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15 pcs medium size lumpia wrapper (spring roll
15 pcs finger chili, cut in halves, unseed and
remove the white part in the middle
Kraft Eden cheese (or any equivalent), cut in thin
strips (do not use quickmelt cheese)
1-2 cloves garlic
1/4 lb ground pork
Dressing (Your Choice)
Caesar Salad

1Saute the ground pork and garlic. Allow to cool.
2While wearing rubber gloves, make a lengthwise
slit, from almost the top of the chili to the bottom, being
careful not to slice through the other end. Slice half of
the top, so that you can unroll the chili while still keeping
the top intact. Scrape out the seeds.
3Stuff the chili with cheese and pork mixture.
4As it lies flat on a plate, fold one side of the lumpia
wrapper. Lay the stuffed chili on the wrapper, keeping
the head on the folded part. Fold the wrapper over, roll
once, fold the other end inwards, then continue rolling
tightly. Dab the wide end with a small amount of water
then seal.
5On high heat, deep fry the rolls until browned.
Monitor the frying well so you can remove them before
large amounts of cheese spurt out.
6Let drip on paper towels and serve.

Liempo Recipe
1.2 kg Liempo
160 ml soy sauce
80 g garlic
40 g lemon grass
70ml vinegar
160 ml royal
160 ml catsup
140 g onions, grilled
20 ml Tabasco
Salt and Pepper
Mix all ingredient for 4 hours before grilling

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