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Part 1


h k.

s.v.n. ha


icrocontrollers find applications in various industrial and domestic

controls and processes. Therefore
a good knowledge about them has
become a necessity for elctronics engineers. Although a lot of theoritical
knowledge related to the software
and hardware aspects of microcontrollers is available in the market,
there is no easy alternative to a
hands-on learning experience, and
for that, a microcontroller development board is a must.
Here we describe a development
board that is based on the popular
AVR ATmega32 microcontroller
and meets the needs of both the
beginners as well as professionals.
Beginners may use the board to
learn the basics of microcontrollers,
while professionals may use it for
developing microcontroller-based
complex and smart circuit designs.
twelve sample codes given in this
project will also help one to learn
more about the inbuilt peripherals
of the microcontrollers.
The twelve program codes are
Blink_LED, Chaser_Effect, Moving_Display, ADC_test, 8bit_Timer,
Switches, External_INT, EEPROM,
Freq_meter, PWM, UART and TWI.

Why AVR ATmega32?

The AVR is fast, cheap, in-circuit
programmable, and the development software is usually available
for free as most of them are Open
Source. Moreover, discussions
and tutorials on the AVR family
of processors are available on the
Internet for solutions to development issues.

Fig. 1: Circuit of atmega32 development board

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The ATmega32 is a high-performance, low-power, 8-bit AVR microcontroller. It has 32 kB of in-system
self-programmable flash, 2 kB of static
random access memory (SRAM) and
1 kB of electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM).
Some of the on-chip peripheral features are:
1. Two 8-bit timers/counters with
separate prescaler and compare modes
2. One 16-bit timer/counter with
separate prescaler, comparator mode
and capture mode
3. Four pulse-width-modulated
(PWM) channels
4. 8-channel, 10-bit analogue-to-

Fig. 2: Power supply circuit for

digital converter (ADC)

5. Byte-oriented, two-wire serial
interface (TWI)
6. Programmable serial USART
(universal synchronous asynchronous
receiver transmitter)
7. Master/slave SPI serial interface
8. Programmable watchdog timer
with separate on-chip oscillator
9. On-chip analogue comparator

The development board

This ATmega32 development board

has the following features:
1. In-system programmable with
an on-board serial-port-based programmer
2. Onboard regulated and filtered power
supply with
power indicator LED
3. Eight
LEDs, which
are selectable
atmega32 development board
through DIP

switches (provided on the board) for

status or debugging purpose
4. Five tactile switches for external
inputs or interrupts: a reset switch to
safely reset the microcontroller externally, two switches on external interrupt pins and two more for general
5. On-board LCD connector (which
can be used for other applications
too) along with a preset to control the
6. On-board PC-MCU serial port
link for use of the USART module in
the MCU for two-way communication
with the PC
7. On-board piezobuzzer selectable
through a jumper for status or debugging purpose
8. On-board two-wire serial EEPROM of 4 kB (512x8) in addition to 1
kB of on-chip EEPROM
9. All the MCU ports are easily accessible through single-line male
header (berg strip connectors)
10. Two 8-pin male header strip
connectors for providing power supply
to external devices and sensors
11. On-board variable voltage source using a preset, provided
via a switch to PA7 for
ADC test


Fig. 3: An actual-size, single-side PCB for the atmega32 development board

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Fig. 1 shows the circuit

of ATmega32 development board. At the
heart of the circuit is the
40-pin ATmega32 MCU,
which is connected to
the board through a 40pin dual in-line package
(DIP) IC socket.
The MCU has four
input/output (I/O)
ports: Port A (pins 33
through 40), Port B (pins
1 through 8), Port C
(pins 22 down through
29) and Port D (pins 14
through 21). Each of
these port pins is made
e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u M a r c h 2 0 1 1 1 2 1


Fig. 4: Component layout for the PCB

Fig. 5: AVR Studio output dialogue box

available through external male header

strips. In order to draw the regulated
+5V supply for external circuits and
sensors, a 16-pin header (CON1) is
provided in the board.
The development board has selfcontained regulated +5V supply circuit
built around the 7805 voltage regulator and filtering capacitors to obtain
a filtered, regulated power supply. A
power-indicator LED is used to indicate the presence of power supply in
the circuit. The power supply circuit

with 9V input to 7805 is shown

in Fig. 2.
For easy debugging, the
board has eight LEDs (LED2
through LED9) selectable
through a DIP switch. All these
LEDs are connected to Port B of
the MCU through current-limiting resistors. When not in use,
the LEDs can be disconnected
from the circuit individually
with the help of DIP switches,
thus enabling the normal operation of Port B for other applica-

Five tactile pushbutton switches
are also provided for debugging purpose. All the five switches are activelow type and do not affect the normal
operation of port pins. Switches S1, S2,
S3 and S4 are connected to Port D pins
PD0, PD1, PD2 and PD3, respectively.
PD0 and PD1 form external interrupt
pins of the MCU.
A power-on reset circuit is built
around reset pin 9 with the help of
resistor R10 and capacitor C3. Switch

1 2 2 M a r c h 2 0 1 1 e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u

S5 is connected to pin
9 for resetting the MCU
At Port PD7 (pin
21), a piezobuzzer is
connected via switching
transistor T2 to further
help in debugging. The
buzzer can be disconnected from the circuit
at any point of time
by removing shorting
jumper JS.
In order to further
enhance the user interface of the development
board, a dedicated LCD
port is provided onboard. To minimise use
of I/O pins for LCD
control, the display is
made to function in 4-bit
mode. In 4-bit mode,
only four data pins are
required in addition to
RS, RW and E control
pins. In total, seven I/O
port pins are required for functioning
of the display.
Details about the LCD module and
its interfacing with the MCU are provided later in the article. Port C is used
to interface the LCD in the development board. Port-C pins PC4, PC5, PC6
and PC7 form data pins, whereas PC2
and PC3 are used as RS and E control
pins. Port-D pin PD6 is used to provide
R/W control signal.
In order to communicate with the
PC, the development board uses the
USART module of the MCU. functional details of this module are given
later in the article. The RS-232 signals
range between +12V and -12V and are
inverted (-12V is a logical 1). Applying this kind of voltage to the AVR is
dangerous, so MAXIMs MAX232 level
converter is used between the DB9
female serial port and the MCU. The
MAX232 uses capacitors to perform
the necessary level shifting in order
to receive and transmit signals. The
same DB9 serial port connector is used
to program the MCU by using the SPI
w w w. e f y m ag . co m

serial programming facility available
in the MCU.
Popular Open Source software
PonyProg is used for easy programming of the MCU. The same software
can also be used to set and read all the
flag bits in the MCU, to read/write the
on-chip EEPROM.
PonyProg also comes with a well-

Fig. 6: Debug platform and device window

Fig. 7: I/O port setup in PonyProg

Fig. 8: Device selection dialogue box

Fig. 9: Security and configuration bits setting window

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defined hardware circuit for SPI programming. The same circuit is used in
the development board too by making
use of MOSI, MISO, SCK and RESET
pins of the MCU. To limit the line voltages on the SPI interface lines, 5.1V
zener diodes are used. DPDT switch
S7 is used to switch between USART
communication mode and SPI serial
programming mode. A step-by-step
procedure to program the MCU using
PonyProg is provided in the latter part
of the project design.
The microcontroller is clocked to
a maximum frequency of 16 MIPS by
using 16MHz quartz crystal X1. The
crystal should always be used along
with two capacitors of equal value
(connected as shown in the circuit diagram) for a stable operation. The value
chosen for these capacitors is 22 pF for
a frequency of 16 MHz.
In order to test the MCUs ADC
module, a variable voltage source is
made available on-board with the help
of preset VR1. Switch S6 should be
kept opened when the ADC application is not in use.
The 24C04 forms the external
EEPROM circuit of the development
board. It has a storage capacity of 4 kB
(512x8). The EEPROM can be read/
written using the TWI module avail-

able in ATmega32. For this purpose,

connect SDA (Serial Data) and SCL (Serial Clock Input) pins of the EEPROM
to corresponding SDA and SCL pins
of the MCU via a DPDT switch. Address input pins a0, A1 and A2 of the
24C04 are held low to give a hardware
address of 000.
To connect additional TWI devices
to the development board, a 4-pin TWI
male header strip (I2C port) is provided along with power supply rails.

The entire development board circuit
can be assembled on a single PCB.
An actual-size, single-side PCB for
the same is shown in Fig. 3 and its
component layout in Fig. 4. solder by
first connecting all the jumpers in the
circuit, followed by smaller-size passive components and then the bigger

Software program
Before loading various application machine codes into the microcontroller,
you need to write the intended controller program in C language. Compile it
to obtain the hex code. Burn the generated hex code into the microcontroller.
To perform all these tasks in this
project, you can use free Open Source
software like WinAVR, AVR Studio 4
and PonyProg. The programs should
be installed in the PC before starting
the AVR applications.
WinAVR. WinAVR (pronounced
as whenever) is a suite of executable,
Open Source software development
tools for the ATMEL AVR series of
RISC microprocessors hosted on the
Windows platform. It includes the
GNU GCC compiler for C and C++
programming languages. Visit http:// for
more details.
AVR Studio 4. In this project, we
have used AVR Studio 4 (Version 4.13)
to compile the code written in C language and generate the hex code. It can
also be used to simulate the program
running on the microcontroller.
PonyProg. PonyProg (Version

e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u M a r c h 2 0 1 1 1 2 3

code. This will make all the Port B pins
to go high. Now generate a time delay
of 500 ms using the WaitMs( ) function.
Once the time delay is generated, all
Fig. 10: Error message
the Port B pins need to be cleared to
switch off the LEDs. For this,
load 0x00 (complement of 0xFF)
to Port B. The entire process
repeats unconditionally inside a
while loop to generate the LED
blinking effect.
Load your application program into the ATmega32 chip
as follows:
1. Open AVR Studio. You
will get a window as shown
in Fig. 5. Click New Project
2. Select AVR GCC and
enter a name and destination
folder for your project.
Fig. 11: Prototype of Atmega32 development board
3. Select AVR simulator in
Debug platform window and
Atmega32 in Device window (refer
2.07C) is a serial device programmer
Fig. 6).
software with a user-friendly GUI
4. Start writing your first program
framework available for Windows
blink_LED.c in the AVR Studio editor
95, 98, 2000, NT, XP and Intel Linux.
window. Configure the required opIt supports IC Bus, Microwire, SPI
tions in Tools and Project menus.
EEPROM, the Atmel AVR and Micro5. Go to Build menu and click
chip PIC micro. For details, visit www.
Build option to compile the code.
If there is no error, the hex code will
Example 1: Blinking LEDs
6. Connect the ATmega32 developInclude the following header files in
ment board to the serial port of the PC
the code to successfully compile the
through the serial cable. On the board,
blinking-LED application program
set switch S7 to its program position.
Switch on the power supply. Run
1. <avr/io.h> to include appropriPonyProg and select Interface Setup
ate I/O definitions for the MCU
option from Setup menu.
2. <avr/interrupt.h> to enable all
7. Set the I/O port as shown in
the interrupt-handling functions (not
Fig. 7.
used here).
Click Probe button to check
3. <util/delay.h> to generate time
whether you have correctly connected
the development board to the PC. A
Also include a user-defined funcTest OK message should appear. It
tion (WaitMs( )) to generate time
will ensure that you have correctly
delays in milliseconds. The parameter
connected the serial cable to the board,
to be passed is an unsigned integer
the power supply is turned on, switch
value indicating the time delay to be
S7 is turned to its program position
produced in milliseconds.
and you have chosen the correct COM
In the main function, first configure
Port B pins as output pins. For this, set
8. Select AVR Micro and ATmega32
the corresponding bits in the DDRB
options from Device Selection menu
register. After that, load 0xFF in the
1 2 4 M a r c h 2 0 1 1 e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u

in the toolbar (see Fig. 8).

9. Click Security and Configuration Bits (see Fig. 9). Click Read button to read the bits. Now click Write.
10. Open the hex file generated by
AVR Studio. Go to Command menu
and click Write All in PonyProg.
11. Click Yes to start writing
the code into the chip. Slide all the
switches on the DIP-SW switch to On
position. If all the LEDs glow, you
have completed the first application
successfully. Otherwise, you will get
an error message as shown in Fig. 10.
To solve the problem, ensure
that the power is on, switch S7 is in
Program mode and the serial cable
is properly connected. Now check
whether you have selected the correct
device and the fuse-bit settings. Fig.
11 shows the prototype of Atmega32
development board.

Example 2: Sequential
light chaser effect
The source code (Chaser_Effect.c) for
generating a sequential chaser effect on
the LEDs (LED2 through LED9) is also
included in the EFY-CD. It makes the
LEDs connected to Port B of the MCU
light up in a sequential manner back
and forth.

Example 3: LCD interfacing

The LCD model described here is
based on the HD44780 microcontroller
from Hitachi and shows messages in
two lines of 16 characters each. It displays all English alphabets, Greek letters, punctuation marks, mathematical
symbols, etc. Every character consists
of a 58 or 510 dot matrix. In our
project, we have used a 58 character
display, which is, in fact, the most commonly used.
Preset VR2 is used for contrast
control. If there is no character display
on the LCD, vary the preset to adjust
the contrast. A 12-pin female header
is used on the LCD module to connect
the development board. On the board,
a female header strip is used for LCD
connection. Refer to the datasheet of
the LCD module for different functions
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Fig. 12: A typical 216 LCD module

troller included in the EFY-CD.

LCD connections. Depending on the number of lines used
for connecting an LCD to the
microcontroller, there are 8-bit
and 4-bit modes of LCD connection. The appropriate mode is
selected at the beginning of the

extern void lcd_init(uint8_t

Initialize display and select type
of cursor.
extern void lcd_clrscr(void);
Clear display and set cursor to home
extern void lcd_home(void);
Set cursor to home position.
extern void lcd_gotoxy(uint8_t x,
uint8_t y);
Set cursor to specified position.
extern void lcd_putc(char c);
Display character at current cursor

Fig. 13: DDRAM

of the pins.
LCD memory. The LCD contains
three memory blocks: DDRAM (display data RAM), CGROM (character
generator ROM) and CGRAM (character generator RAM).
DDRAM. DDRAM is a sort of RAM
where data can be written to and read
from, but loses its contents when the
power is removed. It is used to store
the characters (up to 80) that need to
be displayed (see Fig. 12).
If the cursor is on, it is displayed at
the location that is currently addressed.
When a character appears at the cursor
position, it automatically moves to the
next addressed location.
CGROM. It contains the default
character map with all the characters that can be displayed on the
screen. Each character is assigned to
one memory location. Addresses of
CGROM locations match the characters
of ASCII. For example, if the program
currently being executed encounters a
command send character P to port,
binary value 0101 0000 appears on the
port. This value is ASCII equivalent of
character P which will be displayed on
the LCD. This applies to all the letters
of the alphabet (capital and small), but
not to the numbers. In order to display
the numbers correctly, it is necessary
to add decimal number 48 to each of
the values prior to sending them to
the LCD.
For details of the LCD memory,
refer to the datasheet of HD44780 conw w w. e f y m ag . co m

operation in a process called initialisation. 8-bit LCD mode uses D0 through

D7 output lines to transfer the data.
In 4-bit mode, only four higher bits
(D4 through D7) are used for communication, while others may be left
unused. Each data is sent to the LCD
in two steps: four higher bits are sent
first (normally via D4 through D7
lines), followed by four lower bits. Initialisation enables the LCD to link and
interpret the received bits correctly.
In our development board, we have
used 4-bit mode of LCD connection.
The main purpose of 4-bit LCD mode
is to save the valuable I/O pins of the
LCD initialisation. The content
of the LCD memory is automatically
cleared when it is powered up. It takes
approximately 15 ms to clear the
memory data. After that, the display is
ready to operate.
Usually, automatic reset is done
without any problem. If for any reason
the power supply voltage does not
reach its full value within 10 ms, the
display starts performing completely
The LCD is initialised through
software instructions. Typically, driver
files for the LCD module consist of the
lcd.h header file and the accompanying lcd.c source file. Once you include
driver files for the LCD module, all
that you need to know in order to
operate the module are a few userdefined functions as given below:

extern void lcd_puts(const char *s);

Display string without auto linefeed.
extern void lcd_puts_p(const char
Display string from program memory
without auto linefeed.
extern void lcd_showvalue(unsigned
char num);
Displays the decimal 3digit value
of num.
extern void lcd_command(uint8_t cmd);
Send LCD controller instruction
extern void lcd_data(uint8_t data);
Send data byte to LCD controller.

Declarations and user-defined

functions are included in lcd.h and
lcd.c driver files. We have included a
small sample project file named moving_display.c to explain the working
of these functions. The program prints
a moving text message on the LCD
module. To do this, it reads the message from the flash memory of the
MCU and scrolls it on the LCD panel
First of all, you need to include
header files in the program as follows:

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include lcd.h

Here, pgmspace.h is an AVR-specific header file to incorporate program

space string utilities in the program.
For details of different functions available in a particular header file, refer
to the avr-libc Reference manual (included in the EFY-CD). As mentioned

e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u M a r c h 2 0 1 1 1 2 5

earlier, lcd.h is the driver header file
for the LCD module. Add the lcd.c
external C source file along with the
moving_display.c application source
file under Source Files directory in the
AVR Studio platform.
After including the required header
files, initialise your LCD module in
the main function with the required
display attributes using the lcd_init
(uint8_t dispAttr) function. The available display attributes are: LCD_DISP_
OFF (for LCD off), LCD_DISP_ON
(display on, cursor off), LCD_DISP_
ON_CURSOR (display on, cursor on)
(display on, cursor on flashing).
In our program (moving_
display.c), we have used the LCD_
DISP_ON attribute to initialise the
display. After initialising the display,
clear it using the lcd_clrscr (void)
function. In order to point the cursor
at a desired location in the display,
use the lcd_gotoxy (uint8_t x, uint8_t
y) function. Here x and y denote the
coordinates. For example, if you need
to point the cursor to fifth position in
the first row of the LCD module, the
corresponding x and y coordinates
would be 0 and 4, respectively. The
lcd_putc (char c) function is used to
print a single character at the current
cursor location. Similarly, the lcd_puts
(const char *s) function prints a string
pointed to by s from the current cursor location.
After successfully burning the
hex code into the microcontroller,

YOUAsias Largest Selling Electronics Magazine can be seen scrolling

continuously on the LCD module.

Example 4: Analogue-todigital converter module

The adc_test.c source code is provided
to test the working of the analogueto-digital converter (ADC) module in
ATmega32 MCU. The code measures
the analogue voltage applied at the
analogue input pin (PA7) of ATmega32
and prints the voltage value on the
LCD module, correct up to three decimal places.
To test the code, first close switch
S6 in the board so that preset VR1 is
connected to the MCU. VR1 feeds an
analogue voltage between 0V and
4.96V to pin 33 (PA7) of the MCU.
The algorithm used in the source
code is as follows: first, take 256 samples of the analogue voltage applied at
input pin 33 (PA7) and convert them
into corresponding digital ADC values
using the inbuilt ADC module. Then
take the average of these 256 values
to obtain a more accurate value. The
average ADC value obtained is used to
measure the input voltage as follows:

VIN 1024

The entire cycle is repeated with

the help of the ADC interrupt routine.
The ADC interrupt routine is executed
each time the analogue-to-digital conversion completes. In order to enable
the ADC interrupt routine, set ADC
Interrupt Enable bit in ADCSRA register and Global Interrupt Enable bit

1 2 6 M a r c h 2 0 1 1 e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u

in SREG register. The interrupt routine

is defined in the source code using ISR
( ) macro defined in the interrupt.h
header file.
ADC operation. The ADC converts
an analogue input voltage into a 10-bit
digital value through successive approximation. The minimum value represents GND and the maximum value
represents the voltage on AREF pin
minus 1 LSB. Optionally, AVCC or an
internal 2.56V reference voltage may
be connected to AREF pin by writing
to the REFSn bits in ADMUX register.
Refer to the datasheet for further details and operations.

Example 5: Timer module

The 8bit_timer.c source code is provided to test the timer/counter0 module.
It lights up the LEDs connected to Port
B of the MCU in a sequential pattern
to and fro. A program (blink_LED.c) to
light up the LEDs has already been discussed. The program uses while and
for loop combinations to produce the
sequential pattern. In the 8bit_timer.c
code, use the timer/counter0 module
to do the same task.
Here the timer/counter0 module is
made to operate in clear timer on compare mode. Clock source for the counter is the MCU frequency prescaled by
a factor of 64. The comparator match
interrupt routine is called every time
the counter reaches the count of 250.
That is, with every 250th count, 1 ms
To be concluded next month...

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