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CBE 351: Heat and Mass Transfer

Homework 4
Due: Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Incropera and DeWitt, Problem 3.15

2. A double-pane insulated window is made of two 1 cm-think pieces of

glass, separated by a 1.8 cm layer of air. The window unit is 4 meters in
width and 3 meters wide. The air in between the glass panes can be treated
as a purely conductive layer with a thermal conductivity equally 0.026
W/mK. During a hot summer day, the outside air temperature is 35C and
the indoor air temperature is 22C. Assuming the inside and outside air has
the same heat transfer coefficient of 12 W/m2K, determine:
a) the rate of heat transfer through the window unit
b) the inside glass surface temperature

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