Science and Health V: Date

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Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Relates structure of the male/female reproductive system to its function in reproduction

Nature provided man and woman, special body parts to reproduce, a process that must be
done out love.

II. Subject Matter:

Reproductive System (Cellular reproduction of Sex Cells)
A. Science Concept/Idea:
Egg cells are formed in the female's reproductive organ, the ovary. Sperm cells are developed
in the male's reproductive organ, the testes.
In their first stage, they are called germ cells and look like any other cells in the human body
with the same number of chromosomes and genetic information.,
In the ovary and the testes, germ cells reproduce many times over by the process of mitosis,
B. Science Processes:
Describing and communicating
C. Materials:
Into the Future: Science and Health 5
Teacher's Module in Science and Health 5 Science and Health 5 by Jessie A. Villegas, pp. 12
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
a. Review
What do ovaries produce?
What hormones are produced in the testes?
Why are egg cells and sperm cells important?
Why are ovaries and testes important?
b. Checking of Assignment
c. Motivation
Do you know how sperm cells and egg cells are formed?
B. Presentation:
a. Observe the diagram:
Cellular Reproduction of Sex Cells
b. Read the following:
Egg and Sperm
Egg cells are formed in the female's reproductive organ, the ovary. Sperm cells are developed
in the male's reproductive orn, the testes. In their first stage, they are called germ cell and look
like any other cells in the human body with the same number of chromosomes and genetic

information. In the ovary and the testes, germ cells reproduce many times over by the process of
The transformation of an egg cell and sperm cells from their respective germ cells by the
process of meiosis. In the ovary, the germ cell undergoes meiosis I producing one big haploid cell
and one small haploid cell. After meiosis II, three small haploid cells and one big haploid cell are
C. Concept Formation:
How do the germ cells divide?
What happens in the ovary in meiosis I?
What happens in the ovary in meiosis II?
How do germ cells in the testes divide?
D. Application:
Compare the cellular reproduction of male with the female.
IV. Evaluation:
Illustrate the cellular reproduction of egg cell and sperm cell.
V. Assignment:
What are germ cells?

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