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Initial Assessment

Re-evaluation Assessment
Towson University
SPE 525

Frank Sanatra

Birthdate: 08/24/1998

Date of Referral (IEP Team Request):


Date Parent Signature Obtained: Sarah Sanatra

School: New High School Grade:9th

Date Assessment(s) Completed: 03/16/2014

Primary Language:

Date Written Reports Completed:


Primary Language of Test: English

Examiner(s): Elizabeth Johnson

Report includes:
1. behavioral observations
2. assessment instruments used
3. results (including subtest scores)
4. a descriptive summary of
strengths and identified needs


Reason for Referral: Frank Sanatra

of the New High School
as appropriate in
X Reading

X Mathematics

statement of deviation from milestones/objectives

statement of eligibility criteria
examiner(s) signature(s), title(s) and date
was referred for evaluation by members

Team in order to determine current levels of performance

X Spelling-written language

Oral language

Gross motor


In the opinion of the examiner: *

X The scores obtained are valid representations of students current educational performance levels.
X The test(s) selected is a valid tool for the stated purpose and is valid for the student.
X Linguistic, cultural, and/or economic differences did not influence testing.
* If these criteria are not met, the examiner(s) should state which ones do not apply and why.

Educational testing is intended to provide approximate performance levels based on national

norms and to profile strengths and needs.

DISTRIBUTION: 1 School Copy, 1 Parent Copy, 1 Examiner Copy

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Towson University
SPE 525



Frank Sanatra

D.O.B. 08/24/1998___


I. Review of Records
II. Teacher Interview
III. Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement:

Form A

X Form B

Norms based on age __15-7__years; Compuscore Version 3.0

Standard scores have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.
Standard Battery Tests:

Standard Score

Grade Equivalent

Instructional Range

(based on age)

(based on age)

(based on grade)

Letter-Word Identification




Passage Comprehension




Reading Fluency




Word Attack








Applied Problems




Math Fluency








Writing Samples




Writing Fluency




Standard Score

Grade Equivalent

Broad Reading



Broad Mathematics



Broad Written Language



Academic Skills



Academic Fluency



Academic Applications



Battery Clusters:

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Frank Sanatra is a 9th grade male at a Blue Ribbon School, whose grades have progressively
decreased in the last year. The students parents were concerned about his abilities, and his Math
and English teachers are seeing concerning behaviors in the classroom. Sanatra gets very
frustrated any time school is brought up in the house, and will become verbally aggressive
towards family members. He will not allow anyone to help him with homework, and states that
he should be able to figure things out on his own. Sanatra does not get much sleep at night
approximately 4-5 hours a night. Due to waking up so late Sanatra also does not eat breakfast.
Sanatra enjoys playing sports (football, lacrosse, and wrestling) but due to an injury in football
earlier in the year, he is no longer able to play any sports until cleared by doctors. After the injury
teachers and parents have seen a major decrease in academic progress.
Sanatra has always had behavioral problems in school. When in Elementary and Middle school
he was often sent to the Principals office for behavioral issues in the classroom. However, his
grades have never been an issue until after the football accident. His English teacher has stated
that he has been unable to understand particular sentences on worksheets, and often asks for help
understanding what is wanted of him while in class. The English teacher has also seen a decline
in his spelling ability, and will often receive papers where there is a significant amount of
spelling errors. Sanatras Math teacher has also seen a decline in his ability. Although Sanatra
was never very good at math, his ability to work on problems has declined. Sanatra has a difficult
time completing complex calculations without assistance or a calculator. He often asks the
teacher for help, but will get frustrated while asking for help and leaves the classroom. The
teachers and Sanatras parents are concerned about his decline in ability and would like to find
resources for Sanatra to use.
Sanatra accompanied the examiner to the testing location willingly, but was agitated about
having to test. He stated that he did not need testing, and that he thought he only needed to
answer yes or no questions when he was told he would be testing. Throughout the examination,
Sanatra had a hard time staying still, and often would try and talk to the examiner about subjects
not related to the test during testing periods. Once Sanatra became comfortable with the
examiner, he stated that nothing makes sense any more. He stated that he is having a very
difficult time understanding anything in Algebra, and reading instructions were bothersome as
well. Sanatra relaxed and was not as agitated. Sanatra became more willing to answer questions
and did not rush through them without looking at the questions like he had in previous subtests.
It is the opinion of this examiner that testing conditions were adequate and that the results of his
individual assessment are a valid indication of Sanatras current levels of academic achievement.
The instrument used for this evaluation is considered reliable and valid.
The Woodcock-Johnson III: Tests of Achievement (form B) was presented to provide information
regarding the development of academic, application and fluency skills in the areas of reading,
mathematics, and written language. Sanatras brief academic achievement score is in the average
range (SS 93) according to grade level expectations. At this time, Sanatra demonstrates a low
average range in Broad Reading, and an average range in Broad Math, and Broad Written
Language. A description of Sanatras performance in the areas of reading, written language, and
mathematics is included in the following narrative.

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The three subtests of the Broad Reading Cluster: Letter-Word Identification, Reading Fluency,
Passage Comprehension, Word Attack, Story Recall, and Understanding Directions were
administered as a comprehensive measure of reading achievement that included sight word
vocabulary, reading speed, and the ability to derive meaning from the printed word. (Word Attack
the decoding of non-sense words was also included as a supplemental sub-test).
The Letter-Word Identification subtest assessed Sanatras ability to identify letters and words
automatically. Sanatra was able to accurately and fluently read words in isolation at the average
range (SS 90) compared to grade level. Sanatra was able to accurately read familiar multisyllabic words, however as words became more unfamiliar, Sanatra attempted to read them using
decoding strategies, which did not always work. Sanatra became frustrated and gave up when he
was reading unfamiliar multi-syllabic words, and would attempt reading them several times.
While attempting the unfamiliar multi-syllabic words, Sanatra would sound out every letter then
go back and resay the word, or would indicate that he could not do it.
The Reading Fluency subtest assessed Sanatras ability to quickly read and understand simple
sentences within a three-minute time frame, and respond by circling Yes or No. Sanatra scored in
the very low range (SS 62) according to grade level expectations, and was a relative weakness
for him. Sanatra complete 60 of the 98 questions, and had 38 incorrect answers. While
completing this subtest, Sanatra did not appear to present any difficulties. Sanatra however was
agitated that he had to complete the assessment, and later stated that he did not care if he got
them all wrong. Sanatra was unable to sit still during this subtest, and tried to look at the amount
of time left several times, and having to be redirected often.
The Passage Comprehension subtest required Sanatra to read a short passage and identify a
missing word that made sense in the context of that passage. Sanatra scored in the average range
(SS 103) on the Passage Comprehension subtest, and was a relative strength of his. He was able
to read the passage silently, and would give an answer that made sense, but was not what the
assessment was looking for. Sanatra answered all 47 questions and had 10 incorrect answers.
Sanatra scored with in the average range (SS 104) on the Word Attack subtest and is a relative
strength. His ability to read a list of phonetically nonsense words was measures at an estimated
13.0 grade level. Sanatra was able to accurately use decoding skills to pronounce unfamiliar
multi-syllabic words with uncommon vowel and consonant patterns, and was successful in using
these skills. Sanatra became more open to completing this subtest, and seemed as though he was
enjoying saying nonsense words.
The Story Recall subtest assessed Sanatras ability to remember details of a story presented by
audiotape. Sanatra scored in the high average (SS 120) according to grade level expectations and
was a relative strength. When given the directions for this subtest, Sanatra got very agitated and
stated that he had a horrible memory and would not do very well.
The Understanding Directions subtest required Sanatra to comprehend a series of single and
multi-stepped directions. Sanatra scored in the average range (SS 101) according to his grade
level. This was a relative strength of his.
Sanatras overall reading performance suggests that Story Recall, Understanding Directions,
Letter-Word Identification, Passage Comprehension, and Word Attack are relative strengths and
that reading instruction should focus on Reading Fluency.

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The Broad Written Language Cluster: Spelling, Writing Fluency, and Writing Samples subtests
were administered in order to assess Sanatras ability to communicate effectively and efficiently
in written form. An analysis of Sanatras written language skills discloses developmental
strengths in written fluency, and written samples, while spelling is a relative weakness.
The Spelling subtest assessed Sanatras ability to spell words in isolation. On the Spelling
subtest, he earned a low average standard score (SS 88). Sanatra was able to spell sight words,
and words with common short and long vowel patterns, but had more difficulty with spelling
words comprised of silent letters and vowels. Sanatra stated while taking the subtest, that he does
not know how to spell many words due to typing everything on the computer, and his teacher not
correcting his misspelled words when written by hand.
The Writing Fluency subtest assessed Sanatras ability to formulate and write simple sentences
quickly. Sanatra scored in the average range (SS 103) compared to others on his grade level.
Sanatra had a hard time writing clearly, thus unable to complete all 40 questions. Sanatra
complete 29 questions and had 2 incorrect answers. Sanatra was disappointed that his inability to
write fast complicated his ability to complete the subtest in its entirely.
Sanatra scored an average standard score (SS 101) on Writing Samples, at a 10.4 grade level.
This required Sanatra to write sentences that were evaluated with respect to the quality of content
and expression. He was able to construct basic and complex sentences that included the correct
punctuation and capitalization. Sanatra showed some evidence of proofreading his writing
samples, and was able to give a great deal of detail in his samples.
Sanatras overall writing performance suggests that Writing Fluency and Writing Sample skills
are strengths and that written language instructions should focus on Spelling.
The Broad Math Cluster: Math Calculation, Math Fluency, and Applied Problems subtests
were administered in order to assess Sanatras acquisition of math skills. Strength for Sanatra is
the ability to listen to a word problem, recognize the procedures to be followed, and decide
which information is relevant.
The Math Calculation section of the test assessed the ability to perform mathematical
computations. This task requires the student to perform a variety of calculations ranging from
simple addition to calculus. Sanatra demonstrated knowledge of the following skills on the
calculations subtest: basic addition/subtraction and basic multiplication/ division. Sanatra
showed deficits with the following types of problems: multi-digit division, computations with
fractions with unlike denominators, and computations with variables. Sanatra received a score in
the low average range (SS 83) according to grade level expectations. Sanatra used strategies such
as writing out multiples in the test booklet for division/ multiplication problems. Although, when
he came upon a division problem with multi-digits, Sanatra would not try to attempt them. As the
subtest got progressively more difficult, Sanatra would skip problems without even looking at
The Math Fluency subtest assessed Sanatras ability to solve basic addition, subtraction, and
multiplication facts within a three-minute limit. Sanatra scored in the average range (SS 88)
compared to others on his grade level. The Math Fluency subtest was a relative strength for

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On the Applied Problems subtest, Sanatra was required to solve math problems by listening to
the problem, recognizing the procedures to be followed, and decide which information was
relevant and which was extraneous. Sanatra scored in the average range (SS 105) compared to
others on his grade level. Sanatra was able to demonstrate the ability to count coins, solve word
problems, and various word operations involving money and time. He found the following types
of items more challenging: removing extraneous information from word problems, measuring
and completing calculations with equations with fractions involving variables, and completing
calculations involving measurements.
Overall, Sanatras math strength is in the area of Applied Problems and instruction should focus
on Calculations and Math Fluency.
The results of this educational evaluation indicate that Sanatras academic skills range from 5.2
to 8.4 according to age level expectations. Sanatras overall reading performance suggests that
Story Recall, Letter-Word Identification, Word Attack, Passage Comprehension, and
Understanding Directions skills are a relative strength and that reading instruction should focus
on Reading Fluency. Sanatras overall writing performance suggests that his Written Fluency
and Written Sample skills are strengths and that written language instruction should focus on
Spelling. Students math strength is in the area of Applied Problems and instruction should focus
on Calculations and Math Fluency.
Overall, Sanatra has acquired skills from the very low range to the high average range. The
following are suggested strategies and/or techniques to use.
Extended time for assignments
Learning style which is multi-sensory
Chunked instruction
Provide strategies and practice for spelling words
Provide specific instructions for math calculations
Allow use of calculator
Provide strategies and practice for learning long division facts

Signature of Evaluator, Title


Copies: Student File

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