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Michael Fiorelli

ECE 5480
App Description: Crowd Control
I made a very basic prototype for my Entrepreneurship class idea, Crowd Control. The app will serve
college students with a mobile crowd-gauging tool for popular campus locations, including dining halls, gyms,
and study areas. This would be achieved in three ways: quantitative display, live-feed/picture view, and social
media interaction. The quantitative view would contain crowd statistics that would be fetched from a campus
database that tracks student entry and exit. The live-feed would access cameras within locations to provide the
user with a visual of the crowd at the moment. Social media interaction would allow students to post about each
specific location. In my prototype, you will see a simple version of the quantitative view.
The launch page of my app

The next activity provides a

contains the choices for

list of locations for the

each location type available

clicked location type. Dining

for view. Clicking on

Halls was chosen in the last

Dining Locations, Gyms, or

activity so this view will

Study Locations will lead to

contain all dining locations.

the next activity.

My prototype contains a very raw version of our hopeful quantitative view. When a location is selected,
its crowd and capacity values are provided at the top. Below that is the Crowd Stat, or percent capacity filled at
the time. Below that is a Generate Report Button, which will display a suggestion to the user based on the
Crowd Stat.
Crowd Control contains 3 activities, which are all displayed in the screenshots. Location data was
created through sqlite3. At first, I created my own database and loaded it into Eclipse. I ran into many
difficulties with that, and switched to adding the locations to the database with the Java code itself.
I hope to enhance the functionality of the app over time as there is obvious room for improvement. I will
definitely work on getting location pictures into the location list as well as generating a pie chart in the
quantitative view. Regarding data, I will attempt to utilize Parse in order to achieve social media functionality
and upgrade the current data storing tool.

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