Rachel Blitz Marie

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China is a huge country that entails many reasons and support

for why the earliest indivuals settled here, what pushed people to live
in China, the resources used and lastly how guns, steels and germs
play a connection to the theory of settlement over time. These five
paragraphs will outline these five components for the early
development of China over time.
The settlement of land by the earliest people in China began
40,000 years ago in the Late or Upper Paleolithic period where tools
and stone making first appeared also. Starting the first existence in
China was located in Northern region of China. During a period of
expanding glaciers that peaked around 100,000 years ago sea levels
fell and land corridors opened up from the the East Asian mainland to
the areas that are now Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, and the
Indonesia islands, making it possible for early humans to spread into
new territories (The Human Journey 1). China made its way to a
popular country as individuals living in Africa moved to China since
there was many ecological niches they could scavenge from (The
Human Journey 1). As China offered this it drew many individuals to
start living in China and make a life of there own there.
Individuals were drawn to this country especially towards
northern China was due to a region where tools could be easily made
by there surroundings. Such tools were millstones, grindstones, saws,
pestles and scrappers. Indivudlas living in China used this as a benefit
to them to meet there needs to stay alive and form of work to sell tools
to others. Easily being able to access and make these tools allowed for
settlement in this country to be easier and survive with many of these
resources. Lastly it also gained settlers to live in China due to two
major regions, the North China Plain and the Chang Jiang Basins,
contained rivers and flatter lands more suitable for farming, Other
regions of China that were and less populated were due to harsh
climates and extreme landforms (Inner China More Attractive 1).
The theory of settlement from guns, germs and steel had a great
impact on the country of China and the early settlement there.
Gunpowder was a major innovation source that originated in China
during the 9th century. Steel was also another great innovation where
over 50% of the worlds steel was being produced in china currently
and during the early stage of settlement of china. As these two major
components took apart in the Chinese culture it soon being popular
and adaptive to other cultures as it spread to areas and regions that
could adapt to these new technologies.
The settlement pattern over time, as 40,000 years ago and
currently individuals still lived in compact villages. Their source of
water was a deep well due to the reason why individuals in the Chinese
cultural lived very closely together. The increase of villages also
increased the small cities being established. As more industrial places
took great height so dud the need and want to find good food

adaptation and safe medicine sources. As the country started

beginning to build itself so did the wild life, crops and herbal medicines
that took root. As China first being very spacious many individuals
moved to this country and soon later within a few decades it became
very populated, this soon became a conflict that forced people out to
move to another country or live a very structured life that was ruled by
the government.
Early Settlements. (n.d.). Retrieved February 4, 2015, from
Inner China More Attractive To Settlers. (n.d.). Retrieved February 4, 2015, from
http://www.endeavorcharterschool.com/cms/lib6/NC01000873/Centricity/Domain/82/Ch 19.pdf

5). APA:

China Blank Map with River & Yellow River. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2015, from

Caption: This map is a detailed image outlining the two major rivers
called Yellow River and Yangtze River. The yellow river represents the
birthplace of China. Both the Yellow and Yangtze River represent Chinas
establishment of the beginning stage of civilation for China. Chinas
existence first started among the regions of these two rivers. Both of
these rivers also represent Chinas major water source and resources
that China offers to the citizens of this country since it is located in the
middle of the country in which is where hundreds of rivers in China


The Chinese Language. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2015, from


Caption: This map represents the major language that are spoken in
China; which is Mandarin. Affecting the settlement and establishment
of China many of the greater population of individuals that live in China
speak this language. As 70% of individuals living in China speak this

particular language ultimately affects the development od this country

that thrives off of communication between the majority of individuals
that live here.
6). http://www.chinatoday.com/general/china-general-information.htm
They are being recommended because this website includes every
aspect of China there is to know about the country with much factual
information that can be trusted. What is found on this site is
discussion on climate, weather, establishment, major religions,
demographics, topography and much more. It has very detailed
information among this country and can answer any question you have
about the country. These are valuable resources because these
components really address what every dynamic the country entails and
discusses information about the country that may be hard to find on
other websites. There are 40 tabs to click on this site among all the
demographics of China. With this surplus of information, there are no
questions that are unanswered about this particular country.
They are being recommend because this website serves as a more
sharper and greater focus on the historical information and specific
cultural that is present in China. Having less amount of a wide range of
topics about China, this website truly helpers users like myself dive
more in depth with the type of language, and history behind China.
There is also many pictures and images that pertain to each of the two
main topics that are addressed within this site. What are found on this
site were topics being discussed such as language, dress code and
holidays and rituals that are apart of the China culture. This site is a
valuable resource because its very descriptive on the background
information and exactly the dynamics on the region of where China is

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