Jan 2015

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Dear Friends,
On November 28, ten students graduated from Brazils Parana Bible Institute. It was a
privilege to have had a small part in the training of these dedicated young men and women
who spent from three to five years in preparation to serve Christ in some special way. They
all have plans for service, but specifically Jonas and his wife, Lia were recently called to
pastor a nearby church which was just
turned over by fellow missionaries.
Evandro has traveled to a distant northern
state for pastoral ministry with his wife.
Bruno is already engaged in prison
ministry and Adriano, together with his
wife, Josie, will soon begin their deputation ministry in route to service as full-time
missionaries in Argentina.
Three days after graduation Rena and I flew from Brazil to
North Carolina and spent the month of December in the United
States. The primary motive for this month at home was to be
present for my mothers 90th birthday on December 26. Mom
said it was the best birthday party she had ever had. She
received nice gifts and was blessed with the visits of family,
friends and people from her church. Mom spends her days in
bed, listens constantly to all-Christian radio and witnesses to
unsaved nurses and visitors. The Rehab Center is her mission field.
The Lord also opened doors to present the gospel to
unsaved relatives during the month. And we had
wonderful times together with each of our five children
and nine grandchildren for which we will always be
We returned to Brazil on January 1 and I spoke three
times on January 4 in the church which I have pastored
since February, 2013. The church has the basic prayer
needs for the salvation of souls and the strengthening of
our 33 members in 2015. Would you pray specifically for Paulo and Celia who have been
attending our services for several months. Paulo is a professing Christian, but his wife, Celia,
is yet unsaved.

Thank you so much for your faithful investment in our ministry. We want to represent you
well here in Brazil in 2015 with much fruit that remains for the Fathers glory.
Sincerely in Christ,

Johnny & Rena Nunley

Website: nunleysbrazil.weebly.com Snail Mail: Caixa Postal
502, Pinhais,PR Brazil 83323-990
Home Church: First Baptist Church of Draper, P.O. Box 4428, Eden, NC 27289
E-mail: jnunleyfamily@juno.com

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