fhe Manas may be splyed, epee ‘itibuted in any frm or by any sean, who hep sriten persion of te publisher, or used bayou the eve dirt ethers and educators petmited by MeGraw Mil for det individual course preparation. A stadt ang ths nna is sig witout permission, nt Tocated on the x axis at distance ¢ = 12 0 is of the W250 X58 rolled-steo] column BC. Using E = 200 GPa, determine (a) the load P for which the hor- ‘zontal deflection of the top of the column is 15 mm, () the corresponding maximum stress in the column, Problem 10.37 40.37 An al load P is applied + W28DK68 A= Thzomm’, Iy= idx mm Fm See BO Ho Pm - Les 2b = (2)(3)> 6m wo x 58 p< MEL . Wilzoonet leone) pees toe on = 103008 kA oon = @Lsee EYE - 1] cos EYE Ye Exe 7 2 2 ey 12 & + [$ encom Giza) [Free] O49987 (P= (064997) (10308) = 4639 LN = (DY Maree = PCO + Yoon ® (46348) (ISHI2) = 12-42 EN In = By Mee, A63t00, Ins20000 _ - a ea 7 Proprietary Material © 2009 The MeGraw-HllCorpanles, In. Alright eserved. No pat ofthis Manas sy be displayed reproduced or eben ny form or by any means, wot the pio ten permits ofthe publser owe beyond the aed dstiaton to teachers fd educators permite by Mert fr ter individ course preparation, A student wsing is maa swing witioat permission 10.98 The line of action of an axial Joad P is parallel to the Problem 10.38 metric axis of the column AB and intersects the x axis at x = 20 mm. Usir E = 200 GPa, determine (a) the Toad P for which the horizontal deflection of the midpoint Cf te column is 12 mm, >) the eorresponding maximum stress in the column, 20m be 2 = Z0mh W200 67 AP 7860 mm™ Tx 204K mn® Sy (10° mab E = 20060 Yon 2 20mm WET _ T* (zene Kage”) _ Poo? T= fee = 424425 8 elsec(B/E)- 1] see F/R ewe ‘e | os.(2 =o L os Yor Taaze 7 UF woo xr fe ie aqtR. a 2 E> [QLD 5 oso (a) P= (032513 (924425) = Zo0ss$ P= 300-6 EN - QO) Mag = P (e+ yn) + (00559 Cora #01012) = 9617-4.N Ge > Be Mace 220858 FOIE a S te 199K06 4 All hts reserved, No par of his Manual may be eiplaye reproduced, ihout the prior writen permission of te publisher, or used beyond the lanited disbation to tearhes ifr their ndividal couse preparation. Asad sing this manl swing witout permision. Problem 10.39 10.39 An axial load P is applied at a point located on the x axis ata distance e ~ 12 mm from the geomettic axis of the W310 * 60 rolled-steel column BC. Assuming that {= 3.5 m and using F ~ 200 GPa, determine (a) the load P for ‘which the horizontal deflection at end C is 15 mm, (6) the corresponding maximum stress in the column. 7540 wm® = 7890 110% wy 18,3%/08 mm" = 18,3 x/0% in® Sy = 180 ¥JO% man W3loxeo A= L Ler 2L= 20m = WMQ0O x10" K 18.3 x10") Cree 737.2 x10°N > 737.2 kN pea eed EMR )-1] secCHE) = “SS cos BE) Eze # avcenslS-al] * [F onceo say]? = 0.99957 4 P= 0.49957 Ry = 368.28 kN Pe 3caky — May © P (2+ yon) = (268.2810 W124 15 GO) = 9944 Nem 6) Gn fr Be Fak = 103.89 10% Pa a Problem 10.40 10.40 Solve Prob. 10.39, assuming that Lis 45 m, 10.39 An axial load P is applied ata point located on the x axis at a distance 12 mm from the geometric axis of the W310 x 60 rolled-stee! column BC. Assuming that L~ 3.5 m and using £ ~ 200 GPa, determine (a) the load P for which the horizontal deflection at end C is 15 mm, (8) the eomresponding ‘maximum stress in the column, = 7540 mm = 2590 "10% wn* 18.3% /0"% m” BO 10°F be = ZL = 4.0m (200% 107 (18.3 %/0'F) Gooey = 448.96 «lot N = 445.96 kW your e[sec(FVE)-1] oec(HE)= Bet? col E) a Be [Fanculgtcall = [ZeneatgPall' = o.gnsr @) Pr 0.49957 Re = 222.79 kN Pe askn =e Mine P CQ 4 Youu) = (222-79 10? Wins IS WIO™) = COIS Nem (oO 6 CO) Ce = Fs He > Fes Elo BABEL 4 See = 62.8 rt Pe Cme2 62.8MPa be dipliye reproduced, of ted asetion te wesehers without pecsion, Proprietary Material © 2009 The MeGraw-Hldl Companies, Ine. Al ight eerved. No part ofthis Min Aisbated in any for or by any means, without she pier rten permission of The publitber cr wos beyond th | and educators permitted by McGraw for thelinideal courepreptation, A atdent wing his anf Problem 10.41 1041 The steel bar AB has & 10> 10-mm square cross section and is held by pins that ae a fixed distance apart and are located st @ distance e © 0.9 mm from the ‘2cometric axis ofthe bar. Knowing that at temperature J the pinsare in contact with the bar and that the force inthe ba is zero, determine the increase in temperature for : ‘which the bar will just make contact with point Cif d= 0.3 mm. Use B= 200 GPa fee and the coefficient of thermal expansion a= 11.7 x 104°C, A= (lO) = 100mm = lorie” me - | T= flo) = 893.88 mm! = 833.33x/0°% m" Olm EI = (00x107\(633.38n10") = 166.667 Nem le= L = ORm mer _ wieece7? _ iis afer SSS reece veeeeeeeeeC ete eee Cate rdabe Posing the secaut formulas yas de else (EYE) - 1] ov selE YE) = 1+ b= = 0.7 eos (0.75) = O.72L7% EB. [ 200.7278] = 0.2170 Pe 0.21170 Bax 8.7058m/0"N TE the effects of eccedaicity amd the shortening due fo headin ore neglected, Hhe shortening af the bar, Ff not. constrained by the pins, would be — PL. (8.10s8'rto® C02) 8 fe $= Ek 7 Gaonoeor 37 = 87,058 x 10° wm This weaned shortening is compensated by thermad expansion. Lattt)~ $ = 0 ~ 8. , 8h 0sBr fot 7 AT PEt wailianoe) = 8727E = Proprietary Material. ©2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies Ine. Aste i any fom or by any rights reserved. No par of ths Manual ‘deducts permed by McG x be diplyed eprodoced, ot ‘walt the prior writen persion ofthe pbliskr, or used beyen the limited dtebution to teaches i for thei ndivdua course preparation. A stant ul thi anal is sing it without permission Problem 10.42 10.42 Forthebar of Prob, 10.41, determine the requi will just make contact with point C when the temperature YOAL The see! bar Aithas 8 10 « 10-mm square eros section and is held by pins that area fixed distance apart and ar located ata distance ¢ ~ @.9 mm from the By geometricaxisofte bar. Knowing tha‘ al temperature The pins are in contact with ae = 00m Sa lf ieee amt tennis soreac be eect cae eee Gio - A = (0! = Joo mm = 100 *10"* n* ole T= Allo)! = 833.33 mm" = 833.53 (0 mn" 4 qe eeeeee (200% 10" (833.33 x15) = 166.667 New" L = 0.2m P= ESE 2 Wiese) 2 yy gag oto’ N Le = ~fo.2\* Free Herma expaniion of He bars SB = LAT) = (0.2.17 KIO GO) = 40.4 1S am The faa oupansion is preveted by constant of the pins. Ip eccentviciy and shortening due be beating ane neglected, He tug force P is given by Pe EAS 7 Leurlel lento Mle ax 18") Wy o4 xo" N coustea: Using the secant Foravda, you t= e[ sect BYE)- 1] = (4167 )[ seel Ff eee 5.8)%10* ' fy ” d= S.8l mm Proprietary Material ©2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, In. All rene reserved. Nopartf this Manual may be displayed, reproced, or iste in any for or by any means, without the rie writen pestssion ofthe publisher, o used Beyond the lined bin o teachers an educators peated by MeGraw-Hll or thle individual course prepa, A stent unghie maa i using it wihout pesto, ed as a 3-m column, Problem 10.43 10.43 A pipe having the cross section shou For the grade of sleel used a ~ 252 MPa and £ = 200 GPa. Knowing that a factor of safety of 2.8 with respect to permanent deformation is required, de termine the allowable load P when the eccentricity e is (a) 8 mm, (6) 4 mm (lint: Since the factor of safety must be applied tothe load P, not to the stress, use Fig, 10.24 to determine P) chaz 2 t0mm c -t=70~6 = 64mm 9 A= Teo 6°) = 2525-6 mn® T= Reto e,*) = 568065 mm" = ATA nm L300 gg, aaa 63-32 = 02443 Ry es me £6 2 ANID = arises ®) v7 Grae > B= s96 un i ra Py = Cesacee sro \Citexiot) = 4450565 Ry = : meee Ry = Tbe kN = Proprietary Matrial.© 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine Allright reterved, No part ofthis Manual maybe displayed reproduced, or its In any frm er by any mens, without the rie writen permission ofthe publisher, wed beyond themed dsrbuton to teachers and edcators permed by MeGraw-Hl fr heir individual course preparation, A stent using this anal fusing without persion. Problem 10.44 10.44 Solve Prob. 10.43, as increased t0 4.2 m. ing that the length of the column is 10.43 _A pipe having the cross section shown is used as a 4.2 m column For the grade of steel used e) = 252 MPa and E = 200 GPa. Knowing that « Factor of safety of 2.8 with respect to permanent deformation is required, de termine the allowable Toad P when the eccentricity ¢ is (a) 8 mm, @) (Hint: Since the factor of safety must be applied to the load P, not tothe stress, use Fig, 10.24 to determine Py). l40 z c -t = 70-6 =b4mm erga = Tonm As met —62)= 25258 mt Is ee.) = 5680615 mm ee fz = Ftd mm le= Lb = 42m Pee = Be. b0e (a) @= 8mm = DG = onzaaa Fig 10.24 & = 135 MPG Py = (2525.8 x10 (35 x008) = 340998 N Py = fe = Bett Ry Fie kM me ) e= 4mm So ae = 01246 Fig 10.24 & 18S Mea Pye Cesaeaxns) (Ne5x08) = 41G7ST A Pye Bo - Hier Rag = 4G RN me ES a3 Proprietary Materia}, ©2009 The MicGraw-Hl Companies, In. Alright eserved, No pat ofthis Manual maybe displayed reproduced, or Abt in any Term ory ery means, without epi writen permission of te publisher, or ued beyond the ned dktiuton wo teachers. 2d educators permite by McOraw-Hil for tes individual course preperation. A sudent wing this mancl fusing without permision, 145 An axial load P is applied to the W250 x 44.8 rolled-steel column BC that fice at its top C and fixed at its base B. Knowing that the eccentricity of the Toad is e = 12 mm and that for the grade of stel used oy = 250 MPa and B == 200 GPa, dotermine (a) the magnitude of P of the allowable load when a factor of ‘safety of 2.4 with respect to permanent deformation is required, (6) the ratio of the Toad found in part ato the magnitude of the allowable centric load for the column. {See hint of Prob. 10.43), Problem 10.45 Waso «44.8 c= BE Wm A = S720 mm = $720 21073 m™ T= F08K108 mm? = 7.0510 rat Vy = 35.1 mm. = 35,110 m FIZ mm cr RL = (AMR = Rw ses = M0658 ive ec . Gaya) 2 $s = Geipe = 9.72077 (@) Fig 10.240) B= sao Mee Py = (5.720 10 NC#2.0n10°) = Yea vio N = 4EG LN ~& . 469 a Fura Hee Hore Ru = 145.4 kN =e _ TYEE _ Tgoomsot)(7.03 210°) patie oO f.* Ta? F ChE Aa = 787 */0°N = 787kN Be . 78? . eh = FR = 328 kw spe L9S.4 kev = eotio = ey vatre = 0.596 -< Proprietary Materin. © 2009 The MeGeaw-til Companies, ne. All (S72 «10 M1e3,Sx(0°) = S¢axjo* = 542 LN Py Se. SF Ry = 247 kN =e 2 x . 7 wR,» DEE. TiGeoae haere) = 1.355 MIO'N = 155k = fe . SSS Paw ze - S65 kv vedio = we vehe = 0.437 =< Proprietary Matrial,© 2009 The MeGraw-Ht Companies ne Al ight reserved, No pr ofthis Manual may be dilayed, reproduced, ot fe eee ee Lee 2.67322 2b LF 1337m = Proprietary Matrin ©2009 The MeGraw-Hll Companies, ne llrightsreserved. No part ofthis Manual may be played, reproduced, or Inform orb eny means, wthotthe per wate permission ofthe publisher, outed bey he ited dstbuton to teaches tnd edustors permitted by McGraw Hil for hl inves eouc preparation. A sen using this manual ising it without permission, Problem 10.48 10.48 A 250-KN ania! JoadP is applied to the W200 x 35.9 rolled-steel column BC Which ise tits top Cand fxedatits hase B. Knowing thatthe eoentiiy of he : load ise = 6mm, determine the largest permissible length Zi the allowable tess n u ‘the column is 80 MPa. Use E= 200 GPa. W200% 35.4 A= 4SBO mm = 458OHIT en bp = IGS mm = AES 82.5 mm Ty* 1.6410 ve = 1.64 ¥10 mt = 40.8 mam GCrras™ 80x10 Pa Ps 250x107 N ef ec Pe Comet EL it SF veel Z/E)] Me = 9 of EYE) wfP). _@( Ace (40.2 _[(usaowics* (onto _ see CHE) = aA) > ayers Pe - 1) = 1.56657 cos (E)- 0.63866 HE = 0.87804 ete: eee ad [ 2 (0.8780x)] 0. 3124S p.: Pi ~ Fal ee = OBS Te® 2. OBIS TED 0.31245 7(200m10°V(7.64 10%) _ i Le Raa 25D x1O® = 18.898 m le = 434m = 2b Le 217 m «a ML Conpanles, ne, All righsreserved. No pro his Manu my be splayed. reprofvced or ar by apy cans without the peor writen permisin ofthe publisher oF ued hoynd the ted ebtion osc nd edt permite by Mera for hei nvidal couse preparation. A stadt using di thas using without pein, Problem 10.49 10.49 Axial Toads of magnitude P = 600 kN are applied parallel to the geometric axis of the W250 X 80 rolled-steel column AB and intersect the x axis ata distance e from the geometric axis. Knot MPa and E = 200 GPa, determine the largest permisil (ae = 6mm, (@)e= 12 mm. Data: P= bookW E+ 200 Gfa W280 A= foze0 hm c= Ye 28 mm Ty = 421x108 mnt Tyr OE Bu = Soom = 84M PH Cnn = RL 1 + $2 seclt/E)] Ain = Span (HE) sec) > &l AS 1] 6s) lore) (84) ez binm see(EYE )= Ste | Gee cos (FYE) = o-zery & = (2 n]' = osi9 1 that oy = 84 ¢ length Z when = Li32 _ WEL g ENF a te* 6 2. _Osiart EL _ a-st9ir'(2oe Kto 1) 431 x0e. 2 Lbs P bo0o0o 7354 bs le = 8.579 L=le= 86m = = (65 [oreo W) elm see (FYE) = Teas [ges] = rts cos EYE) = 012094 TYE = o-s0s4 (o-s859)]* = on252 p, - 2 = DEL Oias2. = ~ Tet ie ae z te . it (200¥l0 ABI xV0) Lets 2 lean EZ . gt2s2m' Boor = ge Le = 4221 m L= le = 4.2m. 10.50 Axial loads of magnitude P ~ 580 KN are applied parallel to the geometric Problem 10.60 axis of the W250 x 80 rolled-stee! column AB and intersect the x axis at a distance e from the geometric axis. Knowing that og) =-75 MPa and £ = 200 GPa, determine the largest permissible length L when (a) = S mm (B)¢~ 10 mm. Datei P= 580%10'N E+ 200x107 Pa W 250 x80 A= 10200 mm = 10200 #10 m* 255 mm 2 TLRS mm ty GEO mm T, = 43.1 xio® mm = Y3.) KIO wm" Cw = Sau = 1S MPa: 75x10" Pa 6u= P14 $8. sec (HE) ASee |< £6 sec(E/E) P me we (QE)- (AS=-1) ns Z. = £65.01" _ | Goz00 «05 VOs*I0) (0) eS mm, sec(¥ VE) 25) Sioxlos = 0.47305 JE 10704 VE) HE 2(..07809)] = o.a7i61 2.1139 wes, Le* dtl WEL o.4ne1 nt 2o0xto va. }vlo"6) _ . aan ‘S80 670% F 67.07 m Le= 8.31 m Le Le L= 83m =e F (5) __] Uozooms'Nrew10%1 - See GE) . Sass] FRO xloF \] = Losers cos (EYE) = o.94ci1 E/E = 0.32980 * +({2(¢.22280) |" = 0.01083 P _ Wer Re = Somers = Tee Lets C:btHOHS MET 0. ondoaa m'(200 +1043.) v Io) _ . Pe RO «10> he F 254m Le Le 254 = GAGE me Proprietary Materil, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies ne All ight reserved, No prof his Manual may be displayed reproduced oF Astebated im any farm or by any means, without the prior writen pension ofthe pablishr, or wed beyond the limited darn to eters snd educators permited by McGraw-Hill or their individual course preperation. A student ing hit mana wsing it without permsion, Problem 10.51 10.51 An axial fond of magnitude P= 220 kN ree e = 6 mm from the geomy that £~ 200 GPa, choose the ito 120 MPa applied at a point focated on the x ‘axis of the wide-flange column lightest W200 shape that can be used P= 220x)08N Le hBm Lee L536 m e wee Plager Ly = 152.3000" = bs - Sb, et Gam cr & SS ca Su EL + SS see (E/E) | Shape _[A(lo*r?) | bplmn)| LCo%m')| eylnn)| RenCki, FE _|Grr-(H0a)) W200 x41,7/ S310 | ee | aor 42 | 1372 }0,2934) 56.5 wa00 #266, 3390 | 133 | 3.30 BIR | S02.6/0,4079] 117.4 |e W400 7 27.5| 2860 fo2 | 14a 2.3 Gore = 7.4 MPa < 120 MPa, Use W200" 26.6, — Proprietary Material. ©2009 The MeGrav-Hll Companies ne. Al sights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed reproduced or orm cr by any means, without he pir writen permision ofthe publisher or used beyond the limited di bution ant edacators permite by MeGrav-Hil fr ter individual couse preparation. A stent using this manual is using it witout permission, Problem 10.52 10.52 Solve Prob. 10.51, assuming that the magnitude ofthe axial load is P= 345 AN 410.51 An axial load of magnitude P= 220 KN is applied at a point located on the 4 axis ata distance e = 6 mm from the geometric axis of the wide-flange column ° BBC. Knowing that = 200 GPa, choose the lightest W200 shape tat can be used if oas= 120 MPa Pe 34510" N Leh Bm Let 2L2 36m ~ MEL _ Romo) _igseyot Ro TB . Pion i - is2ssol, » - & ec . Gh e-Gmm c= So - Se Shape | ACo%!)| beGmnd L(5'n'} vy Gomi] Ralkto)| SF | Goue(tie>| W200 «26.6/ 3340 | 133 330 | 3.2 | 502.6 |0.4094| 253 W eo 354! Hs | 165 | 764 | 4.8] G4 [0.2974] ons |< Waoox 33! Yoo | 134 | 4lo | azo | 624.8 [0.3926 [72.6 W 200x417 S310 xs | got | 412 | 1372 |0.2434) 92.0 | i Gime OTS MPa < 120 MPa Use W200735.9. 0 Proprietary Material, ©2009 The MeGraw Hil Companies ae Allright reseed, No pct of his Manual may be displayed, reproduced, ce ‘tribes in any fom or by any mean, witout the pir writen permission ofthe publisher o used eyo te i and educators permite by MeGraw Hil for tele individal cove preparation. A student uring this mara is sing Problem 10.53 10.53 A S4 KN axial Iond is applied with an eccentricity ¢ = 10 mm tothe circular steel rod BC that is free at its top C and fixed a its base B. Knowing thatthe stock ‘of rods available for use have diameters in increments of 4 mm from 44 mm to 72 1mm, determine the lightest rod that may be used if, = 110 MPa. Use £=200 GPa, : For a solid circudar section a Avnet > Fd* 9 rs Bet- Eat egret ee a Po = s#xjo® N C= 1Omm = 0.010 m k= 2b = Qs) = 26m = BtEL R= HE Pol _Ple* _ Cixi @er* le _ 6 gt BOWED Wteonoyna 7 TET EYE, = s.00s9c* a? BLSMON. es.7sseiot 3 Sau = Lt SE cee HED] $2 2.08 Bie = 68. 755H107 At] 1+ 6.08 dT see (3.0484HI0 J*)] ~ISINT CPR > VY The Dightest section 4S R32 A ey ileal with Cone < lO MPa se Ths = is d= Se mm, = 62 SUS ao as.3 68 31.0 “12 B10 Checking? d= SE mm = 0.056 m © = OL0K8 wm A= Fat = Z.4680x10°% m* Ie ae = 482.715" 1o" m* y= B= i96x1o- F Ae gereg) = j.4296 ge = Ptanorntsa De Wo.46xto" N S4xtor § Tetextor * O- $8807 S4rlo? Som? yea s(t + Lanse sec (E Joreeses )} = THiS «10% Pa Problem 10.54 1054 Solve Prob. 10.53, assuming thatthe 54 KN axial load will be applied tothe rod with an eccentricity e= $ a 10.53. 54 KN axial load is applied with an cecenticity €~ 10 mm othe circular steel rod BC tha is free tits top C and fixed at its base B. Knowing tha the stock ‘of rods available for use have diameters in increments of 4 mn from 44 mm to 72 rum, determine the lightest rod that may be used if 04, 110 MPa. Use E= 200 GPa, For a sold eivertar section c= dol As tes Bat I=¥el=Zdy reds gat Vee er dt SE ~ AVY) = Pe i le = = AVS) = 26m Pon = LL Plt. (S4x10* VQ. a ic a6 yk R.” Wer Hoo EY = 2 767Y 610% d Sar EL i+ on Sing = 68.755x10" TT 14 4 see (S.0nsex It of) Alm | Cine (MPa) ay ~ 35.1 The Aigltest section i ae with Eau < 10 MPa Se 17.6 is d= CHa = 60 134.4 of (OBL < 68 —2u_l Checking — A= B(0.004)* = 3,217 «15% mw, TZ (0.001) = 813, 55%15 mt R= EGoontoners SSO) - 240 48 x/08N «to? - 7 aabstname 7 0-828 4 « 10" =f Gino etd + 4 cece ( S/o. aa4ss)) = 108.1 10% Pa. 10.55 Axial loads of magnitude P = 175 KN ate applied parallel to the Problem 10.55 geometric axis of n W250 X 44.8 rolled-steel column AB and intersect the axis at distance e = 12 mma from its geometric axis. Knowing that vy ~ 250 MPa and E = 200 GPa, determine the factor of safety with respect to yield. (int ince the factor of safety must be applied to the load P, not to the stresses, use Fig. 10.24 to determine Py.) For W 250% 44.8 A= S720 mm” Le= 3800 wm Le/P = 108.26 ob. : ce: & BE 74 mm es Rm & . YAGH ~ 9.72077 YS Ge Dsing Fig 10.2% with Le/P= 108.26 and §S = 0.72077, R/A = 90.87 MPa = 90.37*/0% N/m* Pe> ABA = (57204 10° t0,387% 10) = S1TKIO™N = 517 kw $17 rs. B. §2 RS.5 2.95 = Problem 10.56 10.56 Solve rob. 10.55, assuming that ¢ 0.16 mm and P= 155 KN. 10.55 Axial loads of magnitude P = 175 kN are applied parallel to the geometric axis of a W250 X 44.8 rolled-steel colunnn AB and intersect the axis, at a distance ¢ = 12 mm from its geometric axis, Knowing that a, = 250 MPa ‘and E = 200 GPs, determine the factor of safety with respect to yield. (int: Since the factor of safety must be applied to the load P, not to the stresses, use Fig. 10.24 to determine P,) For W250 * 4.8 ASTRO mm, Vy = B51 mm Le = 8800 mum Le/v = 108.26 br, we. fe es Be Be Hee 216 mn ec. Wena) , ve ge 0.9108 Using Fig 10.24 with Le/r = 108.26 anc $F = 0.96103, R/A = BILIT MPa = 8L17 N/m™ R= ACP AAV = (S220nt0 “V0 8). 17 410°) = 464 to N= AGH kw ES & eis RS 3.00 — Problem 10.57 10.87 A steel pipe having the erss section shown is used as acolumn. Using the AISC allowable stress design formulas, determine the allowable centsic load ifthe effective length ofthe column is (2) 6m, (5) 4m, Use ay~ 250 MPa and F = 200 Pa J-—125 00 c= td = OLS om GEHL = 5B.5 mm += 61mm Ae W868) = 2.293 nichmn = 22481610 we Ir * = EG] CS) F 3.4807 10% mm = 3.480741 Sm rf Sted? 6,= 250 MPa E'= 200000 14Pa HiME mm = 42199 11 my transition Ht aries 4.71of298222 = 132.20 @ Lee Gm. +t saiSeps = 142-352 > 133,22 6. = ga. geen te. = 47.41 MPa Cie = i 2-877-Ss = SLISS MPa R= CA = (5). 1S5*10°)(2.2421«10%) Pat NYT kN =e Pages F W.FOl < 133,22 Ges Gee | EMeeIE. = aia. my 6. = [0.688% Je, = fossa" (as) = 155,09 mPa Gus Se = 1SS82 - 92.871 HP, Fi Rugs Cig A = (42.8711 0°V(2.2431n107) Pa = 208 kN =e Proprietary Material. © 2009 The MeCiraw-Hill Companies, Ine Allegis reseed. No part af this Manual may be dsplaye, reproduced, or $+ $(o8743)-$(oe793y = tae Sy = &I v= gel] » 28 [1g Coosy'] = go-g2 ora Pin= Gy A = (80-82)(5t00) = 412.2 LN - herd Nop oft Manual mayb dnp eee oper Mater © 3309 The Me Ssibated in eny form a by any ‘eit SeieslSten plated bp Mec i rel nd Cur rept. sing hal sia prin Problem 10.59 10.59 Using allowable stress design, determine the allowable centric load for a ‘column of 6-m effective length that is made from the following rolled-stel shape: (2) W200 » 35.9, (b) W200 86, Use oy ~ 250 MPa and = 200 GPa, SteeP: 6, = 250 mPa E = 200 x \0%: InRa, transition L/P? 4. 71f& = 133.22 @) W200%3595 A= 4580x1075 m Vy = 40.810" * an e = qeSuiot 7 INT06 > 133.22 - ME _ WW @voxto®?) _ Se= Give > “Gekoeye TT R7 MPa ~ Gee, (0.877K41.27) 5 5 Ou ~ pe CERT) = 47.992 MPs Pup = Ge A = (47.932 10°(4s80xJo"*) P= 220 kN =< (wo) W200 x 86 A= 11000 *10% m™ Wy = 58.2810 my NQ.782 < 133.22 T*(200 «108)_ (W2.782)* Ass Gut BE > cyfoes?) (250) = 10.276 whe Pap = Sig * (76.276 10° \1l000 11%) Ra = 837 iN me ISS.18S MPa Proprietary Material, ©2009 The Metiraw-Hll Companies, Ine. All rghs reserved. No pat of hs Mina may be disglayed, reproduced o¢ isthe in any form o by any mens, thou the pie writen prison ofthe publisher, or sed yond the Kites droution o ales tnd educa pete by Mirai fr tee indidl cour preparation. Aster ing thie aol suing it without permission, 10.60 A. W200 X 46.1 rolled-steel shape is used to form a column of Problem 10.60 6-m effective length. Using allowable stress design, determine the allowable centric load if tho yield strength of the grade of steel used is (a) oy = 250 MPa, (6) oy = 345 MPa. Use E = 200 GPa, Steel? E+ 2006Pa W200x46+1 A> S860 him = Sie mm, Lee bm Le/n = NTA fa) Gy = 250Mh G [ae - fan = 128-7 Lene C be 2 0934 > 7 + $ (0-994) - $0734) = 5 Sue els] HEEL 4 (0-754) = r3-omry Pu = Sud + (Tb) 58 bo) = 431-3 EN. = (b) 6 = 345m Cot aa Geen = 106-47 Lele > C Gy = aun > Teta MPa Ra Ga = C7472)(S860) 2 437-9 LN ~ Proprietary Material, © 2009 The McGraweHtit Companies, ne Al stibuted in any forme by any means, without te pier ween pees td ators pemited by MeGraw Th for ee indidul cours prop reserved. No ir of hit Mangal may be daplayed, reproduced, ot ofthe publisher, cr used beyond th ited dsebaton to teaches fon. stdet ing hoa i sing withot persion, Problem 10. 10.61 A column having 3.5m effective length i made of svn lube witha robiem 10.61 114 * 140-mm cross section. Knowing that for the grade of wood used the ujsted allowable stress for compression parle to he gains oc ~ 7.6 MPa and thoadhsed modulis £2 8 GPa, determine the maximum allowable cen ad fordhe coun, Saun Dumben ? eo = 0.8 6.776 MPa E = 2800 MPa A= (IY VM) = 15.460 wm™ = |SFBO XO mn A> ME mm F110 L/d = 3.8 /1I4Klo™* = 30.70 = 0-322 EF . lo.gaai(zso0) _ Se = Oe ® OTA > “Go.781* err eerie Ce l& vb = Le Oe © 140.32182 | 4 gocng Re @\e.8) aie Hele Cp = U-for=V = 0.29635 Sin = CoO, = (0.29685 (7.6) = 2.252 MPa Pu = Ge A = (2252 «1015960 x10) Pus 35.9 'N <0 Problem 10.62 40.62 A sawn lumber column with 2 190 X 140mm cross section has 4 Sm effective length, Knowing that for the grade of wood {usted allowable stress for compression parallel (0 the grain i ‘and that = 9 GPs, determine the maxinum allowable centric load for the column, Sawn Pomber? €= 0.8, Gz 85mm Ex I6pq Ke = 0.3 A= (190) 140) = 26600 me d= Hamm Le 5m, L/a = $50~/ Mo = 34.296 = KeF . (0.3 9x107 7 Ge = hae = GSO = TEMP Ge = eet 1+ Ge / us tel . oe = 0.15375 SM» oasis Cpe= UHyur~v = 0.1964 Gur Ge Cp = (BEM osa64) = 67 MPA Par = Ga A = (1672 bben) = dey LAY _ Problem 10.63 10.63 Bar AB allowable centric load P if tho aluminum alloy is (a) 6061-76, (b) 2014-T6. 0 0m (b) 2014-76 Ldn > ss = Smrtot | garth _ En = “Gani® > Game) > 107-8 MPa Par > 6a A = (107.3108 1 300%16*) = 32.2«10°N Pay = 32.2 kN free at its end A and fixed at its base B. Determine the ca A = (2o\llo) = $00 mm = 300» 18% BCse}10)* = 2.50 «107 mm" be = RL = VRS) = 170 mm dg = 58.9% 15,000 ()GO61-Te LIne ee Cup = 189 ~ 0,868(L/r) = 129 -©. 868 K58.82) mm = 87.4 MPa Par = GA = (829% 10°)(300%10%) = 26.4% 10" N Pure 26.4kN 10.64 A compression member bas the cross section shown and an Problem 10.64 ettcine gh To using ae obese iy wa ST determine the allowable centric loa. per Tyg Covlrar®+ aftiooniinyes oorene (43 ] tt tm 7 34531973 mm ee | | SIE Hm T= HOA alk Gerceors] = 2389333 mot = Tain = (10)(72) #Ksoo\(/4) = 3520 mm tes 2a ~ [ee = (2 25-18 mm 1500 = h5m 7 Be = 58.105 COG] TE atuminum Moy with L/r < 66. Goce = 139 — (01868\C 58/88) = 86-49 Mita Past = Cy A = Ger4anio8 \esz0me4) Py saiez EN - 10.68 and 10.66 A compression member of 9-m effective length is obtained by ‘welding two 10-mm-thick ste! plates to a W250 80 roled-stee! shape as shown, Problem 10.65 Knowing that oy = 345 MPa. and £~200 GPa and using allowable stress design, determine the allowable centric load forthe compression member, A= 256 mer, Nog= 25S mm For W250x80, A= 10200 mn, Ty 126 #108 mm", Ty = 43.1 10% mm For one phate: A=(A56)UI0) = 2560 me Er (o)(ase)® = 13.981 ¥ 10% mm” HOSKLION + (2560) (2EE4 LY = 44,965%/0° mom 1oR00 + (A)RS6O) = 1S.32KIO* mn” © 1S,32x/D ro For cofomns A 126 *10% + (2YI8.9BI*[O%) = 153.962* 10% mn* mm = Log = a 48. 110% @X44,965x 10°) = 133,03%/0' Tan .._/138.05.10" vey Ete 7 TS18S mm L be. = > aaiaemiot * 16-562 E Roo not 714) . = 13 45. Ue = NYG = 3-40 > 95,582 = 9S 19SXIT® SteeB: transition Linz = DE . M@ooxot) _ a Se * Faye tea) = AIL.GI MPs = See 1 [o.esa "" |eaus) = lod MPa Puy = 1GCO KN <0 Cae = FS, rer 7 (04. 41 108 C15, 32%108 his Marval may be displayed, reproduced ot ‘sed beyond the limited dstbutin fo ears ls ne All ight reserved Nop pein ofthe publisher ual ear preparstnn, A siwent sing ths mal fusing thou peision, Proprietary Material © 2009 The MeGeaw-Hil I Taw = De = 2.12 ¥10% mam = 212 x10" ma? AF 2A,= 4840 mm? = YBYO x10" mn" - fia, [gar 1c? r A" YaRqoxae = FO-TS*IG om 8 109.90 < 123.22 %e.48m Io 6. = Ce = HiGeezt2) = resus mp Ss = See 2/08] Coes Cue = FEF rig l 0.65 ‘J Case’ = 72,416 MP4 Put = SA = (78.416x/0% (4840 x107*). Par = Gag = (78.416n10°)(4840 +10) Pyt gaze Proprietary Material. © 2009 The MeGraw-Ii Compsves, ne. AI sighs reserved. No part of hs Manua ay be displayed, veproduced, of S7Fmne ' Tez 326xco!mot Ty tho nich! | da $onn 2 7he7mm Fer the eoamn i Az 2(31K0)= 1066 fare Lys 01032 6x10 2 bSrz Kiet nm Ty = 2[vp ero! 4 (21TH DE) = He 97M mint = 767 nm les ém BEG. pe.4 250 & OVb2ddg RS. = + B(oreray)~ 406224 )* = 87 & an 4(eey] = sof - 4(o-622y )'] = 107-8 MPa, Pa = CA + (herk)( 7b) = BE kN Problem 10.69 10.69 A rectangular column wit larninated wood. Knowing that for 1m eftectve length is made of glued grade of wood used the adjusted allowable sires for compression parallel to the grain is ec ~ £3 MPa and the adjusted ws B= 46 OPa, determine the maximam allowable centre load for the | : | Glued temineded colimn? 20.4 = 4lo0 MPa 140 mo | | AFGIG N40) = 302UO me = BORO ~IT™ wae A= 14 sane = (HO WS 216m Le 4d = ats = BL424 Gg = -BB2RE (0.822 Y¢00) _ CaaS 7 Cairaagye = 3-828) MPa 38281 2 aa Gee BZ2B once vs LEME = paslAL 6, gure ve She woe Gs v- JIT = onates Ga = Cp 6 = ©.42408N8.%) = 3.5614 MPa Par? GA = (3.5614 «10% (30240 10°F) Pye loz TkN =e Problem 10.70 10.70 _An aluminum strctural tube is reinforced by riveting two plates to ‘tas shown for use as a column of 1.7-m effective length. Knowing that all ma- terials aluminum alloy 2014-6, determine the maximum allowable centic load, 6am. Nore + se 20g) 42l10) 4.30 2 62mm bit 30 mm ho = 200)450 =7omm hz = 50 am. 50mm A= bh.-beh: = (62)(70)— Go)(50) = 2840 bom ne Ly = RLbho- beh? ]= dl l6err0)?-(40)¢80)*] = [46x00 mint = RD bme HW b2) = A [lezor( 627 (50¢30)3] = 4979 Wo? man” eT ~ fhe s (reba ae z Z6¢0 Ne Rm it joo, “ara 7 Gore BSS 312000 Sut = (Lge 7 STS AMP Lee Moo mem. Pap = Gar A = (S7-84¢)(2840) = 1643 EN Proprietary Matertal. ©2009 The MeGraw-Uhilt Companies, Ine. Al righ reserved. No part hs Manual may be dep, reproded, or éauibue 1 Tor or by any eas, witht the eter writen pean ofthe publisher er sed yond the Hnked de btion wo eaehes {and educators pei by MeGraw Hil fr Us idiidul couse preparation, Asader¢ sng tis aa using witht pension, 40.74 An 7S4N centic loud is applied wo a rectangular saa Tanber Problem 10.74 column of 6.5-m effective length, Using sawn lumber for which the adjusted Slonable strest for comprestion parallel the grain = 7.3 MPa and Knowing that F = 10 GPa, determine the smallest square cress setion tha say be used. Use b = 2 Sawn Domber c= 0.8 Ke = 0.3 G = 13 Meg E> 1062a A= 2d* L= osm Lids 2? Assumed Cp = 0.5 Gus 6.Cp = (73)@.5) = B65 MPa, Put = Ga = 26ud* : ra a OIE, d= [Put "Vow * Jeet (elem = 5% = KsE . (0.300?) _ 3 xt0* _ 4, Léa = 59/7 Se = (RG Cosgntione = GBS =o 8omre Gee (Se. = 001118 20, 2 LEGG [GES GES Checkeds Cp = Fe (Get. y ~ Sef. = o-Hag Results, of similar trials ave summarized in the table befow? a + ap ass Assumed | Godt d Ld Gea Gee [Gz checked | ALp ce (fad bmn) | (mPa) Cp : OF BOS lobe 6417 | orb | ont o-l4P | 0.3982 | pat ae 18 131-3 feTO | 1 4H | 0-/478 d-20lT = -0.09k6 708 148-2 81S My 3 PEPE 0ST, Gr2538 00198 | 1 bq) | ote2) 02517 | 00017 i L i L re Proprietary Matril, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, le. Alright reserved. No part of tie Mana maybe diplaye epoca ‘iri in any fn ot by any means, witht the pcr writen pecan of the publi, cr wied bond the Hinited dixon to teshers “ni edrstorspermited by MeGrawe i Tor ter ida courte preparation. Asien ing hit ual sus withou permtsion. Problem 10.72 10.72 A column of 2.1m effective length is to be made by gluing together luminated wood pieces of 25 « 150-mm cross section. Knowing that forthe grade ‘of wood used the adjusted allowable stress for compression parallel to the grain is oc 7.7 MPa and the adjusted modulus is & = 5.4 GPa, determine the number of ‘wood pieces that must be used to support the concentric load shown when (a) P= S2KN, (6) P = 108 KN. Gse3 Dawei nected codumn het n= number of pieces c=0.70 = (ISOVRS NY 3750 0 mm = 878010 A A= 25" n om if nee d= 150x10® oy PF 2G le = Rt ke. 2.1 ae a iH WF nse ai. : 2 ar. uw Ff wze 3 (e.822\syo0) , 4939 = Es Mea = 6.2 7.7 MPa S400 Me: Se = aye Gaye Me = Se 2/6 See /S * ~ (ee) - Se Sut = Cp Ge Paz CyA CaleuPations ave carried out in the dahse below, nl@ A L/d |) Ge | Gec/6 | Cp Bu | Pe ton) Goo) (ee) (ead | kt 3 | 0.075 250 RB SCX | 0.7353 | 0.6288) 4842) S45 4 |o.100| Iso0o al 10.066 | 1.3073 | 0.84°3| 6.507] 47.6 S jo.1as| 13750 | 16.8]15.727| 2.0421 | 0.9232] 2.412| 133.6 (a) For PFS2kN use n= 3B =e (b) For Prlo3kN use n= Sx ropiaty Matera © 2009 The McCraw Compan Inc. Alig served: No pt of hs Man iy be displayed reproduced ot nite dsebaton oases his aaa is sing it witout pension. ibe In any form or by say means, witht the peor writen peamision of he plist, or wed Beyoad the ‘8d edaclorspomied by MeGraw-tlil for thet idvidvel couse preparation. A sade us Problem 10.73 107 Te gd tinted coum shown eat ip and ed ats fs 1 Using wood that has an adjusted allowable stress for compression parallel to the foe 92MM nd evaded wothisefcsisy £39 GP emne 4. the smallest cross section that ean support x centric load of 62 KN. Gloed Jawineted colin 620.4 E=S700 MPa Les 2L = GXA) = Hm = 4000 mm 6,7 9.2 MPa = d* Pu = 62000 N Lefad = 4000/2 with din mon. nn = Ce Assume Cp, Sp = 92.2 Cp (oa? = {ee 62008 BAF +e Cu YOu 2.822 _ (0.822 5700) Gay > ay Gee cee 2 Lt Gel, Checking? Cp = Lt eee — Caferdations ave carried ovt in the Ralfoving teblez Co [6m | a [ule | See | eA | ngeed tne V9 sed| (MPa. | rwe, (MPa) cake OS #6 | NG.) | 34.45] 3.998 | 0.4241] 0.4021 |—-0,09749 O44 3.68 | 129.8 | 20.82) 4.932 | 0.5361 | 0.4992} + 0.0892 o.stg | 4.122] 121.7 | $2.87] 4.236 | 0.4713] 0.4373|~ 0.0107 0.443 | 4,076] 123.3 | 32.44] 4.452 | 0.4339 0.4476] +0. cone Cp = 044g + 2288 F o.u44s Sue = (O-444S\CI.2) = 4.0894 MPa 244k - do Se TAL oem AzIZ3. bam Proprietary Material. 2009 The MeGraw-Hilt Companes, ne. Al Highs reserved. No prt ofthis Manual maybe displayed reprodved, or thatcan be. vee tt Arab Tas ®(ab\ub = EbY LSE 88S. 58 erie GOGI-T6 aRminuen abfoy. Assone 2 < 66, | Gin = 184 ~ 0.868 (Le/r) = 139 ~Co-S8Lssaas) MPa Rar = Gard = (129 - 53832F yiony(a") Taxto® = 278x108 B ~ 2.70616 «10% b 278 b* - 2,7066b - 0.072 = 0 2 Jo6le : Ba nica aban = U,680 ¥/0"% m ~ 1.39808 139 ae VF G.2586x10-* m be . ONS . ¥ * 62586410 nA Assomption is not veriFieds ls = S5Ixio? _ BsIxjor by . 2 Assome Te > 6c, Gee FORAY 7 CrewRRe 7 MP MdHHIO® 6 HPs Par = Cay A = (144. 444 «10% b* W10*)(ab*) = 298.89x107 bY ON TA» to = 298,97x10" bt bY = 249,23%10" mt b= 22.31% wm Re 64S 10 mn te. 69.77 > 66 Assumption is verti b= 22.8010 *m = AZZ mm =e © 2009 The HeGraw-H Proprtet Companies, Ine ll igh reserved. No gat of hit Mama may be splayed epost sien or by any means, wathout the price wien pemiin ofthe pubic, or ed hese the ited drain oars an uators pied by MeGrawtil fr tvs indvidel couse preparation, A student using this anal is using i wahout permission Problem 10.75 10.75 A 280-KN centric load is applied to the column shown, which is fee at its top 4 and fixed at its base B. Using aluminum alloy 2014-76, select the smallest square section that ean be used le = 2L = (210.30) 2 0.60 m A= b* I= eb" L, 260728 . 2.0785 v 5 Cy aluminum alloy Zord-Te Assume & < 55, Cay = 212~ LSBSCLAP) = 212 ~U.585V02.0785 7b) = (21a - S394) mpg =[212- 2584 Got) Pa Rat GyA = [212 b? - 3.2946] (lot) = 280%00% elt at ZIRb*~ 3.2%b ~ Z20x10 = Oo b= SaM4 as Ory r107) = 449x109 be Agte ROME, 46.26 < 55 Assumption in yeosPied, b= H4.4 mn et Proprietary Material. ©2009 The MeGrav- Hil Aistetted iv any Frm o by any mens, without th and eduatva permed by Metra ifort ndiidel couse preparation. A stent sing he manual using i wibon permission, 10.76 An aluminum tube of 90-mm outer diameter isto cary a centic load of 120 Frelena7e kN. Knowing thatthe stock of tubes available for use are made of alloy 2014-T6 ‘and with wall thicknesses in increments of 3 mm from 6 mm to 15 mm, determine ie fn the Fightest tube that can be used. re L= 2250 mm, P= IZovio7Nn 1° WS nw be te h-t AzT(ntent) I-F(W-n) 22500 80-minute v~ JI/A Foe 2019-6 aluminum abfoy, Guy = 212 - SRS (l/r) MPa oF LM e SS = 3272x103 i : + Gu = Fax MPa if Li > 5S - Pa = Sad Cabevdate Pa For each thickness. t [ula L e L/e Su | Pu or | mn nee 0% ment mm MPa, kW. € 34 IS83 1404 24.78 15.56 CSM Jo3,1 > 7 3¢ 2240 1.400 28,82 78,08 61.01 134.7 _ 12 33 2qHi 2.28% 21.90 80.65 $7.20 | 168.2) Is 30 | 3534 | 2.534 21.04 33.20 53.74 [139.4% Since Par most be grenter then 1201W, use £2 dmm, = Inc. Allright reserved. No pat of this Manoa may be depayed,reprodeed, or ny Former by my means, witheut the pir Witen persion ofthe publisher, er wed beyond the init detibuton wo teaches pesmi by MetGraw il fr ter individual couse preparation. Aster using nals sing it witha permission Problem 10.77 410.77 A centric load P must be supported bythe sec! bar 4B, Using allowable stress design, determine te smallest dimension c ofthe eros section that can be ‘used when (a) P = 108 KN, (6) P= 166 KN, Use o,~= 250 MPa and E~ 200 GPa. Ce PRE = [EP Geerto) < resco be dim Tate P a J i ve A = Gada) = 3d* ad Law I= &(aA\ay = Fat | +a a a r- Ke Te = 0.288675 Ad > (eo P= 108% jb2N, Aone > Co, ~ WEL 92 Pa be* Re Tgie Ral = ae dite cantieae) Phe» (4M L42\ 081 1.4)" 923 4a? am "W®(200 » 107) i A= 30.125 «107%m r= 8.696 «/o* in es gitcios + 160. > 15.0 d= 80.1 mm = () Pz 16e «1M N. Assume E> C gts GNG92YP Le (4792 UGerIoF YL) L njo-® m* d TE i? Goo 107) = 1.26588%/0* m As 33.543x1o3 m r= 9,68215%/07* Le 14 . te. ciaeros © NSB > 125.66 d= 33.5 mm = Proprietary Material, © 2009 The McGrawHlil Companies, le. Alright eerved, No pat of thie Manu may be dips epodoed ‘tbat te any form ce by any ane, withot the poor writen pension of th publisher, wed beyond the ited dient ean ‘nk edveatrsprmited by McGraw Til forthe individual coun proparaton. A stadent Problem 10.78 length must carry a centric load of 900 KN. Knowing that ¢y= 345 MPa and F'= 200 GPa, use allowable stress design to select ‘the wide-flange shape of 250-mm nominal depth that should be used. ansition bE nf& = 4.71 fBeoetee =, te $ 4rve = 471 aeexton 13.40 p< SA > £EPP 670400 18) «yaa uid ets 4357 mnt 1:67 & Bas XID Ger A 327 7° er Sanh Perret ne? Le 167 Ple” _ C67 %Go0mo* 4.5)" _ x10 mt Sete Eee nee SEIT TAOS = 17.58 *10° we 17.58 x10! Tey W250%88. A= 2420 me Vy = 50.3 mm le 4S Ht ritsessi02 B46 {13.40 - DEL 2 Macon Se* Uwe = ~Ceaey= eiebcetebleteites 6, = (0.658 6, = [ose Tus) = 142.11 MPa ~ Sek _ (4am 420%) _ Payt Fe& = (arta Guzente) asa yn < qoo kw Crot acceptebte) Try W250 ~ 67 A= BSB0 mm Vy = S10 mm 5 88,235 < 113.40 ntQoox io") “ 253.54 MPa 6. (2,6585"%) 6, = [o.csa™/*** "Gus ) = 195.20 MPa Sich - (9522 %10N8820%1F) _ ipa WN > aoe kw 67 1.67 (acceptabde) Use W 250% 67, po Proprietary Material, ©2€09-The MeGraw-1l Companies Inc. Alrights reserved No pat ofthis Manual maybe displayed, repodecod or Aistibced in any form or by any means, witht te price writen permission of he publisher, or used beyond the Waited dst aod educators permited by McGrail for thi iedvdual coute preps, A stadert sing his anual is asing it wihout permission. Problem 10.79 10.79 A column of 6.8-m effective length must carry a centic load of 1200 KN. Using allowable stress design, select the wide-flange shape of 350- ‘mm nominal depth that should be used. Use ay = 350 MPa and = 200 GPa. p< SA A> Gath, emai) | STI ee mn? Le = 68m E= 200 6a 7, 2 6) . <6 4 p< me I> wig Ble = a aN anne aD 2 5347 110 Me Tey Webewere AT ISTCORE, Tat GiSk/omm” A= 63 hy * Ge fxe - [2HSBe2H) . ag.2 fee Hs pond > sober = TE, TQeecoo) | Sun * Tay > GSC > 883 Mh. Pat = Cap A = (88r3)(1S00) = ]3LB-TEN > 200 LN se W5boxi22 i reece, oF futonto acre person, Proprttary Matera, © 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Alright reserved. No pat ofthis Mal maybe Gita + 70.02 < 113.40 ey & TGR To Mee : ee Gen = (ores 39), = [o.6sa PO "](g4s) = 140,708 MPa = SeA . 4 “10% SB60%10) _ cg, Pan hey rey. 4 kN > S25 kN AU Righter sections fai? the minimum moment of inertia evitevion, Use W200%46.1, — Proprietary Materia. ©2009 The McGraw-Hl Compasles, Ine. Allrighs reserved No pat ofthis Manual ray be dplyed reproduced, istered in any form or by any means, without the prior ten permission ofthe publisr owed beyond the linited debuts vo tesches and educator permite by McGraw-Hill for tee individual cours preparation. Assent ing this manual swing without permision Problem 10.81 10.81 Two 89 x 64-mm angles are bolted together as shown for use as a column of 2.4.m effective length to cary a centric load of 180 kN. Knowing that the angles available have thicknesses of 64 mm, 9.5 mm, and 12.7 mm, design to determine the lightest angles that can be used. Use ay [rst afe— ad nf 200 GPa, Use x and y axes as abted ahve. Try L 8¢¥64n as A= (20860) = 2720 wel © 2720 x16 mm Vg = (86 mm = 18.6 HOF mm (Hy tm Appancbin CY Left = RAS i.crlo* = 129.082 < 138,40 ~ E_ . T@vono _ : Se CAE Ceean ye = 1% S58 MPa 6. = (0.6585) 6 = Lo.esa¥"™" ] (250) = 103.43 MPa Pars Sigh = Cantandergnente [c8.5 kN < 180 kW De net vse. Toy L 87 «64 412.7 A= (ANI780)" 3960 mm = 3960410" wn™ Vy = $Bebme = IB 10% m he/e = 29/81» to = 132.597 < 133.22 = WE , atGeeno*) , a SEE. + TORRE + 227 ne. 6. = (0.658 )ey = [o.6s8 7 (ase) = 98.44 MPa. = SoA . (Thug niof Eicon) | Ra = fed = & yor\erce nlc"? = 233 WN > 180 kv Use L389 64 * 12.7 mm hed beyond the limited dstoution to teaches, this manuals sing i witht permission. Problem 10.82 10.82 Two 89 x 64-tim angles are bolted together as shown for use asa column of | effective length to cary a centric load of 325 EN. Knowing that the angles ble have thicknesses of 6.4 mm, 9.5 mm, and 12.7 mm, use allowable sess design to determine the lightest angles that can be used. Use oy = 250 MPa and = 200 GPa, t pe transition #* anfE Try L B464x95, A= (BXIBC0) = 2720 wn = 2720 IS ms” Tee QMO? #108) = 2.14 «10% wna” Ty = @rLo.nesn1ot +¢1360 6.919] = 1.70285» 10% rem! = De, = _/Tes /o2BS RIO ee fee [EMRE o6.ottaesy 25,02 10? m 24 Be een: F5.9F © 133.22 See ME. = Wilaceoxiot) _ mp UAE as aigy Cin = (0.053%) G, = [ose 2" ](250) = 153.51 MPa Pays Seek - (is8.s1x1o* 2720» 10") _ < PS) 85 Tey Z5OkN < 325 De not use. Tey Lb 89x64 012.7, A= (211780) = 85%0 mw = 3560%(0% m* Ty = @V86418) = 2.72 10% mm? Ty C@dLo.seiniot + (imwo\tin | = 2.2283 «l0%me » L, ~ [Tes - [ERECT _ + SSH AS ws vm [pe = [BER = se 87h 28.5718 93.816 ~< 133,22 ” Beste ~ TRE. 1(zeoxto*) Ce* Gar” Cas aac y® 6. = [0.653 "7 ] (250) = 156.74 MPa = 224.13 MPa Pat Sieh GSB.74 nto" Ysseonte > 2 3s4bw > 325 kW Use L 8464 12.7 pam oh Proprietary Material, ©2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies In. Allright eserved. No pat of this Manual maybe diplyed epradoced of 2606% StePs Ce EE =f Seen as-7 Tey Es i2inm b; = bmn Ax js02= 120" = 6604 mae He [evsey" G26] = 218 xe mat ve SS¢6 mo. ee = mod > Cy = Me: Sue Taxis * $2123 MPs Pate = Sia A = 652-23)16624) = 346 EN, Puy is streeninely propertional to f. ho £ Sat be F002 mm Try = 4mm be = i3imm A= £076 me Dz last — yt] = 16098 114 mot = 5768 mm be. 22 = 136.23 > Ce VO ar =e. 2 Sia = Taz Cam 7 $6? mea, Pit = GiayA = (66.2)(5076) = 2GGREN > 260 EN Use E= Fmm

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