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A c u P R E s s uv R fs Pere men ny cones sccekel experience of 2,00,000 patients in 20 years Gee tee astoag pe ome 3 eas Repinted with permission YANTRA FOUNDATION - Bangalore ACUPRESSURE THERAPY CENTRE - Bangalore Mobile : 94804 26595, 99803 66199, 9343772484 PPeeiciitetelabe Piura ice) & Reg) Through Acupressure co Ete! ‘+ ACUPRESSURE THERAPY “> Diagnosis made with Acupressure is equal to MLR. ‘Acupressure is great boon given to mankind by the Creator) Nature. Most easy even a child of 10 years can practice it 's the Baste Therapy of Ancion! nc, | @ Combination of Naturopathy, Ayurved & Yoga. Uses only Thumb for Diagnosis Uses Pressure Points for Cure. Means Prevention, Diagnosis & Cure, 1s 100% Sofe, Has no side Effects. No Cost/No Tests. Can be used oven on new born babies. Can Cure all Types of Diseases including the so called Incurables. |s.a.Do It Yourself Therapy. CANCER Jancer is Known to be a dreaded diseace, The main point ‘of worry inthe ca¢o of cancer ie that when itis detected, thas already reached an advanced stage andthe possi of completa cure is remota, Moreover, te teatmont is so cosy that the patient and his relatives get fnanciy and mentally exhausted ‘The immediate cause for cancer is the continuous neglect of the organs of he body by be patent. For exami the kings of a chaln-smoker’ are continuous ntalec. The cancer of the ‘Mouth of vooal cords 1s due to the habit of chewing tobacco, Anking het tea, ets. In the cate of cancer of he utorus,negigence ‘of parson hygiene © tha root cause, It has Been observed that Jewish woman who take great care of their personel hygiene 40 not nommaly get cancer of the uleus. Cancer of the stomach ‘and the intestines is due 10 overuse of refined four, rice sugar, excessive dinking of cofee, tea ana alcoho. It has been observed that laborers in the sugar factor in tha West Indies uso. brown sugar molasses jaggery and so they are immune to cancer, Cancer ‘ofthe colon is duo to continuous constipation caused by wrong food habits and leacing s sedentary lie. It has been observed thatthe people of Gujarat who efe vegetarian and consume ‘more mik anc milk products tke curds, buttermilk, ete, Jo. not generaly gat wis type of cancer ‘Another reason is a wrongful approach towards the care of the body: The diseases are ncthing but the signals given by the body that there is something wrong inthe argen, e.g, Tonsls. Instead of removing the reot cause of be disease eamer the signal. (Tonsis) is removed by operation, or the cisease (lke te conan ‘old is suppressed wih powerul antidotes. The body i tobe treated {38a tempo, a sect of Gad and each and every comer ofthis temple ‘Should be Kept neat and clean, Instead, the body is realed Eke 2 stb, whorein useless things aro dumped, Instead of cleaning ut the waste or toxins, they are suppressed so that they become 2 uct and which after atime resus in a malignant routh “The longtarm cause of cancer isthe imbalance cauted by dieurdlog the metabolism of our body through featables grown withthe help of inorganic manure and pesticides tore and more use of canned foods, btted pekies Unwise use of fluoride working in unhygienic condiions, eg, workng in an asbestos factory polluion ofthe environment by the excessive use of dase cuting down of tees, te {6 poling the wate through chemical wastes, ete. ie. going ferther ‘ana farther away rom nature, Bene “These root causes of cancer can be not only removed, but cancer can be provented, You wif find that in te animal word this dreedes sissase Is rarey found. The abvous reason is that they invariably observe the laws of nature. HOW CANCER DEVELOPES 7 \nourbody, mions of new cols are fomed everyday end they replace the old wornout cels. This process Is came out ay the spleen and It is cleaned ang contralied by the lymph glands When we neglect our body, the process of regeneration of ew cols slons down while tho process of decayingidestrtion of calsincreases, Hence, moro toxins gather inthe body. The spleen tnd the mph glands are overburdened, Over a perod of time there is a malignant growh in the body but i is not easiy nolced, Meanwhile, these torinsfwastes are gathering In the body in the part hich is most damaged, e9., For a sroker, thess toxine gather in the lungs oF in the marth. When these toxins accumulate in a large ‘quansity they frm a cuct and start developing fest. Inthe meantime, the weak iymeh gland i greaty damaged and through tether glands hich oro interdopendent are damaged as wel A stage earned when these glards become tted and stop secretng the most vial hormones inthe body. This isthe time, when matonancy spreads rapidly and the final signal i glven by nature. There i a change in Metabolism, severe headache, less of weight, change fy voice, lamentation of spots onthe body and there ie constantlever it Ib only then, that ths disease is detected ae cancer Acupressure plays a great role in the Detection, Prevention ‘and Cure of Cancer, Any minor diturbance of any organ is veflacted on the palms o¢ soles, When there Is a continued complaint. the fst gland to be Gsturved is te ThyidPeratyold gland, The secand gland to be dislurded in case of potiems of cegeneraton leading towards ‘cancer he Lymph gland. As mentioned above, this impotant gland \Works to remove tho toxins and the dead calls fromm the body When. the process of regeneration ofthe cals of the body slows down, thore is on increase in the actvly of clearing the dead cels. and Preventing pus formation. This gland thus ges the alarm, Ifyou touch on its Pont No. 16, on hands anc fect. thes points wi be found to be tener and when you ress them you wil fea! pain HOW To DETECT CANCER: Press on Lymph Gland Point No. 16. If i Is hurting, fest find out ‘whether there ' any PUS formation in the body e.9 Il could be bos, wounds, ear infecton or for Fomales infecton inthe vagina, If such PUS is notin the boy, check DIABETES, Itthere isn Pus 0” labetes, ten itcerotes degeneration of ccgans lhe. Concerous) Do not panic, if Cancer Is DETECTED. Alll types of CANCER -even of Blood, Bones are CURABLE The Patient can take treatment at HOME. HOW TO DETECT CANCER IN DIFFERENT PARTSIORGANS OF THE BOD) Thyoat pain on Point No. 16+ 6 Windpipe Gute pain between Pont No. 16 +6 & 27 Stomach pain on Point No. 16-+27 Small nietine| Bain on Point No 16 +19 Laige intestine & Colon | painon Point No. 16+20 & 10, tee painen Point No. 16 + 28.822 Lungs Pain on Point No. 16 +80 Bran pain on Point No. 16 +1405 (tis also cated turer) Blood pain on Point No. 16+ 27 Bones painon Point No. 16+ 9 897 HOW TO DETECT CANCER THE UTERUS tis mere common laaies no do. nce take proper care of personal hygeine eis due to continuous lwaguianty of ‘mersination, cantrucus Leucorhoea etc. This pe of cancer can be easily delscied in case of any coubt, press on Point Nos. 11 15 on both the ses of wets of oth the hance If thare i paln on fressing these points and iso on Point No 16 of Lymph Gand ‘denotes degeneration, (Le. cancerous) HOW TO DETECT CANCER OF BREASTS (MAMOGRAPHY) = st press on the olen the back, ~-———— ‘ofthe ight palm for ight breast fh ny) centanermeace | ath ail ly Voy S there is NO PAIN wen pressed means there is NO CANCER inte breasts. Even if here is pain on these points, bu on pain on Point oY No. 16 ef Lymph Gland at that time it denotes that mere Is NO. CANCER. And Just y gen tretment on those points on the back of palms, the miner prablam lke accumulation of rik inthe breast, ‘et. il 89 cured, Only Pain onthe excies on tho tack of right palm and alo on the Peint No. 16 of lymoh clang denotes cancer degeneration In the right Breast. nthe same way, cancer inthe left breast can be detocted by pressing he ccle onthe back oft palm and Point No.16 of he imo glands. Al the ine, tis possible that when Pressed, there wil be pain cn Point Nos 11 to 15 of the sex glands COniy you ae supposed to know How much pressure is fo be given ‘as mentiones below 3 : HOW TO USE THE SCALES-WEIGHING MACHINE : With tha scales, give pressure it with your thumb tithe scales show between 3 to 5 lbs I @ a norma pressure to be given ‘on al pons ust t fel pressure ie. To gv pressure wh horizontal thumb, Whie on all the pons of Endecrine Glands ie. Point Nos, 3.4, 8,11 0 15, 16, 25 28 & 38 deeper cressure equal to 12 to 18 Ison the Seale fo be ojven Le. to ge pressure on these points Endocrine Glands wth thumb in vertical poston HOW TO FINO OUT DEGREE OR PROBLEM The degree of pain on his point denctes the severly and the extent of problem in the body. Such serusness can be measured fom ‘The folowing hat when you ress this point even Sight te. § degree of pressure and ‘he patent cries in agony, & ences that degreewce the problem is very serious In the same way, when you {In the same way, when you press vary hatd/say 100 degree ot ‘ressure, end there is no pain of flcker in the eyes of patient. t notes that there is no problem. From expenence one Would be able to know te exact degree of such senicusne. Similar, te degroe of damage to any organ, can be found out by the above istration chart ie. When pressed slighty on paint no. ‘of throat and if there is severe pai, It denotes infammaton of the \onsis due to bacterial or vial infection, causing a sore throat fever ‘analy in swalewing. ‘Severe pain on those points en both palms and on Point No. 16 ‘when pressed, dances that cancer hae developed more. ‘CURE FOR ALL TYPES OF CANCER: Jo cue al types. of canoer the whele body is to tasted, the Important oigans of regeneration © Lver, gall bladder, spleen and kidneys and all the endociine glands are to. be. reactivated ‘Acupressure reatmont asst the patie! in tne process an accelerates recovery by bringing the metabolism of the body in order FOLLOWING TREATMENT IS SUGGESTED; 1) Check up the Solar Plexus ad puttin order, 2 Banish sli and spices ftom the let 5, Forten days, take enema of water boled wih coffee powder ‘nd castor cil twice 2 day. That helps to open up ducts and ‘emove the toxins from the body. Afterwards. take the enema trae times a week for futher four weeks. 4. In case dusts Lumps have coveloned, take vapour treatment (efor Health In Your Hanes - Vel. 1, page 132) on the ducts fend cold packs reabment, inthe case of cancer of the stomach ‘nd lets paye 202. Also apply non pole of magneton the ucts for 315 minutes 2 tines a day. Kt wil dssoWve the duct 5. Take concontrated lukewarm water af copper iver and gol, 4 lasses, during the day. 8020 glasses of water and reduce 10 4 glasses ie 6. In diet, have only fresh juices of vegetables a6 mentioned on page 169 of the book and of {rus tke grapes, pomearanal, ‘16 In the det, joe of sprouted pulses, beet roo, caot and taboage srould be included. Such a dat neps the patent to gah weight Eat plenty of salads and honey, 7. Take Acupressure treatmenton all the points tice a day. Also fave special extra testment of 2 minutos on each point of endocrine glangs-Point Nos. 34(8,14.15,1625,28 and 38 (in case of chicren), Aer the Weatment i taken tate treatment fon Point No. 28 of kidneys also Practise Pranayam + Pran Mudra regularly 2s often as possible, ‘ake cunbath and If It rot possible, take blue Tight en the srfected pert of tha bed for 5 0 6 minutes twice 8 day 10. In C2e0 of cancer inthe mouth, host and gullet a. Fst cure Pyocthoes, iis ther, Ifthe condtion of tath 's bed and tha Dentist advises removal of them, please get sch teeth removes. Take 5 drops of Goorin Acid Tanic(avalsle with chert ‘dite quantity of turmeric powder to the same, Apply this paste on both the sides incide the throat: Then garale wih salted lukewarm water. D0 the twee I thrice 2 dn. © On an emply stomach inthe morning, ask the patent tole ‘down on the back ané opea his mouth wide opoa, Then, pour table epoontl of honey in euch a way that this honey ‘dees not touch the tongue, Repeat this Inthe afternoon ‘ut definitely before sunset ‘41, For the frst 10/15 days, chink pineapple juice as shown below: Toke a ripe pineapple, cuit nto two haves verticaly, equoaze the joie of the half end dink it fet ing in the momng and ‘ink the juice of the balance half 9 the evening betere sinset If desiee, honey can be added to the juce, This fresh juice of pineapple creates @ cooing effect and removes excess Neat Ithas got such a thecspeutis value that it cues cancer of gulet, stomach, iver and intestines. 2 16. 16 Drink the estract of the following the Mt thing inthe moming (ren before you take pinoappe juice). 21 Leaves orbiter neem wih tak 21 Leaves of tsi with stalk 21 Leaves of bilpatra (7x3) wih sta This fs a MUST in case of cancer of blood, Bones, ond bran ‘and wherever to be used 2s a bood purer (fF such freak leaves are not avaiabie, dry leaves can bo used it 2 aso ‘valable in the form of tincture known a2 Q mature at all the Acupressure Centres. Take § drops of @ mixture in alfa cup lukewarm water nthe maming and evening), ‘Aer 12 f0 18 days or when, the pation gote very hungry (it is @ good sign of recovery), give the patient 3 to 4 ounces of ‘urd, orepsred in the folowing manner Ta te boled warm mik (preferably of cows of goat's mik) acd 12/5 leaves of ‘als and prepare the curd Ifthe pallet is of Pitt Prakrt. give him this cud, adding thereto lite powder of crystal sugar For all other Yypes of patients, this curd can be taken wih te Fock salt or back satin it Such curd can be taken @ (0 4 tmes 3.43y fom 10am. to pm. ony. Eat roasted biter gourd (Karola), Treatment mentioned especially in 11 to 14 has beon found effective even in blood cancer, Give the folowing combination of biochomic powders Gale, Phos 0x1 02 alphos 30x12 KaiMur 30x 4or Femum Pros 30x02 Kalliodde — 30x102 (i Kall locide Is not available in powderflls, add its tincture to ore plspousier) Give? grains powcor or 6 pile, 2 des a day. ‘Alter taking tis mediane, donot take anything for TOMS minutos In case any or moro endocrine glands are severely damaged, 2g, HypottyroH, sc. The shove treatment is necessaly 10. ‘CURE OF CANCER OF UTERUS AND BREASTS : Give Acupressure freatment for 22 minutes on each of the folowing pans for three tmes a day 4. On the cies on the back of pats, for cancer of the breasts 22 on page 8 2. On Poht No. 16 on both sides of the wrists for cancer ofthe ums. Seen nage 3, On Peint No. 16 on bath the hands. 4 On points of al the endocrine glands Le, Nos. 3,4, 8,25 & 28 5, Take general Acupressure treatment on al he points twce 2 day, Ard on point No. 25 0s a lest treatment, 6. ink back tea’ one cup in the early motning 7. The use of vaginal douche is 2 must forthe treatment of cancer ofthe werus and the breasts, Fit clean the douche with water containing antcepi. Toke bout Liter of ukewarm water and add 2 to 4 dops of antisoptc liquid to Then fi tho douche > with tis water by pressing the bal Then Keep the plasic art @ inches) after applying Lubvesnt into vagina ard eres the ball Water wal flow inside anc oan i Repeat I for 2 tines, Such use of Vaginal Douche is aso useful when pus calls are found in the Utne of @ lady ie In case of infection in Use, 8, Make the necessary change in dict a5 mentoned for the treatment of cancer In case of more pain on the points on the back of palms and Point No. 18 and also when lumps are found in the broast; apply North Pole of a (ow to medium power) magnet on the lumps fo 315 minutes 2 to 3 times a day “A lady of 50 yeers was found to hove cancer in both the breasts ‘and es ado operation. Instead sho took the above traiment ‘and was completely cured with 48 days" “A 40 years ald lady a mothor of 4 chicron, wae found to have cancer Ofte uterus. Cancer was detected oven in hor left bees, She startod ‘he above mentioned Acupressure treatment and continued the seme for 60 days. Leter on, Par husband come aid thenkod me saying that ne got 2 ‘Now Wife - 10 years younger. In the same way thousends of cases have boon successiully treated” Wt fs observed that in more than two hundred cases where calsis was being dene and when proper imgrovernent was Nt found, tse Patents were advised to undergo ttanspiantaten of kidney. In all ‘hese cases, on examination, damage to kidnay was not more than 40 fo 50% - and the root cause was found to be cancer ofthe ulerus in feralas and that of procate in males. Wehin 40 lo 60 days of Acupressure treatment all the patients got cured. It i thetelore, advisable that before undergoing dalysis and vanspantaton of ‘nly fo check up bout he possiaty of cancer ‘thas been also agreed by the Medical Wenld that it cancer Is detectes ataneaty stage, can ba cured ‘We should not forget that cancer isthe last waming of nature Go: ack to nature and within a shor period, you wil be able to conirl ‘and cure tis dread disease. It is thal that dung the fist 8 to 12 days, the patient may have nausea, voriting of severe headache He / She may refuse to fake enema, ele. But continue the keaknent Improvement wil be observed witin 15 10 20 days, and complete within 45 fe 90 days depancing upon the stage of cancer when this trestment is started. Even if the development of cancer is more than 85% and 1S nol curable, this treatment wll Be Helpl, The Unbearable pan wil ceritely subside nd death wil be peaceful Atler recovery, take 2 balanced diet consisting of 60 to 60% whole ‘whest and cereals, plus vegetable and mik products, Avok salt. fesired, use rock salto: Back al I dosved, use rock sat or black sat ce ‘According to experiences of. vena Vera and as mentioned in his book "HEALTH IN YOUR HANDS" Vol. And 4. Cancor is one ofthe easiest aisease to be cued. 2. Early dotecion ensures such cure, 3. Such detection is possible through God - given therapy of Acupressure, DO THIS DAILY Correct the solar Plenus anc avoid constipation Dink ono glass of hot water, profrably charged water as the fist ving a tne morning Press your two palms each for 5 minutes - on font and back. I aver 40 years, press Tor 2 minutes the miiee of ah aim. (s2e fg. 81 en page 162 from Heath in Yeur Hands Vo. 1). ‘Then on all points where i pains, ge treatment 2 nes a ay {or 212 minutos on each pot tke pumping. Inthe evening, wil siting in chair you soles of he logs ‘nara (See ig 69 on page 125 om Heath in Your Hands val 1) Denk one cup of green juice adding 1 teaspoon of neath power and 1 tablespoon of honey ti 8. Drink one 298 of rash rt juco. DECLARATION ‘hinfometion anesthe et forth int Informa booklet cts authors eiparances ay eated a respect and dooten fo he Giwat Spree Power ho Rae ict ogo apy of ACUPRESEUNE na rman by Wate the whale beck nor any pat oat be pnd xeoeed oF anid by ary person wihout he wien prmesee of he ater Price RS. 207 concessional Rate far nla only

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