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A Kind Unicorn

Once upon a time, there was an ugly unicorn named Lorri. Its fur was
grey. Its eyes were small. Its torn was blunt. Even though he was an ugly
unicorn, but he was kind. He lived alone in a big jungle. He loved to walk
alone. Every day, he will do different things that will make him feel happy.
One fine morning, he walked into the garden. He met a group of friends
playing together. He talked to himself, I wish I could have many friends. On
the next day, he walked again into the garden. He saw a beautiful princess
with a pair of shiny eyes. He talked to himself, I wish I could be a beautiful
unicorn with a pair of shiny eyes.
One day, he saw an old man with many belongings on his both hands.
Lorri pitied the old man and he decided to help. Finally, Lorri helped the old
man. The old man thanked Lorri and praised Lorri for the good deed that he
had done. The old man also prayed that all Lorris wishes will be granted.
One night, when Lorri was sleeping, he dreamt of a cute fairy. In his
dream, the fairy was amazed by his kindness to help the old man. The cute
fairy granted all the Lorris wishes. On the next morning, Lorri changed into a
beautiful unicorn. He has a pair of shiny eyes and his fur was white. Now
Lorri lived happily with many friends around him.

Answer the questions below.

1. What was the unicorns name?

The unicorns name was ________________.
2. Where did the unicorn live?
The unicorn lived in a ________________.
3. What was the unicorns wish when he met a group of friends?
The unicorns wish was to have many _______________.
4. What was the unicorns wish when he saw a beautiful princess?
The unicorns wish was to have a pair of ______________________.
5. How did the old man paid for Lorris kindness?
The old man prayed ________________________________________.
6. What happened after Lorri woke up from his dream?
Lorri changed into _________________________________________.

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